Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 09-01-2012, 07:16 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – September 2012 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, diet coach group, diet buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:and the first bookThe Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful dieting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck eases you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before moving on to the next. And you'll learn techniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with ou plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll achieve a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.
This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

If you’ve arrived from a search engine, you’ve landed at the site of 3 Fat Chicks (3FC), a remarkable place for those interested in a healthy life style, including mindful eating, exercise, and weight loss. More about the site, including how to register so that you can post, can be found here.

The books are available on Amazon through the 3FC store by clicking their names above; buying through 3FC helps to cover the costs of running this site.

You can find the list of previous (or more current) monthly Beck threads here on 3 Fat Chicks via:

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Old 09-01-2012, 07:16 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - After two weeks away from the gym, my return (CREDIT moi) wasn't too bad. My legs did all that they had done before and my arms were just five pounds short of where I had been. That's good since I've found myself set back much more after prior lapses. Walk included harvesting tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, and kale from our community garden. 'Salota tomatoes, LOL.

Just reveled in the tomato sandwich for lunch as part of an on-plan eating day, CREDIT moi. Left half a baked potato on my plate at dinner - special CREDIT moi since leaving food on my plate is still something I'm learning. Skipped two snacks and ate cherry tomatoes for my afternoon snack; I gotta get my attitude back on track after simply munching whatever was being passed around while on our recent rafting trip.

onebyone – Yay for a car packed and ready to go in advance - that's a Beck worthy strategy. Kudos for making a plan when facing the snacks at the farmer's market.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for working to beat Hurricane Isaac. And Yay for knowing how to spell Isaac - which isn't intuitive to me.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Kudos for bringing your vegan meal when facing KFC. Just had the thought that Kentucky Fried Tofu still wouldn't be healthy, LOL.

maryann - Kudos for making the changes in your career that resulted in major reduced anxiety. And Yay for keeping the two art classes to stay in the game. [Love the thought of sunrise on Christmas morning in the Canyon.]

Jaye (Midnightsun68) - Congrats on those 11 pounds gone forever. And Kudos for moving forward with Yukon. (I seem to be an Avatar and name behind here, LOL.)

Readers -
chapter 7 Stage 4 The Think Thin Lifetime Eating Plan

Learn to Change Your Plan in the Moment

Until now you have followed your plan precisely, and if you've fully mastered the skill of sticking to it and staying in control, you're probably ready to learn how to change it in the moment. Let's say you planned to have the turkey sandwich you packed for lunch, but a coworker offers pizza. Before this point, you had to turn down your coworker because you hadn't planned in advance to have pizza. If you really wanted it, you would have had to wait until the next day. Now, you can experiment:
  • You can make your snacks optional and decide at the last minute whether to have one or add it to a later meal.
. . .
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 176.

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Old 09-01-2012, 10:52 AM   #3  
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Good Morning, Coaches.
Welcome, September. I am extremely excited to change my ticker today (My monthly practice.) I am down 3 pounds from last month and seven pounds from goal. I have truly changed my eating habits due to Eat to Live - a diet that is ridiculous (if you had asked me two months ago.) Except for occasional chocolate foraging, I have been fairly rigid. Only 1 grain a day - usually a bowl of raisin bran in the morning. I am proud that my fruits and vegetables intake has increased ten fold. The watch point for me is to continue to weigh my nuts. As BBE can certainly agree, nuts are insidiously seductive.

I am spending the long weekend at the ocean with DS and DH. It is one of the last commitments I made in May. Credit for not making any new travel commitments since my terrible traveling July.

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Old 09-01-2012, 12:04 PM   #4  
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Credit for meeting my exercise goal in August!

Isaac's bringing periods of rain as promised and I'm enjoying a rainy day indoors.

WI: +0.15 kgs, Exercise: +70 1420/1400 minutes for August, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

maryann: enjoy your days at the beach!

BillBlueEyes: yay for back to the gym and coming home to abundant tomatoes!
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Old 09-01-2012, 01:23 PM   #5  
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Hi folks... checking in. It's been a busy week. It's been healthy, mostly, as I get my mind out of 'vacation mode'. I have been writing everything down, planning, leaving a bite, exercise, water and more. Credit! The scale is going down from the extra weight I gained on my vacation. That's good.

I've been doing one green smoothie everyday. (sometimes two). Striving for more 'clean eating.'

Billbe - glad you had a wonderful adventure on your rafting trip. Sounds like you made many good choices in a sea` of food. I returned from my trip to Cape Cod. It was fun. I was tickled at the signs that say Thickly Settled. I am told it means the speed limit is 30 miles an hour. That folks are expected to know it. Are there Thickly Setted around where you live in Mass?

I hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:57 PM   #6  
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Good evening Coaches--
I'm not wanting to write at all tonight as I've not had a good day and it's embarrassing to me. I had chosen to try the alternate day approach to eating, due to the improvement it is supposed to make in BP and cholesterol as well as weight. Actually, it has been ok, except my weight is down one day and up the next, along with my eating. Even though I didn't think I needed to worry about what I was eating on up days I think I have been eating too much. When I lost nothing after 2 very good days I was discouraged and today, which was supposed to be a down day I have been off plan all day.

I learned this week that my lovely husband will need open heart surgery due to faulty valve at some point in the next year, but more tests tobe done. Perhaps I am a little more freaked about that than I logically think I should be.

At any rate, just making myself write this has convinced me to go back OP tomorrow. Big credit!

Thank you all for your inspiration and efforts.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:09 AM   #7  
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Thumbs up g'night all.


Exhausted but before bed I will report a good food day, even with eating out. Lots of leftovers left over until tomorrw for me so *credit.

Market was amazing weather, good enough sales and several more unique avenues to follow in my artwork here, so *credit for this as well.

OK must sleep now.

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Old 09-02-2012, 03:18 AM   #8  
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Good Evening Coaches and Buddies,
Even though I was up 1.4 pounds this morning I had an OP day today. I am having a hard time figuring out how to do a food plan even for a few days as well as doing the journaling and have fallen behind on that. My inner critic is telling me I'm just screwing up again.

I went to the store today to go grocery shopping and bought 2 cases of bottled water *Credit* I bought some CousCous,Muesli,Quinoi and some sliced almonds which I am thrilled that I can actually chew (no teeth), I also bought yogurt for breakfast to go with the Muesli, some imitation crab, some Lite Mayo, and I stayed away from the woman demonstrating some kind of fattening desert *Credit* I also didn't buy myself a half wrack of bar-b-cue ribs even though they smelled so good! *Credit*

So despite having difficulties keeping up with the journaling and making the food plan today was a pretty good day. Oh I also ordered BOTH of the other Beck books, the other pink one and the green one, I am looking forward to getting them and getting a chance to read more. I've been sneezing all day and my throat is scratchy and I am a bit concerned that it may be a side effect of an asthma medication I started recently. I have been on this medication before but it has been many years.

Well goodnight
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Old 09-02-2012, 05:31 AM   #9  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked (CREDIT moi) past a park where the Frisbee was thrown over the head of the player and I caught it in passing. Got to toss it back and remember that goofing off with a Frisbee is one of life's pleasures.

Eating was OK, CREDIT moi. Tomato sandwich for lunch - again. Tomato salad with dinner - again. I don't tire of this tomato abundance since I know it will come to an end.

onebyone – Yay for a good market day - both in sales and in the myriad ways you discover to expand your artistic journey. Yep, "leftovers left over" are the very best kind, LOL.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Kudos for meeting your August exercise goal. Catching up: Sending supportive thoughts to you and family for the loss of your cousin - I've never heard of that from knee surgery.

Beverlyjoy – Congrats on your scale going down. I hope you didn't discover Cape Cod's salt taffy - which can be eaten by the box, LOL. ["Thickly Settled" is used in rural areas; I have no idea why they don't just post the reduced speed limit.]

maryann - Congrats on those three pounds gone. Enjoy the ocean - reminds me that we keep one around here that I could go visit.

Jaye (Midnightsun68) – Yep, that old ”inner critic” is one producer of Sabotaging Thoughts – Kudos for standing them down and moving forward. What a great selection of stuff to buy from the store.

TeachMe - Monster Kudos for posting when you don't feel like it - the time that it's most helpful. Sending supportive thoughts as you and your DH face the challenge of his surgery. "Open heart" is an oldie phrase that does indeed convey 'scary' - from back when it was a rare procedure. I wish it would be dropped.

Readers -
chapter 7 Stage 4 The Think Thin Lifetime Eating Plan

Learn to Change Your Plan in the Moment

Now, you can experiment:
. . .
  • You can change your mind and eat something you haven't planned as long as:
    • It is at a planned snack time or mealtime. (Otherwise, you'll be strengthening your giving in muscle.)
    • You stay within the calorie limit for that snack or meal.
    • You maintain the nutritional balance of the snack or meal (including the appropriate balance of protein, grains, vegetables, and fat).
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 176.
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Old 09-02-2012, 05:34 AM   #10  
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Credit for getting on the scales and doing the Maths that shows it is exactly down to my eating choices that I have gained this week. My alternate days have been much too high, but credit to me for tracking them so I can see.

No credit to me for wishing I had stumbled on some kind of miracle cure! It is what it always has been: eat less and exercise more and you will lose. Confused it with eat less, then eat more.

OP today. Get back on the bike.
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Old 09-02-2012, 07:16 AM   #11  
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Hi Coaches!

