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Old 04-13-2007, 09:49 AM   #76  
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JOANNE: We are always glad to have someone new join us.
We look forward to getting to know you.

CHERYL: HELP !! We are getting snow again today. Thank goodness the worst of this storm went to our south so this is more like rain. It is sticking to the grass but isn't supposed to amount to much. I really want some 70 degree days and lots of sunshine. I broke down and bought a tube of that
Jergens moisturizer that is supposed to give you a slow tan, I needed to do something. I'm not a sun worshiper but was hoping to get a little sun before granddaughters graduation. At this rate it won't happen Hope you and DH are getting back to normal. You both have sure had a time of it this winter. Your new little charge sounds like lots of fun. Now you will get some exercise that you didn't plan on. Thinking of you often.

HY: Hope you are feeling better and getting back in the groove. I'm still not exercising yet. Today is the first day that I really feel human again. It is going to be in the 50's and 60's this weekend so maybe I will get out and walk some.

JUDE: What are you up to today? If I remeber right you had this week off, so what fun things did you find to do. Hope you enjoyed your time.

Today is FRIDAY THE 13th. Hope nothing bad happens to any of you !!
Are you superstitous (sp) about anything ? Don't think that I am.

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Old 04-13-2007, 03:28 PM   #77  
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Hi Donna thanks for the welcome. No snow here but our rain is back - blech.

I hope everyone has a great successful weekend.
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:39 PM   #78  
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Hello ladies

just wanted to check back with you. I lost my link to this forum. Just found it again.
I had to wipe my pc and lost my links.

It sounds like a lot of you have not been feeling well. I hope you all feel better soon.

Cheryl, good luck with your eyes!

I have been doing Ok.
So far I am working out at Curves 3 times a week. and walking still. Yesterday I got 3 miles. First time.

At this point I have only lost the 8 pounds. but it is a lot in size. I got back into my fat pants.

take care,
I will try to get back here more often.
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Old 04-13-2007, 11:20 PM   #79  
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Oh everyone, I am just having a challenge with posting and this month is half-over!!!!! Too many things going on and I'm feeling yucky still. I've been having headaches from all the dust we've been having here recently (I'm in AZ) I'm always boasting about how healthy I am, but I guess I'm gonna have to stop that - lol.

Hope I can rest a bit this weekend and get back on my feet. I have been walking but begrudgingly - really grumpy in the morning and ready to go back to bed as soon as I get up Well there is always NEXT week and I hope I am more enthusiastic and in a better mood then

I did lose one pound last week. I've been weighing every Saturday so tomorrow's the day...we'll see if the scales move again. I kind of feel like they didn't - you know what that feeling's like...

Again, sorry I haven't been able to participate!! Hugs to everyone

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Old 04-16-2007, 10:13 AM   #80  
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GOOD MORNING LADIES !! It is an absolutely georgeous day here in Central Nebraska. After the snow and rain on Friday we had a lovely weekend, a little windy on Sunday but the temps were finally decent so we could be out without a coat on !!!! Well I got to move my tracker again. I kept off 2 of the 4 pounds I lost last week due to illness which means I could take 2 lbs off of my tracker again. I'm half way to goal and I feel great.

Theresa: It is nice to hear from you again, hope you can find your way back to us once in awhile. Sounds like you are really working hard, Curves 3 times a week and 3 miles walking, that is wonderful, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Hey, 8 lost is better than 8 gained. At this age we plateau quite often and it seems to take a miracle to move that scale again, but it will happen.

Hy: Hang in there things have got to get better. At least you are trying with your walking even if you would rather be back in bed. That shows great determination and courage Maybe this will help you along.
I'm cheering for you cause I know you can do it.

Jude, Joanne and Cheryl: Sure hope you gals are having a good day.

Let's keep working hard so we can celebrate great things together.
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:36 PM   #81  
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Well we had a nice day yesterday and instead of doing my exercise DVD's I did some garden work and power washing -- so I am feeling it a bit today. I was going to go to a kickboxing class but decided to take a miss.

Glad the weather is great Donna -- we did have a lovely weekend which is unusual for Vancouver. The joke here is "what do you call the day after two days of rain --- MONDAY" LOL.

