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Old 06-21-2007, 10:33 AM   #196  
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Default Femme - Keep your spirits high

So sorry to hear about the rough day and the news about your eye. My hubby had floaters appear suddenly last fall, and he was freaked out, but luckly no intervention was needed. Stay strong. We're all sending positive energy your way.

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Old 06-21-2007, 10:41 AM   #197  
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Theresa - You are doing so well...don't get discouraged - just think how petite you'll look in a little while. I'll never be "petite"

Ella, My DH is 5'4 and I'm 5'10. Does that mean I'm a strong and confident woman? It's funny, in college I swore I'd never ever date amyone shorter than me...then along came Len. He wasn't at all concerned about the ht difference...and eventually he won me over.

Bobbi, Good to hear from you. Wow! The wind ripped out a tree!! I would have been in the basement too.


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Old 06-21-2007, 11:15 AM   #198  
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Originally Posted by lynard21 View Post
Ella, My DH is 5'4 and I'm 5'10. Does that mean I'm a strong and confident woman? Lyn
I would have to say yes, you most probably are. AND, you are much like my best friend who lives in Richmond, VA - she is tall with the sort of bone structure that keeps her from looking quarterback-ish even when she IS in her "heavy-but-I-don't-care" mode. I've come a long way from the 20+ years I spent married to a Narcissist who found fault with everything about me, but I haven't, and probably never will become completely comfortable with how I look.


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Old 06-21-2007, 02:20 PM   #199  
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Ella, I sure enjoyed seeing your beautifully decorated living room and also your husband's art!
One of my (web design) clients is an artist and I love going over to see his stuff! The stuff on the site is mostly on canvas, but what he does more of is painting on "odd" things, such as doors, old shutters, just big "scraps" of stuff, so it's 3-D. Fun!
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Old 06-21-2007, 02:50 PM   #200  
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Femme! Bill Hemmerling's art is WONDERFUL! And I assume that you did his website? It's beautifully done! I'm sending the link to my daughter, who will, I KNOW be very interested.
Thank you SO much for sharing!
(I'd still rather have your patio than my living room! Maybe in an ideal world, I could have both, eh?)

I wonder what happened to Phyllis & Paula. I HOPE everything is okay with them.

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Old 06-21-2007, 05:37 PM   #201  
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I'm still here, been having trouble getting my posts to appear!!! Hey, maybe a ghost did follow us home......

Well, I just lost the bottom half of this one....I'll try again.

Femme, so sorry to hear about the eyes but thankfully it is something that can be corrected. I wouldn't want a needle in my eye and the would also have to knock me out!!! Keep us updated.

Ella, your hubsands paintings are quite amazing, thank you for posting them, I will look at the web site. I will have to get you to come to Ohio and help me decorate, we will sell all our Florida type furniture and I am actually excited about changing styles and getting new things. I have an eye for decorating, as we owned a furniture store and I can make beautiful flower arrangements but can always use help.

Lyn, I tired to play golf a couple of times and I did like it....I keep saying I'll take some lessons. Right now it is so hot here I don't know how anyone could play, my hubby played today.....I went to lunch with a girlfriend out by the ocean, I think I will probably stick to that...

Lynn, your doing great with your menu's and losing again. I think I might be down 1/2 lb., it sure is slow coming off. I walked 2 miles yesterday but didn't get any exercise in today so I guess this will be my day off. I had fish of course for lunch out today.

Theresa, I know I hate being stuck at the same weight for several days....but we're not giving up are we.....I can look at salty food and put on 2 lbs.....not kidding!

Karen, I hate the idea of putting this condo on the market and trying to keep it spotless for showing. We have the Doberman and he sheds 24/7 and I have off white Italian Tile on the downstairs level, I could dust it 4 times a day and still find some dog fur. We are going to slowly start getting rid of things we don't want to move as we are not putting this on the market until Jan. so we have lots of time to clean out and spruce up.

Sorry if I missed anyone.....I will catch up, just hope this post goes through.

