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Old 05-25-2004, 06:34 AM   #1  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Smile *Curves #6*

This Thread is for anyone wanting to join us in
sharing about their "CURVES experiences"
or if you are thinking about joining and have any questions.
Come on in!!!



What is Curves:
Curves is an all women gym... It is like circuit training with hydraulic machines done in 30 second intervals with "recovery stations" in between each machine...30 seconds on a machine, 30 seconds jogging in place or whatever you feel like on the recovery station...for a 30 minute workout. Most places begin with 8 machines, but we have 12 in ours & you go around the circle 2-3x. It is a great place, I love going there! They do have nutritional supplements and protein shakes and even a diet plan you can follow if you choose...it is all outlined in the member guide they offer you.

The Cost of CURVES in NE OHIO:
*Note* ~ The Cost may vary from one Curves to another
depending on the state

There are three ways to pay that I know of:

is to pay monthly & for me that was $39.00
(+tx - some places/states don't charge tax)

is to have them automatically take from your checking (or in my case they are charging my VISA ea mo) @ $29.00 (+tx) and

to pay in full for the year the day you come to sign up (which they do not offer unless you ask, because it is the cheapest way to go & I think they lose $ on it, so they don't offer unless you ask) & that fee is less then the $29.00 but I don't know by how much for sure... I think it was 10% less each month that way.

**Oh and there is a fee you pay on your FIRST visit when you sign up also - usually $149.00, but in my case it was discounted and I only paid the $49.00 PLUS the first payment (I paid about $90.00 on my first month).**

You will also then be allowed to go to ANY curves that you would like.

Also... Some places offer FREE CLASSES ~
so ask allot of questions when you go there

Here is the LINK to the Curves Site:

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Old 05-25-2004, 06:57 AM   #2  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Good Morning Gals ~
Just love your cheer!
Really cute!

I too am so sorry that you had such a crummy birthday and that no one gave you a Special Day --- you sure deserved better... I would be bummed too! I hope that the next one will be a better one.

As far as the weather - just yucky - are a good couple of words to describe it here. Our yard is so flooded we are not able to mow the lawn and the mosquitoes! They are getting so bad with the heat we've had. Joe & I were out trying to garden on Sunday night and they were eating us alive It sure has been a "Wet" Spring in OHIO... hasn't it!!?

Welcome LOLOW ~
I hope you do go back to Curves... I too just love it! And feel that it is so good for you spirits as well as your body! In fact, I am going there this morning. I usually go Mon - Wed - Fri, but my Monday was busy... so I am going today instead. Do come back and let us know how you are doing, okay


Well, I am off to get the hubby's lunch made and to leave for Curves.
*Have A Wonderful Day Ladies!*

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Old 05-25-2004, 11:21 AM   #3  
One step at a time...
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Good morning sunshines!!

Sunny- Thanks! I can be such a goof sometimes...

I usually go to Curves every afternoon and then Saturday morning, and I started taking a water aerobics class on Wednesdays... Well I didn't go to Curves yesterday because I went to a PawSox game with Tim, and I might not be able to go Saturday morning because Tim's mom and sister are coming up Friday afternoon and we have plans to go to ME, NH and VT with them over the weekend...

So the way I see it my schedule will go like this for the week:

Tuesday afternoon: Curves
Wednesday afternoon: Curves, Water Aerobics
Thursday afternoon: Curves
Friday morning: Curves
Saturday morning: Curves (hopefully)

