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Old 02-25-2012, 09:27 AM   #391  
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Hi Everyone,

I am driving down to South Jersey to take my DF for coffee. Her family has put her into a kind of day care for folks with Alzheimer's during the week, so now, the only time I can see her is on the weekends.

Will check back later,


Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Being Accountable
Wt. - 150 lbs

Exercise – nada

Breakfast – Nugo Protein bar

Morning Snack – cranberry scone

Lunch – 1/2 pkg of spaghetti w meat sauce; 1 sl garlic bread

Afternoon Snack - SF/FF pudding

Dinner -

Evening Snack –

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Old 02-25-2012, 10:31 AM   #392  
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Good Morning, All...

Lynn - you're such a good friend! I know you don't do it for this, but you are paving your way to heaven!

Marie - is it because you're approaching cronehood (in many years!) that they're doing so much pre-testing before your surgery? I didn't have to do any of that; of course, it was 30 years ago, almost.... How's Miss Blizzie doing? And Kody and Sasha and David and BelovedKai? SamCat sends wet meows.

Rosey - I can hardly wait to see your new wee pup! You're going to have to get a zoo license soon! I hope Sadie calms down before you bean her! I think, though, that she has at least a couple more years of being nutso! I hope the spaying helps.

Bobbi - wowsers, sorry about all the expenditures! I know from whence you speak and, thus, I am feeling your pain!

CK - any news on the house? Did inspectors come to your house yet? How about the new house? Does it need inspection? Is everything on track?

Rie, PT/Zoe, Mary, Freda, CarolSue, Gayle (glad for all your company! You'll enjoy!!), Isabella, everyone... hope you're all well and healthy.... Good weekend!!

Nothing to report here. Slept 9 1/2 hours last night, needed it. This was supposed to be my "no GM" week. She doesn't understand the concept; and next week is back to the usual... shower, doctor, shopping, prescriptions, etc. I've decided to quit being a jackass and just do it.

Onward, lovely ladies!!
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Old 02-25-2012, 10:44 AM   #393  
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Omg. Another week has gone by! I can hardly believe it! I actually think I'm getting a little bit hesitant about retiring. Scary. I must be one of those people who has trouble adjusting to change. My colleague - the one I do the consulting work with - also consults for my company, which is how I met him. He's telling me that I need to stay on there as a consultant for one of their new projects (which would get me away from my current boss, but keep me working with him there). I told him I wouldn't keep up a full time schedule, and I'm really skeptical about even a part time one with them. Dangitall, I don't want a new consulting career at this stage in my life! Everybody seems to think I can just keep on going like the energizer bunny! No energizer here, and that's the truth. I told one of my co-workers (one that I trust, and am friendly with) that I was probably going to retire at the end of April, and she said, "Don't you lose a lot of benefits by retiring so early?" So early????? I'll be 66 years old! That's not early!

Okay, being around the house day after day with dh isn't my idea of a retirement made in heaven by any stretch of the imagination, but working a semi-full time schedule isn't either. Ack.

Marie, I'm thinking of you, darlin', with your colonoscopy (I haven't given in to getting one yet, although my doctor keeps prodding me...) and of course the upcoming surgery. Oh, how I wish you weren't on the opposite side of the country from me! Obese? Ever? You? That is SO hard for me to imagine! Little, yes... I've seen the pics of you at the ocean and on the mountain slopes. So beautiful.

PT/Donna...I humbly thank you for taking all of our snow this year. The ski resort folks here in New England aren't so pleased with you, but I am! We were supposed to get snow yesterday, some this morning, and nada! I am thrilled beyond expression! are kicking a$$ in your pool tourneys, girlfriend! Wowza! Buzzing right around that table, aren't you? (We're so proud)

Freda, hey, what's up? It looks like your area is getting a storm this weekend? Is that right? It's mega-windy outside here....I can hear it blowing around....but no precipitation. YAY. So what's going on with you? Busy? Having fun?

Lynn, you are such a good friend to your df with alzheimers. It must be very painful to see her that way, and yet you still make such an effort to stay in her life.

Cute puppies, Rosey...really cute.

CaddyK, what's up with the house business? You find a place you like? And any updates on the Arizona house, Mary? It sure will be good to get that off your hands.

Gayle, you're doing so well posting all your food and such. You're getting there, girl....slowly, surely, and I just know you'll reach your goal and stay there, because you've made gradual changes and stuck with it.

Bobbi, busy, busy, busy as per usual. Sit down, for goodness' sake. I'm am getting exhausted just reading about all that you do!

K3, I hear that old wind howling out there and can't help but think about how much I'd enjoy a nice sunny day in Florida right about now. (Minus the storms, of course).

