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Old 05-31-2009, 02:38 AM   #166  
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Hello ladies!

Well, it's 2:16 am and here I am, wide awake and coughing and blowing my nose and coughing...ugh! When is this cold going to end? It's driving me crazy! It's so weird--the whole underside of my jaw and my neck hurt when I swallow--I mean, it's a sore throat too, but it's like my glands hurt more so. I dunno, all I know is, Motrin seems to help but nothing is helping the drainage and couging issue at night. Honestly, I have too much to do to be sick, ya know?

Anyway, I guess now's as good a time as any to catch up on personals huh?

Musiclover ~ Congrats girllie!!! You did it! Just keep up the great work and maintaining should be a breeze!

Jacqui ~ thanks for the congrats! I have a feeling that I'll see an increase today when I wake up, but just seeing that 172.4 makes me that much more focused on getting this weight off, so I'm good. Man, I wish you had an easier time of remembering to eat! I know what you're going through though. There was a point when it would be lunchtime and I still hadn't eaten breakfast! Plus I get so busy taking care of this and that and put off my needs that it's easy to push back meals while doing so. Hang in there, just like any lifestyle change, sometimes it just takes time to get yourself into the habit of doing something new, kwim?

FSA ~ I love plant shopping! That's what we did yesterday too. We ended up not going to the Farmer's Market--my fil came over so hubby could put a trailer hitch on his truck. It wasn't a big deal though, because after he left we went to a nursery that was chock full of cool stuff--although insanely pricey--but it was fun to walk around and see all the pretty plants. Hope you got some gardening in! We have so many green thumbs in this group, I wish I could see everyone's gardens!

Delphi ~ Hope you got your snack in yesterday girlie! Amazing that we can run off so little isn't it? Especially with all that you burned yesterday. I'm the same way with the heat, more so if I'm out walking around in it. Hmm, maybe that's why I gain every Winter?

Well ladies, I had a great day yesterday--lots of plant oogling and buying--we even bought 2 Redbud trees for $20/ea!!! I can't wait to get them into the ground and I'm even more excited to see them bloom next year! Next on my want list is a Flowering Dogwood! My ils are coming over tonight for yet another BBQ. My fil loves to have cookouts on the weekends, heck, anytime actually. He's bringing stead and hubby is beyond thrilled. I think if he has to eat one more piece of chicken he might freak out! I'm pretty sick of chicken as well and am looking forward to the change. Now, the key will be sticking with a small portion vs. harfin' down a huge 'ol steak!! Mmmm, steak is so goooood!

Can you believe we're on the last day of our challenge? Amazing! Just one more cardio workout and I will have made my goal! I sure hope I feel at least a little better when I wake up, but however I feel, I will get that workout in!!!

My weekly report is due again today to my friend so I'll check back later to report any loss in inches. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Okay, well, I think I need to take some Motrin and try to get some more sleep. I hope everyone is having a great night's sleep and that you wake up refreshed and ready for a fantastic day!!!

Goodnight all!
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Old 05-31-2009, 06:21 AM   #167  
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Originally Posted by Jacqui_D View Post
Joci, I'm sorry to hear you still aren't getting notifications. But I'm glad to see you got your name back! And yes, you support us just as much as we support you, so we are so happy you are here with us!!
newJacque is officially gone and now I am getting notifications with my mac account...that's a good thing, although I would rather get them through my verizon account...oh least I am getting them. It's so good to be back to the old me!!!

Originally Posted by FullSteamAhead View Post
Jacqueeee, ty for explaining it to me girl. Have a super weekend with mom and sophie.
So far it has been great being with them. Last night she went out with friends, 2 of my 3 kids were working and the youngest (almost 16) was having a friend over. So I was able to be with my BF...we went to his sister's house for a cookout....I ate good...only ate 1 torilla chip...the rest was healthy and I didn't even clean my plate!! Anyhow, had a few drinks and then my 2 oldest were home from work, so they called me and wanted me to come problem, but they wanted a few problem. So came home and we had a small party here. It was fun!!! I can't believe I am awake now...wish I could have slept longer!!!

So sorry you aren't feeling well!!! Sending get better quick wishes to you!!!!

