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Old 11-06-2010, 10:11 PM   #166  
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Default Hello from Mee

Screen Name:Mee Mee

Age/Age Range:50

Family Life:Single, 2 grown children

Occupationeam Leader of a home for developmental disabilities

Hobbies and Interests:reading, music

Favorite Music:Breaking Benjamin, MCR, 3 Days Grace, Shinedown

Favorite Color(s):none really

Favorite Exercise/Workouts:none yet

What are your fitness/health goals? Lose 100 lbs & to quit smoking

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? There's no place to go but up.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Accountability

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I have too many to mention.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? :Love this! Evil boss

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a great dress for my daughters wedding
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Old 11-07-2010, 12:08 PM   #167  
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Lewisville, TX
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Screen Name: TxBrittany

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life: Single, live with the cutest puppy ever, close with my family and friends

Occupation: elementary special education teachers

Hobbies and Interests: live music, books, pool/lake, spending time with my friends and family

Favorite Music: I like most everything, into a good mix of old and new.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I like spin class, and things I can do outdoors.

What are your fitness/health goals? To be comfortable in my clothes, feel strong and slim.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I've lost weight before, and have slowly put it back on. I recently saw a picture of myself that made me think, "oooook, time to take it off for good!"

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Food! I enjoy working out and make it to the gym on a pretty consistent basis, but I need to get better about my eating habits.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Portion control, will power, making better food choices

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?: My mom! She is over 20 years older than me and looks AWESOME!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A super cute short dress for a night out on the town.
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Old 11-09-2010, 01:09 PM   #168  
300lbs in avatar
CaliforniaDreamer's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Screen Name: Honeybee123

Age/Age Range: 18

Family Life: Single, 1 small yorkie (Giselle ) I live with my big sister

Occupation: daycare

Hobbies and Interests: Dancing,singing,reading,writing poetry.

Favorite Music: I love all music ( country,rock,R&B, rap,hip-hop,pop) not really into screamo though lol

Favorite Color(s): purple,green,pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I love jogging,squats,& crunchies

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to be at a healthy weight, and I want to have a healthy BMI.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I have two!, I went walking with my sister and It was hard! we only walked for 30 minutes but my back was hurting and I could barely breathe. I used to be able to walk for hours without getting tired. The second was when I finally got a new scale, my old one kept saying 235 so I was like ok that's fine it's not that bad but when I got a new scale it said 295! & I wanted to faint. I went to the doctor & the new scale wasn't lying.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?sticking to my diet,the exercise is easy but the food is what I have a hard time with

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? my eating habits are horrible!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? my bestfriend she is 5'9 and 135 pounds! she is beautiful

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?I can't wait to wear a dress & heels

Last edited by CaliforniaDreamer; 11-09-2010 at 01:10 PM.
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Old 11-09-2010, 08:00 PM   #169  
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Hi! I'm new, but I've been lurking recently. Thought I'd introduce myself and hopefully meet some new friends and accountability partners!

Screen Name: iluvbee - Bee is my cat

Age/Age Range: 30

Family Life: single with great boyfriend

Occupation: 8th grade history teacher

Hobbies and Interests: I love to read and go on vacation

Favorite Music: everything- except offensive rap and heavy metal

Favorite Color(s): red, purple, pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: bike riding, aerobics, walking

What are your fitness/health goals? I really want to buy a bike, exercise more

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? 250, geez... even seeing it in print makes me cringe

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? cravings

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? healthy eating, frequent exercise, my mindset that this is a life change

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : the women of

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a wedding dress
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Old 11-09-2010, 11:17 PM   #170  
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Location: Kansas City
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Screen Name: Daddyo5278

Age/Age Range:32

Occupation: Self-employed

Hobbies and Interests: Golf, cooking, deep thought

Favorite Music:All kinds

Favorite Color(s):green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts:eliptical

What are your fitness/health goals?to get back to my weight pre-injury

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? tired of feeling heavy

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? knowing what is good to eat

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? being consistant

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : no one really

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
all my old jeans that i never threw away
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Old 12-02-2010, 01:37 PM   #171  
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bethann1028's Avatar
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Default Hello

Screen Name: bethann1028

Age/Age Range: 44

Family Life: Single/ in a relationship, kids at home....and a cat

Occupation: Office Manager

Hobbies and Interests: Music, cooking, anything artistic

Favorite Music: Anything and Everything!

Favorite Color(s): Blue, Scarlet, Pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking, Yoga

What are your fitness/health goals? Gain control of my weight and fitness, get back to where I was prior to job changes, life changes, etc...

