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Old 05-02-2012, 11:46 AM   #316  
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goalhourglasss's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Screen Name: Goalhourglass

Age/Age Range: 34

Family Life: Married and and happy

Occupation: Software Engg

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, spending time with my jointfamily members.

Favorite Color(s): Blue

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Yoga and walking

What are your fitness/health goals? I want my hourglas figure back.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? When my hubby commented on my new dress which was +size then put my old photo on my desktop.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I have a hard time walking , moving around, popping lots of pill for my RA , Hypothyroid and obesity.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) cooking
2) Not to get tempted when other family members enjoying the food that i can't eat
3) Don't miss a day of exercise.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? The person I saw in the mirror which my hubby showen me.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A pair of size small bikini.
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Old 05-02-2012, 12:28 PM   #317  
Becoming a better me
rj923's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: South Dakota, US
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S/C/G: 383.9/351.5/190

Height: 5'7"


Screen Name: Rj923

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: Live with my boyfriend of 3 years

Occupation: Working retail, searching for a social work position

Hobbies and Interests: reading, cooking, photography, movies, shopping

Favorite Color(s): green, purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking and zumba
What are your fitness/health goals? I want to be healthy. Weight goal is 190, but id be happy just being down 100 pounds

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My body started going monthly cycle was out of control and I knew I needed to get the weight off.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Staying on plan with food, and getting exercise into my daily schedule

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? 1) better documentation 2) portion control 3) sticking with an exercise plan

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? Nobody in particular, I just want to be a hotter me

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A wedding dress that I truly love, not one that just "fits"

Last edited by rj923; 05-02-2012 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 05-16-2012, 02:25 AM   #318  
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tammay's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Screen Name: tammay

Age/Age Range: Early 40's

Family Life: single, but lots of relatives around!

Occupation: English teacher

Hobbies and Interests: reading the classics, fiction writing, watching classic movies, cooking

Favorite Music: classic rock, classical, and 80's music

Favorite Color(s): green!

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking, yoga (stress-relieving type, not power yoga)

What are your fitness/health goals? My health goals are to lost the 65 pounds I have gained over the last 5 years as well as stick to a vegan whole foods eating plan. My fitness goals are to continue walking 5-7 days a week and to eventually get back to doing yoga. I also want to make my chronic migraines go away and avoid some of the health issues that run in my family (especially osteoporosis and Alzheimer's)

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I've been trying for years and years but the trigger this time was my decision to stay in Israel (where I am originally from, but spent lots of time in the States, so I consider myself an American first) to be near my aging parents rather than go back to the States. I have been basically been moving around for the last 5 years and now I have a more stable environment, so it's a good time to start to focus on my health goals. I also just started a new teaching job with Berlitz where I will be teaching students face-to-face for the first time in 4 years after having taught exclusively online. So suddenly my appearance is more important to me, since online, students don't see me . I hate the idea of standing in front of a class teaching when I am less than 15 pounds shy of 200 at a 5'1" height.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I am a binge eater who turns to junk food when I am stressed and when I want to reward myself. So learning new ways to deal with these two situations rather than turn to food is going to be tough. Also, temptations will be a big issue. When I lived in the States, I lived far away from my family, so family gatherings weren't an issue, but now that I am close by and part of those gatherings, food is a temptation. Also, I am living near my parents and my dad LOVES to eat out! They try to persuade me to come with them and it's hard to say "no" sometimes.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I need to make better decisions at restaurants when I go out; I need to be flexible with my eating plan, since there are times when I will be teaching and will not be able to eat right at the time I usually do; and I need to get back into yoga, once I feel comfortable enough with my body to do that (i.e., when I can say, "oh, it's hard to get out of child's pose" rather than "yikes! I can't get out of child's pose!")

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? I want to mainly look better than I do right now, so myself, I guess . However, if I have to choose someone outside of myself, I would say one of my cousins, who is one of these who flaunts her weight loss - and my brother's girlfriend, who also lost quite a bit of weight and thinks she knows everything about dieting.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I know this is going to sound very silly, since this doesn't really have much to do with actually losing weight, but I'd like to wear accessories, especially flowy scarves. I know I can technically wear them now at my weight, but because I gained so much, I just don't have the motivation to really look nice and I've always wanted to accessorize but just never had the nerve. I think when I get to my goal weight and start to feel more confident about the way I look, I will also feel more daring about putting on scarves and pins and other accessories.

