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Old 09-05-2010, 01:24 PM   #121  
one day at a time's Avatar
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Screen Name: one day at a time

Age/Age Range: 31 will be 32 in December

Family Life: single and live alone

Occupation: rather not say

Hobbies and Interests: Internet, shopping

Favorite Music: anything

Favorite Color(s): red yellow

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Cathe. Doing Callenetics

What are your fitness/health goals? To eventually get down to 220lbs (I am 5'10 and that translates to around a size 12 for me. That's good enough)

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I have gobs of embarssing incidents. None of them insprired me to lose weight. However I have a job offer that is very stressful and we have to undergo physicals. being over weight was not going to work. Figured I would work on that now.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Taking the weight slowly and resisting wanting to throw in the towel. Suprisingly, I have no cravings.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Probably consuming MORE calories than I am. I am usually around 12-1400 per day.

(Evil motivation) Who do you want to look better than? : I really can't say there is a person. My body is so different from anyone else, it is hard at my age to compare myself to anyone really.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Shopping in the regular/misses sizes. They have so many options ot choose from.
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Old 09-05-2010, 03:12 PM   #122  
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Screen Name: DaisyDuke

Age/Age Range: 25

Family Life: married, mom to 1 toddler

Occupation: SAHM

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, cooking (I had plans to go to culinary school), crocheting, HSing my son, reality TV

Favorite Music: Country

Favorite Color(s): Orange and Pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Right now I really like kick boxing!

What are your fitness/health goals? My goal is around 160, or size 8 jeans, b/c I know that's a healthy weight for me.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Seeing myself in a photo that my SIL took and posted on FB.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Having the energy & motivation to actually exercise as well as mindless snacking

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1) stop snacking on bad things or just b/c I'm bored
2) work out more
3) eat healthier in general

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : No one really.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Size 8 and a pair of jeans that make my butt look really good! LOL
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Old 09-14-2010, 01:41 AM   #123  
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Screen Name: Oboegal

Age/Age Range: 48

Family Life: Divorced

Occupation: Education

Hobbies and Interests: Music, puzzles and games

Favorite Music: Classical, 70's soft rock

Favorite Color(s): Purple!

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking 1.5 miles

What are your fitness/health goals? attain goal weight of 145, continue light to moderate exercise

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Just decided it was time.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? estimating calories

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? eat more veggies, diversify my exercise routine, maybe diversify my diet

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : gosh, I'm excited to look better than *anyone*

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? New clothes!
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:36 PM   #124  
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Talking Trying to loose the same 15 pounds for 3 years !

I am trying to loose 15 pounds that were put on by my children. First child weight gain was great! . Second child weight was ok. OMG 3rd child weight accumulated in allllll the wrong places! Its 15 darn pounds that looks like 50! Will I ever get my bod back!

Screen Name:statenmommy

Age/Age Range:23

Hobbies and Interests:Outdoors, Movies ( Chick Flicks )

Favorite Music: Old and new

Favorite Color(s): Brown

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Shread and bootylicious buds from stephanie vitarino! I love here!

What are your fitness/health goals? Lose 15 Pounds

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My thights are buldging and saddle bags are creeping in!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? 2nd week of any diet!

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Lots

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : A. Jolie

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? High Heals Baby !
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Old 09-15-2010, 11:39 PM   #125  
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Luv7Of7Photography's Avatar
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Screen Name:Luv7of7Photography

Age/Age Range:23

Family Life:Married


Hobbies and Interests:Photography, Graphic Design

Favorite Music:Pop

Favorite Color(s):Pink

Favorite Exercise/Workoutsreadmill <3

What are your fitness/health goals?To lose more weight & feel better about my appearence

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Healt issues in Feb of 09

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?Eating fried foods

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Eating, Eating, & Eating lol

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? I have no idea

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Shorts
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Old 09-15-2010, 11:49 PM   #126  
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Hey everyone! I'm new.