I have alot of other none exercise things to do too, so hopefully nothing interferes with my schedule.
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Old 05-25-2004, 12:22 PM   #4  
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Afternoon Ladies:
I can't believe that the end of the school year is upon me. I have been busy the last week or so, packing up my classroom. I will be having a new classroom next school year, so I had to pack up all my treasures so the jantiors can move them this summer. I have gotten an extra workout in this past week.
I am checking to see if my city pool offers water aerobics classes during the summer. I thought that would be a great way to also lose some more weight and get in shape more. My one sister does it and just loves it. I checked with the YMCA's around my area. The one does have it twice a week, but it is an hour one way. Plus it is from 7:30-8:15 in the evening. So that would be making it a long day.
I really haven't been eating like I want to this past week. I think a lot of it was being tired from my fieldtrip, then packing up my classroom and going to my stepchildren's ballgames. So I got back in the habit of eating meals of convience. But I have been trying very hard since yesterday to get back on track. So please say a prayer that I can get my butt back in gear. I am hoping that once school is out then I won't be so rushed to run here and there.
Well I better go and get ready for my students to come back to my classroom from recess. Have a wonderful day!
I looking forward to going to work out this afternoon at Curves with my one friend. These past two weeks, we have not really been able to go together to workout. I think it makes it easier on you when you have someone holding you accountable.
Take care,
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Old 05-25-2004, 01:19 PM   #5  
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HI everybody!! I've been gone for a while. Just so busy with so many "warm weather" things to do. Working in my yard, cooking for parties, getting my little girl's swing set/sand box set up...very busy. Busy at work too, which is good, but not. I get so tired running around all day trying to get nothing done lol. I get discouraged and when that happens I eat. and once I'm off, I'm off for a while, but I'm sure trying to get back on track. I've been going to Curves still, haven't missed a whole week since I started March 8th, but Have had some 2 day weeks, which really make a big difference. I've lost about 11 lbs. I think, but I haven't been weighed and measured officially this month. I lost 6 the first month, and has taken me 2 months to lose the next 5. I've been so bad on my eating though. Very hard for me this time of the year, b/c I cook so much....eat, cook, eat, cook....need will power!!! Say some prayers for me to get back on track and eating broccolli instead of hotdogs!!! lol. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well, and glad to see SunnyD is her same old sunny self!!! Hi, and nice to meet you to the new ones. I hope you are enjoying your Curves experiences. I sure do!!! Take care all!
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Old 05-25-2004, 05:08 PM   #6  
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Hi all -
Back from vacation in sunny sunny California. Had a great time. I walked miles & miles in San Francisco. I didn't leave my heart there but did manage to drop a few pounds!
Drove along the coast for a bit - sooooo beautiful. Also hit Napa then drove along I-5 to San Diego.
I had a great time, met some great people, visited family that lives out there and just forgot everything about work. Still recovering from the flight back but I hope to hit Curves tomorrow after work.

Hope everyone here is doing well.
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Old 05-26-2004, 10:45 AM   #7  
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Hey everybody! Hope this finds you all well and Curving! I finally bit the bullet and weighed and measured last night and I'm glad I did!! I lost 6# and 2.25 inches my first month in April and hadn't weighed and measured since then. I knew that my clothes are definitly fitting different, but the scale hadn't been saying much. I lost 5 lbs. and get this......15.50 inches in 2 months!!! I was so surprised and excited. Made my workout just that much better! I would like to lose some more pounds before the 4th of July (really the 12th b/c I'm having my pics made with my daughter again) but if those inches keep coming off, I'm fine with that too!!! Just wanted to share my excitement, and tell everybody to keep Curving, b/c it does work!!!! Have a great day!
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Old 05-26-2004, 09:52 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone,
I went to my TOPS meeting last night and weighed in. I gained two and half pounds last week. But I think it is from only working out three days, eating out a lot this weekend and close to that time of the month. I am not going to let it get me down though. I have done that in the past and it just seems to drag me even farther down and pack on more pounds.
Congrats Lori on your weight loss and inches lost. That is wonderful! Keep up the good work. You have given me the willpower and inspired me to keep going with my struggle with my weight.
Good luck preparing for your exams Shelia. Remember to take time to relax and don't get yourself all stressed out. I will be saying my prayers that your exams go well.
Wryly, Wow your vacation sounds like it was a lot of fun. Glad you had a nice relaxing time. The only vacation I think I am getting this summer is not having to go to school for three months and trips home to see my parents. One of these days, I hope that my DH and I can take a vacation after we get some bills paid off and some money saved.
Sunny, have you had many thunderstorms this past week? It has either been too hot and humid or raining here. Have been able to squeeze in a couple evening strolls around town with my DH. Hopefully the mosquitoes haven't eaten you up too much. How is your garden doing?
Jenn I hope you have a great weekend with your in-laws. Sounds like you will be busy going all over this weekend that missing one day at Curves won't hurt you.
Well ladies, I have some work that I need to do for school tonight before I forget it. Only two more days of school and then I will be done for this year. YEAH!!!!
Have a great Thursday! Keep Curving!!
Take care,
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Old 05-26-2004, 10:27 PM   #9  
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Lori - That is AWESOME! Keep up the great work!