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Old 05-17-2012, 11:35 AM   #319  
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Screen Name: Thedollylala

Age/Age Range: 28

Family Life: divorced, now engaged and a mommy

Occupation: Hair stylist

Hobbies and Interests: being crafty, needing out on xbox, playing with my 5 year old lil man, collecting tea pots, and drinking hot teas

Favorite Color(s): earthy tones

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Elliptical, strength

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to feel confident and not feel my stomach droop, yuck

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My fiancé was training for pfa for the navy and I wanted to support him and join him and I realized it was a great feeling, then he asked me to marry him so getting in that dress is my goal now

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Trying to not get discouraged when the weight doesn't come off as fast as I like

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) eating more veggies than I already am
2) Eat bigger bfast and smaller dinners
3) Stretch before and after o exercise

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? The person I've been for most of my adult life

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A bikini
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Old 05-17-2012, 03:45 PM   #320  
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Virginia
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Screen Name: Bribkc

Age/Age Range: 29

Family Life: Happily married with two "fur babies"

Occupation: Full-time student (graduating in December!) then straight into grad school.

Hobbies and Interests: reading, yoga, Insanity workouts, horseback riding

Favorite Color(s): green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Insanity and Yoga X!

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to be healthy and strong. I also want the body I see in the mirror to reflect how I feel inside (happy and beautiful)!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Oddly enough it wasn't until I saw I had gained back 11 pounds. Something inside me just snapped.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I struggle with patience. I didn't put this weight on in a week or a month, and it will take longer to get rid of it.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? 1) I feel like I could add more exercise 2) portion control 3) being patient with my progress

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? Everyone? Joking- I just want to look as good as I can. I'm only in competition with myself.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? My junior size 5 shorty shorts and jeans (no vanity sizing in those)!
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Old 05-22-2012, 02:10 PM   #321  
Full of awesome
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Screen Name: Shepard N7

Age/Age Range: 35

Family Life: Living with boyfriend and two kitties

Occupation: Engineering Analyst

Hobbies and Interests: Video games, traveling, cycling, reading

Favorite Music: New wave, post-punk, goth, industrial, opera, 80s pop

Favorite Color(s): Purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs

What are your fitness/health goals? I'd like to finish what I started in 2006. I lost 80 pounds and kept most of it off for 5 years. Now it's time to finally reach my goal and maintain it.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Booking a trip to Vegas. Also, buying my first touring bike.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Mostly patience. Once I get myself into a routine, I stick with it, almost to the point of obsession. But some weeks, it just seems like the scale isn't moving as fast as I'd like. I have to remind myself that, overall, it's going in the right direction and that it's a marathon and not a sprint.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Knowing when to let myself rest, not letting my "cheat day" turn into a "cheat weekend" and remembering to drink enough water.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? No one specific. I can't even think of a good non-serious answer, so I'll go with me currently.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A little vinyl tube dress I wore about 15 years ago. It's not really my style anymore, but after I gained weight, I'd always kept it as a reminder and for the motivation.
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Old 05-22-2012, 02:57 PM   #322  
veggiegirl123's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
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Screen Name: veggiegirl123

Age/Age Range: 33
Family Life: Married for almost 10years and have three kids ages 4-7.

Occupation: sahm

Hobbies and Interests: reading and sailing

Favorite Music: techno, pop, anything by David Garrett

Favorite Color(s): green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking, biking

What are your fitness/health goals? to lose 24lbs, tone, get my bottom half under control!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? This past weekend I couldn't fit into the swimsuit that I wore last summer

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Just started so I haven't had problems yet.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. figure out what daily calorie intake I need to hit, that works best for me
2. exercise in some way EVERY day, even if it's just a walk with my kids
3. don't get lazy and let extra calories slip in

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? My sister, the marathon runner extraordinaire

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? All my summer clothes from last year, that no longer fit!

Last edited by veggiegirl123; 05-22-2012 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:36 AM   #323  
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Northernrose's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
Location: North Yorkshire
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Screen Name: Northernrose.

Age/Age Range: 33

Family Life: Just me and the cat!

