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Old 12-10-2004, 01:44 AM   #76  
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Hi everyone

I had a busy day today. Back to work, pleased to see my work was kept up, thank goodness. School tonight - last class - next week is the final exam so I'll be spending a lot of time studying. I've really got to get moving.... I see my miles just sitting there day after day....

Hey MsRD - Can you see my life line over there? attached to the white life preserver ..... right beside you... on your left .... next to your grab it ... you've got it.... pull yourself up.... you can do it .... look Hikein is there to help too ..... we've got you now..... yes we're all there together Jaymi, Chaoticfish, Elisha, Gabwill et al. Tomorrow is a new day, fresh for new choices and renewal ..... "You got some plannin' to do, Lucy".

Hikein ... feel free to let off all that steam..... It's seems now like you feel that you over-reacted.... but did hubby get it? I have to laugh everytime I here about mojos. Mojos were little peppermint chewy type candies we used to get as kids (penny candy) But I know that's not what you mean.... who knows.... you might not even be old enough to remember them. YES, WE NEED OUR INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION BACK. I, for one, cannot seem to get off my A$$ and get some aerobic exercise in. I know it will make me feel better, physically and emotionally. But the habit has to be re-started re-kindled re-newed re-inforced re-conditioned re-cycled re-used (no) anyways.... you get what I mean (even if I am a little redundent. I need to be almost obsessed.....

So this is how things stacked up today .....
1. Stay OP: 27/28
2. Exercise: a great big
3. Water/Tea: only about 4/8 :halfful:
4. Touch Base: (good or bad) I probably connect too much given the length of my post
5. Journal: right after this
6. Become better organized :
7. Keep five pound goal in focus: Yes (except when I ate the chocolate covered biscotti)

Have a great OP day tomorrow. Hugs to {{{{everyone }}}}
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Old 12-10-2004, 09:20 AM   #77  
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Morning, chickies.....

Is everyone having the same kind of month I am??? Sheesh, this is crazy.

Just to catch you up- the only reason I can even sneak in here is because MoniCow is out sick this morning. Sneaking in a quickie before the day turns to poop.

We're at the year end crunch, trying to get everything done & closed before the end of the year. things are falling apart, loans are being denied for stupid reasons, everyone wants me to be the Miracle Worker, and it's getting real old, real fast.

Last Friday I had the interview, and I thought it went really well. I'm hoping to hear something from them, but I know there are still some loose ends. They are still trying to sign a lease for a building, so it's my opinion that they are not going to make an offer to anyone unless they can tell them where they will be working...right? SO, I just cross my fingers and wait....

Yesterday I had a meeting with my manager here, trying to find out about 2005. We fall short of the 100% paid production, and as of the most recent comp plan, the option to pay half is now gone. I talked to her in November about it, she swore it would still be in place. Funny...2 weeks later, she has a meeting to confirm that it really IS gone. Now, short of taking another pay cut, I don't see MoniCow paying 100% of my salary. And to top that all off, my bonus would go from 3% to 1%. So, 2 pay cuts at the same time, just to keep this job? Not worth it.

All kinds of stuff happening, and I'm trying to get everything in order. Classwork- need to finish 2 lessons this weekend, if at all possible....get that done, and then have nothing else hanging over my head in 2005.

I wanted to pop in & let you all know I'm thinking about you, even if I can't get in here at this point to really keep on top of things. I miss my chickie connection!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season!
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Old 12-10-2004, 12:52 PM   #78  
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Hello Everyone! Whew… I had a hard morning… I set my alarm clock for 30 minutes earlier hoping that I would get a early start.. (little 2 mile WATP, maybe) But that didn’t happen! Before I could even get up.. Which was like 6:25 my daughter woke up crying and It took her 30 minutes to get back to sleep.. Which I had then to wake her up again to take my son to school! She stayed sleep at first.. But when we got home it was pouring down raining and the rain drops woke her up. So it took me another hour to get her back to sleep.. Or so I think.. Because I fell asleep myself! I wanted to get some extra exercise in because I have been pigging out on cornbread. Although I used egg beaters and f/f milk to make it …. Still its not good! LOL So… anyways I did get in an hour today.. Along with 2 more slices of cornbread… so I need to exercise some more to burn off yesterdays and todays! LOL Yeah right! Good luck to me! LOL Hopefully on my daughters next nap! YAY! I know I can’t lose these 20 or so lbs in 3 weeks… but I want to lose some inches so I can at least fit into my favorite pair of jeans again! Or at least some of my clothes! Right now.. Nothing is fitting right! Boy.. It sounds like I’m complaining ain’t it?!? Just talking really!

