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Old 09-27-2006, 10:25 AM   #796  
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Sommer--that is awesome news. I love when they are finally realistic and body weight--we are all sooooo different. COD says my ideal is 135 but it won't happen. Heck, right now 155 won't happen! I think a woman's "ideal" weight should be what SHE is comfortable with.

Cassi--great NSV!!!!! New sizes are what it's all about for me. If I never get smaller than a 10 I am OK with it.

Pearl--glad to hear your vacation gain was short lived--vacations are a rarity so I say ENJOY!!
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Old 09-27-2006, 10:27 AM   #797  
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I'm coming out of the lurker world. Work has been busy and I have been just reading the last couple of days. My first phase of my new plan is work - for those that remember I said on Friday that I was going to increase my gym workouts and to do this I would start work earlier and leave earler - I've been dropping my BF off at 7 and been at work by 7:15 all week. I've also been to the gym both days and done 45 minutes cardio Mon and 30 min Tues (a little less as my legs were cement so I did 15 min legs weights and 15 min stretching). Here goes Day 3.

My dressed weight was 214 lb this morning so we will see what it is at lunch at the COD - I was 215.8 on the weekend. I didn't journal this weekend though I did watch what I ate I had birthday cake on Saturday for my 1 yo niece and went to a bbq on Sunday evening where I had a piece of light no back cheesecake. Then on Monday I executed the plan - I will keep up this routine on plan and working out on purple if I don't lose this week I am going to really push for them to change me up a plan to see if works at all. But then Cdn Thanksgiving is around the corner. It is true there never is a right time to lose weight so you just do it and adjust!

Pearl - welcome back - glad to hear you had a good trip.

Sommer - interesting stuff you learned at the test. I am sure you will break through soon. Your hard work will pay off. I like how Pearl told you to visualize the wedding gown. That is what I am trying to do as we are talking of marriage next fall -which would be 12 months from now - I WILL be at goal by then.

Cassi - awesome NSV - never touch those 18W again. I had to buy all new bras when I started working out this year. The girls were falling out as I had tightened up my chest so much. A good home for the girls is important.
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Old 09-27-2006, 10:57 AM   #798  
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Good morning all,

I have to post now, because I will be very busy for the rest of the day. I would like to join you for TO next week, but I have to start on Monday. My COD is closed on Thursdays and I want to see what the results will be on Wednesday. I am guessing that since I only started on the 18th, that I really shouldn't have to do it again, but I need to for my own sanity I think. I think I will have to do the limited version as well. So let's do it!!

I totally sympathize with any of you who are having struggles. I wanted to really pig out after the WI on Monday, but I didn't. I decided it really wasn't worth it. So ladies, let's redirect our focus on the bigger prize "YOU" and let's reach our mini-goals and our goals. We can all do this!

Have a wonderful day Chickies!!
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:11 AM   #799  
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2bfit - The only reason I'm not doing it earlier is because Yom Kippur is Monday. DH will fast all day and then chow at sundown. I may join him though since I know I will have a LOT of beer on Saturday. We're going to our local Parrothead Club's annual fundraiser. $20 buys you dinner and all the beer you can drink. Boat drinks are extra, but I've been dying for beer and have been planning this for three months. I know I will pay at WI, but it's an annual thing and sometimes you need to go for it.
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:30 AM   #800  
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2bfit - if you just joined on the 18th and just finished TO - it wouldn't be recommended that you do it for another 2 weeks. I personally think that jolting your body again next week after doing it this week wouldn't be a good thing. Just my humble opinion though.
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:31 AM   #801  
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Morning ladies-

Pearl- Welcome back. Sounds like you had a fun and relaxing vacation. We missed you!

Sommer- Sorry you are feeling down! I stalled out for 5 weeks after I lost 20 lbs. exactly. I stayed POP and was getting so frustrated. It really helped me to go into the COD and talk to the most supportive (hyper) counselor there. She gave me such a pep talk that I walked out feeling better about things even though she didn't give me any more help than what I already knew. Your body may be adjusting to the weight loss right now and you will wake up one day very soon with a huge loss. Keep your chin up, it WILL happen. That is so cool about the screening you did and comforting to know that everything else is in the normal ranges.

Cassi- WTG on the regular sizes!!! It's such an awesome feeling huh?!?!?

Joni- LOVE the new avatar!! I will try to get a current one up today. I was looking through my pics and came across one that I have of DH and I one year ago on our anny. Huge difference in the face. I was hiding behind him so that is all you can see of me.

Debbie- The good thing about you blowing it, is that you realized you ate bad and are getting back on the wagon again. We are only human and it is going to happen to everybody now and then. A year ago, I wouldn't have cared and the binge would have lasted a month or more. Food hangovers are ick huh?

I will probably join you guys on TO next week. Friday is our Anny and we will probably be going out to dinner and then maybe dancing. I will probably need it. I have 7 weeks left on my current contract to lose 12 lbs. before I buy more weeks to go lower. I need to make this goal!

Carmen, Beanie, Katie, Sherry - Where are you guys????
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:35 AM   #802  
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2bfit - I didn't realize you JUST did TO. I guess you could technically do it, but I agree with Shannon that you shouldn't really need to at this point. Why torture yourself? But if you think you need a jolt, I would ask your COD at next WI and see what they think.

Hi Deb - Looking forward to seeing that new avatar!
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:41 AM   #803  
Let's try this again . .
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Cassi-congrats on the regular sizes! Cool-isn't it?

