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Old 12-02-2012, 07:52 PM   #301  
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Originally Posted by Newme1288 View Post
Hello to everyone. I just started a plan like this. Named something else but same concept. My first weigh in is Tuesday. High protein low carbs and watching the calorie count. First week my calories were low but they will be alittle higher next week.
Question how do I find this thread again? I find good threads then can't remember where I found them. Is there a way to mark this?
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Old 12-03-2012, 10:25 AM   #302  
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Good Morning All,

Ivorydoll: Keep up the good work.

ClassyKaren: Welcome.

Supergirl: Kudos on the runs. I am jealous. I aspire to be a runner but cannot seem get it together to achieve that goal... Yet.

NickiMill: Welcome and thanks for listing the plan. Like you, I go to a center. I started in mid August and have lost about 2-3 lbs a week. I am pleased with my results. I forget about the Morton's Light Salt and it's an important part of the plan, especially for those who workout.

NewMe1288: Welcome.

I stayed on plan this weekend with the exception of eating an extra protein bar as a night time snack on Saturday. I am really good about food intake during the day, but struggle with nighttime munchies. I am not hungry. I just like to eat after the sun goes down. My home scale weekly weigh in showed a loss despite the extra snack.


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Old 12-03-2012, 10:30 AM   #303  
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedVeggie View Post
Hi Semerydesign,

I'm still in the losing phase, so I don't have information on the stabilization or maintenance phase just yet.

If you'd care to share, I'd like to know why the maintenance phase of the program didn't become your new normal. Is it too stringent to follow forever?

Hi BrownEyedVeggie,

I never had the information for the maintenance plan, I just tried to make it work on my own which it obviously did not. I was initially doing the diet with a friend who had enrolled in the program but she did not stay with it (as far as paying for it) long enough to get the maintenance plan information. I can't afford to enroll in the real program so was hoping to just do it on my own again.

To answer your question in general what makes the program hard for me, and I am assuming this will make any maintenance plan difficult as well, is that I really like eating out, especially Thai, India, and French cuisines, all of which involve delicious succulent sauces that in no way fit into the QWLC plan and this makes it really hard for me to stick with it.

I am hoping that this time around I can figure out a better way to balance the things I like, with the things I need to eat to stay on target and not gain the weight back in the long run. Hopefully having this online support will help both of us!
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:27 AM   #304  
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Wow, we have a lot of new people here! About a month ago this forum was pretty quiet.

BrownEyedVeggie: You're doing great. When your worst off-plan transgression is having ONE extra protein bar in a week... you're doing good. Pretty darn good! Like you, I'm pretty strict on myself. So, I consider ANY deviation a "cheat". Many people will go completely off the rails for a meal or day and consider that a cheat. Minimizing those episodes, and the severity of them, is key.

Like you, one of my main obstacles is cutting out the night time eating. I also was prone to snacking while watching TV. I would usually start a couple hours after dinner. Sometimes it was leftovers from dinner. Sometimes it was chips, etc. But I realize now that I am not really hungry when I snack at night. It comes about more due to boredom and habit than anything else. If I do snack at night now, I try to limit it to a serving of almonds or a protein bar. However, I have almost entirely cut out protein bars from my diet now and have replaced it with almonds. The only supplement I use now is 1 protein shake per day, and I usually have that for breakfast. I know I should probably cook eggs or something - and I did that for a few months -- but then I got lazy!

Anyway, I had a pretty good week too. Actually, I probably have gone overboard restricting the calories and carbs. I'm down about 5 1/2 pounds from my weigh-in last Sunday. Over the past couple weeks I have gone to two holiday parties, a few birthday parties, Thanksgiving day, and a neighborhood block party and have managed to stay on plan throughout. So, my confidence in myself to make good choices - especially when there are limited options and lots of temptations -- is very high.
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Old 12-03-2012, 11:42 AM   #305  
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Originally Posted by Semerydesign View Post

To answer your question in general what makes the program hard for me, and I am assuming this will make any maintenance plan difficult as well, is that I really like eating out, especially Thai, India, and French cuisines, all of which involve delicious succulent sauces that in no way fit into the QWLC plan and this makes it really hard for me to stick with it.!
Its hard to stay on plan while eating out - especially at certain restaurants where your options are limited. For me, most Italian restaurants are the hardest because most everything is pasta or breaded meats.

However, there are ways of eating those things you like if you cook them yourself.

