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cakses 11-26-2008 02:30 AM

Eh I had a semi-crappy day and I went tonight to the pool - literally dragged my own arse to get there - and someone had POOPED in it. Not a baby mind you. The youngest patron in the pool was 6. GRRRRR. Of course I didn't have any alternative clothing and I was not dressed to do anything but swim so I came home.

I started to watch TBL and was still sulking and then I realized I could do my weights while watching. DUH! So I got in a good upper body workout and watched my show. I will do my cardio tomorrow morning and all will be well in the world again.

I really REALLY miss my treadmill these days. I wish I had never sold it :( Every time I can't get to the gym I mourn it. I think once our finances are taken care of I will have to re-buy one for myself. That is a long way down the road, but I want to promise myself that I will get there now. I am worth it and I didn't sell it because I didn't want it. I sold it to put food on the table when the Army owed us so much money we could barely afford our rent :( So I think it will be a nice reward to buy one again in a year or so once we are back on track.

I am off to bed so I can get up early and go to the gym and run my tush off. The scale isn't going to budge in the right direction with me not doing cardio! Hope everyone's week started out well. Keep up the hard work. We have three more weigh ins to go until we are done with this challenge so I think we can officially say we are in the final stretch. Let's all try to finish as best as we can and give it a good effort. I know personally I am so excited to take holiday pictures for once!

mtiger 11-26-2008 09:30 AM

Cakses- That is so funny you mentioning holiday pictures. There are not many pics of me, since I would hide my fat butt from the camera. I am actually looking forward to being in some pictures this year just so I can see the difference. I'll have to really hunt to see if I can find some old ones to compare to.

I wish it wasn't cold here. Or I wish I had a place where I could run. I am missing it. Nothing much happening with my weight. I go from 197.8 to 199. Need a boost.

Have a great turkey day everyone.

retiredone 11-26-2008 11:48 AM

Hello, RED TEAM. It's pretty quiet here today. I guess it will be quiet until the Thanksgiving holiday is over. BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. Hopefully, too much damage won't be done over the weekend. Stick with the salads. :D

cakses 11-26-2008 01:17 PM

Good morning! Of course the Rice Krispie treats caught up with me and I am up a pound. Good news is they are gone from the house now as is the chocolate haha. I ate OP this morning and just got back from the gym and now I am going to get ready for work.

MonteCristo 11-26-2008 02:57 PM

I probably won't be around much for the rest of the week so.....

:turkey: :happ3: :turkey:

modcat44 11-26-2008 06:49 PM

cakses--that is SO gross! Ugh! I'm glad we don't have the littlest kids in our big lap pool--they have their own pool close by. Our swim center is so awesome, it has a toddler/small kid pool, a really warm therapy pool with a ramp, and a big slide even that goes into a little pool, (I think it's only available for family days/sessions). The star is a huge pool with tons of lanes going width-wise, probably something like 20 lanes. And boy is it busy! There are so many groups and clubs and teams that will go there to practice, as well as several devoted fitness swimmers, etc. The lanes are 25 yards or meters (I get different answers but they are close) and they do a good job of having it heated to a comfortable temp. It is open every day but Monday 6 am to 7:30 pm. except Sat and Sun it opens at 9. I am so thankful to have found it here in this fairly small urban area!

Well, I really fell off the control bandwagon last night. I didn't eat enough and was starved after work and 90 minutes of swimming so when I saw the huge tin of gourmet cookies my DH brought home I fell upon it and ate WAY too many, then kept eating a HUGE dinner. Needless to say, I am disgusted at myself today, achy and tired and melancholy on this rainy overcast day.
I am going to try to make myself go out to exercise later and push past this fiasco and still have a good day tomorrow--I hope!!

Will probably check in tomorrow! :thanks1: everyone!

mtiger 11-26-2008 07:38 PM

Okay, I did it. I braved the cold, bundled up and headed out for a 2.1 mile jog, with some walking. 35 degrees, yep it was cold. When I got home I did another 2 mile with WATP. This was my 3fc Turkey Trot 5k.

I might be able to do that once in a while, when it isn't too cold. In Michigan, that won't be often. But it felt good to run. It has been a while. I was a little out of shape. I am trying desperately not to gain mucn here during my normal mid-cycle gain. :crossed:

Looking forward to the parade tom. I am making 2 low-cal desserts for our dinner. Something I know I can splurge on a bit. Have a great day everyone.