Screen Name: LittlePinky82

Age/Age Range: 28

Family Life: Single

Occupation: College student

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Kpop music, Sims 3, politics, criminal justice, sociology, Korean and Japanese drama's and movies (especially horror)

Favorite Music: Kpop and 80's rock

Favorite Color(s): Pink and sky blue

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Anything with my 5lb dumbells and push-ups

What are your fitness/health goals? To get at 140 and be able to do the U.S. Marshals fitness test.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I saw a video of myself last summer that opened my eyes.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Being physically active

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I know I can do more than what I do. I need to stop being scared and paranoid about other people and my working out.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Lee Hyori

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Just cute clothes that I have that I can't wear yet and jeans again.
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Old 09-16-2010, 12:37 AM   #127  
I was born this way hey!
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Originally Posted by Luv7Of7Photography View Post
Screen Name:Luv7of7Photography

Age/Age Range:23

Family Life:Married


Hobbies and Interests:Photography, Graphic Design

Favorite Music:Pop

Favorite Color(s):Pink

Favorite Exercise/Workoutsreadmill <3

What are your fitness/health goals?To lose more weight & feel better about my appearence

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Healt issues in Feb of 09

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?Eating fried foods

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Eating, Eating, & Eating lol

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? I have no idea

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Shorts
Hey girly!!! So glad you're here!!

Last edited by Shopaholic1204; 09-16-2010 at 12:37 AM.
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Old 09-18-2010, 10:37 PM   #128  
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EmmasMommy's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Screen Name: EmmasMommy

Age/Age Range: 27

Family Life: Married

Occupation: Teacher & Photographer

Hobbies and Interests: Photography, reading, my family!

Favorite Music:Pop

Favorite Color(s): Blue

Favorite Exercise/Workout: A bit of everything

What are your fitness/health goals? To as close to my "pre baby body" as I can and finally feel comfortable in my own skin again.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Seeing pictures of myself when my daughter was almost 2 and realizing the "I just had a baby" excuse wasn't going to work anymore!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Sweets

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Avoiding sweets, avoiding snacks, portion control

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? Myself!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Shorts and not feel like my legs are ginormous.
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Old 09-20-2010, 03:48 PM   #129  
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paniania's Avatar
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Screen Name: PaniAnia

Age/Age Range: 28

Family Life: Married

Occupation: Paralegal

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, reading, music, being outdoors, etc.

Favorite Music: Classic Rock - for me great music essentially stopped there

Favorite Color(s): Green

Favorite Exercise/Workout: Ick, not a big fan, but if I'd have to pick something I'd say walking my dog. I tend not to really like structured exercise.

What are your fitness/health goals? To not get winded running around the block (although I must add that part of that is due to exercise induced asthma), hey I'll be extravagant and up the ante to say to not get winded running around the block TWICE. All joking aside to uncover the fit person hiding under the layer of fat I've been acquiring for what seems like my whole life so that when people see the new me they say, "OMG, is that the chubby sister, no, it can't be!"

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My seemingly never ending work pant hunting mission which forced me to see saddle-bag after saddle-bag after saddle-bag and decide, you know what, these pants would look a whole lot better minus the saddle-bags.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Bingeing and emotional eating on account of stress and just plain boredom.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Binge control, actually exercising, sweets!!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? My ex-best friend and person to whom my father used to compare me ALL THE TIME, who luckily for me seems to be getting steadily rounder.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? It may sound extreme, but since I sit around in professional attire every day and t-shirt and jeans it on the weekends I would love to totally dress up on Halloween ala Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood in that werewolf club scene (the one with the black leather bustier, painted on leather pants, and sky-high stilletos. I can imagine my husband's jaw dropping right now. We probably wouldn't even make it to the Halloween party
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Old 09-22-2010, 03:00 AM   #130  
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beautiful days's Avatar
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Screen Name: beautiful_days

Age/Age Range: early twenties
Family Life: live with my dad

Occupation: part time library clerk

Hobbies and Interests: music, writing, reading, internets

Favorite Music: LOL! that's too of a broad question for me to answer. i like most music. let's just say that.

Favorite Color(s): Red, blue, purple, lavender, pink.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: zumba, watersports, outdoorsie stuff.

What are your fitness/health goals? to be healthy and to not cringe when i look at myself in a pic.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? i don't know. i don' think i've come across one, and i don't think i ever will, so i have to start somewhere and doggone it, i'm starting here.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Everything. I think weight for me is more of an emotional thing. A whole life thing even. I need to get my mind straight as well as my body.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? staying on track, tracking, schedules

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? I want to look like Beyonce when she was a bit heavier.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? i don't think there's anything i wouldn't wear now. well, shorts! i can' wait to rock a pair of short shorts.

