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Old 11-06-2010, 05:22 PM   #61  
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Gosh Rosey! I just went and cheked out hte recipe section and my mouth is watering!! I think I will try to fix these for the holidays!! Thanks so much!
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Old 11-06-2010, 05:40 PM   #62  
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Thanks karen i love my moms for the soup it comes in a bag at our stores..its usually by the rice pasta beans isle i will post my reciepe but i dont really have one so ill give it my trip rosey
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Old 11-06-2010, 06:47 PM   #63  
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Hiya, everybody. Ole' perkless me, here. Better by about 75%, I'd say, but still trying to catch up on the sleep I lost coughing all during the week. I've had a couple of pretty good nights, now, and went grocery shopping this morning, but came home and haven't done much else all day except nap on and off, read some and watch a little TV, which was irritating because there was nothing at all worth watching on. DH woke up with a sore-ish throat this morning and feeling stuffy, so he's been laying about as well, taking echinacea, slurping OJ and napping. What a pair!
Oh, MY, Rosey! Lovely pictures, m'dear!!!! Lovelier still, knowing that they're taken more than 3,000 miles away from me! I am NOT, really really NOT looking forward to any "winter wonderlands" this year - which isn't to say that we won't get our share of the white stuff, because we most assuredly will, but the longer we can put it off, the happier this camper is going to be!
It's weird, isn't it, Karen31 - looking at pictures of ourselves the way we used to be, I mean? It's almost like we were somebody else altogether. We don't talk much about aging here in the world of the *Golden Girlies*, but the truth is that the years are passing and we aren't getting any younger. I never expected that I'd be glad to get older, but oddly enough, it's not bothering me so very much. Just sometimes, I guess, when I take a good straight-on look at myself in the mirror, note all the wrinkles and such around my eyes and mouth, and I find myself wondering when and how those pesky little critters jumped aboard. I'm also less energetic, and that's the truth. I know I'd be MORE energetic if I exercised some, and one of these days I'll work up enough energy to give it another go. I think. (Lynn says I will when I retire, and I trust Lynn....)
Bobbi, LOVE the Maxine quote of the week....heck, I'd settle for 40!
Good thoughts being sent for your bil, Mary....hoping for the best for him.
Oh, PT...I hope you're feeling better today, and not about to settle into some week-long pattern of the uglies like I've been having! Freda, I DO have to get to the doctor within the next 3 months because I only have three more refills on my BP medication. I'd like to hold out until it's absolutely necessary - you know that doctors and I don't get along all that well...
Karen3, I really did try to rally myself for the weekend, but it wasn't happening. I'm figuring if I rest a lot over the next day or so, I should be able to knock this bug out once and for all (unless DH passes it back to me, I mean....GROAN)
Hi Gayle...keep up the good fight, sister....
Well, back to my new life as a couch potato...hope everyone is having a happy weekend!

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Old 11-06-2010, 07:00 PM   #64  
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It's been a day of morning and remembrance for us. We had just got to the memorial service for our dd's fil when my dh's nephew called to say that his dad, my dh's oldest brother, had passed on. He woke up last night, not verbalizing but moving around a bit so they had hopes he might get better, but this morning he started having more heart attacks, and apparently wasn't breathing on his own so his wife and son decided to have them disconnect the ventilator and let him go. He was a good man and will be missed. We stayed for the memorial service and it was a very good one and seemed to really reflect the man for whom it was honoring. The family served a very nice lunch after wards. It was a long drive so I was really glad to get out of my tight clothes and shoes when I finally got home! What good is a Spanx when it rolls down my tummy... Guess I need an all-in-one but when I tried one on once I looked (and felt) like a rolled sausage! Since the biggest part of me is my midriff I was just straight fat in the middle with skinny legs (comparably) if you can imagine that...probably better to not. You'd think that would be a good incentive to lose weight, wouldn't you??

Well, I am trying to get back on the greens and beans diet (modified with milk, eggs occasionally and a small amount of meat) like I tried recently. It has been the only diet I have ever been on that actually filled me up, however I never really lost weight, but my bs were great. I figured if I stuck with it perhaps I will lose weight. Did pretty well yesterday and so far today.

