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Old 02-03-2004, 06:15 PM   #16  
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Hi Sacha! Glad to have you back again....and glad you enjoyed the lasagna. (-;
Lynnie, it's great to hear that you're liking the exercise! It has so many benefits that make it WORTH IT, that's one things I've learned over the past 7 months.
And Volley--re: your running question: when I started losing weight, I was too big/out of shape to run then. I didn't start until I was about 3 months into it or so, but even then, I was still right around 200 lbs. Meaning that, if I could jog at that weight, then I certainly think you can start back slowly at your (relatively) small size! I just built from the ground up, you know? When I first started, I'd jog at 4.8 mph on the treadmill, just barely above walking. And I've just slowly increased as my fitness level has gone up & my weight has gone down. It IS a lot easier & more natural now that I'm about 30 lbs. smaller than when I first started running.
But as far as "slip-ups" go, I've had some food-wise, of course, but the one thing I've remained constant on is the workouts. I've kept them up despite several unplanned binges, etc. But even so, even if you've not been exercising lately, I still encourage you to get back to running slowly! You'll build back up to where you were at over time--I bet it won't even take long. And I think running has helped me to lose more, overall. You can do it!!! (-;
Hope all you ladies have had a great Tuesday! I'm enjoying my relaxing evening at home. (-;
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Old 02-03-2004, 09:45 PM   #17  
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Just a short post because I have to check in or I'm afraid I'll never make it back! I lost all internet last week because of the ice and then went out of town. I need to check and post these boards or I lose all motivation!

I'm back on it this week though! I'll catch up with everything soon.

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Old 02-04-2004, 04:31 AM   #18  
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Katia, How long have you been running? I was reading the NSVs and you have giving me inspiration!!! I am running on my treadmill and I average almost 2.25 miles in 30 minutes, I am a turtle. Granted I've only been using it for two weeks. Even at this pace, I am huffing and puffing when I am done. Thanks for giving me hope!!
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Old 02-04-2004, 09:30 AM   #19  
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I'd love to join this group of runners. I'm so impressed by everyone! I'm just not sure where to start. I'd love to have a treadmill handy, so I could monitor my speed, time and distance. I think a big part of what's been holding me back is I'd have to do it outside. Does just jogging a little bit at a time help? Even just a few minutes? I think I'd be huffing and puffing after only a few minutes.
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Old 02-04-2004, 10:43 AM   #20  
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i'm really sick. i've been sick since last wednesday. no voice since sunday. i haven't been on the computer much, just posting diary entries and then heading back to bed.

as far as weightloss is concerned, i'm not working on it at all. i can't workout, lest i get sicker, and my eating has been sporadic at best. but junk food, when i do eat. so who knows?
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Old 02-04-2004, 11:26 AM   #21  
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Default jdogg

jdogg - Yes! You must join the run fun! And [B]I certainly had to start out running slowly and only for about 5-7 min and then I had to speed walk for the remainder of the time. I began to notice I could work my way up (slowly, mind you) to eventually running for 30 min straight at a decent rate. I have recently fallen off the horse, but I am getting back on and I will have to begin the process over, but it is so worth it. Before, when I did so well, weight was melting off of me and I felt GREAT!

Holly - get better, girl! No fun in feeling yucky
I am sending happy thoughts and well wishes your way -k-
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:10 PM   #22  
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Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Volley: I have been where you are many, many times. Just think each day is a new day, and a new start! Maybe make yourself a mini goal, like something just for that day. For ex: If I eat right today and make time for working out...I will indulge in a bubble bath tonight. That one day ususally helps jump start me again, and I feel motivated to start again the next day and continue doing well.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

I've been mucho busy this week, school and work are really getting me stressed out, and I haven't really been eating right, but am down some on the scale...I guess that's good..but, not really healthy either.
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:34 PM   #23  
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spillthebeans - I understand about being stressed out. I'm pushing towards some conference deadlines and I have more work then time. Fun stuff.

So today is what I like to call a "high diet coke intake day". Ugh.. need more caffiene.

Hopefully I will get motivated and go to the gym.

Holly = Feel better!
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:58 PM   #24  
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I rather walk then run...
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Old 02-04-2004, 03:49 PM   #25  
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Lori - I've been running on and off for about 2 years. I've taken time off out of laziness, boredom, etc., but I'm planning to run a half marathon this summer, so I'm really sticking with it this time.

I've tried to build up my endurance two different ways:
- Running continuously for as long as I can, adding a few minutes each week
- Doing a run/walk interval workout for about the same length of time (45 min or so) and changing the length of the intervals of running and walking.

I really like doing intervals of jogging and walking, I'm planning to keep training this way because I have better luck with my knees. This time I started with 1 min jogging/ 4 min walking, moved to 2 min jogging/3 min walking, and kept increasing my jogging time until now I'm at the point where I do 1 min of walking per mile.

I use intervals to increase speed as well, adding short intervals of jogging at a more challenging pace to my usual workout. When I really think about my pace, it makes me kind of sad because when I was in high school and we had to run the mile twice a year for fitness testing, I would always finish around 7 minutes and now I would love to consistently run at less than a 9 minute mile pace.

Anyway, after all this running talk, I had better get my butt to the gym tonight for a workout.
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Old 02-04-2004, 07:38 PM   #26  
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Hope you feel better soon Holly - then you can worry about getting back on the bandwagon.
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Old 02-04-2004, 09:58 PM   #27  
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Get well Holly! Being sick is absolutely no fun....I'm sorry it's dragging on so long!
Jina--I too encourage you to try running in just short stints at first. Since you have to run outdoors, maybe you could buy an inexpensive stopwatch to wear around your neck, and time your intervals. You could start with just a minute or two running at a comfortable pace, and then walk, then run, etc....just like Katia said. You should try it--you might learn to kinda like it, like I have! And I've been an "I-hate-running" person for a LONG time before this! (-;
Sorry that so many of you ladies are stressed out--you can make it through this week! Stress is a tough thing, I know.
I'm having a really great week--I'm so thankful God's got me all straightened out again! It feels so good to not have food "control" me once again, you know? DH is at home tonight (not at his 2nd job), what a blessing! Better go take advantage & hang out with him..... (-;
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:04 AM   #28  
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Has anyone ever tried using those rowing machines in the gym?
I always see people using them, but am not very good about trying out different equipment. I need to get in a cross-training workout today (no running) and I thought maybe that would be challenging.
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:36 AM   #29  
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the rowing machines are super challenging! I always use them for like 5 minutes to warm up. I can't go for longer. If you can, ask someone to show you, because I've been told by my friends who rowed crew that form is very important and it's easy to do it wrong.
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Old 02-05-2004, 01:18 PM   #30  
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Happy Thursday to everyone!

I hope all the stress will soon disappear girls! Try to think about the weekend!


PS It is Survivor night and I am happy!
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