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Old 02-13-2010, 05:37 AM   #61  
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Originally Posted by sunfsh31 View Post
Hi! I just joined the forum after reading so many of your posts the past few days. I just started IP on Monday and am so excited to see how well you have all done! I was skeptical at first thinking that this might just be another one of those fad diets that don't really work. I was on WW in the past and lost weight but quickly gained it back plus more, so I am excited to be starting this new lifestyle.
First two days were rough, but the past three were not too bad! I can't wait to read through all of the recipes you have to start to prepare for next week. Thank you all for sharing your stories!
Welcome! Sounds like you're over the hump and on your way. You can even remain skeptical, if you'd like... but if you follow the protocol 100%, it pretty much has to work. And nothing is a better motivator than seeing the weight come off quickly. Even though I had some hungry (and sleepy!) periods that first week or so, I was in a great mood just because I was dropping the pounds -- and it really wasn't that hard to do.
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Old 02-13-2010, 05:53 AM   #62  
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Originally Posted by dad View Post
Hi, everyone. I started IP a few weeks ago and have been browsing this board since then.

Today I decided to start a blog to keep track of my Ideal Protein experience and thought it might be of interest to some of you.

(The site wouldn't allow me to include a link since I don't have 25 posts, but the address is below.)

I've been keeping a daily food journal since the beginning and have posted everything by day; what I weighed in the morning, what I ate that day, which supplements I took, how much water I drank, etc... I even included my mistakes.

I started Sunday, January 24 at 244 pounds.
Today I was 220 (for the third straight day, ughh).

Thanks for all the great information on this site and for making the guys feel welcome, too.

A fellow lurker revealed! Glad you joined us, Scott. And awesome job on the diet so far! I'm with you about the 3 day streak. I'm one of those who weighs daily, but I had to switch to a digital scale so I could capture those days I lose .2 pounds! Even that motivates me, because I know I'm still headed in the right direction. And I keep a spreadsheet of daily loss and blood pressure, weekly BMI, fat %, etc. (I'm such a geeky gal.) Oh well, whatever helps me stay focused. I should do better with the food journal, but I have trouble remembering to fill out the little book they gave me. I need to put something on the computer... I'll check out your blog.
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Old 02-13-2010, 07:56 AM   #63  
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Originally Posted by rachel13 View Post
oh, and one more thing, I've always been active and exercised regularly, since starting IP (3 weeks ago Monday) I've felt a little tired but feel better and better daily. It wouldn't hurt my progress to do some cardio and minimal strength training (push ups, thigh master) would it?
I think exercise is great, and if you've already been doing it, don't stop; HOWEVER, listen to your body. If you find yourself hungry, eat an extra protien pack. I play soccer 3-5 times per week, and the weeks that I play more (5x), I find myself hungry, so I eat an extra protien (my coaches recommendation). The key here is that you don't want to be burning your muscle (protein fuel) so you provide it with protien food. Hope that helps.
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:26 AM   #64  
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jordanna - thanks for the help with salads. I will try your suggestions.
echobaby - don't get the roomba. they are really more hassle than helpful. great for under bed and sofa but when they are stuck there beeping at you, not so much. I have purchased two and both have had battery problems. Replacing the batteries is costly. And now I am going to see this hairdo-- let us know about the protein. Taste matters a lot!
Tuesday925-- thanks for the welcome. I am getting lots of motivation from here already, just reading others experiences with IP.
I can't find the post where someone said recently they are going to wine country this summer. I am going in 7 days--
pretty poor planning when I started the diet yesterday. Lost 4 pounds this morning-- that will keep you focused! But Sonoma and Napa will be a huge challenge I know. isn't that part of the problem, that life gets in the way???
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:26 AM   #65  
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Question Jordanna, StAlbertPrincess, and others...

