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Old 02-02-2009, 08:55 AM   #1  
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Default Weekly Chat - Feb 2nd to Feb 8th 2009

New pages!
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:55 AM   #2  
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Happy Monday! Just a few quick moments to set up the new page for the week and say Hi. I'll be back later!
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:57 AM   #3  
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Hey chickies! Paula and I had the same idea. How do I remove my thread?
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:14 AM   #4  
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Good Morning Ladies

Got on the scale this morning and its wasn't good went up+2. I just can't figure on what point range that my bod whats to be.

I tried to up my points to 32[1600]and it didn't work ,so I went to a one of the WW boards that I go to in the morning & asked how many calories in a point???To my surprise its from 30-90 cal per point.Depending on the fiber & fat. I was using 50 per point,now I totally confused.

I have to ask a QUESTION for you, as I don't remember,we on the core plan don't have to count points its just the momentum plan,is that correct.

PAULA & SLOAN-Thanks for starting us up.Sloane,I have no idea how to get it off,you'll probably have to asked the moderators to do that.

Have a nice morning,will be back later
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:44 PM   #5  
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Sloan, weird about the pages. I know I double checked before I started it that there wasn't one. Oh well~~

Maryann - on core, you don't track points, just eat core foods until satisfied. If you eat something not core (now filling food), you count points from the 35 weekly. This is now called the simply filling technique. If that was working before, maybe try it again. I've been counting points and eating core for a while (even before the introduction of momentum). I'm still keeping processed food to a minimum. Do you eat a lot of prepared foods?
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Old 02-02-2009, 07:51 PM   #6  
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I'm home and pooped. I kept the granddaughters today. We shopped, lunched, then went to the movies. I totaled my pts and got 26, so I'm a happy chickie. Today is the kind of day I usually go "off the wagon". We had lunch at Cracker Barrel. The girls liked it and I was able to stay on course. Life is good. I took a Fiber One bar to the movies so I just had 1 pt there.

Paula and Sloan, thank you for the new pages.

Maryann, I have an old points calculator I use. I don't count calories. I just figure pts.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:48 PM   #7  
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30 to 90 calories per point?? Hmmm Well, why not just count calories to know for sure. Or, at least for a while. Most foods have the calories listed so you could get an idea I suppose of how the food's calories matches to WW points.

Oh well, it's beyond me tonight

I was totally off today but it was intentional. I went out for falafel and even had a beer with it. I haven't had Middle-Eastern food for a year, and I love it.

Hope you're all having a good night.

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Old 02-03-2009, 10:22 AM   #8  
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Good Morning Ladies

We're having a snow storm right now and we;re suppose to get 6-8 inches for the storm ends Wed. Morning.

I got a cute e-mail this morning about the subject. Let see if I could print it. Sorry, I can't but the saying was ARE YOU SICK OF WINTER??? than you scroll down to see a snowman on a bench with a noose around this neck.

I'm so disappointed in my gaining,I have no idea way??????as I'm watching my sodium and I didn't go over my point range[32pts1600c]......Gained all back what I lost in January........

The only thing different that I did this week was to workout out on my treadmill and exercising bike every day for 30-45 minutes.

Do you know that in the UK the point is = to 70 cals??? and Ours here in the states is between 30-90 cals ,why can't WW all around the world have the same point value.

PAULA-Maybe I should go back to the core,but than I would have to eat at a lower calorie range and that's where the problem started,its too low for me. I guess I will choose a lower calorie 1500 [30P USA]or[22P UK]. Oh!! I don't eat process foods[froz entrees]any more.

SANDRA-I have a old tracker,that counted more than 4 fibers that they use now, will that help?? The old calculator that I have uses exchanges,before WW turned to points.

RHONDA-That's a good idea,never thought of comparing the mfg food nutritional label to WW companion.

Thanks Ladies for all your help I will continue with counting calories and see how far low on the calorie scale will I have to go until I reach the correct amount.

Have a great Morning
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Old 02-03-2009, 10:59 AM   #9  
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Hi Chicks! I only lost .4. Harumph. Guess I'll have to get off my big butt and exercise. I'm crazy busy and will be back when I can.

I hope you are all well and on program.
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Old 02-03-2009, 12:29 PM   #10  
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good afternoon ladies.