Hy sorry you aren't feeling well -- yes sometimes we need to not say much. I work at a large post secondary institute and about half my instructors have a cold. So I quickly grab my desk (darn laminate) to touch wood and say I have dodged the sick bullet so far this year. I was hit hard last year so maybe the bugs will leave me alone this year. My sweetie works at a hospital and gets the flu shot but he was stricken for about 2 weeks in January.

Here's to all of us having a healthy, sunny, happy spring. I will be doggie sitting for the next two weeks so hopefully she will break my coming home from work grabbing a bag of popcorn and vegging on the couch habit. Ok the bag of popcorn is only 100 calories and I have generally had a workout at work but its not good and I need to stop just vegging -- as the weather gets better I would like to resume my walks after work -- so hopefully she is just what I need.
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Old 04-16-2007, 08:11 PM   #82  
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Good evening ladies.
I hope today was a sunny good day for all.
Its finally getting warmer today. Most areas were sunny and 50-60. Wasn't quite that warm at my house. I live a few hundred feet away from lake Erie. Still get a good cold breeze from it.

I went to Curves today. And walked on the treadmill, almost 1.5 miles. Got tired and said ENOUGH.

Have a question.
Can I get pms symtoms from weening myself from My PREMARIN?

I keep finding my self on the verg of tears over silly stuff. I remember feeling like this years ago. Don't like it.
But at least I will be done with one more med SOON!
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Old 04-17-2007, 11:11 PM   #83  
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Hi Ladies...Sorry for being MIA again, just very busy and stressed out with a four year old. I lasted 10 days with him and that was IT!!! He has more problems than my husband and I can deal with, so we took him to his new placement lastnight. Sleep deprived and fighting a spring cold, hope to be feeling better before the weekend. I gained 1.2 pounds last week, so will see what the scales say tomorrow. Going to get out and get a walk in tomorrow and enjoy the nice weather we are having.

Joanne...Welcome to our group!! I look forward to getting to know you.

Donna...congrats on your loss for last week. Seeing 299 by June 1st isn't going to happen for me, but I'm just going to work at 5 pounds at a time and not look at the big picture.

Theresa...Great job gdtting your workouts in at Curves. I could use a kick in the rear to get me going. I was doing so good last year with the exercising and then I slacked off and it's so hard to get going again.

Hy...Congrats on your 2.5 pound loss. Hope you are feeling better, but I hear you about not having energy. I'm the same way and I think I'm totally burned out from doing foster care. I told my hubby Sunday that I need a break before I have a nervous breakdown. We have been doing foster care for 7 years and I have only had a 2 week break in those 7 years. I think I'm entitled to a long rest.

Have a great evening gals and stay strong.

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Old 04-17-2007, 11:25 PM   #84  
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No kicks in the butt. Just good firm hugs. and Words of Encouragement.
Any one that can foster parent has my proof there is a God.
I grew up in Foster Homes.
Back then there was very little Screening.
Thank God that has Changed!

Get some rest!
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Old 04-18-2007, 02:58 PM   #85  
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Theresa...Thanks so much for your kind words and the hugs. I just got back from my weigh in at weight watchers and I'm down 3.2 pounds. I corrected my ticker to the correct weight since I have been yo-yo ing since January these 10 pounds. See what I can do in 6 weeks with my weight loss and less stress in my life.

Check back with you gals later.

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Old 04-18-2007, 03:18 PM   #86  
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Cheryl that is awesome and congrats on the 3 pounds gone!! I think 7 years with only a 2 week break is more than long enough. Sounds like you deserve some respite.

I have felt quite good this week - my calories were hovering around the 2000 mark but yesterday I came in just under my 1800 maximum. Add to that some great walks with the dog and a really intense strength class I felt really good. I also decided to subtitute spagetti squash for rice last night -- really filling with great nutrition and low calories
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Old 04-20-2007, 07:28 AM   #87  
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Oh my goodness gracious . . . I really lost this thread for a long time . . . forgot all about it last summer when I was sooooo busy with that job I was supposedly retired from . . . Please forgive me, everybody. So glad Cheryl has kept everything going.

Hope you will all let me come back???? Promise I'll do better . . . really I will.

