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Old 09-04-2012, 04:41 PM   #31  
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Lovely awareness from you all today--very helpful to me. Being back at school today has helped me stay OP, though I was so glad I measured out my snack last night so I wasn't tempted to 'over-measure' tonight when I was hungry.

Have ridden the bike and packed my lunch for tomorrow. Credit! Students back for normal lessons on Friday (rather than little 'uns, mine are 15 and 16, and likely not as full of enthusiasm. Yet!)
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Old 09-04-2012, 05:15 PM   #32  
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Good Afternoon Coaches,
Well I finally made it back. It feels like it has been forever since I have posted. I have been out of town due to a death in the family and it seems like ages since I have followed any healthy eating or exercise plan. But I'm back CR I dusted off my cards CR got out my journal to track my eating CR and am heading out the door to a yoga class and then to a cardio class later this evening CR I was up on the scale this morning but not by as much as I expected, so that was good, not credit worthy but good.
I did get the mini trampoline in while I was gone and I just started using that also. It will tale some getting use to but it is fun. My grandson really likes it LOL. OK out the door and I will be back tomorrow.
Missed you all.
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Old 09-04-2012, 08:48 PM   #33  
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Thumbs up A Tuesday in September, 2012.


Well, I'm still not tracking everything. What's up with that? I did have a happy thought that perhaps this Thursday I can re-join weight watchers. We'll see. I do feel good about holding my own and remaining consistently below 255, mostly hovering +/- around 250. *credit* for persisting in my victories*

So, that's all great, but by my birthday in November I want to be 230. So. I have work to do. I'm going to aim for that, see how close I can get.

Not much to say about today. It was ok. And with that insightful observation I am off. Have a great night.

Last edited by onebyone; 09-04-2012 at 09:06 PM.
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Old 09-05-2012, 12:25 AM   #34  
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Good Evening Coaches/Buddies,
Something I observed this morning after I got out of the shower is that I can now see the tips of my toes when I look down without bending over CR! Today was definitely an OP day for me, I saw my therapist today and we spent about a 1/2 hour discussing Beck and coming up with ways to implement stuff that I have been having a hard time doing such as a daily schedule and meal plan. I have set aside time this evening to read the workbook and do my schedule for tomorrow CR.

On an exciting note well at least exciting for me I got a phone call from the governor's office wanting to interview me for any open consumer board seats that are available, my interview is at 1 PM Alaska time tomorrow, I am really excited.
I also decided that when I reach my 30 pounds lost mark I am going to treat myself to a massage! CR for it not being food related!!!

I no longer have any desire for soda at all CR for a hard won victory on that one.

That is all for now
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Old 09-05-2012, 06:23 AM   #35  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Three times when I attempted to walk, the slight rain stopped me - with no consolation from my gardening DW who was loving the day long drizzle. Finally, I put on a rain jacket and went to the supermarket for milk, CREDIT moi. I remember when I just walked in the rain anyway.

During my vacation, I tried hominy at a restaurant, CREDIT moi. A big deal because I've avoided it all my life since I HATED it as a child - even though I'm fond of grits and polenta. It was American Southwest spicy and yummy. Now I like it. Yay for one more food added to my repertoire. Eating yesterday was good enough, CREDIT moi.

onebyone – Kudos for just accepting, "It was ok." Yay for your birthday goal.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for sitting down - one of Beck's surprisingly powerful strategies.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Kudos for that terrific response, "not today" - gotta remember to use that one myself. Love that your stairs are now just a part of life.

Jaye (Midnightsun68) - Yay for the NSV of the appearance of the tips of your toes. Neat to be considered for a consumer board.

Carol (Iwanttowin) - Great list of credits getting back in your game. Both cardio and yoga in the same evening is being serious.

TeachMe - Neat observation that measuring a snack while not hungry is more likely to give an honest measure. Yep, Kudos for packing your lunch in advance.

Readers -
chapter 7 Stage 4 The Think Thin Lifetime Eating Plan
Flexible Eating, Not Loose Eating
. . .
Flexible Eating: Skipping your morning, afternoon, or evening snack so that you can eat a larger-than-usual dinner.

Loose Eating: Eating a larger dinner without reducing your snack calories.
. . .

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 178.
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:04 AM   #36  
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Quick check in! Hi!

WI: +0.15 kgs, Exercise: +35 115/1400 minutes for September, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 09-05-2012, 02:48 PM   #37  
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Hi All,

Yesterday's eating was okay. Planned exercise was 60 minute Zumba classs, spontaneous was a 30 minute walk with Dexter after class to tire him out. Better to get his energy out at that time than at 3am. Happy to say he slept right to the alarm clock as did DH and I. One thing I don't like about the seasons changing is how much later the sun starts to rise.