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Sunday!!!
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Old 05-31-2009, 07:44 AM   #168  
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Gooooooood Morning Ladies

Jacque ~ Sounds like you are having a great time. You definitely deserve it!! One tortilla chip..ha! Take that chip companies, who says you can't just eat one?

~ Whew and I thought I got up early Sounds like you guys had a good time yesterday. Good luck with the inches and I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Dang cold. I'm sending you a "coldgetawayer", perhaps that will help?

Jacqui ~ You're right! Well, perhaps you can figure something out. My grandfather is a diabetic and he has this nifty watch that plays the "hey" song everytime he is suppose to check his sugar. So I guess we need to find a good reminder for you as well.

FSA ~ Yeah, I guess the only benefit, other than the obvious of having parents go their separate ways, is the kids get two of everything. Two Christmas's, Two birthday parties etc. My oldest is on opposite weekends then the other three, so when the three are gone I have my oldest and then vice versa. I kind of set it up like that, so I would never be here all by my lonesome. It works out though, my oldest likes having momma all to his self. Wow that trip sounded HOT! Whew, I can definitely see how that would have been good for weight loss.

Today is the last day and this lady will spend such a day on a bank doing some fishing. We are up and at it already this morning and getting things ready. My "friend" found an eliptical he likes, so now I'm getting excited about that. I actually just wanted him to take a look at the ones at Walmart, because of few of them were in my price range, when I get my little bonus at Christmas, and he said none of the ones at WalMart reveiwed well, blah blah blah, that I needed to get one that was triple my price range. Urg..I'm at my wits end with him. I know that sounds petty, but he knows how tough I have it and what I go through with Canaan daily, so it's either he feels pity for me (which just urks me to know end) or well, I don't have an "or" right now. I don't know, it feels like charity to me. Am I wrong to feel that way? He said he would make up the difference of the eliptical, but I am almost inclined to finally tell him no, but then again, I'm a poor struggling mother of four...sighs! I don't know! I guess it's just hard for me, to think that people are "this" nice for no reason. People usually have motives for their actions and for the life of me I can't figure his out. I asked him once, why he did everything he has for me and if he does this stuff for other friends, he simply replied, my other friends aren't you. WTF? Urg, quite frustrating, I'm soooooooooo confused. Sorry about the rant ladies, but I'm just confused and I don't like being confused. I may be over thinking, as I tend to do that. I over anaylize everthing.

Oh well, I have to get off this PC and get my butt moving. Still have to get ready and get to the grocery store and get some goodies. Can I put my apples in the ice in the cooler? I hope so! At any rate, you ladies have an EXCELLENT day! I'll check back in later. Oh and don't forget those smiles.
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Old 05-31-2009, 08:58 AM   #169  
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Originally Posted by Delphi View Post
Gooooooood Morning Ladies

Jacque ~ Sounds like you are having a great time. You definitely deserve it!! One tortilla chip..ha! Take that chip companies, who says you can't just eat one?
You are too funny!!! Have fun fishing today!!!
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Old 05-31-2009, 09:22 AM   #170  
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Good morning ladies and Happy Last Day of the May Weight Loss Challenge!!! I can't wait to see all of those red "Met Goal!" after everyone's names!!!

Jacque~ ooh, you are a strong girl! I can't eat just one chip! That's why, when I am in the presence of chips--I shun them! I pretend they don't exist! If I give them even a second of my time--they whisper sweet nothings in my ear and woo me. So, I just live in my happy little denial place and pretend they don't exist. Sounds like you had a lot of fun last night! Sorry you didn't get more sleep!

