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Old 06-14-2012, 12:26 PM   #436  
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A fellow SK lady!! I'm from Saskatoon
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Old 06-14-2012, 12:56 PM   #437  
BlueFlick's Avatar
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Me too Kat! That's interesting !
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Old 06-14-2012, 07:34 PM   #438  
Fellow cyster!
claristotle's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Denver, CO
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S/C/G: 170/170/150

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First name: Clare

Geographical location: Denver, CO

Age: 27

Marital Status: Single!

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: Quality assurance for a medical center

Pets: Celia, my family's 14-year-old basset hound!

Hobbies/Interests: Travelling as much as I can, doing new things often, reading scientific research articles (super nerdy, I know)

Height: 5'10"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Seriously this time--June 1.

Starting Weight: 165

Present Weight: 162

Goal Weight: 145

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: My Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Being insulin resistant and having all the other lovely symptoms is not helping!

Following any specific plan: The No Amylose Diet from Dr. Shoemaker

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I know in order for my PCOS symptoms to get better, I need to lose weight. I want to look awesome, but I need to do this for my health. Better now than later!

Anything else you would like to share with us: Nothing exciting!
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Old 06-16-2012, 02:34 PM   #439  
SaraWrites03's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ohio!
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S/C/G: 228/ 228/ 145

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Geographical location:


Marital Status:
Single... I have a long distance boyfriend.



Kitty And 8 (yes 8) rats

Reading, writing, movies, nature

5' 2''

Eye/Hair Color:
Blue eyes, blonde hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:
Right now!

Starting Weight:
220.... ugh.

Present Weight:
220.... ugh.

Goal Weight:

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:
Will power. I tend to sit and write, read, etc. Finding the motivation to get up and exercise will not be easy!

Following any specific plan:
Eating right, exercising more. Free and simple.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
Well... I looked at myself in the webcam on my new computer and went "OMG, is that me????"

Anything else you would like to share with us:
I am so ready this time!
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Old 06-17-2012, 11:57 PM   #440  
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 11

S/C/G: 220.6/218/150

Height: 5' 1"


First name: Alisa

Geographical location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Age: 24

Marital Status: single

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: Student/ Retail

Pets: 1 doggie

Hobbies/Interests: If I had time, I would craft until my fingers fell off. I love to cook, and hang out with friends.

Height: 5' 1"

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel/ Brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 6/15/12

Starting Weight: 220.6

Present Weight: 219.6

Goal Weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not eating everything my boyfriend wants to eat, and making sure I exercise everyday.

Following any specific plan: I joined MyNetDiary, and I am counting calories.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:I haven't ever really dieted before. I had been extremely active in High School and in parts of College, but that has waned.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I have extremely low self esteem right now, and I really need to lose this weight. I don't like how I act towards others when I am this unhappy, and I can't wait to feel better about myself.
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Old 06-18-2012, 11:19 PM   #441  
RubyRed93's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Connecticut
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First name: Tiara

Geographical location: Connecticut

Age: 19

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: N/A

Occupation: Pre-Nursing student

Pets: N/A

Hobbies/Interests: Singing, reading, listening to my iPod, walking

Height: 5"2

Eye/Hair Color: brown eyes/brown hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: I've been trying to lose weight since 7th grade, but my most recent journey started 06/13/2012

Starting Weight: 220.8

Present Weight: 219.0

Goal Weight: 130.0

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Control and Motivation

Following any specific plan: Not really

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm not being strict with my weight loss.

Anything else you would like to share with us: N/A
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Old 06-19-2012, 05:12 PM   #442  
Amberfra's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 2

S/C/G: 224/206/160

Height: 5'3


First name:Amber

Geographical location: Saskatchewan,Canada


Marital Statusating


Occupation: Working with children with cognitive disabilities


Hobbies/Interests:Camping, travelling, vacationing


Eye/Hair Color:Blue/green and light brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: May 7

Starting Weight:224.6

Present Weight:200.2

Goal Weight:170

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:self-control

Following any specific plan: Ideal Protein

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Support of my boyfriend

Anything else you would like to share with us:
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Old 06-20-2012, 07:45 PM   #443  
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mandikaye's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 5

S/C/G: 239.6/229.8/199

Height: 5'6


First name: Mandi Kaye

Geographical location: Raleigh, NC

Age: 29

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Project Manager/Database Admin

Pets: None

Hobbies/Interests: Reading/Book blogging

Height: 5' 6"

Eye/Hair Color: Brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 30, 2012

Starting Weight: 239.6

Present Weight: 229.6

Goal Weight: 199 (current goal) 150 (final goal)

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Myself

Following any specific plan: no - doing my own thing

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I want it more than I ever have.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I've realized I can't do this alone, and it sucks. But I want this! So I'm seeking out support and trying to do my best.
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:57 PM   #444  
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 26


First name: Ann

Geographical location: Ontario, CA

Age: 25

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Accountant

Pets: Cat

Hobbies/Interests: Sports, racing, mudding, fourwheeling, photography

Height: 5'5

Eye/Hair Color: Blue, blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Nov 2, 2011

Starting Weight: 215

Present Weight: 155

Goal Weight: 125

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: friends trying to sabatoge

Following any specific plan: clean eating/regular exercise/personal trainer

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i didn't want it before. Not as badly as I do now. This time I'm serious.
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Old 06-26-2012, 05:24 PM   #445  
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alabama's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 74

S/C/G: 207/199/150

Height: 5'7''


First name: amanda

Geographical location: birmingham, al

Age: 26

Marital Status: singlin' around

Children/Ages: see: pets

Occupation: social media specialist (pro facebooker)

Pets: 1 huge man cat

Hobbies/Interests: i dabble in feminism, tumblring, crocheting, knitting, sewing, getting tattooed, hanging with my friends and learning to cook

Height: 5'7''

Eye/Hair Color: bluish/red

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: this time? earlier this month

Starting Weight: 202

Present Weight: 198

Goal Weight: 145-150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: sticking with it and not losing motivation, exercising enough

Following any specific plan: just eating less and moving more

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: a few years ago i got down to 175ish when i was visiting here every day. i don't know what it is about this site that keeps me motivated, but when i stopped coming i gained back all that weight. i was so close last time but this time i want to stick with it and actually get all the way down to my goal and maintain the crap out of it.
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Old 06-26-2012, 05:56 PM   #446  
Move over Kim Kardashian!
caramelkitty's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Montreal, Canada
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First name: Natasha

Geographical location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Age: 25

Marital Status: Engaged

Children/Ages: Nope. Not for a while.

