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Old 09-13-2011, 09:58 AM   #151  
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:08 AM   #152  
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Happy Birthday Donna!
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:10 AM   #153  
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:13 AM   #154  
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Good Morning GG's

Busy time. Had to work the weekend, but got off at 3 on Sunday. In time to go see DGS play football. Bad game. The kids are in 7th grade and there were injuries. I hate to see any of the kids hurt and these were pretty bad. One of our players got a broken arm. My DGS hit him in the arm with his helmet. DGS cried and it has bothered him terribly. One of the other teams boys got a broken leg and the kid that broke it has been having a really hard time with it. We were all crying. Shouldn't be happening at this age. DGD had a good football game. Got 2 touchdowns and threw the ball for extra point. I do believe fall has begun. it has gotten cool and lovely here. Feels like fall, smells like fall, must be fall. I know we still have Indian summer yet, but it is so beautiful right now.

Z, I know what you mean about eating things I shouldn't and paying for it. My stomach simply will not tollerate things that I used to eat. All those greasy, heavy things just leaved me filling bloated and yucky. Isn't it amazing how our bodies try to TELL us what to eat, and we won't listen?

Rosie, I hope you're feeling better. I love the house alone, especially when I'm sick. I can't stand being babied. Just leave me alone, please

Bobbi, I have that recipe (almost) the same and I don't use all that sugar. I'll post the recipe I use. And I like it just fine left over. Hope you are feeling ok. Those headaches gone?

Donna, I'm glad that you seem to enjoy your job. Makes going to work so much easier.

Lynn, Prayers for your friend. I hope they are OK.

Mary, Your children are beautiful.

Rie, I watched the game but was drinking beer. My defination of UN-sophistication! ha I've tried to drink wine, just dont' like it. We always have a truck. Just so handy to have. We have the SUV too, but everyone borrows the truck.

Hi Carol Sue,

I have the kids all week. My DDIL got a new job and had to go to NY for training. It will be challenging but fun. I babysit with them all the time but not a week at a time. I been grocery shopping, got a script for valium (kidding) and i'm all set.

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Old 09-13-2011, 10:13 AM   #155  
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Good Morning Goldens!

I woke early this morning again. I had an unfortunate low blood sugar last night - I guess I need to add a little more carbs if I am having wine. It would be terribly easy to think, "Hmmmmm, drinking alchohol means that it will drop my sugar so I can eat lots of carbs..... LOL" I don't think so. Well, my dr told me that I should always have a glass of wine if I eat out .... Probably will help when I get to maintenance.

Zoe, can I whine a little and express my envy at your on-plan breakfasts? I would so love to be able to eat cereal and fruit. I just can't have the carbs... I'm sure that you would enjoy lots of those non-carb calories that I load on my plates. The "grass is always greener" The beauty of this is that each one of us has our own struggles and our own path that we must follow but the journey is the same.

Donna, I hope that you have a really wonderful day. Find a way to pamper yourself? OK?

Mary, I think you have a good plan for MF. I sometimes use replacement products because it is easier than making choices. I hope it works well for you. Good luck!

I will check back later and catch everyone then. Have a great day!

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Old 09-13-2011, 10:47 AM   #156  
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Default Working it!

I am so happy to be losing and I am down 154.8. Second day in a row but I am not minding the plateaus. I am sticking to my plan and whenever I waver I think of the cruise I am going on and how I want to look and feel my best. One of my friends said no one will notice me because there is so much going on on the ship. But I will notice and I really have enough determination to make this happen. I feel like God is pulling for me, not about the weight but about being the best I can be and not giving up. Does that sound crazy. Oh well! Hope you are all doing well and keeping the plan you have.
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Old 09-13-2011, 03:16 PM   #157  
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA hope your day is awsome (((HUGS))) rosey
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Old 09-13-2011, 04:35 PM   #158  
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Old 09-13-2011, 05:26 PM   #159  
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Good Afternoon, Goldens!

Thank you all so much for the very lovely birthday greetings! I just LOVE birthdays and am such a big baby about them! So, thank you all! I had lots of phone calls and songs sung, too, so I’m pretty happy!