Another thing that seems to help me is to put everything I plan to eat in calorieking and print it out. I sometimes change it a bit but having the plan seems to help me still as if I change it I try to stay with the same nutrition plan/amounts. So we'll see how it goes.

Karen - congrats on the new w&d! Our last set was given to us and it was almost new! coudn't believe it but our friends were given it by their kids and they already had a new set so just gave it to us.

Rosey - loved the snow pics but oh, looks so cold! don't think I could take that kind of weather anymore. I grew up with cold winters and snow drifts though.

Rosey & Jess -Yes thong panties are VERY uncomfortable! I think esp if you've had babies and episiotomies! I had 5 babies and many stitches so OUCH! My dh got the bright idea of giving me a pair of thong underwear for Valentines one year. I decided to wear them to work and it was a miserable day.... Never wore them again and told him not to do that any more!

Karen - glad you get to see your son. Sounds like he is happy there though?

I need to run to the store for some milk and bread so better get to it.

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Old 11-07-2010, 10:34 AM   #65  
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Good Morning, All...
Your vivid descriptions of "thong experiences" left me gasping... oh, Rosey, I do think you're wonderful! Mary, I think every guy must have to try the "sexy" underwear thing at least once, yes?

Karen, have a safe trip! I don't think it'll be too nasty for you, weatherwise... I think it's just the mountains that might get the fluffy stuff. It'll just be cool-ish for the rest of us. Is it still daylight in snowy Alaska, Rosey? Pretty pictures!

Nothing going on. I pulled out the dreaded scale and should have left it in the cupboard. Oh, my... oh, my.... I did NOT like the results and am BACK ON TRACK, as of this instant!

On that note, enough! Hope you're all having a good TurnTheClocksBack Day...... be safe!

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Old 11-07-2010, 01:24 PM   #66  
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Well I'm on day 2 of the greens and beans diet and so far so good. But most of you know how I great for a while then blow it for several days,or weeks, or months... I'm praying that I will stick with it this time. It won't help that we will be traveling for a few days but I am making plans on how I can hopefully keep to it. I forgot to take my bs this am but hopefully will again see good numbers. The scale is starting to drop already but of course nothing new...just those darn recycled pounds. I do like the food I am's just a hassle to be always thinking about it. I mean, I already plan my meals, count calories and carbs and monitor other things like fats, but with this I have to make sure I eat a LOT of fruits and veggies even beyond what I normally do which is generally already more than the average person eats. At the luncheon yesterday I was lucky as there were lots of veggies and fruits so I piled most of my plate high with them and then had a little meat and a small amount of potatoes. I ended up sharing it all with my gd who ate at least 1/2 the meat and potatoes and some fruit. I did get three small pcs of dessert...altogether maybe 2/3 or 3/4 size of a pc of pie, but managed to keep my calories down for the day. I love dessert so sometimes try to keep most of my carbs for it when I'm out. Think maybe sharing with a child is a good way to diet!

Trying to make plans to attend my bil's service but don't really have enough info to do it yet. Our youngest dd wants to join us too. We have tentatively reserved a few nights but may have to change that if things turn out differently than we think.

Jess - glad you are getting back on track along with me! It actually feels better to eat right just wish we could always remember that.

I got ready for church early this morning as forgot to turn back my watch. My dh turned back the other clocks but I only looked at my watch and jumped out of bed. So much for sleeping in!

