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Old 04-11-2011, 04:41 PM   #241  
My name is Mare, hello!
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Missouri
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Height: 5'7"


Screen Name: MEH1969

Age/Age Range: 41

Family Life: married, 2 kiddos

Occupation: programmer

Hobbies and Interests: reading, fishing, outdoors

Favorite Music: classic rock, jazz

Favorite Color(s): blue

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking

What are your fitness/health goals? My goal is to be able to walk challenging courses without feeling like I'm going to die.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I fell off a ladder and tore my ACL and damaged cartilage. Luckily, my husband was there. However, I knew there was no way he could lift me to help me. He had to get a kitchen chair and place it next to me and help me haul myself up. I had surgery to repair my ACL, and I weighed 270 at the hospital. I found out during surgery I have a leaky heart valve. I must get fit or I'm afraid I will die.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I struggle with emotional and boredom eating. I'm frustrated because I'm not able to exercise much yet because of recovery from my knee surgery.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I need to eat more vegetables, and make sure I account for everything I put in my mouth.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? My sister.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Non plus size clothes. I will cry the first time I can again wear size 14 jeans.
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Old 04-12-2011, 01:04 PM   #242  
Chick in Paris
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Paris, France
Posts: 30

Height: 5' 6"


Screen Name: gordis in paris

Age/Age Range: 39

Family Life: married and one 18 month boy

Occupation: Home

Hobbies and Interests: Sew, and anything creative to do with manualities

Favorite Music: pop

Favorite Color(s): Peach and all shades of purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: swimming and bicycle (for the moment i do none)

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to be thin like i was before and also health issues that start to rise and i worry they can get worse

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I cant move so easily like i could before and every time i look in the mirror its like i look at another person.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? once i eat something im not supposed to eat i cant stop eating it

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? eating in the correct schedule, to do excercise, drink more water

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : i want to look better than me before i was fat

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? high heels and a good fitting jean
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Old 04-21-2011, 09:06 PM   #243  
wanna to be an AFTER pic
AlotaCurves's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 15

S/C/G: 268/262.4/160

Height: 5'11


Screen Name: AlotaCurves

Age/Age Range: 47

Family Life: married w/children

Occupation: SAHM (for now)

Hobbies and Interests: reading, writing, cooking, collecting, gardening

Favorite Music: classic rock

Favorite Color(s): black and purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking

What are your fitness/health goals? Need to lose 100+ pounds..and I will.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?
My failing health! And the scale that doesn't lie.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?
I am an emotional eater, happy or sad I want to stuff my face.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) exercise
2) better food choices
3) pick a plan and stick to it

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?
Honestly, I just would like to see who I am under all this flesh.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
Things that make people say, "Holy're hot!"

Last edited by AlotaCurves; 04-21-2011 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 04-25-2011, 03:35 PM   #244  
slvrangl's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Marion Center, PA
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S/C/G: 181/147.2/125

Height: 5 ft 5 in


Screen Name: Slvrangl

Age/Age Range: 29

Family Life: married for 8 years, 2 young sons

Occupation: stay at home mom

Hobbies and Interests: walking, reading, facebook, animals

Favorite Music: everything

Favorite Color(s): pink and lime green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking, running, Kendra's dvd

What are your fitness/health goals? To get thin and fit and be a runner

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? HA! this time? I've been trying to lose weight ever since my son was born in 2005. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and hating what i see.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Not eating all the time.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? small portions, not overeating, drinking more water

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?: I actually never really thought about it, i just want to look better than i do now.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? all the cute size medium clothes in the "skinny tote"
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Old 04-26-2011, 07:09 AM   #245  
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Ateh's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 5


Screen Name: Ateh

Age/Age Range: 26

Family Life: in a long-term relationship

Occupation: engineer

Hobbies and Interests: reading, writing

Favorite Music: I have a very specific taste, to hard to explain in a sentence

Favorite Color(s): green and violet

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: pilates and yoga, I'm not to do anything too cardio due to health issues

What are your fitness/health goals? to get healthy again, to feel good in my body again and to stay that way for the rest of my life

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? HA! this time? seeing some pictures of my friends having fun and realizing that I can't participate in it because of my weight

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? fighting urges to binge

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? drinking more water, making better choices, walking more

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?: myself when I was at my best, I want to beat myself because ultimately this is a battle I'm in with myself

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a beautiful brown suit I bought eight years ago, and a jeans skirt I bought around that time too
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Old 04-26-2011, 10:41 AM   #246  
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myhaloisintheshop's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Oklahoma
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S/C/G: 278/243.2/175

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Screen Name: myhaoisintheshop

Age/Age Range: 31

Family Life: married with 4 boys

Occupation: SAHM

Hobbies and Interests: spending time with family

Favorite Music: depends on my mood

Favorite Color(s): turquoise and purple

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking and kettlebells some

What are your fitness/health goals? to get off bp and diabetic meds

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I got diagnosed as diabetic

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? fighting urges to binge

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? drinking more water, making better choices, walking more

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?: my sister

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? fitting clothes instead of baggy "hide all my fat" clothes
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Old 04-27-2011, 05:43 PM   #247  
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JEN3's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 228


Screen Name: Kit in AZ

Age/Age Range: Timeless

Family Life: Unmarried, no kids, long term relationship.