I’m sooo not ready for Christmas!! I haven’t bought ONE THING!! NO MONEY!! BLAHHHHH!! LOL Who cares.. I’m just glad to get to see my family! I just want to hold on the everyone for ever!!!!

Chaotic fish- You have come so far! That ‘s AWESOME!!! Wow!! Keep up the good work!

Julie… we and dh got into it again… over something stupid last night also.. And also I ended up apologizing even though I thought I was due one! We sound like we had the same night except you got some yummy food.. And I ended up stuffing my face with cornbread for dinner! LOL

Hey Gabrielle!!! Long time no talk! LOL Hope your day goes great today!

Hi Squabb!! I like your goals… that looks like on of my posts from an earlier date! LOL Have a great day today!

So Jennifer… to quote… you…. {Don't see my food/ water/ exercise listed?? Ask me about it- keep me accountable!} So… how is it?!? LOL… when you have time to take a breath that is! LOL

Well I hope this was long.. enough!! I know I missed some of you. But the daughter is calling! Like always! I hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 12-10-2004, 10:18 PM   #79  
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Evening chicks!

I know I haven't been around much this week, at least I haven't been posting much. I have been doing a bit of lurking though, and I have certainly been reading.

I have NOT, however, been dieting or exercising at all. I haven't even stepped on the scale in a few days, which is actually sort of major for me (me being the completely-obsessed-with-the-scale person that I am). I haven't been logging anything. I haven't really been doing anything good for myself. I haven't even been studying. Ugh. And I have to take that stinking BEAST of a test on Wednesday. I'm never going to get into grad school. They're going to see my scores and laugh out loud and say "What the **** is she thinking?"

Oh yeah, I forget who asked, but I'm not in grad school yet. Planning to go next fall (we'll see how that turns out) for English Generalist with a concentration in composition/rhetoric. Doesn't that sound like fun? Yeah, with my grammar and typing here you'd never know that I'm trained as an editor and eventually want to teach people the rules of good writing!

Ooooh... I'm going to the NSV thread after I finish typing this post. If you want to know why, you'll have to check it out! *snicker snicker*

I will say that even though I have not been getting in any formal exercise, I've been getting in plenty of steps. Today I've gone 14779 (6.98 miles), and I took off the pedometer when I got home. My feet are tired. I'm trying to meet my goal of 10,000 steps per day, which I almost always manage at work (hey, what can I say, it's December and I work retail), but if I don't I'll march in place for a while until I get there.

Egads... it just hit me how tired I am, so I'm off to post my NSV, then it's beddy-bye for me! (See what I mean about being tired? Now I'm rhyming! *rolls her eyes* )

Night chicks!
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Old 12-10-2004, 10:28 PM   #80  
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Default Looking for Elisha!!!

LOL! We must be posting at the same time! I checked the NSV's and there wasnt anything there!

Girls night out tonight! Iwas bad, bad, bad!!! My girlfriends drove me my own "no one would know"!!! LOL! It's nice to be loved! I drank almost a whole bottle of wine by myself...ohhhhh! It Was so good...Reisling! Yummy! And had some kind of crab/spinach dip that was yummy...with chips! But that's all I had...oh, and a coffee & Kahluah! My GF said on the way home she could smell the alcohol! Oops!

Other than that, food was awful today! Exercise was zilch!

I am going to try to get back on the bandwagon tomorrow and do something...maybe WATP,,,haven't done that in a while! We have a virus on our computer, so hopefully this will go therough!

Even my typing is bad!

Talk to you chickies in the morning! Hugs!
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Old 12-11-2004, 01:51 AM   #81  
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Well poop... I had a very long post and had an internal error and lost it all .... I had such inspirational tidbits to share but.... This is all you get this time....