Hope you all have a good Sunday.
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Old 11-07-2010, 07:52 PM   #67  
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Hi everyone.maryea i am so sry for your loss ..its snowing like crazy.has been all day, winter is deff here..we have a very steep pitch metal roof and the snow has accumulated but now its rumbling off and making the usual dh made dinner in the crock pot, a venison roast it smells devine and the best part is i didnt cook it..i worked on xmas project all afternoon..burns from hot glues guns are a hazzard today havent taken pictures yet but i promise i will when im done..i did get some pic of my dh and our golden retriever doing her tricks.. she does about 8 tricks,plays dead,speaks loud and soft on command,rolls over,hi fives ,shakes paws and holds a dog treat on the bridge of her nose and she fetchs the morning paper..she looks like a lab as we have her groomed(she sheds terribl) anyways as you can see my dh is a snappy dresser he likes wearing my sweat pants but im 4 ft 10 and hes 6 ft ,he's wearing high water pants but hes comfy i call him my cross dresser he likes my cardigans too he looks great in pink lol..hope you all had a great weekend rosey
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Old 11-07-2010, 10:14 PM   #68  
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Hi I just watched Kate Plus 8 on the tlc..she and her kids where in alaska..did anyone else see it..the places they went are places ive been,her kids are so cute but shes deff a city gal..they repeat shows so if u mussed it see if its on again..also s.palins on nov 14th..just thought i'd share rosey
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Old 11-07-2010, 10:49 PM   #69  
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Hi Rosey, love the pictures of your DH and your fur baby! Ginger and Sissy really don't know any tricks but they do things that make me laugh. Ginger is scared to hear the "beeps" on the new washer and dryer and runs when I go into the laundry room! The first night she was shaking so bad you would have thought there was a thunder storm here! Sometimes they play together so much and I laugh so hard. They will get to chasing each other through the house and it sounds like a herd of Pomeranians!!

Maryea, sorry to hear about your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you. be good to yourself through these times.
I was going to ask you how your little yorkie is doing? Sissy, my sable one, has the luxating patella also. So far it hasn't got to bad but I have had her to the vet to check it out. They gave me some muscle relaxers for her to use once in awhile when it flairs up but I know sooner or later I'll probably have to do the surgery on her. He told us of a surgery where they go in and just shorten the tendons on one side and place the knee where it is supposed to be. That would be the easiest surgery and most reasonalbe priced without having to cut into bone. Do you know of this type of surgery? Just wondering what you think.

Will have lots of last minute stuff to do tomorrow to load up the RV but plan on leaving Tuesday unless the weather map just completely says "STAY HOME"

Have a good night everyone and I'll see you tomorrow.
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:34 AM   #70  
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Monday, Monday...tah dah dah does that song go? It's amazing how many songs from the '60's and '70's that I remember one line, or just a few words and a little bit of the melody from.
I just finished chomping down one of my fruity, fiber-y and (hopefully) ultra-healthy muffins. Made them last night - 16 altogether. Froze all but two in packages of two so that we (DH & I) can defrost them as needed. We can't eat 16 before they start going by, obviously, so freezing works just fine for us. Also made a big pot of pasta sauce last night - 1 jar of Prego Traditional with 2 cans of Italian seasoned diced tomatoes, 2 cans of tomato paste, half a bunch of finely shredded kale, 8 oz. of chopped sun dried tomatoes, a sliced red pepper, a sliced green pepper, two chopped medium onions, half a head of fresh brocolli chopped into tiny florettes...oh, and a pound of ground turkey browned in the frying pan, and Italian style turkey sausages. Simmered for about three hours, and then refrigerated - we'll separate it into smaller freezer containers tonight. We'll have enough for three or four meals. Yay. I really like to cook up a whole big batch of something on the weekend and save myself from having to cook from scratch on weeknights. I've still got pea soup and ham in the freezer as well as my chicken vegetable soup that I made last weekend. Got a couple of containers of chili, as well, so I'm figuring to really take it easy this week. I've also got some frozen pre-seasoned chicken breast strips that work great - and are quick and easy - for fajitas or burritos, or whatever kind of Mexican thingamajig we might feel like having. Now I THINK that this stuff is pretty consistent with my high-fiber, low fat, low cal. diet, but I can't be absolutely certain, because I have no clue how to figure out calories per serving.
Oh, PT, you got on the scale? Hmmmm. I suppose I ought to, as well. I'm sorta kinda hoping to hold out until January 1st (as long as I can still button my skirts and zip my pants and such) and then going on a whiz bang no-holds-barred weight loss campaign. Or not. <sigh> We'll see.
Mary, condolences on the loss of you bil - how is your DH doing? Poor guy has had a lot to deal with this year, it seems. Keep us informed on this "beans & greens" eating plan of yours - where did it come from? I don't think I've ever heard of it.
Well, Rosey, it appears I spoke too soon, here, as we had our first snow overnight, and woke up to general ickiness. It wasn't a heavy snow, and only stuck to the lawns and shrubs, leaving the driveway and roads clear, but now it's windy and raining, which made for a nasty drive into work this morning. Some years, we don't see any snow until Christmas or after...I guess this isn't going to be one of those years.
Oh, MY. All this talk of thongs and sexy undies! Hah. I don't think so. I didn't even wear them when I was young and had a half-way decent body. And now, when I totally HATE wearing anything that's tight or constricting (I really love drawstring and elastic-waisted pants and skirts!) I can't see myself trying to walk around with a string up...well, you know where. ACK. PTOOEY! My one concession to NOT being totally old-ladyish is that I wear black undies. Just plain black silk underpants. They're comfy, and cover everything up. 'Nuff said.
Well, back to work....might as well knock out one more day 'til retirement, eh?