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I dont feel like myself anymore. I miss me...and if I dont stop I will start looking like I ate the old me....ugh :/

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Being thoughtful of what I'm eating. I am an emotional eater. For me, food is like a drug... My Happy Pill Dealers are Ronald McDonald and his pal Wendy.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I have to make time for exercise again. My job is great....I have the freedom to set my own hours in a manner of speaking....instead of getting up and going to the gym, I stay up late and sleep late. This has to change...back to the grind....early to bed, early to rise keeps you from having super-sized thighs!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : For me I dont really want to look better than anyone, I want to feel that strength I feel when I am controlling my life and have the appearance to prove it. But I guess in some ways I want to look better than that chubby girl that is always staring at me when I walk by a store window....she seems to be everywhere I go....

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Everything! Next to eating, shopping is my favorite thing to do!!!!!! And thanks to online shopping I have made a new friend....Mr. UPS man
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Old 12-05-2010, 02:53 PM   #172  
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hydro46's Avatar
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Screen Name: hydro46

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life: Long distance relationship, eldery cat to attend to !

Occupation: PhD Chemist

Hobbies and Interests: Baseball, shopping, arts and crafts

Favorite Music: Anything

Favorite Color(s): purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Elliptical

What are your fitness/health goals? Get back to the weight I was in college

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Hardly being able to fit into a plane seat....

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Not to eat food to be happy. Find other things that are equally as satisfying

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I need to go to the gym more, and not eat food that I do not know the calorie count of and "assume its healthy because it looks that way". Well, yeah It can look healthy but not BE healthy.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Its more like I have been able to conquer everything that has been put in front of me except my weight. I have a PhD but haven't figured out calorie counting? Enough is enough.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I will buy all new clothes
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Old 12-11-2010, 08:42 AM   #173  
One calorie at a time
Missjessica's Avatar
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Screen Name: Missjessica

Age/Age Range: 27 in Feb!

Occupation: Office administrator

Hobbies and Interests: Running, the gym, films, live music, art projects, dinner parties, cake decorating

Favorite Music: Folk, oldies, bluegrass, and Elvis

Favorite Color(s): Green and pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: BodyATTACK, circuit training, running

What are your fitness/health goals?*
To be 135 when I move back to my home city next October. I haven't weighed that in 12 years, so it is a huge goal!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?
I've always tried, some attempts harder than others, but right now the timing is perfect with the rest of my life and moving is a great motivation.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?
I love to eat! I usually make good choices, but I eat whenever I want to. The idea of restricting myself I awful, but I know it needs to be done.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
Consistency with working out.
Being diligent in counting calories and sticking to my target.
Drinking enough water.*

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?*
A co-worker at home

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A t-shirt in my closet that was a gift, but I've never worn because it's too small!
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Old 12-13-2010, 08:50 PM   #174  
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Screen Name: Butterflygirl

Age/Age Range: 40's

Family Life: Single, but in love

Occupation: CNA, Memory care and assisted living

Hobbies and Interests: raising butterflies (monarchs), biking, hiking, knitting, good movies

Favorite Music: Mexican, oldies

Favorite Color(s): blues, greens, purples, reds, OK all of them

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: anything that makes me sweat

What are your fitness/health goals? To get fit and healthy

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I don't know for sure, I've been fit most of my life until I had an accident . . . now, UGH!!!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I LOVE chocolate

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? snacking, drinking enought water and keep motivated to exercise

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? :

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A little sexy, silky negligee

Does anyone know how to make that cute thing at the bottom of everyone's posts to track your weight loss???

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Old 12-14-2010, 08:49 AM   #175  
mommy2fat's Avatar
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Screen Name: Mommy2Fat

Age/Age Range: 35

Family Life: DH, DD, and DS

Occupation: Business Office Manager-Nursing Homes

Hobbies and Interests: Reading

Favorite Music: Country, Hip Hop, Rock

Favorite Color(s): Black and Purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: PowerSculpt and Cardio Max, WATP

What are your fitness/health goals? My goal is to run a 5k in 2011

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My 4 year old DS tells me I am fat. He says I need to lose weight to be like him and daddy! I know he doesn't know that it hurts my feelings but kids are bruttaly honest!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? DH not a healthy eater. He has done well with the dinners I cook but he still likes to have his sweets around the house.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? More variety in my meals, starting C25k, Staying OP

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : I dont want to look better than anyone. I just want to be smaller than my DH. I was smaller than him when we got married and I know I can be there again.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Cute sun dresses! I used to love wearing love dresses and skirts in the summer. Not done that in years!
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Old 12-23-2010, 11:23 PM   #176  
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The Last Noel's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Screen Name: The Last Noel

Age/Age Range: 28

Family Life: Divorced. One toddler.

Occupation: First responder

Hobbies and Interests: Academics. Science.

Favorite Music: Reggae

Favorite Color(s): Yellow

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking. Pushups.