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Old 06-21-2007, 07:07 PM   #202  
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Hi Everyone:
I've been posting for a few days now. I just had a birthday on Monday and finally came to the conclusion I have to get the weight off. I thought at first I'd go back to WW but I've seen where some people are counting calories. I looked at the "June Challenge" postings and noticed they are keeping a log of their daily food and exercise. Were they calorie counting or on some other plan? I did get a lot of ideas there. I'm new to this and not sure which link to post on. Should I just hop around and join in wherever?
Thanks for your help.
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Old 06-21-2007, 07:08 PM   #203  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
Lynn, your doing great with your menu's and losing again. I think I might be down 1/2 lb., it sure is slow coming off. Phyllis
Hi Phyllis,

I was losing VERY slowly - 2 lbs in 4 weeks. Then, I had a day where I ate over 1500 calories - I'm usually down around 1100. Since then, I have lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks.

I think that maybe the high-calorie day somehow triggered my losing again.

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Old 06-21-2007, 07:17 PM   #204  
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Femme: My prayers are with you. I hope everything turns out okay.

I thought I'd post my food for the day and hopefully it will keep me motivated.
B - 1/2 c oatmeal, 1 c FF milk, 1/8 cantelope
S - quaker oatmeal bar / water
L - Salad with chicken breast and Newman's Light Balsamic
S - grapes
D - Fish, 1/2 piece corn on cob, spinach
S - 1 c Breyer's SF Vanilla Ice Cream

Exercise and Fun: walked at the beach for 1 hour

PS: It's nice to see your photos to know who I'm talking to. How can I get my photo posted?
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Old 06-21-2007, 07:52 PM   #205  
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Hi ladies.
Boy it been busy day. Just regular every day things.
cleaned up the garage a little.
took the leaf blower and blew dead bugs off the house.
cooked. cleaned, and went to work. Visited Jessie.
Nothing exciting. But a good day.

I hope your golf outing has been lots of fun. It sounds like you really enjoy your Thursday’s.
Oh, Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Can you stretch me to 5-10? maybe even 5-6? sounds good
to me. I always wanted to be tall. Oh well. God had other plans.

Can’t wait to see your new out fit. Yes, must see pics.

I am so glad to hear you made it through those terrible storms.
congrats on not gaining thru all the time you were so busy.
that is a feat to be acknowledged.

I have heard from you Tall girls, all my life. I guess
there is a positive for being short and tall. I guess I still
would rather be tall.

I am so glad, this time around, that your current hubby likes you for you. and TREATS you well.
I checked out your hubby’s art. Wow! he is good.

Linda D
Welcome and yes just jump in there. The more the merrier.
We would love to get to know you.

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Old 06-21-2007, 08:03 PM   #206  
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Originally Posted by LindaD View Post
It's nice to see your photos to know who I'm talking to. How can I get my photo posted?
Hi Linda,

First, welcome to our thread.

Next - how to get your photo posted -

At the top of the page there is a purplish bar - the first link in that bar is "User CP" click on that.

In the left column, there is a link titled "Edit Avatar." Click on that.

Scroll down to the bottom of that screen to the "Custom Avatar" section.

Option 2 is to "Upload Image from your Computer."

Click on the "Browse" button, and select a file with your photo. With any luck, you'll be able to upload it. If your image is too large, you may need to make it smaller.
Someone else will have to tell you how to do that - I don't know how.

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Old 06-21-2007, 08:10 PM   #207  
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Default Birthday Post

Updated birthday list.

Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post

If you post your birthdate, I will edit this message & hopefully, we will end up with everyone's date.

Theresa - July 19

WoodLily - August 25

Femme - September 13

Phyllis - December 15

Karen - February 14

Lyn - February 21

Paula - April 4

Lynn - April 11

Ella - April 19

Bobbi - May 24

Linda - June 18

Joanne - ?

Moxie - ?

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 06-22-2007 at 08:27 PM. Reason: Update the Birthday List
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Old 06-22-2007, 07:59 AM   #208  
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Default Horray for Friday!!!'s one of those absolutley perfect summer monrings here...supposed to be in the 70s and sunny all day. Of couse - here I am at work, but hope to get out and walk the Canal Path at lunch.

I won my golf match last evening and had my best round of the year. We were tied until the 7th hole, and then I won the last 2 holes. I tend to get pretty competitive - even though it's a fun league. Mostly I'm just trying to beat myself by getting a low score.

