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Old 01-22-2012, 06:50 PM   #331  
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First name: Lucille

Geographical location: Chicago (currently)

Age: 21

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: Full time student, two jobs on campus.

Pets: None in the dorms, lovable pooch back home.

Hobbies/Interests: Writing, reading, movie marathons

Height: 5'6"

Eye/Hair Color: Green (usually)

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Always, but for this case January 5th.

Starting Weight: 235

Present Weight: 225

Goal Weight: 143

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Availability of 'good' food (living on a small campus)

Following any specific plan: Finishing up MediFast (currently on a budget, don't want to ask for money so I'm discontinuing MediFast after I'm done with what I have). Basically watching calories and keeping some of the MediFast ideas.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: More motivation I suppose (real world, graduation, etc.)

Anything else you would like to share with us: Just glad to join a forum where I can go after a long day of classes and talk to whomever is around.
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Old 01-22-2012, 09:00 PM   #332  
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First name: Christy

Geographical location: Toronto


Marital Status: Common law with my BF of 5 years


Occupation: Teacher

Pets:1 black cat named Henry

Hobbies/Interests: I love reading, learning new skills and information, singing and nutrition


Eye/Hair Color: Bluey, greeny grey eyes, honey blonde hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Not really sure but I guess when I joined the gym again would be a good date so Sept/12/2011

Starting Weight:167lbs

Present Weight:162lbs

Goal Weight:120 lbs

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Time and energy are my biggest hurdles along with a love of all things sweet especially anything cake or bread based!

Following any specific plan: Metabolic resistance training along with High intensity interval training for exercise and focusing on a low GI diet that focuses on eating whole foods with lots of legumes, veggies and healthy fats.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: In August I found out that I have PCOS and need to lose weight sooner rather than later. The sooner I get it under control the less likely it will affect future fertility and it will also decrease my chances of developing insulin resistance or diabetes.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I really want this time losing weight to be different so I am trying to form habits in my lives that I can stick with while focusing on my mental road blocks as well. I am trying to use positive affirmation to keep me focused and motivated and also to stop me from making poor choices.

Last edited by Veela; 01-22-2012 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 01-22-2012, 09:24 PM   #333  
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First name: Jo
Geographical location: Japan
Age: 23
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Occupation: Assistant English Teacher
Pets: Nope
Hobbies & Interests: Using the computer for media consumption, graphic design, communication. Reading. Playing flute and piccolo. Listening to various kinds of music.
Height: 5'9"
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Black with purple bits
Starting date of weightloss journey: Ambiguously about a year ago.
Starting weight: 213lbs/96.7kg
Present weight: 191lbs/87kg
Goal weight: 150lbs/68kg

What is your biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss? Lack of motivation to get me to the gym (I'm fine once I'm there!), not beating myself up for mistakes or perceived failures, overcoming boredom eating

Following any specific plan? Tweaking as I go.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past? I know that my weight doesn't define my value as a person and I'm no longer desperate to lose weight overnight.

Anything else you would like to share with us? I can't believe I didn't fill this out before! The fact that I'm still on 3FC a year after I joined shows me that this community has had a positive impact on my journey; I certainly hope others will feel the same way!
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Old 01-22-2012, 10:56 PM   #334  
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First name: Hannah

Geographical location: Colorado

Age: 22

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: N/A

Occupation: Student

Pets: None

Hobbies/Interests: Weight Lifting, swing dancing, running, reading, music

Height: 5'8"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue-green/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 1/22/12

Starting Weight: 177

Present Weight: 177

Goal Weight: 140

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: getting a good diet dialed in and followed

Following any specific plan: Intermittent Fasting

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I've got a reason other than just to be skinny

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm good at exercise, I'm bad at actually being on a controlled diet
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:33 PM   #335  
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Hey guys! I'm new here so nice to meet you all!

First name: Ailsa

Geographical location: North Carolina

Age: 19

Marital Status: In a relationship

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Student

Pets: 2 cats at home, none at school

Hobbies/Interests: Friends, family, drawing, fashion, reading, movies, music, running

Height: 5'7

Eye/Hair Color: Green/Blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 9/15/2011

Starting Weight: 188

Present Weight: 157

Goal Weight: 145

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: resisting eating when not truly hungry, eating of boredom or cause it tastes good!

Following any specific plan: Low fat/low cal

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have been working really hard and my efforts have resulted in weight loss! now I feel like I can do it for real.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Let's motivate each other and keep on the bandwagon!
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Old 01-24-2012, 02:35 AM   #336  
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I'm jumping aboard, too. I've got some serious goals to meet this year and would love the community support/atmosphere to back me. So hello to everyone and work hard. Also, congrats Ailsa! There are so many posts to read (sorry guys, I don't have the time to read every intro!), but I did see yours. Good job, girl!