Bobbi – your recipe sounds good! Rosey – have you posted your recipe? That sounds good, too, and I’m mostly interested in fast and EASY!

Mary – I’m going to be really interested in your MF diet and how it goes for you, how doable, how successful, etc. Good luck!

Lynn – enjoy your marathon, anyway (egads!), and I hope your DF’s friend is okay! Wowsers! Your birthday greeting was fantastic! WHERE did you find that way cool graphic?

Freda – that’s scary, the injuries that the kids sustained playing football. It’s such a rough sport, but I guess a mom can’t turn her boys into pansies, either. It would be really hard to sit back and watch that without running onto the field and pummeling some little guy!

And I am enjoying the job, thanks for asking. They’re very decent folks… and I make a special point to NEVER say anything even remotely negative about anything, and they do respond in kind (Pollyanna and LittleMissSunshine, rolled into one! Haha!). It makes for a good environment!

I checked with GM and she’s okay, so I just came home after work. That in itself is a gift to myself! I don’t have anything to report. Tomorrow is a cortisone shot for GM, and then I’m taking her to meet a little old lady for whom I’ve made some baby afghans, which need to be delivered. LOP (little old person) is feeding us a little lunch, and I hope the two hit it off. They’re both 88, but it’s night and day!

This load of laundry is finished, so I need to throw it in the dryer and then hither off to do other productive and constructive things! Hola, all… and thank you again!

Last edited by jess1; 09-13-2011 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:36 PM   #160  
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Hi all!

Just wanted to tell you how much fun I had with the little gs tonight. I have been watching some of the staff at work teach soccer ball control techniques. So, tonight when I came home from work, I started teaching gs. He likes to try to take the ball from me. He was giggling and falling down and diving for the ball as I ran around barefoot playing keep away. I was sure sweating when I was done.

Freda, so sorry about the kids getting hurt. I hope everyone recovers quickly.

Back in the morning.

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Old 09-14-2011, 02:56 AM   #161  
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Too much going on today to spend much time online. Started out at the gym with yoga stretch, then came home to clean house and continuing yesterday's laundry. Also talked to son for a while. My dh went bike shopping and came home with a foldable bike. He seems very happy with it and it sure doesn't take up much space in the garage. This afternoon I got a manicure and also bought a new Bible. I needed a large print one. I found a really pretty one and also got a carrier for it but I'm not sure I like the carrier so may end up taking it back and getting another one. Dh had a meeting tonight so I finished what I didn't get done yesterday and today..vacuumed our bedroom, cleaned main bathroom and decluttered my office a bit. Still need to dust and vacuum spare bedroom but there's always tomorrow. For some reason I got behind this week again.

My Medifast order should come tomorrow. I hope I will be able to continue with it. It looks like we will be taking over the AZ house sooner than we expected so our budget will be tighter. But we will be saving on other types of food like dairy, fruit and other high glycemic carbs except for the little dh eats and he is not a big eater. So maybe it will all balance out. We will see...
I'm sure I'll learn a lot that I can apply on my own anyway. A few weeks ago, I ordered a pair of Pajama Jeans. When I got them I wasn't sure I liked them, thought they were a little big but dh thought they were ok, so decided to keep them. Tried them on today to wear to the gym...and no, they are way too big...I'm hoping I can still send them back, looking for the receipt..

Grammy Gal - You're doing great!! I'm pulling for you too!! 154.8 sounds great to me and hearing how you're doing inspires me!

Donna - I'll say it again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it's been a good one!! Glad you're enjoying your job, it really helps. Glad GM's doing ok.

Rie - You are so disciplined and eat so well, I really admire how you do that, but do be careful about that low BS!

We have a large bowl full of tomatoes from our garden! They are all pretty ripe too! We plan to give some away and I'm thinking maybe I'll make spaghetti sauce and have it tomorrow night. That way I can eat some spaghetti before I start Medifast. however if my package comes early in the day I'll probably go ahead and start as I'm kinda excited! Still have eggplant that I need to cook too...probably will make some more Tortang Tagalog as that seems to be the only way we like it other than Pinacbet which right now I'm sick of. I can also use some tomatoes in it too. I have one zucchini left and dh says there more in the garden to harvest! (ugh!) Marie I wish we did like it with tomato but I think we are just so sick of it right now we don't like it any way.