Have a great moving and shaking kind of day, everybody . . . see you soon. Have to go to the top and get caught up on some reading now . . .
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Old 04-20-2007, 07:35 AM   #88  
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Hi meowee,

welcome back
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:01 AM   #89  
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TGIF What an exciting day this is !!! Look who came back to see us.

MEOWEE: It has been an awfully long time since we have heard from you, so glad to have you back, we have missed you. Yes Cheryl has done a great job of keeping us together. And we have gained some new ones along the way. We are becoming a good sized group and that makes it so much fun. Sorry your job turned out to be so much, guess that is why I decided to just stay working instead of retiring.

CHERYL: So glad to hear that you finally kicked that 3.2 lbs to the curb. I know you have been under so much stress this last year it is time for you to take time for you. Now that the weather has finally started to look better maybe it will make you feel better. You've been a good mom to so many kids, now be good to you ! Wish I could do that in person.
You don't need kicked in the butt you just need to have some down time.
And so what if you don't get to 299 by June 1st. look how far you have come already. Your granddaughter will love you just the same.

JOANNE: Sounds like you are taking control of your life. What does your intense strength training class consist of ? I have never tried spaghetti squash sounds good though. Keep up the good work

THERESA: How are you doing? Those mood swings are awful hope they go away soon for you.

HY: Hope those headaches are gone and you are feeling better.

JUDE: Where are you ?

I'm not looking forward to weighing in this weekend. It has been one of those weeks, I pretty much ate everything in sight, stuff I haven't eaten in months. Hope I got it out of my system now and can get back on track. Just sort of lost sight of where I was going. Got back on the treadmill as soon as I got to work this morning and will do some stability ball exercises before I go to lunch. Have plenty to do this weekend in the house and out in the yard that I should get plenty of exercise from that but will still try to fit a walk in even tho they are calling for rain. Hope all of you are having a good Friday and I will talk to you next week.

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Old 04-21-2007, 10:17 AM   #90  
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Good Morning . . . gang . . .

Boy have you been busy since I went missing . . .

CHERYL . . . . . . you've really been having some tough times with those foster kids. Maybe it is time for a break. Time to think just about you and keep yourself busy with quilting, girl.

DONNA . . . . . . unfortuntely we all have those little 'problem; moments, don't we? You'll be back on track in no time.

HY . . . . . . Love the little dog picture, Chickie. Believe me, I envy you your dust right now . . . I'm sick of our April of snow.

Hello to all the newbies (well I know you aren't all that new; just new to me) like JayJay and LittleRed. I'll be looking forward to getting to know you better in the next little while.

It is another beautiful sunny day in Atlantic Canada and almost all the snow has finally gone. Temperature is over 10C (50F) for the second day in a row. And just look at what turned up in my backyard this morning . . . not the greatest pictures, but you get the idea . . . I didn't want to go out on the back porch for fear of scaring them away . . .

So what else is new in my world . . . not much . . . I still have three cats, but one of them is new (Goldi finally went to a better place, poor dear). The new one is named Purrecious (aka squirrel-girl, because she is absolutely insane). Mouse, the big grey one doesn't change. Jazz, the black one has decided to take after me somehow - he has diabetes, too - so I get to give us both insulin now. I've included pictures of the current three. Believe it or not, I also have plans for a dog (or two) in the fall. Waiting to get over my various surgeries (see below) first.

This seems to be my year for surgery . . . had to have a D&C in January (because I decided to have a TOM before Christmas - not something that is supposed to happen at 63/64 years of age. The D&C discovered I have a fibroid tumour about the size of a six-month fetus and now I have a hysterectomy booked for early in June. Can you guess my first question . . . gee I wonder how much that weighs. In the meantime, I had cataract surgery on my left eye on March 21 and the right eye is scheduled for May 9 . . . believe me this is a good thing. You wouldn't believe the difference - everything is so much clearer and brighter through my left eye; I can hardly wait to get the other one done.

Well . . . guess I'd better go and do something semi-constructive. Hope everybody has great moving and shaking plans for the weekend. See you soon . . . keep doing the good stuff, gang.

PS: the radio just told me we are already at 16C (61F) and it's not even noon yet . . . it's almost hot out there.
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Last edited by meowee; 04-21-2007 at 10:35 AM. Reason: added PS
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