Maryann, 32 pts sounds like a lot. I was eating between 20-22 and losing. My pts are suppose to be 19, with 35 wpa's, so I would allow myself 19 plus up to 5 per day, so 24 max. I also earn 2 pts each day with exercise but never use them. Good luck. I also was tracking my calories and would aim for 1200-1400 per day.

Vicky, way to go. Congrats on your loss.

Rhonda, never had falafel. What is it?

Sandra, I usually grab a Kashi bar, when I know no healthy choices available.

Hi Paula and sloanie.

I am doing a modified SBD and Core. Both are healthy lifestyles. We had a delicious dinner at Outback. I had a small piece of cake for my husband's birthday. No weight gain.

Need to grocery shop. Have a good day.
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Old 02-03-2009, 01:09 PM   #11  
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Hey chickies!

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. I am still making calls about getting the internet at home. Maybe one day it will happen! It is so much easier to keep up with y'all after school. My days get so busy that I don't even have time to catch up on what is happening "on the board". I have finally lost the extra pounds I gained over the Christmas holiday. I only have 5 to go, but I feel like I have been saying that for months. Oh well, I am feeling so much better by eating filling foods that it should not matter how long it takes.

I have a new addition at my house, an 8 week old maltipoo puppy. Her name is Pippi, and she is black with white feet. She weighs a whopping 1.7 pounds and is already following commands. I've been thinking about getting a small dog for several months, so I finally decided to take the plunge. Of course, it's like having a new baby, but I'm really enjoying her.

Paula-great minds think alike, don't they?

Sandra-your day with the girls sounds great. Congrats for staying in control!

Rhonda-I, too, have never had falafel. Tell us about it!

Maryann-sorry about your gain! Maybe when the weather is better you can get more active outside, and that will help.

Vickie-a loss is a loss!

Pam-my weakness is birthday cake with that yummy frosting made with fat! It's even better with ice cream. Happy birthday to your hubby.

Got work to do. Grades, grades, grades

Last edited by sloanie; 02-03-2009 at 01:11 PM.
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Old 02-03-2009, 01:41 PM   #12  
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Hi Everyone
Just a quick check in.
See how everyone is doing.
I tried to get on yesterday. But for some reason my internet wasnt working.

BEACHBUM I am sorry for your gain. But maybe your body is adjusting to the exercise. And next week the weight will come off. We had some snow this morn. But the sun is trying to shine. The roads got kinda bad this morn. But are cleared up now. But guess we are to get some more snow tonight into the morn. I always heard 50 cal= a point. Have a great day. I am thinking of you.

VICKIE Congrats on the loss. Every little bit adds up. Keep up the good work.

PAM920, SLOANIE, ONTARGET, TEJAS, BLESSEDWITHSARAH Hi Hope you are all doing good.

I had loss last night. I lost 2 lbs. We have a girl in our class she got her 50 lb star last night. But before she joined WW. She was/is doing Curves. She lost 41. So she has a total of 91 lbs off. I cant imagine her heavy.
Well I am going to get off here. Need to do a couple loads of laundry.
So will be back later.
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Old 02-03-2009, 02:26 PM   #13  
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I'm op and feeling great. We're deep into indoor archery season so the excitement is building. In the past I've used that excitement as an excuse to eat. So far so good this time.

Maryann, my points calculator was made prior to the 4 pt fiber count, too, and that's what I'm using.

Vickie, what would you say to me if I posted I'd lost .4 pound? I want to wish you congratulations. I know you were wanting a bigger loss, but .4 isn't bad.

Rhonda, I'm glad you enjoyed your outing. A day off plan every now and then shouldn't hurt.

Pam, you are very focused. I am impressed.

Sloan, okay, now you and Pam have me hungry for birthday cake. I'm a sucker for that icing, too.

Coco, congratulations to you on losing 2 more lbs. That's very inspiring about your WW colleague's being down 91 lbs.
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Old 02-03-2009, 04:50 PM   #14  
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Falafel is ground chickpeas with seasonings. The mush is made into balls which are fried crispy on the outside and soft in the middle. It is served with tahini and vegetables either on a salad plate or in a pita. It is the sandwich of the middle east...spiced with cumin, parsley, garlic and just transports me back to Israel when I eat it.

Google it and you'll find lots of recipes...not core really, but it is chickpea so not absolutely awful....and tahini is, see, it's healthy!

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Old 02-03-2009, 05:39 PM   #15  
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That sounds good.
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