1. Stay OP: Had office lunch party today. I had planned what I was going to do with DH this morning but when it came down to it I made bad choices - reverted back to old patterns. BTW the gag gift I wrapped up -- men's underwear with holes in the "cheeks" was a hit - I managed to convince the only male in our office to choose the gift for him - must say he was a good sport. I was the only one who actually brought a gag gift - but it was worth it to see how they "cracked up".
2. Exercise: a great big
3. Water/Tea: only about 4/8 :halfful:
4. Touch Base: twice actually
5. Journal: as we speak... or sooner
6. Become better organized : did morning and evening routines
7. Keep five pound goal in focus: reverted to old patterns
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Old 12-11-2004, 12:13 PM   #82  
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Hey all! I finally have some totally awesome news!

So I've been doing this temp position where my hubby works and getting paid way more than I think the job deserves (since all I do is click all day...), and it's cool 'cause I'm making almost $1000 per week before taxes, which is RAD! So they've been including me more and more in their projects and things like this, and asking me to kind of lead the other temps (there's 13 of them now) and just be helpful and whatnot.

And then Thursday, my boss asked me into her office and asked if I wanted a full-time position, and to name a salary!! AAAH!! So I accepted yesterday and they gave me WAY more than I was expecting for a salary, which is freaking AWESOME. We have a pretty high cost of living around here, so if I said what that salary was, some of you would probably kick me, but it's actually not that much around here. It'd be hard for me to exist on that salary if I lived alone. But with my hubby working there and making about $18k more than I am at the moment, we're FINALLY BACK ON OUR FEEEEET!!!!!!!!! YEAAAH!!

So I'm happy as can be. We went out for mexican last night to celebrate, and my big no-no was a strawberry margarita, but who cares? I've been really good lately and that is NOT something to feel bad about!

So weight is staying the same. Foot hurts like **** most of the time. I'm going to make an appt with my doctor to follow up on the foot and make him send me to a specialist or something, 'cause I want to work out again.

Other than that, tonight is our office xmas party, being held at our boss' place. I hear she's actually hired waiters and a cleanup crew. OH MY GOD. She lives on Mercer Island. If you know the Seattle area... YEAH. Do I need to plan on tipping a valet, too?? (Ritzy, overpriced, gigantic houses and VERY rich residents).

Need to do a little cooking, as it's potluck style, and find something to wear!

Hope you're all doing well and keep up the good work, chickies!
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Old 12-11-2004, 01:56 PM   #83  
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Hello Everyone! I hope all is well! I have exercised for 45 minutes today.. and my calories are already up to 798. I still got hours and hours to go. Lucy... that's awesome about your job! Congrats!! Sorry about your foot! That sucks. Well anyways I better go now... sorry its so short!
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Old 12-11-2004, 11:00 PM   #84  
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Hello All!

Today is WI day.....and the scale didn't move. I guess I am kinda glad about that what with the lack of exercise and overeating of could have been so much worse!

ChaoticFish.....90-oz of water! That is incredible! And your program is working, as proved in the pounds coming off! You know what you have to do......

Julie.....thanks for the lifeline. Sometimes I think life is just dragging me along.....and my chickies come to rescue me and get me back on track! As for you and DH.....go ahead and vent helps to put things into perspective!

Gabwill......It is easy to get sidetracked when our family needs us. Take care of what is important, get everything in order, and then you can concentrate on you again.

Squabb......thanks for the lifeline! I know how easy it is to slide back into poor eating habits....but you have to remember, it is just one meal.....and get back OP ASAP!

Jenn.....I hear you with the 'crazy month'. Seems like I have been pulled in 3 different directions for the past 2 weeks.......I had planned Monday & Tuesday as vacation days (Christmas shopping, baking, cards, etc etc), but things just aren't coming together like they should at work, so looks like I will have to work after all. That just puts more pressure on me because now the holiday stuff isn't getting done.....good grief, the 'everyday' stuff isn't getting done either! The schedule shows next week as relatively calm.....maybe we will see progress after all!

Lucy.....congrats on the new job! You must be so excited! I think you are right in requesting a specialist for your foot....this has gone on way too long.

I babysat DGS til 2:30pm today.....then had planned on shopping , but ended up running errands for everyone else! I am up to my forward flange in laundry, my house looks like it has been bombed, and there are still Halloween pumpkins decorating the fireplace mantel. I think I will just give up and go to bed.....and trust that tomorrow will be a better day.
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Old 12-11-2004, 11:19 PM   #85  
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hey guys,
I'm back I've been sick for the last week or so... I noticed I have a lot of catching up to do so i'm gonna get reading..
starting over on my goals... didn't do food journaling or anything the last week...
take care chickies,
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Old 12-12-2004, 02:20 AM   #86  
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Lucy - congratulations on the new job. Don't seem so surprised... I'm sure that THEY can see your true value.