Kerry - I wouldn't worry about the gain... TOM approaching can do a number on the scale...It will travel back in the other direction was TOM has gone.

I'll let y'all know how it goes with Tim's mom and sister!
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Old 05-27-2004, 07:17 AM   #10  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome Back!
So good to see you again!!!! I know what you mean about "warm weather" things... me too. That's why I am not one quite as much. When it's nice out I try to keep active - gotta keep burning those calories. I see that's what you have been doing! Awesome!
Congrats on your 11lb weight loss!!! It is so good to see you back I am so happy for you... those inches make quite a difference don't they. I am down a size also and loving it.

How exciting... school is finally coming to a close and then you have your summer! I hope that you have a summer to remember... Don't let those couple pounds discourage you - I go through the same thing when I eat something out that is too salty... I bet you it's mostly just water wt. and it will fall right off you again Please don't give in to it - I said the same thing when I went to my Curves weigh-in and didn't lose anything more after all my working out I stayed the same! But I am counting on seeing a difference next month And so will you You'll see... hang in there Kerry.

Yep, we were getting those storms - we are right in their path. But luckily we just have some flooding that has really gone down in the last day or so... my hubby has actually been able to do a high cut on the lawn... he only sunk in - in a few places, but as the lawn dries it will recover. Other places around us got it really bad! Allot of lightning strike fires! The strikes were so close the hair on my arms would stand before a strike - scary! But all seems to have calm down for the time being. Thanks for asking

Glad that you are feeling better... you gotta watch those expiration dates before you hit the bottle

Sounds like you had such a wonderful trip to California!!! I just couldn't be happier for you!!!!!!!! I am originally from the desert of Ca. ~ 29Palms, Ca. ~ and so miss the warmth and sunshine there... makes you feel so alive, doesn't it. You don't know how much you miss seeing the sun till you have gone somewhere where it is sunny most everyday! You have made me homesick I am so glad you had a marvelous time... carry the feelings and memories with you Did you make it to your Curves?

Sounds like you have a good exercise plan... keep up the great work!! You will see results in no time

Have a wonderful weekend with your in-laws!!! Cannot wait to hear of all you did

I have my hubby home today though Monday I am so happy! I love it when he takes time off and we don't make any plans... just taking it a day at a time. I have allot I want to finish up in our gardens/yard for the beginning of summer. We bought an Arbor for our entrance way and I spent most the day on Sun. & Mon. planting in pots. Now that the yard is drying up we plan to work in the gardens... when I am done I will post a couple pics for you all to see, okay.

Because hubby is home I will miss a *Curve* day, but I am still getting in my walking everyday. Although, yesterday I didn't do anything... I nursed a migraine headache. It began on Monday evening, but the pain peaked yesterday - so I could do nothing... today I am much better. So I hope to go to Curves tomorrow morning. Can't today - too soon after the migraine, don't want it to come back I haven't had one of those in a long time!

The sunshine and blue skies are absolutely beautiful this morning... so off I go to have a cup of decaf coffee and go sit on the porch with the kitties and watch the birds The hubby is still sleeping

Later Gals!
Love to see you all doing so well!

