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Old 06-20-2007, 09:25 AM   #106  
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Today (early for a change!)

B- Um..howzabout a baggie w/Fiber cereal, some raisins, some cranberries and (exactly 5) pieces of dried pineapple? Coffee, black
S- possibly a Peanut butter Fiber One bar. Probably not.
L- leftover stroganoff-sorta thingie, 15 cherries and a fresh peach (will either eat the peach at lunchtime or for an afternoon snack)
D- Hmmmm. Forgot to take anything out this morning. (I forget at least once a week, sometimes more). I guess I'll pick up some chicken breasts, season & bake them, bake a few potatoes along with it, and have a green veggie - prolly brocolli for me, spinach for DH. Maybe I'll eat the spinach, too. He likes it; it's not my favorite. He HATES brocolli. <sigh>

E- 45 minute bike ride

F- No clue; we'll see what turns up
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Old 06-20-2007, 10:55 AM   #107  
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Hey! hows everyone?
I am feeling good today.
Weighed in at home, necked! 160 lb.

Breakfast: Cereal, eggbeaters w/ 2% cheddar
Snack: carrots
Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich with a large salad
Snack: Mozzeralla stick
Dinner: Shrimp, yam and Broc.
Snack: Yogurt and strawberries

Excercise: Went to curves, Worked a few min. on elliptical and did 50 crunches.

Fun: Cleaning up the mess on my house. YUK!
Spending day with hubby, before we go to work.
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Old 06-21-2007, 08:56 AM   #108  
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Hi Everyone,

For today -
Fun - shopping for new blouse and shoes
Exercise - walking around the mall?
Eating -
B - Glucerna bar
L - cole slaw w turkey & peanuts
D - chicken w veggies
S - lo-carb yogurt + peanutbutter

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Old 06-21-2007, 10:34 AM   #109  
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B- surprise, surprise! (Yes, indeed, the ubiquitous bag-o-fiber; see all my previous breakfast entries for the lurid details)
S - No snack. I did not pack a snack today. I was in a hurry. Nearly didn't get my baggie made up.
L- Leftover chicken breast from last night's supper, leftover steamed brocolli, 1 Flat-out, six fresh strawberries.
S- um. None.
D- Yikes! I have to go to a reception here in Boston from 5 - 7 PM. Presumably they will have munchies, and presumably they will have a fresh veggie & dip tray (they always do) and I will graze there for as long as neccessary to fill up. I won't want to eat when I get home, as it's likely to be 8:30-ish or so.

Exercise - No bike riding for me tonight! SO unfair! I will be walking over to the reception; it's about five blocks from my office. That'll have to do. Unless we're having thunder storms and hail, which is what they're predicting for this afternoon. If that happens, we'll get rides and I'll have no exercise at all. Guess I won't weigh myself tomorrow, either.

Fun? I don't THINK so. Receptions are decidedly NOT fun. Buncha snooty folks acting even snootier than they have a right to be. But of course we smile and laugh and compliment them and pretend we're impressed and interested in what they have to say because they write rather large checks to us, and we certainly DO like that about them. But "fun" I do not anticipate having any of today.

Best regards,

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Old 06-21-2007, 05:09 PM   #110  
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For the third time I will try to post yesterdays menu....getting very frustrating!!!!

B. cereal,milk,coffee,peaches
S. lite cheese stick
L. 1/2 turkey sandwich
S. apple, rice cakes
D. TV (Boston Market) Dinner, 350 calories
S. sugar free pudding/cool whip

Fun: visit with son
Exercise: 2 mile walk with DVD

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Old 06-21-2007, 05:43 PM   #111  
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Ella, I now seem stuck on Turkey this week, I actually did buy some chicken this week too!

B. cin. toast, peaches, coffee
S. string cheese
L. Ate out...grilled grouper and a handfull french fries (couldn't resist)
S. 1 wedge lite laughing cow cheese, about 8 wheat thins
D. Turkey sausage (grilled), onion (grilled)& Gr. pepper, on a Flat Out.
S. small handful thin pretzels

Fun: Lunch with friend by the ocean
Exercise: This will be my day off.

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Old 06-21-2007, 06:43 PM   #112  
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Default Hi Phyllis

I read your post and wondered what Flat Out is????

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Old 06-22-2007, 08:43 AM   #113  
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Default GLAD you made it back!!!! I've lost a few posts myself. Resorted to typing it into Word & copying & pasting it onto 3FC. Don't do that ALL the time...just for a few times after losing a post; then I stop until I lose another one. That turkey sausage with grilled onions & peppers on a Flat-Out sounds reaaallly good! I think I'll pick up some turkey sausage this weekend. Thanks for the idea!
Okay -
B- Bag-o-fiber. (What else?)
S- Maybe an orange, maybe nothing
L- Tuna made w/lite Miracle Whip on a Flat Out
8 strawberries
S- MAYBE a p'nut butter Fiber One bar; maybe not
D- Oh. My. Gawd. I forgot to take anything out of the freezer AGAIN!!!! I will have to go to the market AGAIN! Oh, this makes me so MAD! My freezer is so packed I can hardly close it, and I have to go to the market to get something for supper!!! Oh, I HAVE to tell you what they served at that STOOPID reception last night! The purpose of the whole thing was to raise money for CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS, so the waiters walked around with trays of CRAP. I mean, sheer CRAP! Not a raw veggie in sight! Miniature HOT DOGS in miniature HOT DOG ROLLS! Little individual McDonald's-like bags of FRENCH FRIES! Little Mac n' cheese muffins(?) (I guess they were muffins; they were small and round. Like this is the stuff we should be pushing on our kids???? Needless to say, I didn't eat a thing. SO, on the way home, I stopped at a D'Angelo's (I don't know if you all have D'Angelo's in your parts of the world, but they are a pretty decent sandwich place). I got DH and I both cups (instead of sandwiches) of their lobster salad, which is chunky and yummy - and rather pricey: two cups cost me $34 - but after being forced to stand around smiling for two hours while people wolfed down that crappy food, I felt like I NEEDED some lobster salad. So, anyway, I don't KNOW what I'll get for tonight...maybe turkey sausage? (I've GOT onions & green & red peppers AND Flat-outs). DH could do it all outside on the grille. Yay, Phyllis!