Just wondering where you are going for your Ideal Protien coaching and purchase of products? I live in Sherwood Park, and there are no providers here yet, that I know of. I currently go to a place downtown Edmonton (108Ave and 124 st) and my coach's name is Laurie.
Where do you go?
Are there any other Edmontonians out there that would like to share where you go for IP coaching and purchase?
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:41 AM   #66  
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Originally Posted by FuzzMa View Post
Just wondering where you are going for your Ideal Protien coaching and purchase of products? I live in Sherwood Park, and there are no providers here yet, that I know of. I currently go to a place downtown Edmonton (108Ave and 124 st) and my coach's name is Laurie.
Where do you go?
Are there any other Edmontonians out there that would like to share where you go for IP coaching and purchase?
Hey Fuzzma - stalbertprincess and I go to the same coach, her name is Trista and she has a clinic on 137th Avenue over in the North West side of town. There are a few other locations around Edmonton as well but that's the one we go to!
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:06 AM   #67  
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I started on 2/8 and have lost 6.6 lbs already in 5 days. I'm amazed. I haven't been able to lose anything for over 6 years. I'm hypothyroid, on Synthroid and Cytomel.
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:09 AM   #68  
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Hey everybody! My husband and I had our third weigh in yesterday. Of course he is doing wonderful at 19 lbs lost and I am doing ok at 12.5. I know I should not be discouraged but I was really hoping that I would be further along especially since you usually lose more at first and slow down later. The Dr asked if we had been doing any exercising and we had not so he recommended we get out and do some walking. Do any of you have other ideas that will excellerate our weight loss just a bit. I was thinking I would have at least 20 lbs off by the end of the first month. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted. One other thing I have a friend who is also on IP and she is always hungry. She is thinking of quitting because of the hunger issue. Why would she be hungry but I rarely have that issue and I am much larger than she is. Thanks for your help.
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:13 AM   #69  
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Hey Showgirlaz
thank you for your PM. It will not let me reply yet, need 10 posts so I will work on that . I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:29 AM   #70  
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Originally Posted by Birman View Post
There has been a lot of talk about the expense of this diet. I agree! Using the Ideal Protein or Matol products makes the diet very expensive. But, we don't need to use the products to do the diet well, however. To my understanding, the key to the diet is not the packages. The key is the right nutritional balance as designed the original developer -- Dr. Chanh Tran Tien. If you look at his webpage you will see that he says :

"- 1 protein packet (protein packets generally contain between 15 and 20 g of protein).
- OR 1 measure of protein. This option is by far the most economical if you purchase a large container of protein; however, large containers of protein are not available in all countries. The protein is diluted in water…"

So, why not just buy a large container of high quality protein, and use that instead? I use almost none of the Ideal Protein or Matol products, and I get great results. Personally I use Prolab's Chocolate Whey Protein Isolate -- which tastes great! Whey is a high quality protein. Being an isolate removes some of the fat and carbs leaving a per serving nutritional profile of: 110 calories, 0.5g fat, 2 g carbohydrates, and 24 g protein. The cost? $1 per serving as opposed to IP's $4 per serving. If one doesn't mind a bit more carbs and fat, the non-isolate version is 130 calories, 2 g fat, 6 g carbohydrates, and 22 g protein. Serving price for that is 62 cents. I don't use Matol's vitamin/mineral supplements either. I read what we're supposed to take, then get good quality stuff from iHerb, Costco, or Netrition. Netrition also has some delicious premade drinks (achievONE) with good nutritional profiles for $2 each.

If something is really important to me, I will come up with the money. (Remember, I'm the one who spent $750 on a kitten!) But… I hate to waste money. Personally I think the IP products are way overpriced, and that irks me. If someone is happy spending the money on the IP products I think that's great. Just mentioning that we don't HAVE to, to get good results, is all.