First name: Traci

Geographical location: Southern California

Age: 21

Marital Status: In a relationship - my first one .

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Hostess at a Cajun-styled restaurant

Pets: None

Hobbies/Interests: Laughing, being silly, reading (I adore books), SINGING, karaoke, meeting new people and socializing, organizing and planning, hiking, stargazing (no, I don't know my constellations), did I mention singing?

Height: 5 feet 3 and 3/4 inches

Eye/Hair Color: Dark brown/hazel brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 2012 is when I got back on the bandwagon.

Starting Weight: 171 lbs

Present Weight: 165 lbs

Goal Weight: 130 lbs

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: The eating and consistency!! "Oh, a [insert name of sweet here] sounds good. Mmm."

Following any specific plan: I haven't followed it religiously since starting again, but it has worked for me in the past. It's a plan called "Fitness Made Simple." Really simple concepts and easy-to-follow workouts and meals.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm going to lose 30 lbs by July and then speak with an Air Force recruiter. This particular route may change as I learn more about what I want to do in the AF and how I want to join, but the weight plan stays the same. If I lose more than my original goal of 30, then hallelujah.

Anything else you would like to share with us: The movie, Step Brothers, is hilarious.
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Old 01-24-2012, 04:01 PM   #337  
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Hi all! I'm new here so this is a great way to introduce myself!

First name: Melanie

Geographical location: Wisconsin

Age: 28

Marital Status: Engaged

Children/Ages: A stepson-to-be, 9

Occupation: I do marketing for a non-profit

Pets: 2 cats

Hobbies/Interests: Hmm, right now I don't get to do much besides work and work on wedding-related projects. But I love movies, playing trivia, board games, ice skating and cake decorating (which has been oh-so-good for my waistline!)

Height: 5'6

Eye/Hair Color: brown/blue

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 2012 is when I got back on the bandwagon.

Starting Weight: 211 lbs

Present Weight: 207 lbs

Goal Weight: 130 lbs

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I don't really like to cook but I'm trying really hard not to eat out as much. But I do love to bake, so trying to cut back on sweets is going to be a big challenge.

Following any specific plan: I'm following the eat out less, exercise more plan - lol. I just started a Couch to 5k program as well.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My September wedding is a huge motivator. I want to start my marriage as healthy as I can be (and look good in my strapless dress!)

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm so excited to get to know you guys!

Last edited by LadyW1nger; 01-24-2012 at 04:01 PM.
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Old 01-25-2012, 08:02 PM   #338  
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Hey! I'm new here too, so I figure I should introduce myself this way...

First name: Jen

Geographical location: NYC

Age: 22

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Grad Student

Pets: None

Hobbies/Interests: I run marathons (but seem to have trouble losing the excess weight), cook, play jazz piano, and watch movies.

Height: 5'4"

Eye/Hair Color: brown/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 26th 2012

Starting Weight: 145

Present Weight: 145

Goal Weight: 118-120

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I study and run from class to class, so it's hard to cook food and prepare what I'm going to eat during the day. Also, I have tons of classmate friends who want to go out to dinner several times a week!

Following any specific plan: None yet, but I'm slowly leaning toward the paleolithic way of eating.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: In the past, it was surprisingly easy to lose weight and I didn't even think about it. I felt like it was the only thing I could control at the time (rough patch in college). But now that I'm in grad school and about to become a real adult, it's so hard to lose the last 20 lbs!

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm just excited to get and give support in these forums with you all!
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:28 PM   #339  
Chug-chuggin' on
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Welcome Melanie and Jen! I hear you on the sweets part and eating out less, Mel. Since starting a relationship, I've consciously made an effort to eat out (and sometimes, it's more for convenience). My bf and I like trying new places and finding hole-in-the-wall eateries :/. It's not good for either of our waistlines or wallets.

Jen, are you currently training for a race? Which marathons have you run? I lost 30 lbs when I began marathon training, but gained it all back and then some when I moved and stopped running. I'm slowly getting back into the running.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:25 PM   #340  
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Talking hey everyone!

new to the forum!

First name: Angela

Geographical location: Athens GA

Age: 23

Marital Status: have a lucky guy

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: student/pharmacy intern

Pets: one dog! shih-tzu/shnauzer mix named Sammy

Hobbies/Interests: reading, guitar, music, traveling!

