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Old 11-27-2010, 12:04 PM   #241  
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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, I had not frozen ALL the leftovers from Thursday &, of course, ate too much. Last night I got up around midnight & put ALL the leftovers in the freezer.

Went into Philly yesterday with my DF - we saw a presentation of White Christmas. It was OK - not great, but at least it was Christmasy.

This morning, I did 90 minutes of fast walking/slow jogging (walk 4 minutes, jog 1 minute). My goal is to build up both distance and speed SLOWLY.

I begin a new course on Tuesday, so today, I am working on the syllabus and other course materials. The course is only 3 weeks, so will be over before Christmas.

Have a good Saturday,

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Old 11-27-2010, 03:27 PM   #242  
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Good afternoon, My Aunt rested well last night. She is in pallative care and the Dr.s aren't holdong out much hope for her. Although when my cousin, her daughter, and husband came in this morning and spoke to her she turned her head towards them and opened her eyes and smiled. My cousin said the Dr. told her to not take that as too encouraging but she said it made them feel better. She just may surprise everyone....
I'm worried about my other Aunt now---- her two daughters and granddaughter had to leave today to go back to Colorado. It was very hard on all of them but they both have jobs they need to get back to and felt this was the right thing to do. Both my brothers are going to check on her this afternoon and will be taking her out for ice cream. She will be 84 in April. I told her if she wanted to go back up to the hospital to call me and I would come and get her. I've wanted to call this afternoon but am afraid she might be napping and that would be the best thing for her right now.
Thanks for all the prayers and I will let you know how things go on through out the day.
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Old 11-27-2010, 07:22 PM   #243  
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Karen, a smile is a nice way to say goodbye even if she doesn't get better. The evening before his death, my bil was able to squeeze hands even though he was not alert in any other way. Even a little something like that can mean a lot to the family though.

I haven't done well on my diet lately again...don't know why I have so much trouble sticking to it. Each day I start out so well but then each evening I make some excuse for going over. My bs have been high of course too, so I have to get control. I go to the doctor next month and he will see I have gained again! I have been exercising though. Yesterday we went to the gym. We only have membership through the end of the month but I will continue to exercise at home.

We are continuing to have car problems...after being told it was only the transmission (that's plenty!), the car started dying on us and it is obvious it is electrical. The battery needed replacing so did that and they checked the alternator and said it was fine (this was Sears). But on the way home, we stopped at a store and it wouldn't start up again! Waited a few minutes and it started again. A neighbor kid is going to look at ir for us. He and his dad are both good mechanics so maybe they can figure it out.

I had to change the front door sensor light again...some things weird as that's the third time in the past 6 months. Usually they last way longer than that. So all kinds of strange things happening. I lost another screw while changing it..LOL ...exasperates my dh as every time I drop and lose one or break a piece of the glass (these are parts of the lamp) and of course he never does but I don't want him up on the ladder. Think in the spring we will have to replace the lamp after my treatment of it. LOL

We went Christmas shopping...I had to return some things I bought and then bought more. I'm almost done...plan to finish up next week at Kohls when they have 50% off + 15% off for seniors.

We were able to get 2 entrees and a side at Panda Express for lunch FREE as we bought a GC. Nice gift. Food is high calories but we share. I just ate half the meat (2 kinds) and broccoli and no rice and we shared a diet Pepsi.

My dh was so sweet...we saw pea coats for $50 at Pennys and he bought me one with his own money. I got a gray one and I love it! Wanted black but the dark gray is also slimming. Wouldn't mind having blue and green too. Another lady was shopping and she said she had one and it lasted a long time so hopefully mine will too. I don't wear a coat often since we go south in winter but it's nice to have a short one when I want to.

I am still waiting on one gift I ordered online and once I get that I can start packing the one box I am shipping. Most of the rest I will wrap and take down with us on our trip (if we get to go). And then our son and his gf have agreed to have "Christmas" in the spring. I might surprise them with the GC though since they have to wait. I enjoyed shopping more today as I got a good sleep last night.

