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Old 07-21-2005, 02:41 PM   #46  
Sarah on LAWL
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Hi all, I'm new. My name is Sarah, I'm 30 - and I live near Dallas, TX. I recently got married (April) and am enjoying married life. I have been struggling with my weight for the last several years. My first attempt at weight loss was with WW - and I lost 22 pounds and was within a couple pounds of my goal of 148 (I'm 5'6") - when I threw in the towel. I attempted to rejoin WW several times over the years - never with any luck - because of my head, not because of their program. With an upcoming wedding, I joined WW one last time back in December - again with no luck. At the same time, my step-mom had joined LAWL back in September - she and I are the same height, and had the same amount of weight to lose. She reached her goal of getting to 140 by January - and has been maintaining every since. So - in March - seven weeks before my wedding - I joined LAWL. I lost almost 15 pounds before the wedding - they had to take my dress in , but after I got back from the honeymoon, my heart wasn't in it anymore - no more looming deadline. I've been bouncing around the same weight ever since.

Today - I went to weigh-in, and asked them to set a new goal date for me (the original has already passed). I weighed in today at 165.2. My starting weight was 175.8. My goal is 139.0. So, I have 26.2 pounds to lose, and my new goal date is October 20th. I would really love to do it by October 1st - but I'll be happy just to be almost there by that date.

I am hopeful that having this forum as a place to check in every day will really help to motivate me. Any suggestions to a newbie on the forum? Are there places to match up with a buddy?

Sarah in TX

P.S. I'm on the Gold plan.

[10/30/2005 Update] Hi all - I've been gone for a long while, and in the meantime have gained all my weight back (and then some). I am really disgusted, and not sure what to do from here - so I'm thinking of giving this a fresh start starting either tomorrow or Tuesday (see - I'm so wishy washy!). My goal this time is not to be so 'perfect' and just to be 'better'. I weighed on my home scale this afternoon, and it read 179.1 - which is higher than when I originally started LAWL. At this point, I'd be happy to lose just 15 pounds and hold steady for a while. Also - my hubby and I are trying to conceive our first child - so I'll need to transition from dieting to just plain healthy eating when that happens - which shouldn't be too hard with this program.

[05/07/2007 Update] LOL - I'm laughing reading this - because little did I know - I was already knocked up! I think I found out a week or so after I posted this. I have a healthy beautiful daughter born 7/18/06. I'm weighing at home around 169 or so - probably 174 or so at the COD - will find out tomorrow when I check in again. I want to lose at least 10 lbs before we conceive again - hopefully more, depending on when it happens...

Last edited by Snactuary; 05-07-2007 at 02:19 PM. Reason: addition
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Old 07-21-2005, 03:39 PM   #47  
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Welcome Sarah - Just go to "LAWL Losers and Friends - July '05" and start posting, you will find alot of buddies there.. There are even some fellow Texans with us.....
See you over yonder.....
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Old 07-26-2005, 01:19 PM   #48  
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Hi all. My name is Lisa. I am a wife to a wonderfully supportive guy & mom to 4 kids (ages 18,14,14,5) I just started with L.A.Weight Loss after weighing (I don't keep a scale at home and weighed in at the doctor's) myself and realizing I was at my all time high. I knew I had to do something and after researching into the different weight loss programs- LA Weight Loss seems like the best choice. I can't wait to hear any and ALL advice!
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Old 07-26-2005, 01:21 PM   #49  
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Welcome Lisa - You will find alot of good sound info on our threads and make some great weightloss friends.....
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Old 08-03-2005, 05:33 PM   #50  
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Hi, my name is Jeffin and I am new to your site. I am very excited about this forum and the new program. I am almost 24 years old and an RN in an ER. I am recently married and have to teenage step children. My husband and kids are very supportive of ALL my dieting antics. I have started a "new" diet every Monday for the past 1 year, hoepfully this will be the one. I lost 40+ pounds with Weight Wathcers and few years back, but have now gained back 50+ pounds. My husband and I are thinking about kids so I would like to be healthier before this happens.

I got too excited on WW about their "eat all the foods you love" slogan and did literally eat everything and more. I want to try something different and hoefully this will be the progam!! Like I said I am very excited & motivated!
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Old 08-10-2005, 08:29 PM   #51  
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My name is Terry and I'm 37 years old. I work as a Telecom Consultant which means I sit on my butt all day with no physical activity. I have 2 great sons 12 & 6 as well as a fiance & soon to be stepson who is 14. Looking back I don't think I've been overweight my whole life. However, I'm 5' 11" and have felt "big" my whole life. I didn't start trying every program out there until I hit my 30's and after feeling like a failure on every one of them decided to really look into some programs before jumping in. LAWL looked like the one with the most accountability and structure without depriving myself. It also helped that my doctor told me that it was a really great program and a healthy way to lose the weight. So, here I am. My first day on the program was last thursday. 08/04/05.

I've been lurking for a while now and am excited to help support and see all of us meet our goals!!!
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:51 PM   #52  
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Hi - my name is Kim and I am 34 years old. I have 3 kids (5 1/2, 4, 1) who are currently fighting on the floor right here in front of me - school starts next week - YAY!

