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Old 06-22-2007, 09:39 AM   #211  
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Good Morning Ladies,
I am doing the happy dance today for sure!! I got on the scales a and I've lost 5 pounds this week! I been basically trying to follow the South Beach plan because I wanted to see if I could lose the "vacation" weight pretty quickly. I guess it must have worked. That makes a total of 25 pounds for me. Still need to lose another 39! But I know I can do it.

Bobbi-- glad to hear from you and know you are still around. I thought I was going to have to go through "Bobbi Withdrawals"

Linda--- Welcome to our Great Group here. We look forward to hearing more from you and getting to know you.

Femme-- Sorry to hear about your eye. I've had those types of things once in awhile in my left eye. Sometimes when it is there I will "swat" at it like it is a bug or something. Then I feel kind of silly since it was my eye. My Dr. said as long as it comes and goes right now not to worry about it. Most people get floaters sooner or later. But I'm glad that you are having it checked out. We only have 2 eyes!

Lyn--I never could get into golf for some reason. I tried several times but it just didn't grab me like I hoped it would. I know it is great exercise.

Theresa--- I know what you mean about being short--- I was 4ft. 103/4inches for such a long time. I can remember just praying that I would get to 5 foot before I got my drivers license when I was 16! I just barely made it! But at least I didn't have to have 4 foot on my drviers license... And being short makes it really hard losing weight I think. I've found that even though I've lost the weight I still don't need to go and buy any new clothes yet. I have been able to wear a couple pair of jeans that I had that I hadn't been able to get into since a couple summers ago---- but by means do I look thin! Frustrating at times.

Ella--- I loved your husbands paintings.. I jsut had to go to the website to see more! How is it back there in Bean town today?? You talking about getting someone in to help clean a few days a week--- years ago when I was just a kid, my Mom hired a lady to come in once a week to clean BUT all of us kids had to clean like crazy the day before because the housecleaner was coming the next day!!! We have all had laughs about that for years.

Phyllis--- I know what you are saying about the dogs shedding-- My two poms shed pretty bad too. I try to keep them brushed and all and that really helps... Plus once in awhile I will use the hose attachment on the vacuum cleaner and go over them pretty good. That really helps a lot for awhile.

Lynn-- It sounds like you are doing great! I'll have to remember to up my calories when I get stuck. It is so hard to think about doing that since it seems just the opposite of what you ar trying to do. But I know that sometimes we have to kind of trick our bodies if it gets to comfortable.

Well, guess I'd better get busy. I still need to do some more cleaning here and also get ready for the grandkids this evening.

Take care and I'll catch you later. Karen
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Old 06-22-2007, 09:47 AM   #212  
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If any one likes onions, I have an easy recipe for the grill.

Take one whole sweet onion, cut out the root end and fill that small hole with a beef boullion (I use the package of dried broth), a pat of butter and wrap tightly in foil so it looks like a hersheys kiss and put on the grill as soon as you start it and leave alone until your meat is done.........sooooo good.

Last night I cut up my onion and added green peppers, added the boullion and used ICNBIB spray and cooked the same way.....yummy!

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Old 06-22-2007, 10:05 AM   #213  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Good Morning Ladies,
I am doing the happy dance today for sure!! I got on the scales a and I've lost 5 pounds this week! I been basically trying to follow the South Beach plan because I wanted to see if I could lose the "vacation" weight pretty quickly. I guess it must have worked. That makes a total of 25 pounds for me. Still need to lose another 39! But I know I can do it.

congrats on the 5 pounds! I might have to look into the south beach diet.

Theresa--- I know what you mean about being short--- I was 4ft. 103/4inches for such a long time. I can remember just praying that I would get to 5 foot before I got my drivers license when I was 16! I just barely made it! But at least I didn't have to have 4 foot on my drviers license... And being short makes it really hard losing weight I think. I've found that even though I've lost the weight I still don't need to go and buy any new clothes yet. I have been able to wear a couple pair of jeans that I had that I hadn't been able to get into since a couple summers ago---- but by means do I look thin! Frustrating at times.

Take care and I'll catch you later. Karen
congrats on the 5 pounds! I might have to look into the south beach diet.

finally someone that knows what I am talking about.
I am alright. just whining. its my turn.

here... for you that need a giggle.

Flat Tire

A blonde's car gets a flat tire on the Interstate one day , so she eases it over onto the shoulder of the road. She carefully steps out of the car and opens the trunk. Takes out two cardboard men, unfolds them and stands them at the rear of the vehicle facing oncoming traffic.
The lifelike cardboard men are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies to approaching drivers…
Not surprisingly, the traffic became snarled and backed up. It wasn't very long before a police car arrives. The Officer, clearly enraged, approaches the blond of the
disabled vehicle yelling,
"What is going on here?"

"My car broke down, Officer" says the woman, calmly.