Last edited by beautiful days; 09-22-2010 at 03:03 AM.
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Old 09-24-2010, 11:33 AM   #131  
I'm what I set out to be
HotChildInTheCity's Avatar
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Screen Name: HotChildInTheCity

Age/Age Range: 18

Family Life: single

Occupation: student

Hobbies and Interests: cooking, reading, make up

Favorite Music: MTV

Favorite Color(s): turquoise, beige, pink

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: circuit training, dance workouts

What are your fitness/health goals? My ideal body is slim & toned body that still has feminine curves and my health goal is to become 99% wholefood eater and to exercise regularly

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I have been going on and off diet for a couple of years, but I really need to do this now because I'm done carrying the weight burden

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Emotional overeating

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Well. my whole past behaviour... But let's choose compliance, motivation and not binging

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Hehe, I haven't thought about this....maybe my ex's new girlfriend?

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Everything! I can't wait to have a whole-new wardrobe without dark colors!
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Old 09-25-2010, 08:22 PM   #132  
ashley nicole's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Screen Name: ashley nicole

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: live with my boyfriend of 3 years

Occupation:Customer Service Rep/Receptionist/Boss Babysitter for a printing company

Hobbies and Interests:reading, cooking, baking, wedding shows, knitting, crafting, talking, music, making people laugh

Favorite Music:I'll listen to just about anything. I especially like indie music, orchestral/violin based music (my go-to pandora station started out as a Carter Burwell plays some amazing music), broadway music, 80's...ahh, whatever strikes my mood!

Favorite Color(s):Purple!

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Jogging, Sweatin' to the Oldies!!

What are your fitness/health goals? I'd like to be able to run indefinitely....perhaps do a marathon someday. I want to get down to around 145 -- But I have no idea what my body type really is, so that could change as I get closer to it.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Honestly, I'm not really sure what did it this time. I have been dieting off and on since I was 13, but for some reason it seems to be sticking this time around.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? portions and emotional eating.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Cut my sodium and sugar, eat more fiber and be more consistent with my work outs

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : myself right now! Haha. I'm not going to lie -- a lot of my motivation comes from wanting to be sexy and wear cute clothes and swim suits someday. I don't care who I look better than, as long as I'm thin, healthy and happy!!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? thigh high boots (a la Carrie Underwood, not Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman...they're very different!), mini-skirts, SHORTS!(I live in Texas and I can't remember the last time I wore shorts...even in the blistering 105 degree summers!)
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Old 09-26-2010, 12:34 AM   #133  
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Screen Name: McKt

Age: 52 on the calendar / 40 in my mind

Family Life: Single Mom / Teenage daughter

Occupation: Travel Industry

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, running, crafts, camping, actually anything outdoors, reading, movies

Favorite Music: Very eclectic

Favorite Colour: Turquoise

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Running, X-fit training and cycling classes

What are your fitness/health goals? Once I reach goal…MAINTAIN, MAINTAIN, MAINTAIN!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I am exhausted from my yo-yo weight for so many years. I am done!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Persistance

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Stop the all or nothing attitude. I need to find balance. I currently am dieting or NOT dieting. Exercising or NOT. To stay organized with meals. And to truly understand this is a permanent lifestyle, nothing temporary about it.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?: Not better than but equal to some of my daughters friends younger Moms.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size: My Lucky Jeans! I usually can only wear them about 4 months out of the year. Now is not one of those months….

Last edited by McKt; 09-26-2010 at 12:44 AM. Reason: better formatting
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Old 09-26-2010, 09:25 AM   #134  
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Default dione

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Old 09-26-2010, 09:30 AM   #135  
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hello i'm in the northeast but have a sister in oakland. i'm so lost. jus starting this is hard to figure out hope this is right

Age: 52 on the calendar / 40 in my mind

Family Life: Single Mom / Teenage daughter

Occupation: Travel Industry

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, running, crafts, camping, actually anything outdoors, reading, movies

Favorite Music: Very eclectic

Favorite Colour: Turquoise

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Running, X-fit training and cycling classes

What are your fitness/health goals? Once I reach goal…MAINTAIN, MAINTAIN, MAINTAIN!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I am exhausted from my yo-yo weight for so many years. I am done!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Persistance

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Stop the all or nothing attitude. I need to find balance. I currently am dieting or NOT dieting. Exercising or NOT. To stay organized with meals. And to truly understand this is a permanent lifestyle, nothing temporary about it.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?: Not better than but equal to some of my daughters friends younger Moms.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size: My Lucky Jeans! I usually can only wear them about 4 months out of the year. Now is not one of those months….[/QUOTE]
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