Occupation: None (just finished my PhD).

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, history, art, cooking.

Favorite Music: Female folk

Favorite Color(s): Red

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Cycling

What are your fitness/health goals? To be able to run 10k.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Clothes didn't fit anymore and ran out of money to buy new things!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? The emotional comfort I get from food (I tend to eat a lot when stressed / anxious).

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Exercise every day and appreciate that a little is enough.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? Myself, in all honesty!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Skimpy summer tops.
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:25 PM   #324  
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Hi everyone.

Screen Name: Jenjensgettinhealthy

Age/Age Range: 29

Family Life: Happily married (5 years in Oct.), no children yet, one cat

Occupation: Elementary Library Media Specialist

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking/Baking, Gaming, Reading, Couponing, Shopping

Favorite Music: Rock, Alternative, Christian, Electronica/Techno

Favorite Color(s): Purple, Red

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking or Kinect Zumba

What are your fitness/health goals? Lose at least 130 lbs. Change my hormones so that I can have a baby. Not become diabetic (prediabetic currently :/)

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I hit my highest weight: 280 around the same time, a friend of mine has lost nearly the same amount that I want to lose, and everyone is having babies... I'm nearly 30 and need to get healthy so I can have a baby.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Overeating. I'm a sugar addict and it is a fight everyday.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Strength, Endurance, Will-power!

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? The average woman.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A skimpy-strap, short sun dress; maxi dress with a belt, or shorts.
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Old 07-09-2012, 03:14 AM   #325  
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: The beautiful glowing land of sun and improving air pollution.
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Screen Name: RegallyRed

Age/Age Range: 23

Family Life: Single and working on looking

Occupation: Student of life.

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Writing, Dancing, Exercise.

Favorite Music: A little bit of everything.

Favorite Color(s): Red, Purple, Blue, and Orange.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Dancing, Walking, Kickboxing, and Zumba

What are your fitness/health goals? To become a Runner.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Too many people around me have health issues. Its like I'm receiving signs to change my ways before I am the one who in and out of the hospital.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Compulsive eating.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I need to eat less processed foods, and be mindful of the amount of calories that I'm consuming.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Myself now...and my sister (sigh).

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A lovely pair of Red Skinny Jeans.

Last edited by RegallyRed; 07-09-2012 at 03:15 AM.
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Old 08-03-2012, 05:48 PM   #326  
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cherhorowitz's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Screen Name: cherhorowitz

Age/Age Range: 31

Family Life: I live with my long-term boyfriend in London

Occupation: university research (architecture and design)

Hobbies and Interests
: visual art, pop music, fashion (vintage and independent), architecture, crafts, typography, red lipstick, horse racing, popular physics, spooky 1970s children's dramas, cooking

Favorite Color(s): camel and racing green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts
: Walking in the woods and on hills, yoga, pilates. I also quite like dumb bells and resistance training for some reason.

What are your fitness/health goals?
I'm not myself right now - the problem is I haven't been myself for a few years! This isn't me! I want to get my BMI back into the bottom half of my normal range, which is what fits my body. I am small framed and had been fairly slim (135-150lb) until my mid-20s, so the fact that my BMI went over 30 was a real shock. Also my mum has an autoimmune disorder and, while she's pretty slim, her doctor said that being overweight can make it worse...turns out, I have a genetic predisposition to the same disease. I also want to have children in the next few years and don't want to create complications. It's funny - I'd been meaning to do something about my weight for a while, but in the end it was health, not vanity that motivated me.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?

There were several. The health stuff I mention above is the biggest one. But also realising that my behaviour was becoming inhibited - I'd wear cardigans on hot days just to cover up. I'd put a newspaper in front of my stomach on the tube in case anyone thought I was pregnant. You shouldn't have to worry about that. Also when I was getting "cheeky" McDonalds on the way home without telling anyone seemed a bit dysfunctional!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?
The only thing is self-control. I dislike it. I am an impulsive person and I like being fun and spontaneous, but I recognise that's the attitude that got me eating 3500-4000 calories a day, failing to admit to myself that I was actually really stressed!