Jess - I agree...nothing in any store is worth getting up so early! Nope, not for me.... are doing great! I only walk 10 min at 3-5 speed on treadmill and the same on the bike. I could do more but trying to stick with my dh who right now is restricted due to his leg. I also do the leg press (200 lbs), those pull down weight things, the knee lift, abductor/adductors etc but only usually 25 times. When he is able to do more I will increase my time on each machine too. I don't want him to overdue so we are only there about an hour. At home I just do 10 min of aerobic type exercises (try for 3 x day on no-gym days) and sometimes I lift 8# weights with goal of 25 reps 3x day. Depends on the day what I actually get done.

Freda, yeah, I think I'll try and fix a healthy dinner myself next time. I'm thinking instead of a fruit pie or pumpkin pie I'll make a pie-like version with a crumbled or very think crust and use Splenda for sweetener.

Well, I've neglected this poor house for a few days now...need to get off this computer and get something done.

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Old 11-28-2010, 09:04 AM   #244  
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Okay, yes, this crazy woman actually DID get up at 4:00 AM on Friday morning to shop with DD. No, I have never done it before, and was absolutely of the opinion that people who dragged themselves out of bed to shop were, well, hopelessly insane consumers....I mean, it was just a couple of years back that a crowd of Black Friday shoppers knocked down and KILLED a WalMart worker, didn't they? So, guess where my daughter wanted to go first? WalMart! I truly questioned whether or not she had lost her mind....usually that child is so logical, so sensible....yikes!!!! But, she is my child, and if she's going off on some insane suicide mission that I can't dissuade her from, then rest assured that her Mama is going to be by her side. So, up I was at 4:00, and bundled up and ready to run out to the car when she pulled into the driveway. At least I had a travel cup - one of those disposable styrofoamy kind you get at the market (sorry, world) with the plastic lids - full of steaming black coffee to provide some further alertness on my part. Too steamy to drink, actually, but I planned to carry it with me into the store. So, we got to WalMart, and yes, there was a line of people waiting to get in, but they seemed well-behaved and in fact, the line wasn't even as long as I'd expected it to be. It WAS raining, though, so I had brought an umbrella. When we pulled into our parking space, I took my coffee cup out of the cup holder between the front seats, and for some unknown reason, thought I could set it up in front of me on the dashboard while I reached down for the umbrella and my pocket book. Turns out, the angle of curve in the dashboard simply won't accommodate a 16 oz. coffee cup, and the thing took a nose dive right down between my legs and splashed up inside both sides of the legs of my (luckily dark blue, wide-legged) jeans. So, did we turn around and go home, you might ask? Absolutely not! My jeans were dark blue, after all. It may have felt a little squishy, but it wasn't very obvious, so off I went. (Yes, I KNOW you're saying, Z really IS insane!). BUT, my daughter got a 19' flat screen TV for my DGD for Christmas for $99 !!!!! She got some toys for the twinnies as well, but the TV had been her primary goal, so that mission was accomplished. And on we went to Target - more toys at wildly reduced prices, a few pajama type things for DGD, some DVD's AND MY big score - a 20 pc., $189 set of T-fal cookware for DD that she wanted for $49! That was one of their doorbuster items, and when we got there, we didn't expect there to be any left - and there weren't, on the shelf where they'd had them stacked. So, we went to find some of the other things on DD's list, and lo and behold, at the end of a toy aisle, somebody had put one of those cookware sets - must've taken it and then decided against it when they got to the toys. So I grabbed it, stuck it into my cart, and felt pretty triumphant, if you want the truth of it. From there we went to Kohl's - 50% off toys, plus a 15% discount on top of that with my card. Cleaned up there, PLUS DD bought an electric grill that I wanted - originally $39.99 - for $19.99, PLUS a $10 mail-in rebate. So, with the 15% discount, she got that baby for @ $7. Okay, so enough of this....but I've got to tell long as you can go home and not do too much for the rest of the day, this Black Friday shopping isn't nearly so bad as I thought it would be. And, I went home, crawled back into my PJ's (Friday is DH's day to be at Old Sturbridge Village - what heaven, I had the house to myself!) stretched out on the couch under an afghan, turned on the TV, and couldn't tell you WHAT was on the thing, because I snoozed until well after noon (was home by 9:00). The kiddos and grandkiddos all came at @ 6:00 for Thanksgiving leftovers, and DD and I had a great time bragging about our shopping triumphs.
Well, it's back to work for me tomorrow - ugh, and just when I was getting used to - and really loving - life without work! You can believe that I am counting the days from here on!
Mary, I swear that dieting just isn't possible - not real, results-oriented dieting - until something "clicks" in our heads that says "NOW is the time!" Until that happens, we try, we try, we try, but it's all uphill, and our bodies fight us to hold onto those pounds and add more on if they can. Then, once that little "click" happens, it may not be effortless, but it seems like our bodies are more willing to cooperate or something. I've had some experiences with weight loss following that "click", and some without it, and without it, it seems like it's just a series of yo-yo losses and gains for me. So, hang in there - we're all in the same boat here, and that's the truth.
Sorry to hear about your elderly Aunts, Karen31. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lynn, I'm making pea soup with the leftover ham (there was quite a lot of it) and maybe turkey soup with what's left of the turkey - there was quite a bit of that, too, but we'll see who comes around picking at it today before consigning it to the soup pot. Just little dribs and drabs of vegetables and such left otherwise - not worth freezing, and will most likely end up dropping those down the disposal. I think I'm going to be glad to get back to our regular menus again.
Hah, PT. made me laugh out loud when I read your remark about the crazy Black Friday shoppers! Well, up to now, I would've agreed 100%, but after getting the deals we got, I'm not so sure we won't venture forth again next year.
So, Freda, are your turkey sandwiches like OUR traditional turkey sandwiches? Miracle Whip to start (on toasted bread), a thin layer of cranberry sauce, another layer of (yum) cranberry-sausage stuffing, and of course a generous layer of turkey......yummmmm-oh! (Of course they must have a 1,000 calories apiece - shameful really!)
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, Gayle, and hope you did, Karen3 - wow, your son has had a book published? How great! (Maybe he went easier on the mother than you thought he would?), Bobbi, Rosey, and Isabella, wherever you are. Also, any of the Golden Girls that I may have forgotten - you know me. Fuzzy around the edges.