"Well, what the **** are these obscene cardboard pictures doing here by the road?!" asks the Officer...

"Hellooo, those are my emergency flashers!" she explained.

have a good morning. I have to get to work around here! what a mess.

Last edited by littlered; 06-22-2007 at 02:29 PM.
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Old 06-22-2007, 12:59 PM   #214  
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OMIGAWD, Karen! WAY to GO!!!!! Wow! Congrats! Great job! :c arrot:
:c b:

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Old 06-22-2007, 02:07 PM   #215  
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Just a quick note since my hubby's loading the car for our trip "up nort" as the Norwegians say. Congrats Karen! That is quite a big loss. Way to go.
It is pouring rain outside here again so everyone to east of MN will see it in a day or two. Glad you're safe Bobbi, I heard about all of those tornado and severe weather warnings south of here. I guess that is one advantage of living in the city - sirens. Will try to post more Monday. Hope everyone has a good weekend and I will TRY to find a decent photo of me that is recent. Welcome Linda!
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Old 06-22-2007, 05:18 PM   #216  
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I just got home from work. I left early today. When I got home, it was pouring and thundering & lightening out. I resigned myself to no bike ride today. I'm tired anyway, after getting in later than usual last night. I put my pajammies on. Now it looks like the sun is coming out. I don't CARE. I'm taking a break. I'm in a horrible mood, and I have a funny headache. The sun has come out just to make me feel guilty about not riding my bike tonight. I didn't ride last night, either, because I got home too late. If I keep this up, I'll be GAINING weight, not losing any. I felt really irritable today - sort of like when I was getting my period, except I haven't had THAT for at least six years, maybe longer.
There are no Golden Girlies here.
Nobody's been around much lately.
Where will I get my inspiration?


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Old 06-22-2007, 05:55 PM   #217  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
... like when I was getting my period, except I haven't had THAT for at least six years, maybe longer.

Well, at least THAT is a reason to be happy...!!! Think of all the nice underwear you can buy now! Sounds like a perfect evening to read and give yourself a facial or go bargain hunting!! (things will be better tomorrow...and you don't have to have an excuse not to do things you don't feel like doing...just don't do them because you just don't wanna and nobody can make you!) I spent the day cleaning my house from top to bottom after I got finished "paid work" and there are a few more things I really should do, but my copy of "Southern Accents" decorating magazine came in and I'm going to stop what I am doing and just do nothing and read that magazine...because I wanna!

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Old 06-22-2007, 06:14 PM   #218  
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Thanks for the warm welcome. I live about 20 minutes from Laguna Beach. Right now there is a lot of traffic from summer tourists so I try to walk on my treadmill and sneak to the beach when I can. This week I only had to work 1/2 a day so that's how I got to walk on the beach on a weekday. I also like to walk at the mall which only 5 minutes from my house.

My company filed BK and I am one of 12 people out of 7,500 they kept until the end of September. I'm an Investor Relations Underwriter and work for what used to be the 2nd largest lender in the US. I'm so glad I have a job right now since there's just nothing available in the mortgage industry in Southern least that's close enough to my house. I'm just getting too old to fight the traffic or I would work farther away. I'm trying not to worry about it and just be thankful I'm working right now.

I gained a lot of weight from my divorce 3 years ago. After 20 years of marriage and my ex-husband's constant infidelity, I finally got the courage to tell him to leave. That was the bravest thing I think I've ever done. I have so much peace in my life now and I'm pretty happy. Sometimes I get a little lonely but most of time I'm content.

The hardest thing for me about getting healthy is staying motivated and the hours between 7 - 10 pm. I try to stay busy during those hours now. I think it's a matter of breaking a bad habit that comforted me during the past few years.

I was so exceited to find this website and when I read the posts it helped a lot. I'll be positing each day. Glad to meet everyone. Thanks for explaining how to upload my photo. I'll give it a try and see if I can do it.

I hope everyone has a nice sunny weekend.
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Old 06-22-2007, 07:00 PM   #219  
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Femme, is that what you are called? Cat? I LOVE it! I always wanted a friend named "Cat", and now I've got one! Oh, I LOVE those magazines! My sister gets them. Or at least I think she does. They have decorating, recipes, stories about southern stuff, right? Whenever I'm at her house, I always take at least one morning when I don't get dressed until noon, and just laze about sipping coffee and reading the magazine!
And LINDA! I DO apologize for not properly welcoming you to our little thread. I've really been feeling out of sorts and crabby, none of which is any excuse, but I AM sorry. Your marriage sounds similar to mine. My first one, that is. Narcissists, that's what those kind of men are. We don't realize it until we finally get ourselves uninvolved and can look at it all from a safe distance.
Now is a good time to lose that that you're getting a fresh start in life. That's what I did. Then I got married again - to a wonderfully dear man who is the polar opposite of my ex, got so danged comfortable that I gained a ton. This site is great. And, this thread is the BEST. (Even when there aren't too many around ). I'm so happy that you're joining us.
WELL, I ended up going on my bike ride, anyway. Just got dressed again and pushed my recalcitrant self out the door. I feel a bit better for having done it, too. NOW I'm going to spend the rest of the night doing what I reading in the "big chair" with Yoko-the-khat lying on the ottoman at my feet. Thanks for reminding me that it's okay to not be go-go-go, move-move-move, rah-rah-rah all the time, Cat. I needed that badly.
Phyllis, if you happen to check in, just thought I'd let you know that I picked up some turkey sausage on my way home tonight and it is currently in the frying pan with green peppers, red peppers and onions, and I'm looking forward to wrapping one in a Flat-Out for my din-din.
Have a good evening everybody! I'm off to put my pajammies BACK on.