*Have a SAFE & Fun weekend!*
*God Bless*
SunnyD <><

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Old 05-27-2004, 12:56 PM   #11  
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Thank you everyone for the congrats! Kerry I'm glad that I've inspired you, please keep your head up and it will happen. TOM is definitly a big issue for me...I try not to even weigh at all during that, just makes me more bummed than TOM does! I eat a lot then too, so I just don't put myself through the misery! I really envy you for getting a summer vacation. I miss that. I have a friend that is a teacher also, and I just wanna kick her! lol I've been doing lots of work in my yard as of late, you know those warm weather things that keep me too busy to go to Curves, and outside until dark so I eat late and make me want to cook, and all that jazz.....boy I love Summer!!! lol. We got the swing set all set up for my Kelsie over the weekend, and she had me out there at 7am Sunday morning, pushing her in the swing!! "Mommy we go outside, it no dark now?" She's so cute. I just love having something for her to do. The swing set is one made of wood with the "play house" on one end with a slide and the swings on the other end. My dad built it for my little brother about 13 years ago, and then when my parents moved 7 years ago, we moved it to my cousin's house for them to use. They've outgrown it and now we've moved it again for my girl! Talk about recyling! I couldn't believe how well it has held up after all these years. My dad is a master carpenter, so I guess it should be well built, but you never know. We put a little turtle shaped sand box under the house part of it and she just loves it. Hopefully we'll be getting our yard fenced soon and then she'll be all set! I'm so excited about having a "functional" back yard! I know that sounds silly, but it just seems like we'll use it so much more now. Well I guess I'll quit rattleing about myself!! I sure hope everybody has a wonderful and safe Holiday weekend. I'll be off tomorrow and headed to my parents in Southern Indiana to help get ready for my little brother's High School Graduation!!! I just can't believe he's graduating! I'm 11 years older than him and feel like I darn near raised him. I worry about him going off to college by himself. I did it but its not the same. What am I going to do when my own baby grows up? I wish I could just freeze her right now. I will try to put in some pictures next week so you can enjoy her with me!!! He're I am rattleing again, take care all!!!! Keep Curving!
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Old 05-28-2004, 08:46 AM   #12  
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Morning Ladies:
I made it! It is the last day with my students. Yeah!!! I can't wait to start my vacation of relaxation and doing things for myself. I have been good this week, I went to Curves 4 times so far. I hope to do this afternoon and tomorrow morning. I have also rode my excerise bike 10 miles and did my ab roller too. So I am not going to give in and let it drag me down.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Take care,
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Old 05-28-2004, 11:13 AM   #13  
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Lori- That is awesome that you now have the swing for your daughter, and it sounds like she is really excited to have her own swing. Once you get that fence you can safely have her in the backyard for hours. I best she thinks you are the best mommy ever for taking her out there at 7AM! I look forward to see those pictures.

Kerry - It sounds like you've been really busy with all the exercise and finishing up at school. Lucky you that you get summer vacation... I am soo jealous! Take that time to concentrate on you and relax like you said...you deserve it!
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Old 05-28-2004, 07:46 PM   #14  
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Hi everyone,
I made it! I am now on summer vacation. I started it off right by going to Curves and working out this afternoon. I feel so good this week. I feel better than I did last week. I set a mini goal of losing 20 or 30 pounds this summer. Currently I am at 212 1/4 pounds. I would like to start next school year around 180-190 pounds. If I just set my mind to it, I can achieve it.
So what is everyone's big plans for the holiday weekend? My hubby and I are going to enjoy spending time with his children and take it easy. No really big plans here.
Gotta go see if anyone wants to go for a walk with me. I will talk to you all later.
Have a safe and fun weekend.
Take care,
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Old 05-29-2004, 09:40 AM   #15  
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Morning Ladies:
Just came back a little bit ago from Curves. So I am pumped for the day. I put in 6 days of working out. So tomorrow I think I might take a break. Last night we took the kids to the bike path and walked half of it. This summer I would like to work my way up to walking all of it and around the lake that it goes to and back home.
Well I need to go and help the kids get ready for the day. We are off to the local library to sign them up for the summer reading program this morning. I think I might see if I can get them to walk down there.
Have a great day!
Take care,
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