I have made a chicken tikka masala using a pre-made paste that I found at the Whole Foods Market that is pretty low in fat and carbohydrates.

The directions call for you to add in heavy cream. However, I substituted fat free half-n-half instead. (Also, I marinated my chicken in a fat-free Greek yogurt marinade that I found when I searched for recipes for chicken tikka masala. It came out great when used with the Sukh'is brand sauce that I bought at Whole Foods.

I served it over cauliflower rice. Both myself and my wife loved it.

I'm sure there are French recipes that can also be replicated by using fat free half-n-half in place of the heavy cream.

P.S. This is the recipe I used for the marinade (substituting the fat-free Greek yogurt):

I suppose I could have used this recipe for the entire process, but I was lazy so I used the semi-homemade method!

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Old 12-03-2012, 01:37 PM   #306  
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Thanks for the advice Joe! I will have to give the recipe a try once I am at the point that I can add in little extras here and there. I am always uncertain of sauces, even ones I make, because of how strict the diet is about dairy and fats. I suppose would you count the fat free half and half as your 4oz of non-fat milk? I am still a little uncertain of substitutions
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Old 12-03-2012, 01:55 PM   #307  
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Originally Posted by Semerydesign View Post
Thanks for the advice Joe! I will have to give the recipe a try once I am at the point that I can add in little extras here and there. I am always uncertain of sauces, even ones I make, because of how strict the diet is about dairy and fats. I suppose would you count the fat free half and half as your 4oz of non-fat milk? I am still a little uncertain of substitutions
Yes, that is what I did when I made it. But its been a while since I really followed the QWLC plan to the letter anyway. When I made this, I was feeling the need for something a little bit more exotic than plain grilled meat and veggies without any sauces -- which, for the most part, is what I eat. But once in a while I indulge in something like this. And while I feel a little bit guilty about doing it, I know I really shouldn't be because its really not that off-plan. If I didn't do this once in a while, I'm not sure I would be able to stick the diet out in the long term.

I have actually changed up my diet a lot and have gravitated more towards a diet that is less carb, and I don't worry too much about fat. I mean, I try to lower my consumption of fat when I can, but I don't get too obsessive over it and I try to eat healthy fats. For example, I am eating almonds as snacks rather than protein bars, which are higher in fat.
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Old 12-04-2012, 08:40 AM   #308  
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Good Morning,

I am so excited. Yesterday, I went pant shopping. I am thrilled to say that I am a size 10-no muffin top or bulges. I started as a size 16. I haven't been a size 10 since my late teens. I floated out of the store.

The saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels is absolutely true. But... (There's always got to be one of those.) I miss Thai foods and risotto. I enjoy going out to dinner with friends. It's okay now to decline invitations or to ask that we go to Too Jays Deli because it serves the only meal that is on plan. But soon that will get old. When I reach my goal, I want to have a somewhat normal life that includes dining out at least once a week and drinking a glass of wine now and then. I stress about the maintenance plan. I don't imagine that it's as stringent as the losing phase, but I bet there are limitations/guidelines to follow. I hope that I can live by them.

Semery: Indian and Thai foods are my favorites too. Perhaps when we reach our goals, we can work together in figuring out a way we can enjoy our curry and stay slim.

Kudos Joe, for being able to stay on program through all the holiday parties and gatherings. That's awesome. I will be off the plan for two days while my children and grandchildren are here for the holidays, but only for two meals then I am right back on plan. My cheats will be carefully considered in that no calorie will be eaten unless it is worthy. (A Seinfeld episode featuring Elaine just popped into mind).

Have an awesome day, folks. TTFN
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:18 AM   #309  
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedVeggie View Post
Good Morning,

I am so excited. Yesterday, I went pant shopping. I am thrilled to say that I am a size 10-no muffin top or bulges. I started as a size 16. I haven't been a size 10 since my late teens. I floated out of the store.

The saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels is absolutely true. But... (There's always got to be one of those.) I miss Thai foods and risotto. I enjoy going out to dinner with friends. It's okay now to decline invitations or to ask that we go to Too Jays Deli because it serves the only meal that is on plan. But soon that will get old. When I reach my goal, I want to have a somewhat normal life that includes dining out at least once a week and drinking a glass of wine now and then. I stress about the maintenance plan. I don't imagine that it's as stringent as the losing phase, but I bet there are limitations/guidelines to follow. I hope that I can live by them.