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Old 06-22-2007, 07:27 PM   #220  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Femme, is that what you are called? Cat? I LOVE it!....I'm off to put my pajammies BACK on.

Yep, my name is Cat..(well, Catherine, but my precious Mother in Law is the only one that calls me that)...
and see, you WANTED to get on that bike...or else you wouldn't have done it.

And I am divorced too...I think I'm divorced from your ex husband also.He sounds just like my ex. He also critisized every lb I gained..and I think I weighed about 125 when we were divorced...(being called "jello a$$ is not a way to keep a nice wife!) 6 months later, I weighed 104 and found the right husband...and he has never said a word about the weight I have gained since we have been married, except that it didn't matter at all to him and I was beautiful just the way I am (was). He told me if I wanted to lose weight, he would support me so I would be happy with me, but I was just fine with him. He hasn't once complained about the meals we have (hey, they are good, so he can't complain!) yep, #2 is definately #1!

The really funny thing is that my ex married the sexiest lady he worked with(you know the one..perfect body, perfect tan..I don't think she has much between the ears though but nice enough to me) and loved to "flaunt" her whenever we had to be in the same company...over the years, she has tanned herself into a leatherette and gained twice as much as I did. I love it.
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Old 06-22-2007, 07:42 PM   #221  
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just wanted to tell you that a day off is good for you. Its good for your soul.
I have been deliberately taking off one day a week. every week.
I do eat good those days… mostly. but I don’t worry about moving
my butt at all! Can you believe it?

I think YOU need to treat yourself to something indulgent. I agree with Cat (love that name too)

do something for you. once a week. even if its reading your book with your Kat.

I guess I AM lucky. Not one period since. about the yr. I turned 33. THAT was a long time ago.
Thank God! Best thing that ever happened to me.

I agree about the name Cat. That is just too cute. Not boring at all.
He complained about 125 pounds?!!!
He needed shot! Wow! how many women dream about 125.

I am so glad you girls are finding Mr. RIGHT The second time around.

I had some things to say about you post…I think Ella Beat me to it again

Now is the time to start a fresh life. Something to focus on.
Listen to me…Like I know what its like to live with a husband Like that.

you girls do make me feel good.

I might be poor as a church mouse compared to all of you.
But, I have a wonderful hubby.

Thanks for showing ME some perspective.

The more I read this post I am writing the more I see how lucky I really am.
No monthly’s for 17 yrs.
One lovely hubby.
2 healthy wonderful kids.
1 gorgeous granddaughter.
What more can I ask for?
A future petite little body. Thanks Ella and Lyn.

coming here can make you see what you do have. Thanks Girls.
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Old 06-22-2007, 07:48 PM   #222  
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All right how about another giggle.
this came in an email today.

Girls night outTwo women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they made their way home.

The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and said, "These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came home last night without her panties." "That's nothing," said the other. "Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, Well never forget you!'
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Old 06-22-2007, 08:52 PM   #223  
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Good Evening Everyone,

I got 3 hrs sleep last night - overslept this morning - ran out to see my df - and spent the day being tired.
Oh well - worse things have happened to nicer people.

Hi Lyn, Yes - wasn't today a BEAUTIFUL day? Congratulations on winning your golf match!

Hi Bobbi, Yes - I use DietPower & I HATE it when the program projects that I will be gaining weight in the future! Right now, it projects that I will lose MORE wt. than my goal by 11/1/07.

Hi Ella, You wrote, "...methinks the human condition is never to be satisfied with what we've got, and always wish we had something different." In the book "Rethinking Thin," one of the topics relates to folks (who had lost large amount of wt through surgery) who said they would rather have a serious disability (deafness, blindness, amputation of limbs) rather than be obese again. In the disucssion, almost everyone said we would rather be obese. In a kind of bizarre way, those post-surgery folks wanted something different! I had a headache today also. Once, long ago, my family was in a national health research study. All across the country, folks got headaches on the same day. Weird huh?