that is an awesome post!! and i do agree. it is nice to see something positive for those who are struggling with the cost. any way of reduced, thought invoked eating is much better than our old habits!! i also read Dr trans website back in september, and passed all that info on to a good friend who could not afford this diet. she has never purchased IP products, has bought the bulk portein, and is eating carb free. and is getting results!! good results!! and although she feels her results have been slower, they are consistent. i dont think losing weight at a slower, consistent pace is necessarily a bad thing. we did not gain overnite.... so good on you to put that info out there for the people that really do struggle with the IP costs, yet want to jump on the fat loss train!
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:49 AM   #71  
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Originally Posted by cicibel View Post
Hey everybody! My husband and I had our third weigh in yesterday. Of course he is doing wonderful at 19 lbs lost and I am doing ok at 12.5. I know I should not be discouraged but I was really hoping that I would be further along especially since you usually lose more at first and slow down later. The Dr asked if we had been doing any exercising and we had not so he recommended we get out and do some walking. Do any of you have other ideas that will excellerate our weight loss just a bit. I was thinking I would have at least 20 lbs off by the end of the first month. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted. One other thing I have a friend who is also on IP and she is always hungry. She is thinking of quitting because of the hunger issue. Why would she be hungry but I rarely have that issue and I am much larger than she is. Thanks for your help.
Is she drinking all of the water recommended? She could actually just be thirsty, it acts like hunger sometimes. How much lettuce is she eating, it is unlimited. She can snack on lettuce whenever she is hungry. Is she drinking caffeine, it is a stimulant that can make you feel hungry? She needs to write down everything she is putting in her mouth and take it to her coach. There may be some hidden thing that is spurring her hunger. Is she bored? I know I used to think I was hungry but just bored. I hope this helps.
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:54 AM   #72  
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Originally Posted by cicibel View Post
Hey everybody! My husband and I had our third weigh in yesterday. Of course he is doing wonderful at 19 lbs lost and I am doing ok at 12.5. I know I should not be discouraged but I was really hoping that I would be further along especially since you usually lose more at first and slow down later. The Dr asked if we had been doing any exercising and we had not so he recommended we get out and do some walking. Do any of you have other ideas that will excellerate our weight loss just a bit. I was thinking I would have at least 20 lbs off by the end of the first month. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted. One other thing I have a friend who is also on IP and she is always hungry. She is thinking of quitting because of the hunger issue. Why would she be hungry but I rarely have that issue and I am much larger than she is. Thanks for your help.
Cicibel: Your weight loss is going great. Women lose on average 3-5 lbs a week and you are averaging 4 lbs plus the 1/2 lb bonus. I don't know of any other diet I have tried that I have consistently lost 4 lbs a week. Your hubby is right there in the high average for men's weight loss too so I think you are right on track. Keep up the good work and you will see success!
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Old 02-13-2010, 12:15 PM   #73  
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Ogdog13, Showgirlaz & Fuzzma: Thanks for all your quick feedback! I'm fresh out of high school and played every sport you can imagine year round so not exercising was really starting to bother me mentally! As for the soy cheese, I am going to try this immediately, it's one of the foods I miss most.

My opinion on valentine's Day for those of us who have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife who just insists on going out, opt. for a restaurant that has a variety of choices or my favorite, red lobster (seafood is most certainly allowed and we might as well let our significant other pick up the tab) -- as for the chocolate/candy side of the holiday, I can only suggest what I've done the past few days as the gifts have come in, and that's to go back and look at a picture of myself that I am most unhappy with. I don't do this to make myself feel bad but rather to question whether that Dove chocolate is really worth looking like again? It helps me a lot. Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 02-13-2010, 12:31 PM   #74  
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Happy Valentines and Long weekend everyone!! Remember that old cliche "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" as we go through a tough eating-oriented weekend!! We can do it
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Old 02-13-2010, 01:11 PM   #75  
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Default Any ideas

I am on my 5th week and the last 3 days I have been getting light headed when I stand up. I take the supplements and take 2 of the potassium ones every day. I drink about 100 oz of water daily. I eat the salt when this happens but I feel like I am having to eat much more salt than recommended. I am on the last days of TOM so I thought that may be why I have been feeling this way. I have added a 4th protein for the last few days too because I have been hungry. I would appreciate any comments from any of you that have experienced this.
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