Semery: Indian and Thai foods are my favorites too. Perhaps when we reach our goals, we can work together in figuring out a way we can enjoy our curry and stay slim.

Kudos Joe, for being able to stay on program through all the holiday parties and gatherings. That's awesome. I will be off the plan for two days while my children and grandchildren are here for the holidays, but only for two meals then I am right back on plan. My cheats will be carefully considered in that no calorie will be eaten unless it is worthy. (A Seinfeld episode featuring Elaine just popped into mind).

Have an awesome day, folks. TTFN

Thanks BrownEyed (its Sue, right?). That's awesome! I had a similar experience this weekend. Some of the pants and shorts I've been wearing are so huge on me now that I have to bunch up the waistline with my belt to wear them. On Sunday I went shopping for some new pants and jeans. At my highest weight I was wearing size 58 jeans and 60 dress pants. (I'm not sure why, but I seem to always need a higher size in dress pants vs. jeans). Anyway, I tried on several sizes of jeans and pants and fit into size 48 jeans and 50 pants. Its been a LONG time since I've worn a size in the 40s. I'm just about half way to my goal weight, so I'm aiming at going down another 10 sizes to fit into size 38 jeans when I reach 220.

I feel very much like you do about food. While I love food, no food is worth jeopardizing my weight loss. And if I am going to eat something that I normally wouldn't eat, it darn well better be tasty. Your comment about food being "worthy" -- like the sponge-worthy episode of Seinfeld - is so spot on. Have you ever seen the Disney/Pixar movie Ratatouille? In the movie there is a character named Anton Ego, voiced by Peter O'Toole, who is a food critic. In the movie one of the other characters comments that Anton is skinny for somebody who supposedly likes food. Anton replies by saying: "I don't *like* food, I LOVE it. If I don't LOVE it, I don't *swallow*." I am oft reminded of that scene because I try to budget my calories the best I can and only eat things that are, as you say, worthy. So, if I put something in my mouth to eat and I don't really like it, I don't swallow it! lol

In the past I would feel like I was missing out on something if I passed on eating something in favor of dieting. But I don't feel that way anymore. I now realize that food isn't THAT important. Yes, I love good food, and I try to make my meals as tasty as I can while keeping on my plan. But I rarely feel the urge to eat something I know I shouldn't, and even more rarely give into the temptation to eat it.
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:25 AM   #310  
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Default Tuesday

How what an inspiration! Yesterday was my birthday. I was on plan all day including dinner until cake- I won't bore you with details. Saturday is the party and there will be cake again. I feel kind of horrible but I asked my mom to make it. Sabotage? Maybe but I wanted to have a special birthday. I am praying to remain on plan the rest of the week and only a small portion. Joe you inspire me. I want to be more excited about the diet than the opportunity to cheat.
Veggie- the runs are easy. Try c25k google that. It coaches you from
Walking for 30 minutes to jogging for 30 minutes by starting with one minute of jogging. I shouldn't say easy not easy- but like a lot of things more mental than physical. Also I really like races because it gives me good reason to focus on fitness for training and not because of what size I am. It shifts my perspective and helps me look for improvements- easier breathing, faster, etc. and less focus on " crap none of the workout clothes in kohls fit me." That has to be dealt with but in the past I have felt hopeless and that would lead to discouragement.
I go on....
I am excited to be doing something (eating and diet) that works for me.
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:57 AM   #311  
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Originally Posted by supergirl2911 View Post
How what an inspiration! Yesterday was my birthday. I was on plan all day including dinner until cake- I won't bore you with details. Saturday is the party and there will be cake again. I feel kind of horrible but I asked my mom to make it. Sabotage? Maybe but I wanted to have a special birthday. I am praying to remain on plan the rest of the week and only a small portion. Joe you inspire me. I want to be more excited about the diet than the opportunity to cheat.
Veggie- the runs are easy. Try c25k google that. It coaches you from
Walking for 30 minutes to jogging for 30 minutes by starting with one minute of jogging. I shouldn't say easy not easy- but like a lot of things more mental than physical. Also I really like races because it gives me good reason to focus on fitness for training and not because of what size I am. It shifts my perspective and helps me look for improvements- easier breathing, faster, etc. and less focus on " crap none of the workout clothes in kohls fit me." That has to be dealt with but in the past I have felt hopeless and that would lead to discouragement.
I go on....
I am excited to be doing something (eating and diet) that works for me.
Happy Birthday, Supergirl!