Catsgetnhealthy 11-26-2008 08:53 PM

Hi all~
Just thought I'd pop in quick and say hello.
Mindy~ at least it's dry out right now, well it was here today anyway, not sure where in Mi you are. Awesome job on your Turkey Trot!! :turkey:
I want to workout and I can't. It just really hurts my foot. :mad: So I'm trying to rest it and help it heal. Cause I don't want it to linger on and on. blah! :p
Anyway anyone catch TBL last night. Love Rocco! Always have but really liked his version of the Thanksgiving meal. Course I'll do my best tomorrow but it won't be like Rocco's. Oh and I bought those banana fudge sundae jellos that Bob had a week or so ago. lol They're okay. Also bought the pumpkin spice cheese cake and raspberry cheesecake jello cups. When I want something sweet and decadent, those rock! They're 130 calories and not sure how much sugar. But I figure once in a while won't hurt. ;)
Well I'm going to go drink my tea, read my book and watch some t.v.
I'll try to check in tomorrow. Oh anyone doing the black friday shopping? I've not ever done, but might. Some stores around here have some really decent sales on tomorrow, so may do that instead. Would love to get the christmas shopping done and over with. And my oldest turns 13 on 20 Dec and would like to get his b'day present while it's on sale. He wants an IPOD nano, I think. lol Kid changes his mind so much.
:thanks1: :thanks2:

miriam101 11-27-2008 12:29 AM


Cakses - wtg on your successes - enough to actually want to take pics! I don't weigh very much right now - but I still look soooooo heavy. Dang apple figure-!!!

Hey Monte! How's exercise going!

Mod - lucky for you to have such a nice pool! The one I occasionally go to has only 6 lanes and we often swim 5 people in a lane - a bit of a health hazard...

Mindy - wtg on the exercise and the good dessert choices!

Cat - I guess the food pimping on TBL comes in handy sometimes, hahaha ;) LOL about your son's b-day decisions - i know that scenario oh-so-well!

I'm getting ready for my trip to the states next week

Andi18 11-27-2008 09:05 AM

Happy Thanksgiving Red Team!!

I am about to head out the door to do a Turkey Trott :turkey:. It's about 25 degrees here right now so this should be interesting. I'm going to try to jog most of it, but I know Marty has tricks up his sleeve for this. From what it sounds like, we will be doing some push ups/squats/crunches in there too. Guess he's making up for no boot camp tonight!

Hope everyone has a great day! My parents are on the road and will be here in about 4 hours so I'm thankful for that! Of course I'm going to have to watch myself today, my parents didn't want me to cook turkey day dinner and instead are insisting that we go out (Golden Coral or Old Country Buffet). I'm going to try to eat as low calorie as I can but still enjoy my food! hahaha


MonteCristo 11-27-2008 01:12 PM

Miriam - The exercise is going good. I've only missed one day this month. I haven't seen you around the Reluctant Exerciser's Group. Did you know I started thread #2?


cakses 11-27-2008 02:13 PM

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am back from work (yes I had to work) and I am getting ready to put on warm clothes and head out for a run. I wish I had remembered to bring my workout stuff to work this morning then I could have ran inside where it's warmer LOL. Serves me right for forgetting! Hope everyone has a great day!

mtiger 11-27-2008 02:40 PM

Hey, hey!! I have my desserts made and in the fridge. I am also doing green beans and sweet potatoes. Dinner is at 6:00 so I have some time. I am trying to convince myself to get dressed and go run again. All my muscles hurt today; abs, butt, thighs. It is a bit warmer than yesterday, so I should be able to handle it. Just need to convince myself to do it.

Have a great day everyone. Eat smartly!!!

JasonsLea 11-27-2008 03:07 PM

I apologize, Red Team!

I've totally tanked this challenge.

Today I weighed in at my highest weight ever: 262.8

I look like a female Santa....at least tummy wise!


Though I am thoroughly pissed at myself, I can't stop eating......or this weightloss battle. Delusional as I am, I'm still truckin. Please baby Jesus, let something give.

I'm starting with no soda and JM 30 Day Shred.

:thanks1: girls!

cakses 11-27-2008 04:07 PM

Tried to run outside. Failed miserably. I still have this hacking cough leftover from my cold I have had like ALL of November and running outside just pissed it off something fierce. Oh well. I did 1.75 miles total and now I am off to shower and go to the in-laws for Thanksgiving. I'll try to run again tomorrow indoors where there is warmer air and see if I can do better.

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