Back to the mountain of paper on my desk that is my life in September!
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Old 09-05-2012, 03:04 PM   #38  
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Good afternoon Coaches,
Well so far it has been a good day, I have read my cards CR and stayed on plan with eating today CR. I do believe that sitting down to eat makes all the difference. Today is my last day of vacation so it is back to work tomorrow and if I don't eat uncontrolably when I see the mess that is left for me I will feel like a saint. I hope I'm wrong about the mess being left but I'm sure it is there waiting for me.
I have been working out on the mini trampoline the last few days and it is so much easier on my knees. The Zumba classes do sound good as I do love to dance.
I am going to be challenged for supper tonight, my DH is smoking a beef brisket and they are so good it is hard to limit myself, I will just have to get up from the table and walk away, someone else will have to clean up after supper tonight.
I do enjoy reading how everyone is doing and keeping up with what everyone else is going through, I will try and start doing personals soon.
Thanks for listening
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:18 PM   #39  
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Exclamation back to being blocked.


Well I have been trying all day to get something started on a large canvas and it's a no go. I just gessoed over the painting I hoped would be a "fast" composition, using the work of a friend which was on the canvas when she gave it to me. It just didn't go. So, at least I have now claimed the canvas for myself, covering it all up wiht that white gesso. Time to start over and start again. Glad it's Wednesday as my officlay weigh-in is tomorrow and I get to start again. I did weigh in today *credit* but saw a 254 on the scale. A reflection of eating at 9:30pm more than consuming an extra 7000 calories to give me a real 2lb rise.

I think I'm all in knots over tomorrow's opening. I sent out 54 email invites and have heard back from about 10 people. So far 3 people are coming possbily, 2 for sure, and I will be selling one of my market paintings at the opening so that's a good thing.

Anyway guess I'll go and mull that canvas over some more. Something's got to be happening in me somewhere.

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Old 09-05-2012, 08:31 PM   #40  
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hello Coaches,
A very busy week here. I was op all day. The only thing was I didn't plan for popcorn but swapped it for my other snack. I don't know why it bothers me. I am still op. I got a lot of walking in today. I love walking/running. We got so much rain last night. We needed it. I am off to bed. I am not sure if it is all the walking is making me sleep so well, or it is being back on routine that is tiring.
Have a great day everyone and good job with all your successes. May all your struggles be minimal.

Take Care
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:00 PM   #41  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies,
I was up 1.6 pounds when I got on the scale this morning, not upset over it CR, I ate a planned breakfast of 6 ounces of yogurt and a glass of soy milk and then wound up going out to breakfast with a friend over to Wendy's where I had the chicken sandwhich with honey butter not planned and OJ again not planned. Lunch I had a big salad with Tomato's Shredded Lettuce and Grilled Chicken Strips, that was delicious and was planned. I went to Walmart this afternoon to get some more "tools" that the green book recommends, in the past when I have gone there I have gone to Subway and bought a footlong sub chips and a soda, today I told myself NOT AN OPTION. Another thing I used to do when at Walmart was go thru their bakery section and I would buy a loaf of the cinnamon swirl bread, today I didn't even go thru that section, I told myself NOT AN OPTION. I bought myself a digital kitchen scale, a tape measure of my own, a new top for myself although I found myself reluctant to drop down to a 2X so stuck with a 3X, I decided not to get any pants because I'm probably in between sizes right now so it would be a waste of money for me. I also bought myself a bag of frozen parmesan crusted Tilapia and a glass pan to cook it in as I wasn't sure what I had in the house as far as cooking pans since I don't do a lot of cooking at home.

I got an update on Yukon, he is doing great and is getting to interact with a Toggenburg Goat that the breeders just bought to go with their other goat, they use them for milk. I may get a chance to go see him tomorrow.

My interview that was supposed to happen today got postponed until Friday due to high winds down in Anchorage. I did NOT eat over being postponed! CR

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Old 09-06-2012, 06:01 AM   #42  
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Thumbs up Thursday - Fight Procrastination Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Good day with food, CREDIT moi, as I kept out of the nuts. I made a dinner salad with a zillion tiny tomatoes - so good. Although we ate dinner inside because it had become dark at 7:30, which caught us by surprise as if we didn't know about the rotation of the earth around the sun.