Delphi~ oh fishing sounds FUN! We used to live in a rental that had a pond in the subdivision--right behind our house. It was so fun to just walk out the back door and plunk our lines in. Where we live now, only the people who live on the pond can fish there--boo! I hope you catch lots and have fun! As far as your friend goes...I tend to think like you. I'm a realist. I have a hard time believing that someone who is overly generous and giving is only doing it to be nice, kwim? However, I have had overly generous people do thing nice things for me with no other intention than to be nice. For instance when I worked retail back in my 20's and I was broke as all get out with no running car, a customer gave me a car--actually, he was never really a customer, he did deliveries in the Mall where I worked and came through our store a few times a week. It was a gianormous Chevy station wagon that I still giggle about today when I think of, but it was a CAR! I was floored! He met me at the store and I told him I couldn't possibly take it and he said, "my buddy gave it to me, I don't need it, I talked to my wife and told her about you and how your car got towed away (my old roommate had it towed after I moved--he was a Grade A Jerk!) and we decided that if you want it, you can have it.". I tell this story because although I'm a realist and a skeptic, there are still some genuinely good people out there who do do nice things out of the kindness of their hearts. I say, so long as the relationship doesn't become something tense or weird or uncomfortable or demanding...let him do it. Let yourself be treated kindly.

Well, I managed to go back to sleep until around 6:30'ish and then I got up and got my workout in. It's Official--an entire month of cardio workouts! Yeehaw! I seriously could NOT have done it without all of you girls!

I weighed in as well and my final weigh in for May is....172.8! I'm suprised that it stayed in the 172'ish range really, I was feeling all icky and bloated yesterday.

I lost some more inches as well--4" since last week, mostly in my upper body. I looked back and since May 3rd (I take measurements every Sunday, so that's why it's not May 1st ) I have lost a total of 14.75"!!!! I am so, so glad I decided to take my measurements!

Okay girls I really gotta go, but I'll be back later to post my Official June Goals on the June threads and to check on you all. Have a wonderful last day of May and smile and drink your water and be good to yourselves!
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Old 05-31-2009, 09:59 AM   #171  
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Default May Weight Loss Challenge List of Paticipants


FullSteamAhead: Lose 8-10 lbs
Jacqui_D: Lose 10 lbs to reach 187 lbs
SuzyQ: Lose 5-10 lbs; get "rear in gear"
CakeBatter: Wear any size 10; lose 7 lbs; keep working Flylady plan
Tammyjo: Lose 10 lbs
Jacque9999: Lose 1.5 - 2 lbs a week--MET GOAL!!
Shrinkingleah: Lose 7 pounds by June 1st
Rowenna: Reach 105 lbs; feel great about self!
Hattie: Lose at least 5 lbs; reach at least 192 lbs; keep eating OP
BellaEllaEllAaa: Eat more fruits and veggies; drink 8 or more glasses of water throughout the day; stay positive, be supportive, and ask for support when needed
Mikayla: Lose 10lbs
Getlost: Strive to lose 3 lbs/week and not less than 8-10 lbs/month
Brown_Eyed_Staccie: By May 15th, reach 216 lbs; by May 31st, reach 210 lbs; be able to wear jeans done up and looking HOT
Lene1974: Lose 10 lbs; drink 64 oz of water a day--MET GOAL!!
Neesy_20: Lose 10 lbs; be able to wear goal capris
SupaChix: Breawna: Lose 10 lbs Jodi: Lose 8 lbs
Econ_Nerd: Lose 10 or more lbs to reach 237.6 lbs or below
Wifey: Lose 8 lbs
StarryNights110: Lose 8-10 lbs to reach the 170s: stay within calorie limit; no sugar
Ms_Perception: Reach 165 lbs; eat more fruits and veggies (5/day)
Saramommy: Lose 8 lbs to reach 155 lbs--MET GOAL!!
Fressca: Lose 7 lbs to reach 155 lbs
Michelle0630: Lose 5 lbs
Musiclover: Lose 6.5 lbs to reach 147 lbs--MET GOAL!!
Newshinyme: Lose 1-2 lbs a week to break through the 30 lb loss mark
Lewisempire: Lose 5 lbs to reach 195 lbs
JasonsLea: Stay POP 85% of the month (26 out of 31 days); try to incorporate the Abs Power Diet into my eating plan; lose 10 lbs
Westtexaschick: Reach 140-138 lbs
Smallification: Lose 6 lbs to reach "normal weight" BMI--MET GOAL!!
Skinnygurlinside: Lose 10 lbs
Mcrunner: Lose 5 lbs; eat more fruits and veggies; get back to using FitDay regularly
MrsHomeStretch: Lose 19.5 lbs; burn 40,300 calories this month; eat 1300 calories or less a day
Delphi: Lose 3 lbs--MET GOAL!!; lose 3 more lbs--MET GOAL!!; lose another 3 lbs--MET GOAL!!; stay within daily calorie intake allowance
Canadianangel: Lose 16 lbs
Crazymamaof4: Lose 10 lbs to reach 176 lbs--MET GOAL!!; lose inches--MET GOAL!!; get out of "obese" BMI category--MET GOAL!!; eat more fruits and veggies--MET GOAL!!
Scaleskl: Lose 8 lbs; drink at least 64 oz of water per day
Fenderella: Reach 299 lbs
Terapet: Lose 3 lbs
E.mccoy: Lose 10 lbs to reach 202 lbs; no late night snacking
FABlynne: Lose 10 lbs
Urockmom: Lose vacation weight; lose 3 additional lbs
Wantstoloseweight: Lose 10-12 lbs
CheeCheen: Lose 10 lbs
Dvdrumls: Lose 10 kg

