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Old 02-20-2012, 08:42 AM   #301  
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Wow, do I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Hopefully this will be the last day at DD's house for me. DH is putting in the floor molding while DD and I are going shopping in another town for baskets, stuff for her new kitchen. She had one section of new cabinets door-less and you put large wicker baskets on the shelves for storage. Home Depot has a demonstration of it that DD liked. Not me personally, I'm too much of a neat freak to have stuff thrown into a basket and left open. Anyway I'm off....just have to check in on the Decorah Iowa eagles, so far one egg in nest. They have a web cam running 24/7 and the same pair hatched 3 eggs last year.
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Old 02-20-2012, 09:09 AM   #302  
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Good morning GG's

It was a good weekend. Didn't do a lot, but that's a good thing sometimes too. Soccer game for the Grands on Saturday, and grocery shopping Sunday. Made a turkey breast for dinner on Sunday, and of course there is enough for turkey sandwitches for today too. Love leftovers. or maybe I just love not having to cook?

Z, good hearing from you. Of course they loved you, what's not to love. Just give them extra points for recognizing talent when they see it.

Donna, Lovely afghan. There is a flaw in there? It is something you can see? Didn't see anything but perfection.

Marie, Glad that your baby is doing better. I know you will enjoy every moment with him.

Gayle, You are doing so well! Are you planning your meals? What did you decide to do about the black uniforms. Who chose that color? In a hospital? ha

Carol Sue, Sorry you got a little set back. Hope you get better news when you see the Dr.

Jenye, Hey, a pound is a pound! It would put a big smile on my face!

doctors appointments today. Just a bone scan and a ecko. Maybe get down to education and finish my certification. Didn't get the baby last time, it was broken. After doing CPR on the adult I could see the baby saying "push harder" and someone picking it up and throwing it against the wall.

Have a good day,

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Old 02-20-2012, 09:14 AM   #303  
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Good morning! Yikes! I have been up since 5:30 AM (On a holiday, no less!) working on a "next steps" plan for our Vermont project. Unreal, isn't it? I never imagined that I would ever again feel this kind of enthusiasm for "a job". Life sure has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?

Well, I'm going to stop working, now, before it gets too ridiculous.....after all, I'll be back on the (old) job tomorrow. (Oh, such a bunch of ugh!)

Carol Sue, I must tell you that it's refreshing (and a relief to me) when somebody else expresses just a little bit of dissatisfaction with their dh's...or significant others, or whatever. Makes me feel less isolated in my up & down emotions about this whole second marriage business. Not that I wish unhappiness on anybody, you understand, but the idea of perfect relationships seems just so unrealistic - at least in my experience - and if we're going to complain anywhere, this seems like a good place to do it. I'm sure that retired life can be pretty idyllic, but since it does involve human beings, there have to be a FEW rough spots, one imagines. Sorry - dangitall - about reopening the incisions. Good grief. Y'know, I'm just hoping that spring will bring some nice weather and lots of healing energy to all of us.

Sounds like you're in the groove, Gayle ....good going!

Jenye, we ALL will accept anything that's a loss, trust me. You're doing very nicely. Now pay your bills, okay?

Marie, as much as I dislike snow - mostly dislike the idea of driving in it, frankly - I'm not so glad about this 99% snow-free winter that we've had so far here in New England. It's had a huge effect on the water table, and all of the lakes and ponds and streams have shrunken pretty alarmingly. I'm concerned about brush fires and such this summer, and probable drought conditions. That picture (of the ski area) is probably pretty representative of all the ski areas - I don't know about Colorado; I guess they've had a fair bit of snow - but here in New England, not much. Even our trips up to Vermont, which we were initially a little apprehensive about, because the driving is through a lot of mountainous terrain, have been absolutely snow-free. Dry roads...looks like late fall most everywhere here in the northeast. Oh - SO glad that little Blizzie seems comfortable and seems to be planning to stay around for yet a bit longer. What a lovely animal. Oh, I didn't keep my mouth shut when it came to that crazy woman and her cat. I expressed quite clearly and distinctly that she was being selfish and cruel. She turned a deaf ear to me, I'm afraid. What a witch. Oh LORD, do NOT learn the recipe for Bananas Foster!