On my long walk (CREDIT moi) I stopped by a Goodwill to see if any books were for me. Nearly got seduced by a Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), 2010 addition for $2 which seemed a bargain for a monster book. Finally had this amazing thought: Where will I put this? I only wanted to see what was in it since I'd never even perused one. So, I perused it in vivo for the five minutes I needed to learn that a person with no interest in drugs has little use for a 3000+ page tome about drugs. If they ever publish a PDR about food, I'm on it.

onebyone – Good luck on your opening today - wish I was close enough to drop by. Methinks that Andy Warhol could get away with a white gesso canvass alone.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Waving back.

Tazzy - Yay for Dexter to tire you out; a personal trainer would cost $90 an hour to do that.

Ann (Newlifestyle) - My take is that swapping snacks is OK. Yay for tired - sign of a healthy life.

Jaye (Midnightsun68) - Yep, the scale jiggles both up and down as it slowly descends. Kudos for "NOT AN OPTION" on that foot-long sub.

Carol (Iwanttowin) - Hope you survived the beef brisket. That's one of the foods that I always think of huge servings and seconds - don't know why. But I drool just thinking about it.

Readers -
chapter 7 Stage 4 The Think Thin Lifetime Eating Plan
Flexible Eating, Not Loose Eating
. . .
Flexible Eating: Making a conscious decision to eat on the run because something unexpected came up.

Loose Eating: Eating a rushed meal on the go because you stopped making time for dieting.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 178.
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Old 09-06-2012, 09:56 AM   #43  
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Hi Coaches!

I'm on the Western Slope for a few days and am really busy fitting in dentist appts, home reorganization and (this morning) some quality pool time. I don't weigh over here right now since they pulled the super accurate scale at the pool. Food was sloppy yesterday yet I recognize travel days to be more difficult....nothing "off plan" just "not planned". Fortunately, I have Beck tools....plan and get back on track.

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Old 09-06-2012, 12:35 PM   #44  
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By not overeating over my uncomfortable feelings, I'm becoming much more acquainted with them. Yesterday was about general crankiness. When my husband has that mood, I just leave the room and things get better. But what about when it's my mood? I can't leave myself in another room! I used to numb it away with food while disappearing into a novel. Nothing works quite as well as that, but I do have other tools -- music worked well in the evening.

WI: NA kgs, Exercise: +35 115/1400 minutes for September, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 09-06-2012, 01:31 PM   #45  
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Post Midday Checkin

Hi Coaches

I am making a series of tassies for my opening tonight. Tassies are another way of saying mini-muffin cup recipes. I just put 9 layers of phyllo pastry into 12 minimuffin cups filling them with apples cooked in a cast iron pan. So freakin' fancy. I've alos made the fantastic sundried tomato dip recipe passe don to me by Lexxiss. Thanks! It is so awesome I posted it to our recipe thread. Also cooling are 24 wonton cups, alos made inthe minimuffin pans. These are for Avocado and Tomato Salsa cups. I just finished making the tomato salas, with my garden tomatoes, and will wait until an hour before I go to do the avocado part as I don't want it to brown on me. I may even fill them up at the tea room. There is a kitchen there afterall.

So. I've done everything I can think of to do to make tonight successful. I hold no guilt if the evening is a dud. I tried. I am proud of my efforts towards tonight's event. CREDIT FOR TRYING

Today was offical weigh-in day. No weight watchers yet. I weighed in down from last week by 1/2lb. This is fine as it is that all important 249not250 number! Yay! Forward.

DH brought home food from work yesterday. Their company got full time catering for their lunch room, free for all the staff this week. Last week they were taste-testing the fod of 4 caterers to choose one. So now it seems they ahve food leftover and often it is soup. So DH bought a few loftover containers and he brought home soup and lasagna last night. I've sent him off with the soup container empty and the other container for whatever happens today. I just ate the lasagna and it was great. It solves my "what's for lunch?" dilemms, and on a day like today, when I am busy all day long, that's very helpful. Better go. I may check in after the event.


UPDATE: resisted the food we made for the event for the most part. Credit. It was all healthy stuff. Credit. So, how many guests came you ask? I sent out 54 evites; two guilds who should support their own were paart of the emails and we had... 2 non-guild members: the other artist's husband and my client from the farmers' market, plus two potters' guild members, two of the 30+yr members. So. Is this successful? Yes. Just cause we saw it through and we gave it a shot and I have a bone to pick with my fellow guild members now. But I have many bones to pick so when the time is right I'll express myself no doubt. We were both glad we made the effort. Too bad we have so very little local support. Oh well. On to the next thing on my to-do list...

Last edited by onebyone; 09-06-2012 at 11:04 PM.
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