Occupation: None

Hobbies and Interests: Oil painting

Favorite Music: Upbeat almost any genre.

Favorite Color(s): Blue, Aqua, Hot Pink, Red, Yellow.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Pilates, aerobics, yoga.

What are your fitness/health goals? Learn proper nutrition and get back into my 25-27 inch waist jeans.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I want to live a long healthy life. When I discovered saturated fats and Trans fats were clogging my arteries I decided I needed to eat healthier. I don’t have any health problems now and don’t want any.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I struggle with sweet goods, pastries, sugar, white flour and butter. Of course I make them because my boyfriend has a sweet tooth the size of Ohio!

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Staying in my calorie limit per day, exercising regularly and will power. I worry about my ankles they swell up if I’m on them too much. I will be swimming shortly it’s almost hot enough and we have a pool so I plan on doing laps.

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? : I want to look better than myself. The way I look right now is disheartening. I used to be size 6-8 now I’m 3X. Other than that I would like to look better than Nicole Kidman of course I would have to grow about 10 inches taller.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I can’t wait to look hot in my old and new bathing suits. I bought some new ones in size 6 & 8 while they were on sales this winter. I saved all my small clothes because I always believed I would wear them again. Some of them are sooo, cute!
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Old 04-30-2011, 11:55 PM   #248  
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Peggypie's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 21

S/C/G: 308/See Ticker/150

Height: 5'8"


Screen Name: Peggypie

Age/Age Range: 39

Family Life: married with 2 pugs

Occupation: Telecommunications technician

Hobbies and Interests: midcentury modern decor, Hawaii, music, entertaining

Favorite Music: everything but country

Favorite Color(s): turquoise and lime green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: walking, weightlifting, zumba

What are your fitness/health goals? To get rid of diabetes and be in good enough shape to be one of those skinny yoga girls

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I'm staring my 40th birthday in the face.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Self-sabotage. I swear there in something in me that fears being thin.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? need to exercise more, get over my fear of carbs, eat more veggies

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?: my ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? nothing sexier than perfectly fitting jeans, a white tee shirt and a cute belt.
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:29 PM   #249  
Now Loading Healthy ME
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: New York
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Screen Name: Fit4Lyfe

Age/Age Range:22 (I know, I'm a "baby")

Family Life: No kids, no husband...but I do live with my grandma, if that counts

Occupation: FT Student/PT Event-planner

Hobbies and Interests: Travel, shopping, reading, research, nail art (very random, I know), enjoying life

Favorite Music: From Jay-Z to Metallica, I like it all...except country

Favorite Color(s): Lilac

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Hmm...none? lol. Dancing, power walking

What are your fitness/health goals? Eventually to be a runner, I don't have to be fast, but I would like to be one of those people who just wake up and go running, just for the h*ll of it

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Hmm...not one thing, I've always been kind of shy in my teens but I blossomed in my early 20's and I think it's time my body matches my awesome personality.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Snacking, and not being able to control myself, I just can't have one chip, I have to have 15 or
What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Portion sizes, upping my exercise intensity and being consistent

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? That B**ch he left me for...

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Everything and anything!!! I am a slave to fashion and please believe I'll be rocking it all when I get this weight off of me!!!
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:32 AM   #250  
IAteIt's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
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S/C/G: 250/242/150

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Screen Name: IAteIt (cause I usually do)

Age/Age Range: 48

Family Life: Single Mom with a teenage girl.

Occupation: Coordinator at a not for profit Adult learning centre

Hobbies and Interests: Love to read, knit, computer

Favorite Music: classic rock, country dance, top 40, celtic

Favorite Color(s): Jewel tones; orange, green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking, am the ultimate soccer mom. I walk the track during practices.

What are your fitness/health goals? I suffer from arthritis in my feet, legs and hands. I want to lose enough weigh so I can exercise pain free.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I started getting healthy after experiencing chest pains last fall. I quit smoking Oct 4, 2010 and now working on the weight.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I tend to beat myself up over my looks and weight. Self esteem issues.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I guess communication. Yes, I am a forum lurker. I watched this site for months before registering. I need to walk more and I need to keep myself motivated.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a black skirt or jumper. My upper legs are too big right now. I am not comfortable in a skirt
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Old 05-10-2011, 08:19 PM   #251  
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DeeAnn's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 6

S/C/G: 175/175/130

Height: 5'4 1/4


Screen Name: DeeAnn

Age/Age Range: 48

Family Life: married, one child (almost 21)

Occupation: school lunch program

Hobbies and Interests: games, singing, movies

Favorite Music: HUGE variety: Celtic, rock, pop, musicals, most anything but country and jazz

Favorite Color(s): greens and blues

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: swimming, biking, walking, weightlifting. I am considered "disabled" so I am limited on what I can do. I love to exercise though when I can!