Last edited by Jacqui_D; 05-31-2009 at 06:56 PM.
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Old 05-31-2009, 10:55 AM   #172  
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CONGRATS JACQUE9999!!!! for meeting both your EXERCISE AND WEIGHT LOSS goals!!!!

CMof4, oh my, girlie, I don't like the sound of your swollen glands, especially after all these days. If you don't see a real improvement soon, you may need to call for a dr's appt. And remember, absolutely go if you get a fever! CONGRATS on getting your cardio in and meeting goal!!! And CONGRATS on the weight loss and inches!!! GREAT job!!!

Thanks, FSA! I can't wait to change your exercise goal to red today! You know, I hadn't thought about it before, but look at all the extra exercise that you, Ms_P, CMof4, and Lewis do in gardening! Y'all have to be burning lots of extra calories! So good job!!!

Delphi, okay, I think I have it, and I'm excited about it!! This is what I have come up with: I will eat breakfast within 30 min of waking up; I will eat at least 4 out of 6 times a day, not missing more than 1 full meal a day; and I will not miss eating any 2 times consecutively. I think if I can remember to eat breakfast on time, it will help to keep me on track for the rest of the day. Also, if I eat at least 4 times a day, missing no more than 1 meal, that should give me enough calories for the day. Finally, if I don't miss any 2 times consecutively, I'll be safeguarding against a hypoglycemic reaction because of going too long without eating. But I also have a little leeway, because if I miss a meal like lunch (which I'm prone to do) and a snack (like the last one of the evening), I won't feel like I have to beat myself up about it! Plus, I will now have a goal set in the back of my mind, so maybe, just maybe, I'll subconsciously move eating up the priority list so that I'll remember to eat! Now, what is your goal going to be, because I know you have trouble with this too, and reactive hypoglycemia as well!! I'm going now to the June thread to add mine to the list!

I have lost another 1 lb today!! That makes two months in a row that I have lost 9 lbs when my goal was 10 lbs, and I lost the last lb on the last day, lol! But hey, I am just glad to have another lb gone! Now I just have to work a little harder to get that 1 more lb squeezed in!
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Old 05-31-2009, 06:15 PM   #173  
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Last day of May!!! My official weigh-in is Friday so as of Friday the 29th I lost 8lbs this month. Not my official 10lb goal for May but still pretty excited! I did get all my water in all month long so that was at least part of my goal completed. I did meet my exercise goal. I wasn't great about posting on the exercise thread but I journaled the whole month (which is a first) and I met my minutes goal.

I worked 20 hours the last 2 days so I am tuckered out. So here is a quick check-in.

Cmo4~ Wow! You did so great this month! Congratulations on the 172 and loss of inches!!!!!!

Jaqui~9lb loss for the month is awesome!!! Great job!!! Glad to see you have a game plan. If this forgetting to eat continues then the girls and I are going to start calling you at meal and snack times. If Delphi and I call to remind you to eat breakfast it will be at like 4AM and you don't want that.

Delphi~ You kicked butt this month!! You are so motivating, it isn't even funny. About the elliptical>>>don't over think it. If you see exercise as something you are truly committed to then go for the good ellip. and let him help. He wouldn't offer if he didn't want to do it for you. Just my 2cents. Hope you enjoyed fishing today!!

musiclover~Congratulations on meeting your goal!!!!