Omygoodness, K3! What a week you've had! You have earned, and are fully entitled to your crankiness. If anyone asks, tell them you have the Zoë seal of approval! (I hope things simmer down this week).

DeeLee....I couldn't help but chuckle, reading your post. This must not be a good month for the husbands. We all seem to be expressing a bit Men. I know they're good for something, but I can't remember what just now.

It'll be nice having you back, Lynn. Do you ever intend to take it easy for a while? As in, relax with a book and a few cats curled up next to you? If you haven't planned to do so, I am advising that you start planning. Good grief, woman!

Mary, I know what you mean about the food not getting eaten. My freezer is packed with stuff that I was meaning to cook, but ended up not. We went grocery shopping yesterday and bought very little, because we already have plenty of meals just waiting to be put together. Some things, I've learned to wait until the day I'm going to use them to buy them....I've had too many heads of lettuce, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes, etc., go bad on me waiting to be used.

Gorgeous afghan, PT...but I already told you that on FB.

How's your weekend been, Rie? Did you have today off?

Well, I guess I'll take my bath and get ready for the day. I have some laundry to do, and I'm going to make some pea soup. I bought a ham steak yesterday, and I'll shred that up to put in it along with some baby carrots & onions, cumin, fresh ground pepper...mmmm...I think I'll make some corn muffins as well, and we'll have it for supper as well as freezing some for future meals.

Have a nice rest of the weekend,

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Old 02-20-2012, 09:16 AM   #304  
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FREDA!!!!! I just missed you!!!!! SO nice when one of your posts pops up!
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Old 02-20-2012, 12:58 PM   #305  
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Good Morning, All...
I think it's time for a mutiny, since the government workers are all off today... it's cruel and inhumane to make us work!!

Lots of chatting... sounds like everyone is upright and functional.

CarolSue - sorry they have to tweak those openings, but it'll help you heal, in the long run!

- it's good to hear the enthusiasm! I think this consulting gig is right up your alley! Still QiGonging?

Everyone, have a lovely day off, if you have one! Later, Lovelies!!

Last edited by jess1; 02-20-2012 at 12:58 PM.
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Old 02-20-2012, 01:29 PM   #306  
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Not much time to post today but I wanted to share this with Donna and all the GG's. My dad sent it to me...

John Wagner, Hallmark artist since 1970, says Maxine

was inspired by his mother, his maiden aunts and his
grandmother, the woman who bought him art lessons
when 'fill in the pumpkins' was about the extent
of his art classes at St. John's Catholic School
in Leonia , N.J.

John remembers doodling as a preschooler and says
both his grandmother and his mother encouraged his
artistic interests. He eventually attended the
Vesper George School of Art in Boston and
landed at Hallmark as part of a new artists group.
But it was the birth of the humorous Shoebox
Greetings (a tiny little division of Hallmark)
in 1986 that added a new dimension to
John's professional life. The Shoebox way of
seeing the world unleashed his talents and he
created Maxine.

'Cartoonists are sensitive to the insanities of the world;
we just try to humanize them,' John says.
'If Maxine can get a laugh out of someone who feels
lonely or someone who is getting older and hates
the thought of another birthday, or if she can make
someone chuckle about stressful interpersonal
relationships, then I'm happy. Putting a smile on
someone's face is what it's all about.'

Those smiles have led to Maxine's becoming a bit of a
celebrity. She (and John) have been the subject of
media stories, including People, USA Today,
Good Morning America , The Wall Street Journal,
St. Petersburg (FL) Times, and Las Vegas
Journal-Review, and they have been included in a
major Associated Press story. Collector and
trade publications have reported fans nationwide
are collecting Maxine items. Letters from consumers
and fans to John and Maxine reveal a very
personal connection to Maxine.

Many people say they are just like her.

Why the name 'Maxine'? 'People at Shoebox
started referring to the character as
'John Wagner's old lady,' and I knew
that would get me into trouble with my wife,'
John says. The Shoebox team had a contest among
themselves to name the character and three of
the approximately 30 entries suggested
'Maxine'. John says the name is perfect.