I have struggled w/ my weight my entire life - was a chubby kid. I lost 50 lbs on Jenny Craig 10 years ago, then gained some back and lost 30 lbs on PhenFen - then I met my husband and gained a little back.

I've had 3 kids in 5 years, and now I'm DONE! So time to get healthy and lose the weight.

I joined LAWL on June 8th and after a terrible initial experience (sales tactics, etc), I am now thrilled with it. As of today I've lost 19 lbs and 10+ inches. This is all without the bars - when they claimed I'd only lose 1 lb a week rather than two. I'm now averaging 1.89 lbs per week

I am 5'1 and my stats are:
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Old 08-16-2005, 03:49 PM   #53  
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I'm Jenn and I'm new (started yesterday) to LA Weight Loss. I'm kind of a computer geek, but have never really used a message forum like this, so hopefully I won't mess it up too badly.

I'm a Domestic Engineer (stay-at-home-mom) and have about 100 pounds to lose. LA Weight Loss has to help 'cause I just paid out a ton of money!

Yesterday was my first Take Off day and I did all right. I only had trouble when my hubby decided to eat strawberry ice cream in front of me. But I still stuck to my plan. I just got a bit cranky with him.

Here's hoping that support here and elsewhere will make losing weight a little easier.
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Old 08-23-2005, 05:05 PM   #54  
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My name is Angelica Im 31, have been married 4 yrs, no kids. I have chosen to change my body because I do want children, I want to be as healthy as I can be. I am a fast food junkie I am a picky eater, of course this has to change. Ive been on LAWL for 4wks, Ive done WW in the past It help me get down from 299 to 250 but I stopped going & started in with all the bad habits, I gained back 30, was not feeling good health wise. All this is my motivation A baby and feeling healthy I hope I can go all the way.

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Old 08-24-2005, 08:07 PM   #55  
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Hi! I have been doing LAWL since mid-April and have lost 34 lbs. I have 24 more to go and my goal date is Oct 29.

I am very pleased with my results (I HAVE NOT been using their bars or supplements, much to their dismay! ) And the slow down I see is when I stray from the plan. I have had a lot of friends visiting this summer and going out to eat every day for 3 days straight has stalled me several weeks. And I haven't really been gorging myself - has me concerned when I reach maintainence that I will always be limited to 1100-1300 cals/week?!

Anyway, I'm pleased I found this forum because I really need to focus and lose the last bit before my goal date, so I can 1) get my refund and 2) prove to them that their foods don't make a bit of difference in weight loss success, it's just a way to make money.
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Old 09-02-2005, 05:28 PM   #56  
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This is the start of week 2 on LAWL and I am sad to say that the 2 lbs, that I lost appeared again. They gave me some tips, but anyone else got any for me?

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Old 09-02-2005, 09:00 PM   #57  
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Thanks for the quick response. Yeah I am eating everything I am suppose to be eating, it is hard cause we have eaten out a lot in the last couple of days and I eat out at lunch everyday, but usually and really it is most of the time, I eat a salad at lunch.

I got the Slim Downs today to see if that helps me out when I am at work. I am getting all my water in and barely drinking any caffine(almost none).

I totally had a break down at the center today for my visit. I think that the counsler thought i was a nut case.

Oh by the way for the rest of the forum...I am 28, married for 3 years and have 2 dogs. We moved to the Cleveland area in November for our job only to find out 3 weeks ago that they are moving the HQ to Chicago (where we just came from). we decided that we are staying here since we love our house and like it here.

I have been heavy since about the 4th grade from what I remember. I remember being the first girl in the class with boobs. I finally decided that it was time to lose the weight and I have tried just about everything. Finally here is where I am at.

Hoping to get a lot of support from 3FC Forum.

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Old 09-06-2005, 03:32 PM   #58  
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Dawn-I eat out for lunch nearly every day at work too and have lost 68lbs in about 11 months. I just make the best choices I can, low fat dressings on the side and grilled chicken or fish. I also will get the fresh vegetable or a baked potato and since I get my fat serving eating out, I usually don't use any at home. You can lose weight on this plan while eating out, that's why i like this plan so much, I really didn't have to alter my life, just my choices ;-)
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Old 09-06-2005, 10:01 PM   #59  
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Thanks so much for the advice.
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Old 09-07-2005, 12:38 AM   #60  
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I am so glad I found this site. I am so encouraged by reading the effort so many of you are putting forth in your weight loss.

My name is Leah, and I am 34. I have three children 8, 6 and 2. girl, girl, boy.
They are truly a blessing, and I have a DH--married 12 yrs.
I did LA weight loss and was successful and reached my goal, and I felt great!!!!!!!! However, stupid me did not stick to maintenance and I have now gained 20 lbs. THat's right I gained 20 lbs. I could kick my self!!!!!!!!! Instead of paying LAWL again, I'm going to do this on my own, and God's help. I'm so glad I found this site because I'm encouraged by all of your experiences and challenges. I ordered some LA lites on Ebay since I'm not going to the center, and after reading what many of you said about the Luna bars, I think I'll try them.
Looking forward to being challenged and encouraged by this group!!!!!!!!!
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