Lea~ What an effort to get to the gym! I am so proud of your determination.

Jacque~ I saw you met your goal of 1.5-2lbs a week this month, congratulations!!!

FSA~ I'm excited to hear what your game plan will be for next month!! I hope you enjoyed your Sunday!!
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Old 05-31-2009, 06:36 PM   #174  
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Jacqui ~ That's great!!!! on that pound and for MAKING THAT NEW GOAL. So for me, I will eat at least 1200 -1400 every day for the month of June. How's that? I'm so proud of you for setting a goal. Just get ready for my constant reminders. I want to see you meet THIS GOAL!

Lene ~ Thanks Lene! Hey, you did awesome this month. You lost those 8lbs, drank all your water and managed to kick butt with exercise and made that is impressive. You have done such an amazing job and are just as inspiring and motivating.

crazymomma ~ Thanks for the advice. From you and Lene! I really appreciate it. And WOW at those inches you lost. You have definitely worked very hard towards your goals, you should be very proud of yourself, because I know I definitely am.

As for me, Cam and I set out early this morning and come home around three, then decided we would walk all the way to the park to play some basketball and walked all the way back. I'm officially sunburned! Regardless, we had a great time and I caught me a tiny fish and a poor turtle. Twas a good day all around. You ladies have a great evening and I'm sooo pumped for June to start. See you guys in the June challenge threads!
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Old 05-31-2009, 06:52 PM   #175  
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Hi girlsssssssssssssss, happy last day or our month. We did it, another month together!

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! aw chickies! jacqueeeeee congrats on having met goal girl! Jacqui, 9 lbs!!!!!!! that is awesome! amazing! congrats Lene, hey you 8 lbs. woweeeeeeeee, you rocked it chicky! Delphi, crazymama, and so many more of you ( I hate to leave names out and I know there are many of you) congratulations on an awesome month, goals met and just an awesome month all around So many of you had wonderful losses and progress and ALL made progress so here is a big cheer to you all girls :chee r3: A cheer for all lossess and for making changes in general and just sticking with it! What a super month we had togetherand I look forward to our new month. There are too many names to mention to do justice, You all rock! Congratulations ladies! Supachix, breawna, Mrs. P, hattie, Lewis, cake and so so many more of all of you really...congrats on your successes in more ways than one and we hope to continue our journey together.

Okay my chickies, I was going to WI on the wii tomorrow but went on the kitchen scale today! bliax, lol No more loss ....I did meet my exerice goals though. I have been meeting my ex. goals for many months and I am proud but I need to do better with my food intake chickies so here is to our new month. As for my plan, welllllll, I have been doing too much of the same foods and plans for quite some time now and need some sort of shake down......I want to change it completely around for a bit right now. What do you think? I think I need it right now . ANy suggestions would be welcome all I know is I need to switch things up a bit. I also need to watch my weekends because thats where I get into trouble. I did a lot of thinking the past few days and assessed my month (where I did well, didn't do well, where i could improve, etc) and am ready to target june with you all. I love ya kids . I feel good and I feel happy......not just for exercising and eating healthy but because I feel fortuante to have you all here and it makes it such a fun and nice journey! You keep on s haking it chickies, your doing wonderfullllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-31-2009, 07:22 PM   #176  
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Congrats FSA and Lene on meeting your exercise goals!! And CONGRATS on the 8 lbs, Lene!!!

Delphi, I'm heading over to the June thread now to type your new goal in! Good job!

Thank you, ladies, for the congrats on my 9 lbs! It's not goal, but I am thrilled with it all the same!!

I am so proud of ALL of you for the wonderful achievements you each accomplished this month, whether or not you made goal!! Whenever we can just keep up the good fight for our health and happiness, we are winners!!

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Old 05-31-2009, 08:09 PM   #177  
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Hi girls- thanks for the get well wishes and the birthday wishes too
I have had a really rough time of it lately. I am battling depression and I just don't know how to come out of it. It all stems from my husband's unemployment and worry about what is going to happen when the funds run out on June 26th for that. Also some other things that have been from that that has caused our "intimate" relationship to go down the tubes. I feel really alone and sad and I cry all the time. My heart just hurts My life feels like it is going nowhere.
So I am sorry that i haven't been as supportive as I would like to be here. I would like to ask how you girls manage to keep up with the personal responses and all. I feel like I am letting you all down because I feel like i don't know the trick in keeping up. So if you have any tips on how to do that I would appreciate it.