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Old 11-28-2010, 10:56 AM   #245  
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Good Morning Girls!
I'm still here, need to get serious with my diet tomorrow morning...back to counting calories.
Rosey has her surgery on Tuesday the 30th so we need to keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
I'll post the December thread after I get off here today or I'll forget.
Freda...we didn't have Thanksgiving at our house but at my sisters so no left-overs. But we did buy and roast a turkey just for ourselves a couple weeks ago. We had so many meals on it plus I cooked all the bones to make broth, then make turkey soups that gave us 3 more meals. I never get tired of turkey. did good using a smaller plate, I didn't even think about that little trick. I messed up on the desserts, our DD brought a custard pie and a sweet potato pie, I had to taste both. are such a great cook, what did you have for Thanksgiving? Inquiring minds want to know!
KarenMo...sorry about your aunts, my aunts and uncles are all gone now and my dad is the only one left. Pretty soon my brothers and sisters (+Me) will be the old farts in the family. what was on your menu for Thanksgiving, did you find a good green vegie?
Donna...I have to agree with you about getting up at 4 am for sales. I think if there was something special I was after, maybe. They had 40" flat screen tv's for $399.00, good deal but we didn't need one.
Mary...your pea coat reminded me of mine, it disappeared? I had a dark navy blue one, it's been missing for a couple of years....the pea coat fairies must have stolen it and I miss it.
My dh was so sweet...we saw pea coats for $50 at Pennys and he bought me one with his own money. I got a gray one and I love it! Wanted black but the dark gray is also slimming.
Zoe...Yup, been there, done that. I have to get my mind set, get stubborn about it. Now that Thanksgiving is over, it'll be easier.
I swear that dieting just isn't possible - not real, results-oriented dieting - until something "clicks" in our heads that says "NOW is the time!" Until that happens, we try, we try, we try, but it's all uphill, and our bodies fight us to hold onto those pounds and add more on if they can. Then, once that little "click" happens, it may not be effortless, but it seems like our bodies are more willing to cooperate or something. I've had some experiences with weight loss following that "click", and some without it, and without it, it seems like it's just a series of yo-yo losses and gains for me. So, hang in there - we're all in the same boat here, and that's the truth.