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Old 11-08-2010, 09:44 AM   #71  
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Good Morning...darn dog woke me up early today.
My doc's appointment is finally here, tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll find out what's going on with my trapezius muscles and constant migraine headaches, it's going on 3 months now.
Zoe...same here, doesn't bother me that I've aged. We're living the good life, no money worries, good health other than my back muscles/migraine. (Hopefully Dr. Kim will find the problem tomorrow)
As far as exercising, someday you can work it in. We all know how busy you are with hubby, family and the twins. Consider running after them your exercise!
*Golden Girlies*, but the truth is that the years are passing and we aren't getting any younger. I never expected that I'd be glad to get older, but oddly enough, it's not bothering me so very much.
Rosey...We buy the mixed soup beans at our local food coop and they are dirt cheap. DH baked a large turkey just for us this week-end and I took the meat off the carcass and boiled the bones for yummy chicken broth. I think I'll make your recipe for the soup today, using the turkey broth and some of the turkey meat. Love the pics of your DH with the dogs. Our DD had to put their golden retreiver down, we all cried as he was a sweet loving dog. He was so old he couldn't see anymore, had hip problems going down the steps to out doors, now I'm going to cry again.
KarenMo...speaking of dogs, our Charlie is afraid of the beep on the microwave. I over cooked something once and now he runs when I'm using it. He also runs downstairs when thunder and lighting sweeps through. We've only taught him simple things like not bolting out the door until we say O.K. I can hold a dog treat under his nose and he won't eat it until I say, 'Take'. You should see him roll his eyes at me when I make him do that, too funny. But he's a natural born hunter, that's what English Setters are bred for and sweet natured like the gold retrievors. I still can't upload pics on this site so you can't see how pretty he is.
Mary...sorry about your daughter's FIL. I don't use calorie-king but I'm thinking it works like Fitday. I get lazy about posting my food on week-ends and I too need to join you girls in 'getting with the program'. It's so easy to get out of the routine and frankly my dear, sick to death of dieting.
I think every guy must have to try the "sexy" underwear thing at least once, yes?
Oh yes, add me to the list. A few years ago I purchased one on impulse, thinking no pantie line. Geeeeez, I'd rather have a root canel than wear one of those.
DH is coming down with a cold, everyone at work has it and I'm staying clear of him. I personally haven't had a cold in over 12 years, thats how long I've been retired. (Working with people isn't always very healthy, they should keep their germs home in bed)
Hi Freda, what you doing today?
KarenFla...what are you cooking today? I'm envious of your easy access to fresh seafood. 54 degrees is cold for you, that's balmy here.
Hi Woodlily, are you enjoying our warm November weather in Minnesota? I have 4 holly berrie bushes and the berries are going to be pretty for Christmas, again I'd love to take a picture and post it but can't. I wonder if I should install the new Windows 7? Maybe I'd get rid of my cp problems with downloading here. What do you use?
Time to get going, need to get my turkey/bean soup going.
Lynn...what are you cooking today? I always love to hear what everyone is cooking across the country. Living alone like you do would make things so easy for me, I would only cook diet stuff and never have tempting things around for hubby. But then you eat out so much, maybe that's more tempting huh?
Have a great Monday everyone.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 11-08-2010 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 11-08-2010, 10:36 AM   #72  
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Good Morning, All...
Before I am even more remiss, Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your BIL. I hope your DH is doing okay with this. I'm sorry for your loss.