John, who says he's humbled by such acceptance
of Maxine, admits he's proud of her.

Now you know the story of how Maxine came to be
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Old 02-20-2012, 01:45 PM   #307  
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Just had to say.... for years our traditional Christmas family dinner ended with the flambe' of bananas foster. I wish I didn't know how to make it!
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Old 02-20-2012, 02:23 PM   #308  
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I do not understand why ppl marry divorce and then marry again. For me my first and only husband is good enf. We do fight and make up. But i learnt one thing, over years you start depending on that person and get used to his shortcomings.. Husband also get used to wife and her shortcomings.
It is easier this way.. What is the garantee that next time you will get better person.
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Old 02-20-2012, 03:00 PM   #309  
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hi ,
My name is Matty
just found this web sight. Trying to find support in trying to lose weight and stay healthy. Any support and encouragement will be most welcome. Always interested on new ideas.

Will be eager to hear from any of you with ideas and support
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Old 02-20-2012, 04:18 PM   #310  
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I'm sure I could agree with you if the problems were the sort that could be solved by "kissing and making up".

I, for one, got tired of kissing and making up with a serial cheater.

End of story, and that's why the divorce.
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Old 02-20-2012, 05:38 PM   #311  
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Hi Matty glad to see your here
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Old 02-20-2012, 05:55 PM   #312  
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Puneri, I agree it's much easier to stay with the same man than get out and try to find another. But there are some things that are just tie breakers. Cheating, drugs, abuse. You're lucky you found a good one that you could grow old with.
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:38 PM   #313  
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Hi Matty. Tell us more about yourself!
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Old 02-20-2012, 07:45 PM   #314  
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Hi Golden Girls-

Have to vent. My friends that I’m close enough to vent to about my husband think he’s wonderful. (I’m so annoyed that I have to force myself to say, “Yeah, he is but there is no one on earth that can annoy me more.”) He finally went to doctor this morning for his cold, (“I think this is the worst I’ve every had.“ Funny that he felt well enough to play hockey...) He started on antibiotic.

Do you remember Marie when I said DH and I each had our own areas of frugality? Well, my dh doesn’t like to have left over pizza. Never mind that one ds will bring the extra to work with him or the other likes it for breakfast. I have never had to throw out left over pizza. Both my DSs will be home for dinner - younger going back to D.C. tomorrow - older son lives downtown and has a girlfriend so only have both of them home it seems on Thanksgiving and Christmas. So younger wants his favorite pizza. DH didn’t want us to order much because HE’S NOT HUNGRY! I said, “you always say that and it never happens.” Well, I ordered plenty of pizza, DH heard. He gave me “the look.” I swore at him in front of my DS. Now this is not the only time DS has heard me swear at DH but I was hoping to get through A THREE DAY VISIT as the perfect mother. One that doesn’t swear at the father. My DH went to an Ivy League school, I won’t say which one because, quite frankly, it will lower your opinion of it. So he is smart in some (limited) areas. Early in our marriage I asked, “How the **** did you get into an Ivy League school?” He said, “They needed a goalie.” And there you have it. They needed a goalie, back in 1966.

Usually, I laugh at his cheapness or just ignore it but I’ve been dealing with some very loonie tune behavior from my dear parents, I don't know how to handle it and I just didn’t need “the look” at that moment. I swear, a week ago I was feeling very fond of DH.

I know this is nothing. It really is. I’m actually annoyed about years of very subtle selfcenteredness. And as I look around at all the other husbands I know, I actually haven’t met one I would trade him for. As I said to a friend, “I’ve never wanted anyone else since I met him….Sometimes I don’t want HIM - but I don’t want anyone else.”

Sigh. It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by turkeys.

Hope you all are doing well.
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Old 02-20-2012, 08:16 PM   #315  
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Originally Posted by slmn11 View Post
Hi Matty. Tell us more about yourself!
I am 63 and have been a widow for 5 years. I love to exercise and very active ,but seems like I've let these lbs creep up and as you know much harder to get off.

I've joined TOPS and enjoy the group very much but just need to get more ideas to get motivated or maybe just some NEW inspiration . Maybe food ideas , something new instead of the same o' same o' .

any suggestions would be appreciated.
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