Okay, I am SO missing lots of folks, but gotta get going and do some grocery shopping this morning. Sorry for missing you, but we GGs stick together even when we don't say anything, of course.
Have a great weekend, y' you lots!

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Old 02-25-2012, 11:54 AM   #394  
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Good Morning! Everything is going along pretty good here...The people who are buying our house (maybe) have until the 9th to get their financing. People usually move faster than that but I'm beginning to think they are going to take everyday!! They are wanting to go VA on this house and have already been preapproved for their loan, but right now we are still waiting got a VA appraiser to come and see if our house passes their inspection. GRRRR! We did put a contract on another house PENDING the sale of this one. We(Tim) are going to do the home inspection ourselves so that will save us about $200. We have until the 1st to get that done so we plan on doing that Monday or Tuesday, along with the termite inspection which is only about $40. AND the closings for both houses are on the March 15th. I have not started packing anything yet--- guess I got bummed out when the last deal fell through and I don't want to pack and then have to unpack without moving. SO I guess if these people wait until the last minute minute I am going to be so busy for a couple weeks...We plan to call a mover after the 1st and set up a tentative time to move us.. They actually want a couple weeks notice so we need to do that, even if we have to call and cancell after the 9th. I told Tim if things don't go through this time I'm taking it off the market and the next move I plan to make is to the mortuary!! So that is how things are standing at the moment. Just another game of "Hurry Up And Wait"

Got all kinds of running to get done today. And if I don't get moving I won't get anything done. Everyone have a WONDERFUL Saturday and I'll get back personals one of these days... I know... I keep saying that...Too much in the brain right now!
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Old 02-25-2012, 12:14 PM   #395  
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Zoe - I was hesitant before I retired, and unfortunately medical issues pushed me into it. Sometimes I wish I had held onto the part-time position, but then I remember that when I was part-time I was wishing I had retired completely. I miss seeing the people, that's the main thing. None of them were close enough friends to stay in touch after I left. I also was wary of being home with DH 24/7 but it has turned out better than I thought. He had been retired for 7 years before I had, and he was used to having the place to himself. It was a big change for him, roo.

Karen 31 -It's a lot harder selling a house nowdays than it was back when we were selling/buying 30 years ago. Most people get pre-approved so there's no problem once they find a house, but the inspections have a way of derailing things. So many people want to buy a used house, and then turn around and want everything to be perfect when they move in. Some things are important, but many are superficial and can be fixed up after you move in.
I hope this one works out for you.
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Old 02-25-2012, 01:51 PM   #396  
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Good Morning Girls,
Beautiful day here in Alaska. Sunshine before the blizzard hits tonight grrrrrr! had enough snow but i know its not over.March is usually a big snow month.
I had a good week. Busy. Relaxing today and enjoying doing nothing. Im so glad to get back on the forums i had such a hard time for a couple days. couldnt get on at all.

cheers to all Brenda (ladysheets)
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Old 02-25-2012, 01:57 PM   #397  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Good Morning! Everything is going along pretty good here...The people who are buying our house (maybe) have until the 9th to get their financing. People usually move faster than that but I'm beginning to think they are going to take everyday!! They are wanting to go VA on this house and have already been preapproved for their loan, but right now we are still waiting got a VA appraiser to come and see if our house passes their inspection. GRRRR! We did put a contract on another house PENDING the sale of this one. We(Tim) are going to do the home inspection ourselves so that will save us about $200. We have until the 1st to get that done so we plan on doing that Monday or Tuesday, along with the termite inspection which is only about $40. AND the closings for both houses are on the March 15th. I have not started packing anything yet--- guess I got bummed out when the last deal fell through and I don't want to pack and then have to unpack without moving. SO I guess if these people wait until the last minute minute I am going to be so busy for a couple weeks...We plan to call a mover after the 1st and set up a tentative time to move us.. They actually want a couple weeks notice so we need to do that, even if we have to call and cancell after the 9th. I told Tim if things don't go through this time I'm taking it off the market and the next move I plan to make is to the mortuary!! So that is how things are standing at the moment. Just another game of "Hurry Up And Wait"

Got all kinds of running to get done today. And if I don't get moving I won't get anything done. Everyone have a WONDERFUL Saturday and I'll get back personals one of these days... I know... I keep saying that...Too much in the brain right now!
Karen are you moving from Carthage? My mom and i use to go to carthage a lot and eat chinese food we lived in Greenfield mo. always went to the Front Page clothing store.

have a great saturday, Brenda ladysheets
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Old 02-25-2012, 02:05 PM   #398  
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Ok Bobbi and CK ~ you've got me hooked ~ I tried the eagle link and now keep checking in on them. I sent the link to Sara and DH ~ maybe they will be able to show it to Maddie ~ don't if she would like that or not. But, it would be neat for her to see chicks hatch.