Well, time for bed..
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Old 09-14-2011, 08:12 AM   #162  
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Good Morning to all you Lovely Ladies,

I was up early this morning getting the kiddies ready for school. We're keeping them this week while DIL is in NY for work. It's fun and a lot of work. And recking havoic whith my diet. They simply will not eat the things that we usually eat. I guess I will have to work around it. Light breakfast and lunch and then very light dinner.

Lynn, I agree with Donna, Cool graphics!

Mary, You don't can any of your tomatoes? They freeze really well too, and it's easier.

Rie, How old is GS? Ready to get started in soccer? I think that we started the kids when they were 4. Love soccer. Such good exercise.

Donna, I'm happy to hear that G/M is doing so well. I hope she hits it off well with the other lady. Sometimes opposites do get along well.

Grammygal, Congrats on the weight loss. and there are so many reasons to continue. Besides looking better, you will have so much more energy to enjoy your trip.

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Old 09-14-2011, 10:45 AM   #163  
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Good Morning! It is a nice cool morning here today. They are talking about rain but haven't seen any yet.

I was really enjoying my Rocky Ford Cantaloupes until I got an email about them being contaminated and are causing lysteria! Darn it! I guess there have been 5 deaths from it. Now I had already eaten one and saved the seeds because I wanted to try to plant them next year...but had a whole one that I hadn't even cut yet. Called my grocery store and told them and they said to just bring them back. So I took the whole one plus the baggie of seeds and they gave me back my money on both of them. I called the CDC info line and they said to get rid of them and to not plant the seeds. I was surprised that they gave me money back for both.

Grammygal-- congrats on the punds deleted! That is great!

Bobbi-- that recipe does sound good--think I'm going to have to try that one.

Rosey, hope you are feeling better.

Mary, be sure to let us know about your MF diet. I have heard lots of good about it but I don't know for sure.

Freda, that is scary that kids are getting hurt so much. And I'm sure the others feel very badly for them too. I hope things get better soon.

Rie, sounds like you have such good time with your grands-- wish mine were closer.

Well, I need to get started on this day! I have only about 10 days to get things done and ready to go.. By the way-- the people never did come back with any counter to our counter---I told my neighbor they are probably stuck with us! She was happy to hear that!! I'll leave it on the market while we are gone and see what happens. It will be 6 months on Dec. 9th that we listed it so I think we have given it a good shot.

Have a GREAT DAY!!!
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Old 09-14-2011, 11:52 AM   #164  
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I spent my morning boxing up a meat tenderizer I just sold on ebay. Now I need to get outside and drag in all the plants I want to save from freezing tonight. Yes, frost is here and good-bye nice warm weather. We have our second round of raspberries coming and I'm so mad, DH is going to cover them tonight so we don't lose all of the new berries forming.
Those of you asking about my headaches, they are mostly gone. I have my appointment made for an allergy specialist to see what I'm allergic to. I keep the bedroom door closed, window closed and the air purifier running every night. I don't think it's pollen because the rest of the house has all the windows open and I don't get headaches during the day. I'm afraid it's my dog, and I would never, ever part with Charlie. I did have to ban him from going in the bedroom but he's so happy go lucky he doesn't seem to care anymore.
I posted a new book on the book thread you might want to check out, it was hard to put down.
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Old 09-14-2011, 01:58 PM   #165  
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Hi Everyone,

Website for Happy Birthday graphic -

Sunday is the half-marathon. This week is VERY light exercise. We need to build up our strength.

Might have found out why the throat/chest pains - esophogeal spasms. The endoscopy indicated no cancer. Next is a barrium swallow study. In the meantime, I seem to be able to avoid the pain by eating soft things. Bagels, fresh veggies/fruit, meat all seem to be triggers.

Have a great day,

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