Have a nice Sunday everyone.
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Old 11-28-2010, 11:23 AM   #246  
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Good Morning, All...
PT/Zoe, so glad you scored enough to make the Black Friday insanity worthwhile (and I STILL think you're mildly demented!!!)...

Karen, how are the aunties?

Rosey, I'm calling to check on you!!! You're going to be fine, and you're probably excited/nervous right now! By this time on Tuesday, you'll be on your way to svelte (and lacy pink thongs)! Good for you!!!!!!

Bobbi? Headaches?

Freda, Mary, KarenFL, everyone, everyone..... have a good Sunday! Be safe.
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Old 11-28-2010, 01:22 PM   #247  
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Yes Donna.....still have them daily/nightly. After 15 Chiropractor sessions, 10 Health Reach sessions, still have them. I have another appointment on Tuesday, same day Rosey has surgery. Maybe they'll do xrays this time.
Bobbi? Headaches?

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Old 11-28-2010, 08:44 PM   #248  
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Zoe - glad you and your dd did so well with the early morning shopping. I can't imagine anything that would drag me out of bed to shop on my own but I guess if my dd asked me to go with her I probably would. Don't tell my dh about those prices esp on TVs as he's likely want to go next time! LOL

I agree with you about the dieting. Think that's my problem it just hasn't fully clicked yet. It did click once and I lost 33 1/2 lbs but since gaining most of that back, then it's just up a little, down a little. I think that's part of my problem too..I've been dieting for so long that I have a hard time restricting myself anymore. By restricting I don't mean keeping to some crazy, really depriving diet...I just mean keeping to no more than 1500 calories and 12 carb servins even! But I never give up...I use discipline when it's easier...early in the day and am still working on the evenings. Thanks for the encouragement. So far today I'm ok.

Using some leftover roast beef and making a beef/potato/cabbage soup right now. I usually like this soup so hope I will but I didn't like this roast for some hoping it will be better in the soup. It was expensive and don't want to waste it. If I don't like the beef still I'll just have the broth and veggies. If want more maybe have crackers or throw a little rice in. Dh will definitely have rice with his.

We went to church this am and then to Taco Bell...I really didn't want to eat out as makes it hard on my diet but we had shopping to do and dh was feeling weak so knew his bs was probably low. He gets that way. So I tried to be careful and only ate 1/2 my taco salad...boy those things have LOTS of calories and carbs! Brought the rest home. We also shared an apple empanada. It really helps to share!

Finished my bargain and needs grocery shopping for the week. Glad it's done as we have only the big pickup to drive and I hate driving it. Tomorrow we plan to take the car to the garage and hopefully will find out what's wrong with it.

Well, time to go eat the soup...hope you all have a good evening!
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Old 11-29-2010, 10:40 AM   #249  
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Good Morning, All.....
Quick check in.... lots to do today and need to hit the shower.

Spent the day yesterday watching movies. I saw "The Hurt Locker".... VERY intense! It made me glad I'm an old lady and don't have to go to war! I don't know how those young men and women can do that and still return to "normalcy" when their tours are over... horrible wars!!

And I also watched "Sex and the City2"... blech! Even when it was a tv show, I thought the Samantha character was a pig, and now she's just an old pig! It wasn't worth bothering about. The dialog is stilted and deliberately punny (not funny!). I was disappointed.

Quiet day! And now I must hither forth. Warm, safe, and dry, my lovely girlies!

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Old 11-29-2010, 11:13 AM   #250  
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Good Morning Girls!
As you can see by my new ticker, today is D day. Yup........back to dieting 101. Those sneaky pounds are clinging tightly to my hips and pot belly. I searched the 3 fat chicks for someone starting a Christmas challenge and found one. It's only until Christmas and I've vowed to lose 4 pounds.
Rosey's daughter posted on the December thread, she's going to keep us updated on her surgery.
I hung out my comforter on the cloth line this morning since we have a brisk wind and it's starting to rain..........gotta go get it. Be back later.
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Old 11-29-2010, 11:48 AM   #251  
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Good Morning everyone,

Had our Thanksgivng dinner at my house last night. Only about 10 of us, but lots of food. I did make some things low calorie and had plenty to eat. Unfortunateally, so many people brougth desserts. Including some homemade pumpkin fudge that I had to try. all in all, didn't do too bad. Bad part, there is a ton of leftovers. Including potato salad and ham. I didn't get out for Black Friday, but would have if I had seen something I needed. I've done it in the past. Nothing like getting up at 4 in the morning and fighting the crowds at Toys-R-Us.