Be back later ~ off for a haircut.

Take care
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Old 02-25-2012, 02:35 PM   #399  
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Morning everyone gorking and reading with gizmo on my lap. omg another from alaska welcome ladysheets where are you? im on the kenai in Nikiski. Zoe, when my dh retired it was abig adjustment for me,but we worked it out becuz he goes to his cabin glad to see him go and glad when he comes home. i think the part time consulting is just right for you and after being in the work force you deserve some "you time". hope everyone has a peachy day rosey
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Old 02-25-2012, 03:34 PM   #400  
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Howdy all....Windy here, too. Still waiting for my washer. I am not a good waiting person. At my age instant gratification is needed!

Mary....I just did a survey/sweepstakes cause of your wins.

Gayle...Loved loved the Zebra story. ahhhhhh

Bobbi...I thanked you last year for the eagles site and this year all my friends thank you, too!. Also tell me why did I buy that nutty cereal you like....OMG I started shoveling them in dry.....need to drink a glass of milk to mix with the cereal.

Rosie...Now Sadie will be a lady!

Carol Sue....I'm yelling "HEAL GIRL HEAL!".

Lynn...You are truly a Good friend.... I downloaded the book "The Forgotten Garden" last night, thank you.

Zoe...You are going thru all the stages of grief. Yup, We work thru all the stages were it is from dying, divorce, or life style changes. The end will be calm acceptance and real peace. When people start planning for you take a hike/walk around the block and see what you really want. You can do this for sure.

Rie... It is always so sweet when you are in the zone. You better start admitting to yourself that your new body/shape is helping this pool shooting hotshot. It's okay to pat thy self on the back kiddo....

Marie...Bless that were lucky to have an advocate.

Donna...more snow? LOL every time you use the strawberry pot as snow gauge.

Boring quiet day here. Just finished a really good book written by a dog and man."One Good Dog" by Susan Wilson. Not hookey like the last one but really sweet tough story about relationships.

Think in my last life I must have been an owl....I can stay up all night reading and sleep all day. Some time after 10pm I wake up and feel no need for sleep. Sure doesn't help that the rest of the world is on another schedule down here. Off to fix some kinda dessert for DH. SF FF Not tasteless????help?

Last edited by Karen3; 02-25-2012 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 02-25-2012, 05:20 PM   #401  
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Just trying to keep up with the Personals -

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Lynn - you're such a good friend! I know you don't do it for this, but you are paving your way to heaven!
Hi Donna,

I REALLY hope you are correct. I’m sure I can use all the paving I can get!

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Omg. Another week has gone by! I can hardly believe it! I actually think I'm getting a little bit hesitant about retiring. Scary.
Lynn, you are such a good friend to your df with alzheimers. It must be very painful to see her that way, and yet you still make such an effort to stay in her life.[/B][/SIZE]
Hi Zoe,

I believe that there is actually a kind of “stages of retirement.” Everyone I know has gone through it.
1) REALLY want to stop working
2) Get nervous about retiring when it gets close
3) Take on a LOT of “part time” jobs to avoid being bored
4) Get rid of too many jobs because it is too much like work
5) Fill days with fun activities

About my DF – I figure that for as long as she knows who I am, I will visit her a couple of times/month. I’m not sure if it is a benefit to her, but I REALLY feel like I should.
Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Good Morning! Everything is going along pretty good here...The people who are buying our house (maybe) have until the 9th to get their financing. People usually move faster than that but I'm beginning to think they are going to take everyday!! They are wanting to go VA on this house and have already been preapproved for their loan, but right now we are still waiting got a VA appraiser to come and see if our house passes their inspection. GRRRR!
Hi Karen,

I have my fingers crossed that things will go smoothly.

Originally Posted by slmn11 View Post
Zoe - I was hesitant before I retired, and unfortunately medical issues pushed me into it. Sometimes I wish I had held onto the part-time position, but then I remember that when I was part-time I was wishing I had retired completely. I miss seeing the people, that's the main thing. None of them were close enough friends to stay in touch after I left.
Hi Carol Sue,

ŽŽI have stayed in touch with only 3 people with whom I used to work. It’s kind of funny because two were not the people I was closest to at work.

Originally Posted by ladysheets View Post
Good Morning Girls,
Beautiful day here in Alaska. Sunshine before the blizzard hits tonight grrrrrr! had enough snow but i know its not over.March is usually a big snow month.
Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Morning everyone gorking and reading with gizmo on my lap. omg another from alaska welcome ladysheets where are you? im on the kenai in Nikiski.
Hi Brenda & Rosey,

My DD & SIL are leaving PA for Alaska on March 1. First to Anchorage for “furundey” (not sure of the spelling); then to Homer; then to Fairbanks to see an ice-carving festival. They LOVE Alaska in the winter!