So anyhow, Breawna and I are definatly IN for the June challenge. As soon as she gets back from town I will talk to her about her June goal and will go and post on the June Challenge post.

For the Month of May our official numbers are:
Jodi - lose of 2 lbs ()
Breawna- 8 lbs

I think after doing the first month, this will help us to set goals we can obtain.

Now I am going to go take a bike ride before it gets dark.
Take care girls!
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Old 05-31-2009, 08:27 PM   #178  
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Supachix ~ Ah honey and just cause here's another I wish there was something I could say or do that would snap you out of it, but unfortunately, you are the only one who can. However, I can share this. When my son was born, he spent his first week in ICU on life support, after that it was three more weeks of "he's almost gone" to " he's stable" and then one day we actually got to come home. Only after I sat down to a table of 12 doctors that more or less told me that in his condition, I was looking at a very tough road ahead of me and Canaan probably wouldn't live to see his fourth birthday. I was floored, confused and I fell into a huge depression. The ex and I were not getting along. He was physically and emotionally abusive and blamed Canaan's condition on me, but I told myself I couldn't take care of a child like Canaan on my own, so I stayed and the depression deepened. I found myself crying all the time and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't cry myself to sleep. Then one day after a very harsh doctors visit with my son, I sat in my car and just cried ( the doctor...a PROFESSIONAL, called my child a ******) I was mortified, but I think the reality of it all came crashing down on me that day. Then something happened, I looked at my son and I told him that no matter what trials we had to endure, we would do them together and I would be healthy enough, mentally, to be able to do that. About a month later, I kicked my ex to the curb and I've been happy go lucky ever since.

My point, is that things will happen in our lives that throw us off the beaten path but you have to learn how to adapt then evolve to those trials and tribulations; at the same time remembering, no matter how bad things are....they could always be so much worse. I had to teach myself to focus on the good things in my life. Seeing my children smile, watching a sunset, hearing my child say I love you. Because at the end of the day, you never know what tomorrow might bring. I didn't want to live another day depressed. I wanted to live every day as if tomorrow wouldn't come, but more importantly, I didn't want to miss out on life.

You have to find your happiness. It is imperative to living a healthy life. When you find it, focus on that instead of the negative stimuli influencing your life right now. Know that things seem diar and bad stuff will happen, but don't let circumstance dictate the way you feel inside. It's difficult but it can be done dear.

Now regarding personals. My excuse is that I just have a lot of time on my hands. Honey, you don't need to do personals. You just post and if you need us, we will be here. To give support, encouragement and an ample supply of 's. You are not alone.

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Old 05-31-2009, 08:42 PM   #179  
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Delphi- thank you so much for your response. I keep telling myself that it could be worse, I guess I have been spending too much time formulating in my mind what worse can be, and it's overtaking my present. I need to STOP this right now. The Bible says that we shouldn't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough worry for itself. I need to focus on that and just let today be today. I KNOW this stuff, I just need to keep telling myself so I can actually do it.
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Old 05-31-2009, 08:52 PM   #180  
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Supachix ~ Exactly! One day at a time. After I taught myself how to do that, I have yet to slip back into a depression again. And to be honest I'm probably overly happy all the time now days. I can't really give you any advice on the hubby as my track record with men is atrocious. But I'm sure, with his situation, he is struggling, as you are. You both need each other in this hard time and if that means YOU have to be the stronger one, then perhaps that is way to go. It's difficult, especially feeling the way you do, at this moment, but your strength will not only carry you through, it will carry those around you through, which may be exactly what he needs. Think of your mentality as a huge muscle. In order for you to strenthen it, you must train it, feed it and nurture it in a postive light. Please know that if you EVER need to get anything off your chest you can do it here or via email, pm or anything. It's nice knowing, that when you need someone, even in your darkest of moments, that there is someone there to listen. Just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE sweetie.
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