Height: 5'8

Eye/Hair Color: black and dark brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Jan. 22

Starting Weight: 195

Present Weight: 191

Goal Weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: portion control!! and being a pasta lover

Following any specific plan: weight watchers!

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i'm getting support from others!!

Anything else you would like to share with us: i'm really excited to lose weight and be at a normal weight range for the first time in my life!
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:58 PM   #341  
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Good luck, Angie! I love pasta, too. Actually, carbs in general, but I'm finding alternatives aren't so bad . (Ex: lettuce wraps over bread).
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Old 01-30-2012, 08:59 PM   #342  
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First name: Allison

Geographical location: South-Western Ontario, Canada

Martial status: married

Children/ages: one boy, Daemyn, age 2.

Occupation: Tim Hortons

Pets: A dog, a cat and a bearded dragon

Hobbies/Interests: When I am not busy trying to keep up with my son, I enjoy: Scrapbooking, Sewing, Cooking, Reading, Bowling, Swimming and just hanging out. My favorite tv shows are True Blood, The Big Bang Theory and Supernatural. I love a variety of music, and listen to artists from almost every genre.

Height: 5'4", muscular build

Eye/Hair color: my eyes change from grey, to blue to green. My hair is a dirty blond, that I sometimes highlight.

Starting date for weight loss journey: A struggle I have had my entire life. This time around I started on Jan 3, 2012.

Starting weight: 250
Present weight: 225
Goal weight: 160

Biggest hurdle to overcome:
Stress, deppression and my sweet tooth.

Following any specific plan: low carb, no sugar and lots of veggies and water. Also trying to settle into an exercise routine.

What is different this time in your weight loss journey?:
I recently found out that I have PCOS and insulin resistance, my high weight is making both of these worse. Also my hormonal imbalance Is causing adema, and I have an unhealthy amount of water weight.
That being said all this can be helped by losing weight, and living healthy! Weight loss for me this time, is no longer about vanity, but about my health!

Anything else you want to share?: In 4 years I gained 80lbs.and went from 7-20 in pant sizes. I plan to lose all 80 lbs and then some and get back to a healthy weight. I want this for my husband, my son but most of all for myself. I deserve to be happy and healthy!
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Old 01-30-2012, 11:58 PM   #343  
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First name: Erin

Geographical location: Southern Louisiana

Age: 25

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: N/A

Occupation: IT Support

Pets: 3 energetic dogs

Hobbies/Interests: I love crafts of all kind

Height: 5'5"

Eye/Hair Color: Green/Brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Today! 1/29/12

Starting Weight: 282

Present Weight: 282

Goal Weight: 180

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Sticking to the food plan

Following any specific plan: Ideal Protein with certified dietitian

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: First time with a program other than "Low calories & Exercise"
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Old 01-31-2012, 01:29 PM   #344  
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First name: Kaitlyn

Geographical location: Virginia

Age: 19

Marital Status: Taken(online relationship)

Children/Ages: 0

Occupation: Sales Associate at a clothing store/student

Pets: miniature schnauzer named Emmy!

Hobbies/Interests: music, family, movies/tv, camping

Height: 5'4

Eye/Hair Color: hazel/darkbrown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 31, 2012

Starting Weight: 180

Present Weight: 180

Goal Weight: 130

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: resisting food in the house that my mom and stepdad buy!

Following any specific plan: So far I've been doing 30 min on the elliptical about 5 days a week and watching what i eat. I need to start calorie counting though.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm motivated to get in shape for myself and for someone else.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm excited to get started!
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Old 01-31-2012, 06:39 PM   #345  
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This looks fun!

First name: Beth

Geographical location: Indiana!

Age: 22... 23 in less than 10 days. Aah!

Marital Status: Unmarried, 5 year relationship with a wonderful guy.

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Full-time student/full-time retail job

Pets: One spoiled rotten Siamese: Leonardo.

Hobbies/Interests: I love photography and traveling. I'm majoring in psychology and plan on heading to grad school within the next year to pursue even MORE psychology. I'm definitely a big movie buff.

Height: 5'6"

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel eyes, dark brown hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: This time around? January 3, 2012

Starting Weight: 220.0

Present Weight: 205.4

Goal Weight: 240

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Definitely has to be exercising. But I'm trying to get into running and a little weight lifting.

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting crazy person.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I guess this time just feels different. I am living on my own. My bf (whom lives with me) is also making healthier choices and exercise and is very supportive. I'm also really finding my groove, which I never really felt before.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I think that about covered it. Ready for big changes!

Last edited by rolypolyprincess; 01-31-2012 at 06:42 PM.
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