As for my avatar-I used to have a pic of me up-got tired of it and found happy bunny. I took some pics last week and tried to upload one-but couldn't get it to fit no matter how hard I tried. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'll figure it out one of these days . . . .
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Old 09-27-2006, 11:47 AM   #804  
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JM - I do like happy bunny, but TRY HARDER, I want to see what 90lbs off looks like!
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Old 09-27-2006, 12:30 PM   #805  
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Hi Everyone. Not much new up my way. I've been good, and I have a 2 lb loss this week to show for it. A little more than 2 lbs but I'll take the 2 and call it a day.

They are limiting our internet time here at work, so I may not be able to lurk quite as much as I'm used to doing, but I will still check in and post when I can.

Pearl - welcome back, chick! A 3 lb net gain is not bad after your vacation. It will come off quickly. We've missed you.

Deb - Thanks for looking for me. I was lurking but just didn't have a whole lot to add to the conversations as of late.

Cassi - Congrats on the CLOTHES!!! I can't wait to get there. This time I will make it too.

Shannon - Looks like the scale is moving for you. Great news.

Sommer - Chin up, girlfriend, we can do this. Let your slip up become history. Don't dwell on it, pick yourself up and let's shed these pounds. Your test results were awesome, btw.

To all of us Chickies - !
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Old 09-27-2006, 01:04 PM   #806  
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Sommer - thank you for posting your test results because they truly show what healthy eating can do for all of us and hopefully will motivate us to keep on keeping on! That HAD to be awesome to get such a wonderful report! YOU GO GIRLIE!!!!

Cassi - I bet you didn't recognize your skinny self in the mirror! What an accomplishment! You're doing awesome and you're such a motivator for all of us!

Carmen - Thanks for the encouragement! You're awesome!
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Old 09-27-2006, 01:25 PM   #807  
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Kristi--Never too much information! We love hearing it. I think DH likes my attitude when I am wearing clothes that make me happy. Silly what a pair of jeans can do. You'll be back in those Levi's in no time and let DH chase you all over the place!! Now that you know what the trigger is you can use it to your advantage!! I am with you on the 150's--I have got to start being really good again--day 2 of the "no candy" rule!! It's just too easy when it's laying out for the world. Seems like everytime I break in (barely--like 159.8) I blow it. UGH. We can do this. There are so many of us in the stinking boat!
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Old 09-27-2006, 01:44 PM   #808  
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Wow, sounds like I was in good company yesterday. Wonder if it's the weather or something weird. Not TOM. Had lunch at home today with DH and made baked salmon, sauteed veggies and a garden salad. It was yummy - even better than the shrimp and grits I had yesterday. I didn't get to the gym yesterday, did a lot of driving kids here and there. By the time DH was leaving the house to go, I was already in my jammies, tucked in bed with a new book. (I LOVE reading!)

I also had a dr's appointment today with an oral surgeon. If my insurance will cover the surgery and braces it looks like I'll be having upper and lower jaw surgery some time in the near future. I have a class III bite, and though my teeth are perfectly straight, my jaw is crooked and I have wicked TMJ. Also found out that my airway is the size of pencil and should be the size of an adult forefinger. No wonder I snore so much. The technology is incredible. The doc showed me what I look like now vs. what I'll look like after surgery. Very exciting. No more sore teeth and clicking jaw that gets stuck. I am very hopeful that my insurance will pay.

I am planning on going to the gym tonight. I felt so good about myself after I went on Monday. For a second I thought "why bother, you totally pigged out yesterday and can never burn off those calories" but quickly caught myself. That little voice in my head is hard to retrain. But I will.

Kristi: You only need to lose .5 of a pound and you'll be in the 150's. I am so happy for you!!!!

Cassi: It must be fun to shop and discover you're in a smaller size. I hate shopping right now. I went to Talbot's yesterday and wanted so badly to shop in the regular section instead of the "Women's". I picked up some shoes for my girls that were on sale but my fat feet still won't fit into a regular width shoe. There are so many adorable clothes out there and I want so much to wear them. I have to be patient. Congrats on your success. Down two bra sizes is a lot of back loss.

Carmen: Do we post out weights on Wed. or Sat. for the TBL challenge? I'm all confused now.
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Old 09-27-2006, 01:45 PM   #809  
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Speaking of shoes: Has anyone found a brand that runs a little wider than the average? My wide ones are a bit wiggily, but I'm still not ready for the B widths.
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Old 09-27-2006, 03:08 PM   #810  
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Hey y'all! Well, I'm lving proof that a little binge now and then is needed to shake things up - as long as you're strong enough to jump right back OP (Which we all are, with the fantastic help here, right?!)

I went to WI today and I lost all of the weekend splurge + some and am officially at 60 lbs lost! See me breaking my arm, patting myself on the back!

Sommer- I had the opportunity to have the same testing done several years ago at work - wellness program or something like that. Of course, then I was in tip-top shape, fighting forest fires, climbing hills, etc.... but it's always a valuable tool. I have an appt for blood work next week - I am ashamed to say that I haven't had cholesteral etc... tested since....well, forever. At least 15 years. Congratulations on your health! Hope your blues ease up some.

Nance - 13 pounds is great. It may not be noticable to you, looking in the mirror, but take a picture and compare it. I do an underwear pic every 15 pounds or so....the progression is amazing - although I STILL can't really see it when I look in the mirror. Now I know how anorexics feel.

Hi Pearl! Welcome back!

Lea Ann - walk away from the candy dish. Rusell Stover has some sugar free chocolate mint hard candies. I keep some of those around, to help with the temptation. Halloween is NOT helping.

My parents just gave us an early Christmas present - a week in their timeshare at Disneyland in February. How awesome is that?! My kids have never been, and it's going to be soooo much fun. They are both old enough now to enjoy most of the rides. The condo is only 2 blocks from Disneyland (although it isn't a park hotel). I am really jazzed!
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