Sounds like you did pretty well, for the most part, on your birthday with staying on plan. Some people might have taken an entire cheat day. The fact that your cheat was a piece of cake isn't so bad. Some people even plan to do that every once in a while (some once per week) just to keep themselves from getting so frustrated with dieting that they quit. They key to any episode of cheating is to get right back on plan.

Nobody was more surprised that me about my desire (I would say obsession) with staying on plan. I was never like this before when I dieted. It always used to be a big struggle. I don't know exactly what it is this time. Maybe I'm just finally mentally prepared to do what I know needs be done. But I just have a different mindset. Once I started losing weight, the results (seeing the numbers on the scale go down each week) became addicting. It has become so addicting that it keeps me from allowing myself from doing something to jeopardize the weight loss. This never ceases to surprise me that I have been able to do this, and I hope I continue to be able to do so.

One change in my mindset is associating events with food. I used to do that, and in the past I would feel deprived if I didn't have a special meal / birthday cake on my birthday. Similarly, I would associate holidays like Thanksgiving with all the trimmings that come along with the turkey, including stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc. So, in the past, I have allowed myself to have a "cheat day" for Thanksgiving. But then I would invariably go totally off my diet and then rationalize to myself that I would go back on after "the Holidays." But then my birthday and my wife's birthday are in January, then there is Valentine's day, my daughter's birthday in March, my brother's birthday in April... and the list of excuses for postponing the resumption of my diet would go on and on until I stopped even making the pretense that I would start my diet again after the next holiday or special event.

But this year I've changed. I have come to believe that those special events are not defined by the food I eat --- but, rather, by the company I keep. So, the food I eat has assumed a far less significant role in my life. It has taken me a LONG time, and many attempts, to come to this mindset. I just hope it is something that endures.

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Old 12-04-2012, 07:46 PM   #312  
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Day 2 almost done. I'm still hungry...once again didn't have enough meat or water. Thinking about grabbing some more veggies. When I get my act together and start eating all the foods I'm allowed too, then I will feel better. Down 1.5lbs in 24hrs....lots of trips to the restroom, definitely water shedding.
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Old 12-08-2012, 07:51 PM   #313  
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Happy Saturday!

I've had an excellent week. Officially I am down 1.8 for the week. I started a new job on Wednesday. (Yippee) On Thursday, I discovered that much of my closet was too big for me (bummer ), so I went shopping today for work clothes. I am happy to report that I am officially an M. Whoo hoo. I am thrilled and looking forward to becoming an S.

Joe: Yes, it's Sue. I haven't seen Ratatouille, but will soon. Looks like a fun flick. Kudos on your successes.

Supergirl: Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a whirl.

NewMom: Hope you've been staying on program. Let us know how you're doing.

Have an awesome night.

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Old 12-09-2012, 10:29 AM   #314  
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Good Morning hope everyone is great. Well my first weigh in I lost 9lbs. I was thrilled! This week I am alitle more hungry but doing ok I think. My next weigh in is Tues. I have alittle goal and its to be at 250 before Dec 28. (fingers crossed)

MY husband and I went out to eat at Joe Crab Shack- They had a great salmon plate. It was just salmon with no sauces or anything and rice and broccoli. I sub the rice for more broc and gave it to my husband. But it was the perfect meal to stay OP. Plus I gave husband a pieces of the salmon so even better.

I have been looking up sugarfree flourless desserts. I have two big events and I would like to try to stay OP. Any good dessert out there that you can share. I am try to make thru christmas without cheating on dessert (my weakness) so I plan to make several OP desserts.

I am really enjoying the website and really glad I found this forum.
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Old 12-09-2012, 11:06 AM   #315  
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Way to go BrownEyedVeggie bet it feels good to say that about your closet. I cant wait!!

Joe Thanks for all the good tips. Ratatouille is one of my grandsons fav movies we watch it prob 2 times a week if not more. So I know what you mean and its funny I do think about not wasting my calories.

This is the first diet I have been so mind set on. I want this and so far it has been easy for me to follow. And I am not craving sweets which really weird cuz I love them. I think maybe cuz I cut out carbs. I have not had bread/rolls/flour/rice/pasta since Nov 12th. I have not started much exercise I was waiting to get some weight off before I did due to my weght and my knees. I dont want to hurt my knees. So I plan to start after Jan 1 with easy walking first.

What is your Fav shake and if you don't mind sharing the recipe?
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