Exercise - you bet your bootie this chick will be riding her bike tonight!

Fun- Leaving work at 4:00 and not returning until Monday morning!
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Old 06-22-2007, 09:33 AM   #114  
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Linda D.

Flat Outs are found in Walmart on the shelf right in front of the Deli casing.
The ones we use are the lite ones, 90 calories. Makes a great sandwich, base for a pizza and I think they have a web site for ideas. They are wraps and brand name is Flat Out.

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Old 06-22-2007, 02:38 PM   #115  
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Breakfast: cereal, eggbeaters w/2% cheddar
Carrots and strawberries for a snack

Lunch: left over bbq chicken, yam and cauliflower
Dinner: crab salad wrap and green beans
Snack: ??

excercise: curves
Fun: went to farm market for veggies, etc.
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Old 06-22-2007, 04:45 PM   #116  
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B. cin. toast, fresh blueberries & peaches, coffee
S. cheese stick
L. Lipton (Dry) chicken noodle soup, a few low fat crackers & 2 T peanut butter
S. 7 mini rice cakes, sugar free pudding
D. Roast, carrots, a couple bites potatoes (made slow cooker)
S. if I have one sugar free jello

Fun: visit with girlfriend
Exercise: 1 mile hard walk/dvd

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Old 06-22-2007, 09:01 PM   #117  
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Tomorrow will be a challenge -

Fun - spend time with my dd and my Little Sister. We're all driving up to northern NJ for my sister's dance recital.
Exercise - realistically - probably none.
Eating -
B - egg, 1 sl lo-carb brd, blueberries
L - salad w chicken or tuna salad
D - ? - We'll get to my sister's house in the afternoon & leave for the recital around 6 pm. Recital will be over around 11 PM - we'll go to my niece's where she will have LOADS of high-carb food. I'm too tired to think about this tonight. Maybe by tomorrow morning, I'll think of a plan. If you have any ideas, please feel free to post them.

OK - for dinner, I'll pick up a salad at Wendy's & eat before I leave for the recital. For the after-the-recital-buffet, I'll have a Glucerna bar with me and I'll bring up some caffeine-free, diet soda.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 06-23-2007 at 08:14 AM. Reason: Came up with a plan
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Old 06-23-2007, 10:44 AM   #118  
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Not much going on here today.....may go look at furniture to start putting together a decorating plan if/when we move north.

B. Egg beater/cheese, coffee (have to have my coffeemate in it)
L. chicken sandwich/low calorie bread, fruit
S. 10 low fat wheat thins/1 wedge LC lite cheese
D. Beef stew made from leftover roast, I won't eat too much!
S. carmel pudding/sugar free cool whip

Fun: might go furniture shopping and color my hair
Exercise: Trying for the 2 mile walk today, 1 1/2 miles for sure.

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Old 06-23-2007, 11:49 AM   #119  
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B: Turkey Bacon blt on homemade whole grain bread
Dinner:Grilled Tuna Steaks, caprese salad, sauteed spaghetti squash
Evening snack: who knows? whatever I find in the fridge! It's Saturday and my mind is free!!

Fun:whatever comes my way
Exercise: cutting grass with reel mower
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Old 06-23-2007, 08:12 PM   #120  
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Alrighty, I'm back from the "celebration dinner", took my second bike ride of the day, and it looks mighty quiet around here, eh?

Well, I guess I'll go ahead and post my stuff for today:

B- (ate it at @ 2:30 in the afternoon) Fiber One cereal, a handful of raisins in
it, about a half a sliced banana (am wondering if anyone else is having
trouble with this summer's bananas: both my daughter and I have noticed
that when we buy them so that they're still almost green, they turn brown
in only a day or so. After the third day, they're overripe). Also @ 15
cherries - I just got them today and they're delicioso!!!!
S- at @ 4:00 - @ 20 (or maybe 25) more cherries (uh-oh)
D- at @ 6:00 - baked scrod (my usual), mashed cauliflower, brocolli & a little
bit of a lettuce wedge w/bleu cheese & bacon dressing. A VERY little bit -
like maybe three bites. Couldn't finish my scrod, either. Come to think of
it, I couldn't finish anything.

Came home feeling bloated and gassy so I knew I'd BETTER take another bike ride. I feel a little better now, but not quite tip-top yet.

Exercise - two bike rides; about 50 minutes apiece

Fun - we went to the festival this afternoon, and then out to dinner with the
kiddos. Now we're kicked back for the night..DH is doing some research for a new project, and I'm...well, you know what I'm doing.

TTFN - hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

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