Welcome, you get to walk on the beach...I notice you're in S. CA...nice.

I hope everyone has a great weekend planned. Me, I have no plans and I'm glad for that. I will weed the garden, walk a lot and relax in the hammock.

More later...

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Old 06-22-2007, 09:01 AM   #209  
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Lyn...this struck a cord with me, the competitiveness. I know that was a big factor in my losing the weight . I was competing mostly with myself and Fitday. You too can use that in-born gene to work for you. I loved winning at the end of each day when my Fitday calories were right where I wanted them to be. If I went over my 1200 calories, Fitday won. If I stayed at or under I won. (I can count on one hand the days Fitday won) My weight came off at a healthy and constant weekly loss because of this.
I tend to get pretty competitive - even though it's a fun league.
For all you that use Fitday, you might want to try this approach. If it would help, make a monthly old fashion refrigerator calendar like we made for our kids and put your gold star on the days you won. A Red no-no star for when you went over. At a glance you can see why you're losing or not losing.

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Old 06-22-2007, 09:26 AM   #210  
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Default I second that!

Hooray for Friday, indeed! I was (and still am, a little) dragging this morning after having to be at that reception last night. I would sure rather be playing golf on Thursdays, Lyn, even though I've never played.

Phyllis, I am SO glad you broke through that ghostly (?) barrier and got back aboard. I was worried about you. Now, it's just Paula who's MIA; Lily doesn't post all that often, anyway, but Paula usually checks in every day like the rest of us hard core folk. I hope everything is okay with her Dad. Phyllis, I would LOVE to confer with you on decor for your new place!!! How interesting that you owned a furniture store!!! And that you are expert at flower arranging. I have a centerpiece of silks that I put together for my dining room table that I'm just not pleased with. I'll have to get a picture of it and maybe you can make some suggestions, yes? I have wished many a time that I'd studied interior design instead of psychology/sociology. They say that you should work at something you LOVE, and you'll excell at it - and I've always LOVED decorating my home(s). I really enjoyed my job when I was younger, and doing clinical work and clinical administration, but frankly, now I'm just going through the motions, waiting to retire and start having some fun.
Ahh, Theresa...methinks the human condition is never to be satisfied with what we've got, and always wish we had something different. My daughters all have beautiful curly, curly hair, and mine is as straight as a stick. They've spent their lives getting theirs straightened, and I've spent mine trying to get mine to curl. When you have reached MY advanced years, you will come to see that each of us has our own, unique look, and that we may as well LOVE it, and nurture it, because it's what we've been given to work with, eh? I have tall friends, short friends, light friends, dark friends, fat friends and skinny friends, and even though each is really quite beautiful in her own way, NOT A ONE is happy with her looks. We all paste a smile on, act confident and competent, etc., etc., and underneath it all, we're all too often quivering masses of insecurity. And that, I think, is one of the reasons it's so important to SHARE these feelings with our friends and confidantes. They often see things in us that we don't see in ourselves, because we're too busy focussing on our flaws. In YOUR case, my dear, dear Theresa, what YOU see in you is "Short! Short! Short!" but what I see is that wonderful vibrant red hair of yours! It's all in the perspective!
Well, Lynn, I'm waiting with great anticipation to see these latest pictures with the new duds on! I took careful note of your comment about starting to lose more quickly after upping your calories. I may just have to give that a try. I can't really say whether I've lost anymore or not, since I've been too much of a chicken (cluck, cluck!) to get on the scale. I did put on a skirt today that I haven't worn in about a month, and it's just short of falling off my hips, so that seems like a good sign.
Good luck with your house, Karen. It must be so hard; I remember when we moved out of the old house and into this one. We were both firmly committed to NEVER moving again, but now I'm not so sure. The market's so bad in these parts now that we won't be making any moves anytime soon, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that we won't, eventually. We definitely don't need all these rooms, but on the other hand, it would be nice to leave it to the kids, too. Gawd! Decisions, decisions, huh?
Hiya Bobbi! Just saying "Hi" in the event that you check in. I'm LOVING those Flat-Outs, girl!
And hello, Jo-annie, wherever you are....

More coffee needed here...


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