Rosey, love the pictures! Love the DH stories! Love you!.......

PT/Zoe, I'll bet you'd be pleasantly surprised if you pulled out the DreadedScale! Now that you're a ChiaChickie, you're probably a mere shadow of your former self!

I saw this and thought it was interesting:

Saturated Fat Tells the Brain to Overeat
When hunger is satisfied, the hormones leptin and insulin signal the brain that it is time to stop eating -- an important mechanism in appetite control and weight regulation. In a recent animal study, researchers examined the effects that various types of fat have on this mechanism.

Findings: The saturated fatty acid palmitic acid (found in foods such as butter, cheese and beef) makes its way to the brain and overrides the appetite-suppressing signals from leptin and insulin -- and thus triggers overeating. In the study animals, the effect lasted about three days... which may explain why indulging in high-saturated-fat treats on Friday or Saturday can make a person feel hungrier than usual on Monday. In contrast: The monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (which is found, for instance, in almonds, avocados, grape seed oil, macadamia nuts, olives, olive oil, peanuts, pecans and sunflower seeds) does not thwart weight-regulating hormones.

Lesson: To make it easier to control your appetite and avoid overeating, steer clear of foods high in saturated fat.

Source: Deborah Clegg, PhD, RD, is an assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and senior author of an animal study.

Maybe THAT'S my problem! All I can say is "eek!".....

KarenMO, I don't think it's going to be that bad for your travel. The plains aren't supposed to get much of anything; the projected fluffy stuff is for the mountains. I'd like it if we got a wee tad of something here; it's so dry!

Nothing of any interest to report. I'm "being good" and duly depriving myself. Bah!

Everyone, have a lovely Monday! Be safe.......

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Old 11-08-2010, 11:57 AM   #73  
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Hi Everyone,

Windy, dreary, cold day here in PA. Nothing special planned. My SIL is having surgery on his knee tomorrow. He has a torn maniscus (sp?). They are going to the surgeon today to get more info about how long the recovery will be.

Have a good Monday, Everyone,


Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
It's weird, isn't it, Karen31 - looking at pictures of ourselves the way we used to be, I mean? It's almost like we were somebody else altogether. We don't talk much about aging here in the world of the *Golden Girlies*, but the truth is that the years are passing and we aren't getting any younger. I never expected that I'd be glad to get older, but oddly enough, it's not bothering me so very much. Just sometimes, I guess, when I take a good straight-on look at myself in the mirror, note all the wrinkles and such around my eyes and mouth, and I find myself wondering when and how those pesky little critters jumped aboard. I'm also less energetic, and that's the truth. I know I'd be MORE energetic if I exercised some, and one of these days I'll work up enough energy to give it another go. I think. (Lynn says I will when I retire, and I trust Lynn....)Z
Hi Zoe,
Whenever I hear my DD and my nieces complaining about how they look, I tell them that they should really enjoy how they look now because it is only going to get worse. I think that I feel MUCH older since I let my red hair grow out to grey. But, I kind of feel like I need to face my aging. This is NOT about how others see me. It is about how I see myself.
Originally Posted by maryea View Post
It's been a day of morning and remembrance for us. We had just got to the memorial service for our dd's fil when my dh's nephew called to say that his dad, my dh's oldest brother, had passed on. He woke up last night, not verbalizing but moving around a bit so they had hopes he might get better, but this morning he started having more heart attacks, and apparently wasn't breathing on his own so his wife and son decided to have them disconnect the ventilator and let him go.
Well, I am trying to get back on the greens and beans diet (modified with milk, eggs occasionally and a small amount of meat) like I tried recently. It has been the only diet I have ever been on that actually filled me up, however I never really lost weight, but my bs were great. I figured if I stuck with it perhaps I will lose weight. Did pretty well yesterday and so far today.
Hi Mary,
My best wishes for peace and comfort are sent to you for you and your family.
What is the “greens and beans” diet?
Originally Posted by jess1 View Post

Nothing going on. I pulled out the dreaded scale and should have left it in the cupboard. Oh, my... oh, my.... I did NOT like the results and am BACK ON TRACK, as of this instant!
Hi Donna,
I weigh every day. Recently, it has been good to me. Right now I am holding at 151. However, what I learned from my daily weighing is that it is ONLY the trend that matters – not the one-time weight.
Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
:..its snowing like crazy.has been all day, winter is deff here..we have a very steep pitch metal roof and the snow has accumulated but now its rumbling off and making the usual racket..
Hi Rosey,
I am guessing that you must like the snow. My DD and SIL are planning an early March trip to Alaska – they love it in the winter.

Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Hi Rosey, love the pictures of your DH and your fur baby! Ginger and Sissy really don't know any tricks but they do things that make me laugh. Ginger is scared to hear the "beeps" on the new washer and dryer and runs when I go into the laundry room! The first night she was shaking so bad you would have thought there was a thunder storm here! Sometimes they play together so much and I laugh so hard. They will get to chasing each other through the house and it sounds like a herd of Pomeranians!!
Hi Karen,
I always had 1 pet at a time. However, when I adopted Harry and Hermione, I entered the world of “pets playing together” entertainment. They are so FUNNY! I never knew what I was missing.
Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Good Morning...darn dog woke me up early today.
My doc's appointment is finally here, tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll find out what's going on with my trapezius muscles and constant migraine headaches, it's going on 3 months now.
Lynn...what are you cooking today? I always love to hear what everyone is cooking across the country. Living alone like you do would make things so easy for me, I would only cook diet stuff and never have tempting things around for hubby. But then you eat out so much, maybe that's more tempting huh?
Hi Bobbi,
I am SO SORRY that you have not gotten rid of all that pain. I HOPE your doctor can help.
Actually, I am baking a breakfast pie and making turkey soup. I was about to throw out about half a turkey – but, after reading everyone’s posts this morning, I decided to make the soup.

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
I saw this and thought it was interesting:
Saturated Fat Tells the Brain to Overeat
When hunger is satisfied, the hormones leptin and insulin signal the brain that it is time to stop eating -- an important mechanism in appetite control and weight regulation. In a recent animal study, researchers examined the effects that various types of fat have on this mechanism.
Findings: The saturated fatty acid palmitic acid (found in foods such as butter, cheese and beef) makes its way to the brain and overrides the appetite-suppressing signals from leptin and insulin -- and thus triggers overeating. In the study animals, the effect lasted about three days... which may explain why indulging in high-saturated-fat treats on Friday or Saturday can make a person feel hungrier than usual on Monday. In contrast: The monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (which is found, for instance, in almonds, avocados, grape seed oil, macadamia nuts, olives, olive oil, peanuts, pecans and sunflower seeds) does not thwart weight-regulating hormones.
Lesson: To make it easier to control your appetite and avoid overeating, steer clear of foods high in saturated fat.
Source: Deborah Clegg, PhD, RD, is an assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and senior author of an animal study.

Hi Donna,
Interesting article. Maybe because of my diabetes, my leptin and insulin work differently. It is carbs that trigger my appetite. Fat seems to fill me up, but eating carbs triggers me to binge.
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Old 11-08-2010, 12:09 PM   #74  
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Just stopping by to say Hi. I lost 25 lbs. last fall and now that I started dialysis in Feb. gained back 20 of those but I was told that would happen. Now I am leveling off so I can try to lose some of this weight again. I am on no diet restrictions yet, just low salt and I have to eat a lot of protein as the dialysis takes it out of the body.

It is nice to see so many "old" golden girls here that I remember and you all look great. Like Z seeing the lines along my mouth and's like what the heck happened. lol

I'm feeling good, lots of traveling, including 6 weeks in FL and looking forward to the holidays. I may be starting another treatment to lower my antibodies (the one last fall didn't work) so I could receive one of my daughters kidneys if these treatments would work. I have a meeting at the hospital this Thurs.

I do the dialysis at home, at night with a machine the size of a copier and it is really easy and makes traveling very simple.

Reading your old posts and trying to catch up on your lives a bit. I'll be checking in more often.

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Old 11-08-2010, 01:03 PM   #75  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
Just stopping by to say Hi.

Reading your old posts and trying to catch up on your lives a bit. I'll be checking in more often.


How WONDERFUL to see you posting. I have wondered how you were doing.

How often do you need to have the dialysis?

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