What are your fitness/health goals? to regain my health/mobility and lose the 50 pounds I've gained thru heavy prednisone use over the last few years.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I've always been health and weight conscious but I came down with an autoimmune disease which has seriously limited my mobility and caused weight gain due to medicines.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? blood sugar issues (low) due to steroid use. I end up eating way too many calories to raise and stabilize my blood sugar.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. less comfort foods (carby, sugary foods)
2. don't try to do too much exercise..I need to do just what I can do each day, otherwise I'm down and out for days.
3. less processed foods (diet soda, salad dressings, etc)

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than?: Myself. I used to have a great physique and I want to regain that look again.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a pair of tan slacks that have been hanging in my closet for about 4 years now. __________________
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Old 05-15-2011, 02:23 PM   #252  
Renaissance Woman
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: California, USA
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S/C/G: 363/306/185

Height: 5'10.5"


Screen Name: Georgia

Age/Age Range: 50

Family Life: Divorced, two sons (19 and 13), one dog (Jack Russell/Beagle)

Occupation: web designer/writer

Hobbies and Interests: writing/textile arts/wine/food/international travel

Favorite Music: Ecclectic mix...too numerous to list. Easier to say I don't like most country and most hip hop. I'm going to see U2 this summer! Woohoo!

Favorite Color(s): I look best in plum and aqua, but my house is dressed in sage green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Pilates and weight training, and I love to row

What are your fitness/health goals? Ambitious loss of 200 lb, plus to be really fit and strong and enjoy a general sense of wellbeing for many years

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Being told I was a type 2 diabetic and that I might have to go on medication for it. I'm very proud that I've been managing it with diet and exercise alone for five years. I don't ever want to be on medication for anything!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Controlling calories. I'm a big woman and I get hungry!

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. Caloric intake
2. Consistent exercise with a broader range of activites that include weight training, Pilates and cardio (I hate cardio!)
3. Sticking to my Paleo food plan (no processed foods at all due to serious food sensitivities)

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? I want to look better than the image the x-husband projects on me.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? My skin...I want to look good naked! And a lovely pair of boots.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:12 PM   #253  
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djett626's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 296


Screen Name: djett626

Age/Age Range: 39

Family Life: Divorced, One Son (8 with Aspergers), One daughter (4- little diva)

Occupation: SAHM

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, hiking, movies

Favorite Music: A little of everything. I like things with a good beat to workout to or dance to.

Favorite Color(s): I don't really have a FAVORITE color. I like a lot of them and don't seem to gravitate towards just one.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Step Aerobics

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to lose at least 40 pounds. I want to be stronger and able to play with my kids longer.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? It has been nagging at me a while. I lost a lot of weigh ton SBD before my daughter. I gained it all back while pregnant with her. I guess I'm just getting tired of looking and feeling the way I do.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I'm a junk food junkie who doesn't enjoy fruits and vegetables.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. Making healthier food choices.
2. Being consistent with my exercise.
3. Not giving up!

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? I think I just want to look better than how I look now.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I just want to be able to look in the mirror and not notice the fat.
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Old 05-23-2011, 11:06 PM   #254  
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JackieP's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 17

S/C/G: 198/171/135

Height: 5'5


Screen Name: JackieP

Age/Age Range: 19

Family Life: single

Occupation: College Student

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Music, Baking

Favorite Music: EVERYTHING...except hardcore country

Favorite Color(s): green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: elliptical, Zumba, jogging

What are your fitness/health goals? jog 5k, eat more veggies

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? the numbers on the scale, the male attention my friends were getting

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? impatience....I need to remember that it takes time

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? consistency, portion sizes, motivation

Who do you want to look better than? : My roommate

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? BIKINI
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Old 05-24-2011, 06:06 AM   #255  
I'm not afraid of scales!
RiiC's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Posts: 21

S/C/G: 85.3/ticker/56 kgs

Height: 1.57 m / 5'2''


Screen Name: RiiC

Age/Age Range: 18

Family Life: living with Matera (mom), Mr. Frog (step dad), my two younger brothers and my bunny named Roger, after Roger Rabbit :b

Occupation: Currently taking a few months to do "nothing" - will re-join college next year

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Photography, Writing, Baking, Dancing

Favorite Music: Well, I really don't like reggae, really heavy metal or screamo, but other than that I think it just depends on the mood ^^

Favorite Color(s): red, black and white (: I also like pink and orange alot eheh

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: abs, jogging, going up and down stairs xD

What are your fitness/health goals? do the C25k, eat less, drink more water

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I had actually always wanted to lose weight, but it was after reading "Big Girl" by Danielle Steel that I decided to do this for real

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? water intake

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise/health you need to improve? portion sizes, motivation to actually workout and stress less about the whole thing so I can get a decent night sleep

Who do you want to look better than? : No one, really.. Just want to look a better version of me, I already like the basic "draft" of me, now I just have to fine tune some (MAJOR ahah xD) details (:

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Form fitting dress
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