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
Cardio, cardio, cardio. I'm finding a good groove with diet, but I need to find some more strenuous cardio that I enjoy. All my exercise is pretty gentle so far.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?
I really, honestly don't think of things like that. I want to look as good as I did in my early 20s and wear all the nice clothes I have that don't currently fit.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
A Liberty print silk dress, a 40s vintage wrap dress I bought last year, high heels (too painful once I get over 160b), Agent Provocateur underwear

Last edited by cherhorowitz; 08-03-2012 at 05:52 PM.
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:24 PM   #327  
Tactless but Honest :)
DZackery's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Default New but not new

Screen Name: DZackery

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life:Married, 3 boys ages 8, 6, 3...recently graduated...

Occupation:Looking for work

Hobbies and Interests:I've sort of and riding, i guess.

Favorite Music:Country, Rock, Celtic

Favorite Color(s): Purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Havent found any that I like

What are your fitness/health goals? Be comfortable in my skin

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Tired of not likeing what I see in the mirror

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Stress

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Not being obsessed with food

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : *secret*

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? tank tops
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Old 08-10-2012, 10:27 AM   #328  
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juniebug's Avatar
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Screen Name: Juniebug

Age/Age Range: 30

Family Life: Married with Children

Occupation: SAHM

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Crocheting, Sewing...anything crafty.

Favorite Color(s): Yellow

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Elliptical, kinect games, walking

What are your fitness/health goals? I would love to fit into the jeans I wore before I had children!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? When my husband started to lose weight, having someone to share this journey with was great motivation!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Sweets. I love cake, ice cream, chocolate. Yummmm.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) cooking instead of grabbing fast food on the nights I'm tired.
2) resisting sweet stuff, not bringing it into the house.
3) exercising daily

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? Just myself!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Cute clothes! I don't even bother with current styles or fashions simply because none of it is going to look good on me anyway. I also haven't worn a real bathing suit since before I had children. I go to try them on and leave the dressing room feeling disgusted and depressed.
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:24 AM   #329  
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Default Hello! I'm bad at math but I'm here!

Screen Name: Wimsey (real name Julia, hi!)

Age/Age Range: 44

Family Life: Married to lovely & silly man, momma to 5th grader and 1st grader

Occupation: Church Secretary

Hobbies and Interests: family, volunteering at church, working on my car-dance moves

Favorite Music: old-time gospel

Favorite Color(s): Black because I am a ninja (obvs)

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: (none yet) (I know I should) (I hate/loathe/hate to sweat)

What are your fitness/health goals? Be able to run around with our kids, lose my fanny-pack lower stomach, and fit into 8/10.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? A candid snap of me from the side - shudder. I just can't be that person on the outside anymore. God gave me one body and I'm doing a crap job with it so far..

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Intentionality - why am I eating this? Do I need this much? Am I bored or am I hungry?

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Portion control, walking away, and figuring how to move my body in the least horrible way....

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? I just want to look on the outside the way I think I look on the inside. That made more sense in my head.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A cute wrap dress or a polka-dot bikini or something tucked in to something else....
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Old 09-07-2012, 11:37 AM   #330  
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cosmiclove's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Screen Name: cosmiclove

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: I, unfortunately, live with my mother & 10-year-old brother.

Occupation: Home-care Provider & soon to be full-time student

Hobbies and Interests: Music, poetry, literature, painting, bicycling, spending time with my dogs...

Favorite Music: Too many to list, but the ones I have been listening to a lot lately? Devendra Banhart, Tom Waits, & Michael Franti.

Favorite Color(s): Green.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Riding my bike, sandboarding, I really don't do enough "working out".

What are your fitness/health goals?
I want to lose at least 70lbs, but also I want to feel physically fit and capable more than anything.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?
I think a large part of this is the motivation for the work I want to do. I am planning on going for a degree in zoology/biology with the intention of someday being able to do field research and hopefully conservation work. It's not going to be easy trekking around in the jungle if I'm 250lbs, haha!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?
The desire to eat foods I shouldn't, and the desire to be lazy and watch reruns of Doctor Who...

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. Need to make time to ride my bike EVERYDAY!
2. Stay away from ice cream and chocolate milk- like the plague!
3. Remember to stretch, girl.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? :
Is it mean to say my sister? haha. That's probably not even possible though, so. I don't know, I just want to feel healthier and better about my own body.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
Skirts that actually reveal some bit of thigh, lol.
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