What are your fitness/health goals? 144 pounds

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Repeated fractures in my feet tendons and near constant migraines from high blood pressure.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? My feet. Finding time.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Controlling the craving for sugar

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : All those b*tches in my family hahah!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? My old Army uniform!
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:40 PM   #177  
could be so pretty
Kalilung's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Screen Name: Kalilung

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life: I have a husband, no kids, and no pets. I used to have a snake, but we're planning on moving to Hawaii (no snakes allowed), so i found her a good home with a biolgist friend of mine.

Occupation: Legal Assistant.

Hobbies and Interests: I like swimming, reading, hiking, and trolling the internet for funny articles.

Favorite Music: distorted alternative-style rock, and also folk music. (ie, Smashing Pumpkins or Jonathan Coulton)

Favorite Color(s): Green or blue, depending on the day, but my absolute favorite thing is rainbows.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking, swimming, hiking, and rowing machines.

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to get to a BMI of exactly 23, lose the high blood pressure, and be able to run away from anything trying to hurt me.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? the first time i tried to lose weight, which was in august, 2002, we had gone to Ceder Point amusement park and i couldn't fit into at least half the rides. At that time i was 18 years old. I went on the Atkins diet and lost something around 100 lbs. May 2005, i decided i couldn't eat like this for the rest of my life and let it lapse. I moved to Albuquerque in July 05 and every time i tried to exercise or do a low-carb diet i would get migraines. It took until December 2008 to get to a point where i figured out i needed to drink more water and that a 24 y/o body is not the same as an 18 year old body. I started walking and counting calories, which worked out really well. School interfered, and i lapsed for two more years, but I never regained my highest weight. I graduated this december, and now i'm ready to put my fitness goals first in a sustainable sort of way.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Laziness, pure and simple. i like doing things with people, and if they're not around, i tend not to do anything. i'm also willing to let things lapse when i'm feeling emotionally weak.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Hmm, i'd like to improve my stamina (and i know this will happen, it just takes time...) and i am really getting out of the mindset that my dinners should be at least 1/2 white starch.

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? Ooh, i like this question. I would like to look better than Queen Latifah and about the same as Drew Barrymore.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Bikinis. You have no idea how i love them.
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Old 01-02-2011, 03:02 PM   #178  
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Startingover71's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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Screen Name: Startingover71

Age/Age Range: 39

Family Life: Single, no children

Occupation: I work in a contest department for a promotional company

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, movies, music and soon to be working out!

Favorite Music: Bon Jovi, Matchbox Twenty

Favorite Color(s): Grey

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Wii Fit, Strength Training

What are your fitness/health goals? Just to get myself back in good health

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I had a physical and the nurse mentioned that I may be pre-diabetic, I have to go for bloodwork to have this confirmed.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Losing steam after a month or so, I need to keep positive and stay on track.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Eating more vegetables, to enjoy eating healthy and to get off my butt and workout!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Myself at this point in time! *LOL*

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
It would be a dream to go into a nomal size store and to be able to buy anything in the store, not just socks or accessories!
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Old 01-03-2011, 09:50 AM   #179  
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Default Hey There!

Screen Name: Aech50

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: Single and no kids

Occupation: Master's degree student and office manager

Hobbies and Interests: Sports, writing, playing guitar

Favorite Music: Beatles and most other classic rock, punk and ska, acoustic

Favorite Color(s): Green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Kettlebell and running

What are your fitness/health goals? I'm looking to drop from my starting weight of 248 to 150lbs. I'm already down to 219 since starting in June of 2010. I'm looking to lose the rest of the weight in 2011

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I started to see myself in pictures for the first time as fat. And I started avoiding stairs when I went to class because of the way it made me out of breath, something that hasn't happened before.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Avoiding fast food because of convenience. Between my job and going to grad school full-time, i'm busy and it's easy to stop and get a fast food burger. I need to be able to make time to prepare myself healthier meals.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) my lack of cooking skills and busy schedule getting in the way of me eating healthier meals.
2)Exercising or getting moving EVERY Day
3)not succumb to the pleasures of my favorite indulgent foods as much.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A two piece swim suit.
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Old 01-04-2011, 05:42 PM   #180  
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Screen Name: MadisonAvePhoto

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life: Married & we have a 5 month old baby girl

Occupation: photographer

Hobbies and Interests: photography, crafts

Favorite Music: Rap, R&B, pop

Favorite Color(s): Pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Dancing

What are your fitness/health goals? Dropped 40lbs in '09 & have kept it off, now looking to drop 30 more & keep it off for good.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I dropped the first 40lbs in order to have a healthier pregnancy. Now that my daughter is old enough, I wanted to get back to losing & down to a healthy weight.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Comfort eating. Whatever the emotion is, I feel the need to shovel food into my mouth.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) Preparing meal plans
2) Exercising
3) Comfort snacking

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Skinny jeans!
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