Thanks, Rosie's daughter, for keeping us informed.

Mary, I plan for eating out, especially fast food, by having a list of calories of the foods. It helps me make better choices. And, I agree, you do have to get your mind in a certain place to be successful at dieting. Or changing your eating plan. After awhile it just kicks in. Getting lax is the problem.

Z, yes, my "traditional" turkey sandwitch is about the same. White bread (which I never eat otherwise), a thin layer of miracle whip (light of course), and cranberry sauce. YUM!!

Bobbi, Hope you get some relief from those headaches soon. It's too cold here to hang anything outside anymore, but I miss it. But, it's probably that cold there too, isn't it?

Donna, the nephue and his girlfriend that came to dinner last night are AirForce and Army. The girlfriend said that after her first tour she has some serious problems and had to get therapy. Yeah, war is ****.

Karen, How are the aunts?

make it a good day
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Old 11-29-2010, 03:06 PM   #252  
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Can someone remind me what kind of surgery Rosie is having? I know she said her sisters had it done but I can't remember what exactly what. I wanted to google it and see what Rosie was in for.
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Old 11-29-2010, 03:24 PM   #253  
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Zippidy do dah, zippidy aye, my oh my what a rancid old day...plenty of baloney coming my way....zippidy do dah, zippity aye....
Doncha just wish you had a job that made you feel like singing? I am SERIOUSLY counting the days to retirement, folks. The more I see of this place, the more meaningless it becomes. To quote an old friend Willie Shakespeare, "Much ado about nothing...".
I'm not having an easy time of controlling my eating today. I thought I'd do better at work without any easy access to the refrigerator, but there are always <sigh> the snack machines. I won't say any more on the subject. It's really quite appalling.
I had ten people for Thanksgiving dinner, too, Freda. WAY too much food. PLUS the fact that my DD (the middle DD, not the twin's mom DD - THAT DD went to her in-laws) brought about 50 pounds of delicious appetizers that everyone loaded up on, and then couldn't eat much dinner. I turned the remains of the ham into pea soup last night, and will be turning the leftover turkey into soup tonight. The mashed potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, greens, etc., that weren't eaten - even in the leftover feast Friday night - are headed for the disposal.
Bobbi, I could wish to have even SOME of your determination! It just seems to get harder for me. I'm going to try to get rid of a few pounds between now and Christmas, but I'm not gonna lie...this is a rough time of year for me to deny myself. Too many parties, gatherings and get-togethers, both at work and on the family/friends side. Ack. Oh, lordie, and there's almost always chocolate stuff...and I just Loooooovvvve chocolate!
Hey, took my racing out to shop at 4:00 AM for you to notice that I might be a Why, sister of my heart, I thought being demented was what you LIKED about me!!!!
Mary, we BOTH seem to be struggling lately. I guess we need to just hang in there and wait for a breakthrough or something. In the meantime, let's don't beat ourselves up over it. It's the holiday season, after all...let's just do the best we can, and be merry....okay?
Hellooooooooo, Karens3 & 31, Lynn, Gayle, and a special hug to our Rosey...

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Old 11-29-2010, 04:06 PM   #254  
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No time to post much right now...maybe later...but I found this article and enjoyed it. The writer is a diabetic (it's a diabetic website) but most pertains to all of us.

And I definitely think she's right about the effect of yo-yo dieting!
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Old 11-29-2010, 04:52 PM   #255  
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Bobbi, Rosey is having a gastric by-pass.

PT/Zoe, your dementedness (say THAT 5 times fast!!) is just ONE of the reasons we're PT!

Ran amok, and am continuing to run amok.... off again!

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