Hi Karen, DoInG tHe HaPpY dAnCe FoR yOu!!!!!!!!!! A GREAT big congratulations on 5 more pounds gone forever!

Hi Phyllis, Your recipe sounds delicious - sorry I don't have a grill. I've thought about getting one of the George Foreman grills, but everyone I know who has one never uses it.

Hi Theresa, the joke about the cemetary made me laugh out loud - thank you.

Hi Lily, where "up nort" are you headed?

Hi Cat, you wrote, "...there are a few more things I really should do, but my copy of "Southern Accents" decorating magazine came in and I'm going to stop what I am doing and just do nothing and read that magazine...because I wanna!" That's the attitude I love to hear. Fun, Fun, Fun, makes life Happy!

Hi Linda, Happy Belated Birthday. I edited our birthday post - I'll see if I can get it posted as a Sticky Note - and added your birthday - June 18, yes? I also got rid of one of those husbands (around 30 years ago). Mine didn't stray - I often wished he would - mine was abusive. Both verbally (called me "fat" when I was 119 - called me "disgusting" when I was 142) and physically. The day before my divorce was final, I met the love of my life. We had 25 WONDERFUL years of love before he had his stroke in January of 2006. He died one year ago.

Linda, Here's one good thing about living alone - you can clear out your cabinets and freezer and refrigerator and have ONLY good healthy foods - EVERY meal you make can be tailored just for your needs.
Hang in there - CONGRATULATIONS on telling him to leave! GRTBR (good riddance to bad rubbish).

Today, my df and I tried (unsuccessfully) to find a flea market - none around here were opened on Friday. Then we went to a little town in south Jersey (Haddonfield) and walked around. Stores were way too expensive to buy stuff - but a good place to window-shop. Finally, we went to a movie - "Once." I did NOT like it - thought it was boring - my df loved it. I think my being tired and having a headache probably contributed to my opinion - also, the theater was FREEZING! Why do they keep movies so cold?
I ate all 3 meals out today - way too much salt, fat, and (based on my blood sugar numbers) sugar. Most likely, I'll have to move my ticker back up to 170 tomorrow.

Check back in the morning,

Take care everyone,

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Old 06-22-2007, 09:03 PM   #224  
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OMigawd, Theresa, I nearly wet MY pants laughing at that "Girls Night Out" story! Read it to DH, and he laughed like a maniac, too. Speaking of which, Cat (and Linda) did your ex's have any sense of humor whatsoever? I mean, like did they laugh at jokes? Ever MAKE jokes, say anything funny? Mine didn't. Turns out that's one of the symptoms - or character traits - of someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And Cat? MY ex's current wife is quite wealthy - her first husband died & left her very comfortably off. She owns a house in West Newton, which is one of the very upscale suburbs of Boston. She's not awful-looking - not terribly attractive, but not awful, either. She got involved with him not knowing that he was married, so I really can't blame anyone but him. I threw him out when I found out about HER, and in fact called her and told her she could have him because I didn't want anything more to do with him and she was welcome to him. And, because he is SUCH an accomplished liar (another symptom of NPD) he somehow convinced her that he & I had actually been separated when he was seeing her. Tsk. Well, we women sometimes believe what we WANT to believe, don't we? So they're married now, and here's the irony: MY daughter got a call from his wife not too long ago. His wife didn't know who she was calling; had evidently found the number in my ex's coat pocket. She says to my daughter, "This is Mrs. (Narcissist- LOL) and I WANT TO KNOW WHO THIS IS!!!!" My daughter said, "Karen! It's me! Richard's daughter!" And the (new) Mrs. does this double-take, and says, Ohhh...of COURSE! I THOUGHT it was you, but I wasn't sure of your ARE you, honey????" Now you KNOW that woman thought she was talking to whoever he's messing with now! Poor thing. Those nasty men never change, and that's the truth. We're lucky we escaped. When I think about what my life was like with HIM, I can hardly believe that it was ME tolerating that for so long, you know? Things are so different now. And Linda? YES! When I was finally on my own, I learned how to know ME, and enjoy spending time with ME...and I still enjoy my "space".
And Theresa? It sounds to me like you are a very rich woman, indeed - in all the ways that really matter. (And besides, remember I told you I'm a great bargain hunter? DH & I BOTH work full time. No independent wealth here, my dear. We are careful about what we spend, and we HAVE to be if we're not planning to be stuck in these jobs until we drop dead.)
And yes, you WILL be petite!!!!!
I'm going to have some FF/SF carmel-flavored pudding with a nice, big dollop of whipped cream. I wish I could cook like you, Cat...

Bye for now,

(AND since we're coming clean about our names, MINE is really)

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Old 06-22-2007, 10:09 PM   #225  
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Ella....I mean Zoe I love both names. Which Should we call you?
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