Way to go Jaymi - 45 minutes of exercise... keeping on track - good for you

MsRD - A repreive.... I know all about that..... way to go on staying the same.... at this time of year that can be a bonus. We can only do the best we can at this time of year. I have my DGS#2 this weekend. He's 7 and he helped me with yard clean up and selling Christmas trees. We decided to take him swimming to the pool this evening and I was able to get a little extra exercise that way. I had to "play" with him as we took no other kids. They have a giant indoor waterslide - needless to say three flights of stairs to the top....

Scorchin' - kinda wondered what happened to you.... you were so gung-ho. I sure hope you are feeling better and get yourself back on track. I want to hear your reports on your walking....

1. Stay OP: a couple of bites of pork rind I stayed OP today (mostly) Haven't added it up yet but I think I'm okay.
2. Exercise: heavy duty yard work and playing at the pool
3. Water/Tea:
4. Touch Base:
5. Journal:
6. Become better organized : did routines & a planned task
7. Keep five pound goal in focus:

Hope everyone else is doing well... I'm sending my good vibes :
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Old 12-12-2004, 08:34 AM   #87  
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Hello everyone! ..... Where is everyone?!? I want to see more people checkin in for this challenge.. whether you got good or bad to report!! So any of you cruisers and readers.... POST SOMETHING!!! Jenn takes time out enough to make up these challenges and the least we can do is participate and show that we appreciate her right?!?!? (this coming from someone who has been away for a month or two!! ) But.. at least I didnt log onto here at all or even turn on my computer for most days!! What do the rest of you think?!?

Joy..... I wish I could show you some of my old posts... yours and mine are sooo similar...especially the part when you list your goals!!

Heather... I haven't talked to you in months!!! How've you been?!?!? Are you still doing the slim in 6?

Well my day has just started.... a website I belong to has started a Biggest Loser challenge.... and even though I wasn't sure.... I joined in. I just don't want to fail myself again... but I guess that this will help keep me on track! Talk to you all soon... time to exercise~~
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Old 12-12-2004, 01:21 PM   #88  
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I agree Jaymi, we need to "step up to the challenge" part of this
"Chicks up for a Challenge Thread".

The line is now drawn in the sand... I will lose 4 pounds by Christmas - what will YOU (the collective you) commit to?

Well I'm off to sell Christmas Trees.

Talk to you all later

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Old 12-12-2004, 08:03 PM   #89  
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hey guys,
Everyone sounds like they are doing wonderful...
Jaymi- it has been months i am still doing slim in 6 but only once a week. Great job on the 45mins
squabb- selling christmas trees I have never met anyone who has done that sounds interesting. ur goals sound wonderful
Today me and dh went to mall didn't stay to long only for 30-40 minutes but didn't get a little bit of walking in planing on doing 15-20 mins of treadmill tonight. my water has been great have had 3 glasses already today! I have only eatten 10pnts so far.
School is tomorrow so, I'm hoping I can stay on point range, NO, I gonna make sure I stay on point range.....
Well time to eat roast and carrots yummy
talk to u ladies later,
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Old 12-12-2004, 10:53 PM   #90  
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well I haven't done anything since the beginning of the week. Everything is getting back to normal around the house though and after wednesday (I hope) my husband will be able to drive again so it can be more normal. I am getting up early in the morning in order to do a 3 mile run. I need to do at the very least that. What else I do during the day will be seen tomorrow. I will make out a schedule that I can commit to for the rest of the month though so that I can make my next 4-5 lbs (tomorrow is weigh in so am not sure exactly what this past week did for me) gone this month. Also trying to get my daughter on more of a schedule so will try that out for a while too. It should work and if my husband gets more of a normal work schedule, it will become much easier. I am going to step it up to the best of my ability for the rest of the month though. I know what needs to be done but just need to swallow my pride and get off my butt and do them. If I get back to them then it will be easier for me to get down to where I want to be. And since my husband and I have made a deal to eat healthier, it should work out well. Anyway, that is all the time I have for now. I will write in the morning after my run to let you all know what I have done. I will also try to comment on everyone then too.
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