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GettinFit 12-06-2011 10:22 PM

No Firm workout today. Walked for 20 mins.

GettinFit 12-07-2011 09:45 PM

Did FIRM Express C1 Cardio today.

cdayley 12-09-2011 09:33 AM

Hi, Gettinfit. I've been firming right along. My grandpa passed away, and the funeral is today. A close friend of mine also lost her 30 year old son to meningitis last Sunday. It's been a long week in my life.

Yesterday, I did fitprime metaboost and a 2 mile walk. The day before I did lower body sculpting, and the Firm stability ball workout along with a 2 mile walk.

Glad you're back!

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 12-10-2011 06:29 PM

Hi Chrys - I'm so sorry to hear about your losses :hug: My condolences go out to you.

Glad to hear you're still Firming. Today I did a 1hr 10 min walk. Yesterday I did a 30 min walk on the track at work before heading home. Next week I'm planning to do more Firm workouts.

GettinFit 12-11-2011 06:24 PM

Today I did FIirm Express C1 C&S. How's it going Chrys?

GettinFit 12-12-2011 08:27 PM

Did a 30 min walk on the track today.

cdayley 12-12-2011 11:09 PM

Hi, Gettinfit!

2 mile dog walks for me both yesterday and today. Saturday was 2 Calorie Explosion segments and Get Chisel'd.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 12-13-2011 10:18 PM

Hi Chrys,

Today I only got in about a 15 mins walk at work and I did the stairs instead of the elevator and I parked my car far away.

cdayley 12-13-2011 11:13 PM

Good job fitting that much activity in! I had a busy day yesterday too, so I didn't do a workout, just a walk.

Today I did Aerobic Body Shaping and a 2 mile dog walk.

Chrys Dayley

cdayley 12-15-2011 11:29 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. Yesterday was Body Sculpt Blaster, FE c.3 C/S and the bonus from ABS; today was Tracie Long's Back Up and the bonus from GC. I also walked the dog 2 miles each day.
Hope you are doing well!
Chrys Dayley

AlexandraJoy 01-02-2012 06:17 PM

Hey everybody I'm glad other people have had success with this. I'm just starting (today) along with a slow carb diet and started a blog to record my results and such. I'm hoping to become one of those crazy exercisers haha so that I can get back in shape the way I used to be before college hit and I was working too much to have any spare time for myself.

I weighed myself today and already I'm feeling pretty down about it. Any sort of advice, support, etc would be super helpful and really appreciated.

My Weight Loss Journey

GettinFit 01-02-2012 07:30 PM

Hi Chrys - Sorry I've been MIA but I am back at it now. I hope you're doing good.

AlexandraJoy-Congrats on starting your workout program. Try not to focus on the number on the scale. Just focus on eating right and working out each day. The days will go by so fast and before you know it, your clothes will start getting loose. Did you take your measurements? It's a good idea to do that because there may be times when then scale doesn't budge but you will lose inches. Hang in there and just take it one day at a time. Let's challenge each other to stick to working out this week :)

I've been struggling to get back on track with my eating and exercise. I've been off the wagon for about 2 weeks and re committed yesterday. It was soooo hard to stick to my plan today but I made it. I didn't do a Firm workout but I did do WATP Walk & Jog. I got some new FIRM DVDs that I am planning to do this week.

Have a great evening ladies.

GettinFit 01-03-2012 09:01 PM

Hi Ladies,

I'm checking in with Total Body Lite today and a 15 min walk.

GettinFit 01-04-2012 07:44 PM

Checking in with a 30 minute walk today.

cdayley 01-06-2012 02:41 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. I was doing great, then I got the flu. This is my 3rd day with no workout! Hopefully I'll get one in tomorrow.

AlexandraJoy, congrats on making some healthy changes! I saw inches lost way before I started losing pounds, so I agree with Gettinfit - take some measurements so you can see progress. And add as much movement as you can. We are glad to have you here!

Chrys Dayley

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