I weighed this morning...# is up. Information, I know what to do. It's been a very stressful week and I'm trying to get back in MY groove after attending to everyone else's needs. credit while in GWS I got my hair cut/colored and went to the chiropractor for a quick fix. Small items, but significant in that they are physical demonstrations that I still try to care for myself.

I have a food plan for today. Yesterday, I was a little "sloppy" at work. I'll try to do better today.
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Old 09-02-2012, 10:00 AM   #12  
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Post Sunday September Second Twenty Twelve

Hey Coaches

Another gorgeous day out there today. *credit for noticing*

Today I want to play. I'll bet I neither play nor work, but live in that middle ground aptly described as "fretting". Wishing I was full on playing, carefree, or working, hard, getting lots done. I don't think I can manage either extreme today. I'm somewhere in the middle. *credit for knowing that that's ok too*

Think I'll go figure out my day.
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Old 09-02-2012, 10:26 AM   #13  
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I swapped out last night's plan of grilled chicken for Monday night's plan of tuna pasta. Win-win -- we get something on the grill for the holiday and DH didn't have to cook outside in the rain last night. I'm calling it a 100%op day. Credit for plans and rainy-day plans.

Exercise was a 45-minute yoga DVD. It's been a long time since I've done that and it felt SO good. Credit.

Today's challenge is a family gathering -- the diet range is currently vegan to paleo and we have a special guest, DH's aunt, who is allergic to MSG and eats nearly gluten-free. Such fun. I made two salad dressings because DH didn't like the paleo version--cashews, olive oil, peaches, lemon juice, ginger, and some water to make the texture right. For the rest of us, I made a low-fat Asian dressing with olive oil, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, peaches, soy sauce, honey, ginger, and mustard.

I wrote this down for my afternoon plan: No snacks! Focus on veggies and have tiny portions of everything else at supper. Popcorn? when we get home if I'm hungry.

WI: -0.7 kgs, Exercise: +45 45/1400 minutes for September, Food: 100%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Beverlyjoy: great to see you here and plugging away at those Beck skills -- so inspiring.

TeachMe: good job coming back when you didn't feel like it. I think that might be the most important Beck skill of all. Most of the time when I report that things haven't been going well I get responses along the line of Been There, Done That (BTDT) which is at least reassuring that I'm not the only person crazed in this food environment.
I never tried an alternate day scheme and I probably wouldn't. I seem to do best keeping things pretty even and routine so that I don't have to think about it too much. But it was a worthy experiment. Good for you for working out that it wasn't the right method for you.
I think being freaked out is a very logical response to a DH facing open heart surgery -- not the most helpful, perhaps, but certainly natural. Take care of yourself at this time! I like BillBlueEyes observation that much of the scariness comes from many years ago when the procedure was rare.

Midnightsun68: Sounds like you're making great progress (swish that inner critic away!). It takes time to get all these habits working well in your life. The food planning, in particular, gets much simpler with practice when you've figured out what meals work well for you. I'm sneezing a lot these last few days but our mold count is sky high so I know the reason for that.

BillBlueEyes: yay for the spontaneous exercise of catching and throwing a frisbee! If you visit the ocean, say 'hello' for me. We don't keep one of those around here.

Lexxiss: yay for a visit to a salon and a chiropractor to remind you to take care of yourself!

onebyone: congrats for a good market day. Good luck with figuring out a middling day between play and work -- that's a problem that is familiar to me. I look forward to hearing how you work it out.

Last edited by gardenerjoy; 09-02-2012 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:09 PM   #14  
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Bill--you're so right about that phrase 'open-heart'-- it is serious, but there's no reason, other than to be dramatic, for us to overly worry!

Onebyone--I totally recognise that middle ground! Think that's where I've been most of the summer holidays. Although I hadn't thought about what it meant I did give myself permission to get very little done during the school holidays! Back to school on Tuesday, and I mostly look forward to the routine that comes with it.

Midnightsun68--good for you staying OP when the scales try to sabotage! That was a problem for me this week.

Gardener joy--you're where I'd like to be! I look forward to it.

Thank you all for your time and inspiration.
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Old 09-02-2012, 01:55 PM   #15  
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Good Morning, All.

It is not hard to be grateful when I am sitting on a patio overlooking an ocean.of a mansion. It is funny. We are not "patio and Mansion" folks. it is happenstance that I am here. My nephew's mom's sister has excutive privileges that include and three story house on the California coast. So here I sit. It is beautiful and quiet but I can not say I enjoy it more than I would have our original plans which were CAMPING by the sea. Still, it is neat to see how the other side lives. It is also good to understand that even living wealthy, I have food addictions and anxieties. My mind wants to think that others have it easier but it is not true. The best part of the weekend is DH gets some well deserved rest and DS gets to play with cousins.

I'll catch up on personals when I get home. OP yesterday except fr a chocolate bar originally designated for smokes. OP so far today. Excerise is a beautiful walk on the shore.
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