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Lynn...You are truly a Good friend.... I downloaded the book "The Secret Garden" last night, thank you.
Hi Karen,

The Forgotten Garden – not the Secret Garden. Hope you got the right one.
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Old 02-25-2012, 05:45 PM   #402  
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Lynn ~ I have had a similar experience with past coworkers. The ones who kept in touch with me weren't the ones I was closest to while I was there.
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Old 02-25-2012, 05:51 PM   #403  
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Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Morning everyone gorking and reading with gizmo on my lap. omg another from alaska welcome ladysheets where are you? im on the kenai in Nikiski. Zoe, when my dh retired it was abig adjustment for me,but we worked it out becuz he goes to his cabin glad to see him go and glad when he comes home. i think the part time consulting is just right for you and after being in the work force you deserve some "you time". hope everyone has a peachy day rosey
I am in Girdwood at Alyeska . your deal with your DH sounds awesome
Whatever works right? Have a good day
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Old 02-25-2012, 07:37 PM   #404  
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Brenda, if our house sells the one we are going to be moving to is in Webb City, not that far from Carthage. Yep! The chinese restaurants in this town are fantastic! We have Bamboo Gardens on one end, China Taste on the other end and China Village in the middle!! All Buffets!! Also we have El Charo,which is a fantastic Mexican place. I have a cousin in Colorado and when he comes here to visit we always go there even though there is one over in Webb City too.. He loves the food here better then Webb City. They also have a new Front Page in Joplin, where Grandpas used to be. I haven't been to that one yet but they have some good deals.

I like Carthage and I like this house that we are living in so either way things work out I'll be OK with it. The house we are looking at is a newer more modern house, but if this deal falls through we can fix this one up too. I'll just be glad when it is all done!
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Old 02-25-2012, 08:09 PM   #405  
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We shopped again for a mirror for the little bathroom...more seriously now and ended up with one we've looked at several times. It has several colors in "frame" (actually in the glass) and takes on the color of whatever color wall it's on. Our walls are greenish blue so it's more green. I like it. Next we will be shopping (more seriously, we have looked a bit) for lighting. Looks like nothing will fit the hole that's in the wall so we (dh) will have to close up the hole and make another one. Remodeling is never job leads to another even in this tiny bathroom! Guess that's why we seldom do it!

Think I mentioned on one of the threads that I'm weaning myself off Estroven (for hot flashes). I'm down to one a week now. I don't feel any worse and think I'm actually sleeping a little better. Maybe I shouldn't have been taking all this stuff for so long. I'm just using up what I have left and then see how I feel in a couple months.

Karen31 - Are you sure you want to live in a town with that many good buffets?!! LOL Just kidding. I know how buffets mess up my diet. But then I can mess up bad enough right here at home. VA loans seem to take a long time. Hoping things go well for you this time.

Ladysheets - Not sure I've welcomed you? Welcome and hope you are enjoying our forum. I agree about the retirement steps...I went through them all and I love, love, love being retired!

Karen3 - Good luck with entering! I mostly do the most simple sweeps. I do a lot of surveys that do enter me in sweeps but I don't usually do them just for the sweep unless it's really really brief. I have won a $100 a couple times and gotten $25 GCs a few times from survey companies though. But I just do the surveys for a little extra cash if they are not too long, plus they sometimes lead to phone interviews or focus groups which pay much better. I have gotten to enjoy the blog sweeps if they don't require TOO much effort (they usually require some)...I like the ones that use the rafflecopters best. The others make me a little crazy. I have won eight prizes this month, so about 3 behind from last month I think. I have a friend in CA who enters way more sweeps than I do and both mail-ins and online. We met up together near Yuma, AZ one winter. It's fun to talk with someone who shares the hobby and there are lots online. I'm kind of a night owl too although more evening than night actually. I usually go to bed about 11:30 or 12. Now and then I stay up until 2 or 3 am. Only rarely do I stay up until 5 but now and then I can't get to sleep until then even though I go to bed earlier.

Zoe -Nothing new about "the house." I had an exterminator go in and fog the house inside and out. He didn't find many bugs...just a couple dead ones, one almost dead and one live cricket in one bathroom. He said the toilets were dry and that they get in more because of that...never heard of that...and we had had our son turn the water off at the toilet/sink to keep costs down. But whatever, we don't want bugs! I'm having them do a treatment in two weeks anyway just to be sure they are gone. Wanted to get the cleaning people in to clean tomorrow but found out she's out of state so will probably have to wait another week. Nothing seems to be happening anyway so probably ok, but I want it to look nice when it settles and the buyer walks through again.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!


Last edited by maryea; 02-25-2012 at 08:14 PM.
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