Occupation: Sales Assistant/Baker

Pets: Milo my poodle/bichon adorable 2 year old baby!

Hobbies/Interests: baking, writing, reading, shopping, going for walks and enjoying life

Height: 5'5"

Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: March 20th 2011

Starting Weight: 220

Present Weight: 145.6

Goal Weight: Originally was 145, but I have some to go still, so probably 130-135, I'll see when I get there.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: giving up what I love, working hard, not giving up.

Following any specific plan: calorie counting, working out, soon going to jump into toning.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I need to fit in a sexy wedding dress. I also realized that being 24 and weighing 220 was only leading me to a disastrous future, filled with sickness and sadness, so I needed to step up. I am so glad I did.
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Old 06-27-2012, 06:03 PM   #447  
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ericurr's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 1

S/C/G: 203 / 170 / 150 (short term)

Red face

First name: Erica

Geographical location: New England, USA

Age: 22

Marital Status: Engaged

Children/Ages: I have 1 little boy, Samuel, who's 3 months old

Occupation: Being a fulltime, stay at home mama.

Pets: I have a kitty!

Hobbies/Interests: Taking care of my little man, video games, walking, boxing.

Height: 5'2"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue-gray

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: I started dieting when I was about thirteen, although I really didn't need to. I gained weight in my mid-teens, then struggled with my weight for a while. I got back down to a healthy weight when I was nineteen, but when I got pregnant I gained 45 lbs! So I suppose I started when my son was born, but I'm really motivated.

Starting Weight: 203

Present Weight: 169 :/

Goal Weight: my first goal weight is 149, then after that it's 135, then 120 is my ultimate goal.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: staying motivated! hydrating myself. and being consistent with my exercise.

Following any specific plan: not really. just trying to avoid refined and processed carbs, red fatty meat, and sugary beverages, and exercising.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i've got the diet thing down.

Anything else you would like to share with us: errr.
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:47 PM   #448  
Galatea's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: GA
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S/C/G: 256/160/140

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First name: Lex

Geographical location: GA


Marital Status:married


Occupation: educator/science nerd

Pets: 3 awesome cats, 2 goofy dogs (does a husband count?)

Hobbies/Interests:I love art of all kinds! I love to draw and sculpt and wish I had more time for it and more buddies to do it with! I love to read and I love to work with dogs and horses and animals in general. I also enjoy water monitoring and I LOVE to cook!


Eye/Hair Color:greenish/blondish

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: March 2011

Starting Weight: 256

Present Weight: 160

Goal Weight:140

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: The biggest hurdle has been overcoming cravings and low blood sugar moments of weakness.

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting with lots of recipe development.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Not sure...I used to yo-yo and then give up and now I am just happy and determined. Actually I do know, it is my healthier and happier outlook on life and self-image. I learned to love me as I am right now.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I love to talk about pretty much anything.

Last edited by Galatea; 06-28-2012 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 06-30-2012, 10:54 AM   #449  
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frachel's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lebanon, PA
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S/C/G: 168/152/135

Height: 5'5


First name: Rachel

Geographical location: Lebanon, PA

Age: 22

Marital Status: In a relationship.

Children/Ages: cat mom!

Occupation: Front desk at a hotel.

Pets: two cats! Zooey and Summer.

Hobbies/Interests: cooking, veganism, hiking, getting my work out on, cats, painting, tennis, reality tv, laser tag, reading, dresses, music, and shoessssssss.

Height: 5'5''

Eye/Hair Color: brown/natural black.

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: It has been an on again off again thing since I was 9. The most recent attempt started June 20th, 2012?

Starting Weight: I don't know for sure but I think 160 something.

Present Weight:152!

Goal Weight:135

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: not getting upset about a little gain or plateau and giving up.

Following any specific plan: Eating a healthier vegan diet and keeping track of cals.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I feel good about what I'm doing. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I feel like my head is just in the right place. FINALLY.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I just moved to PA from ME two weeks ago. So a pal to do activities with would be so awesome!
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Old 07-01-2012, 12:05 PM   #450  
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tleeiii's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
Location: montreal
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S/C/G: 205/183/155

Height: 5"8


S/C/G: 205/183/155

Height: 5'8

First name: tracy

Geographical location: Montreal, quebec

Age: 25

Marital Status: in a relationship

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: hair stylisr

Hobbies: travel, reading, music

Height: 5'8

Eye/Hair Color: Brown and brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: this year? 2 months ago

Starting Weight: this year 194 ( highest weight 205)

Present Weight: 183

Goal Weight: 155

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I'm pretty good at resisting and controlling my eating, my biggest downfall is drinking and going out for dinners with friends, I just cannot control myself then.

Following any specific plan: no

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Im more focused, I want to get married and have children eventually and I've told myself that I want to be a normal weight before any of. That happens, plus I'm going to Jamaica in November and it's my first bathing suit vacation.
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