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Old 11-14-2008, 07:15 AM   #1  
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Red face We Are Family - Red Team Chat #6

Morning Red Team

I'm with Mindy - very quiet around here lately. Let's put on our rally caps (red of course) and get the excitement back to this challenge.

Anybody eating anything new these days? I have a couple of new recipes I'm looking at trying:
1. Chicken Delicious
2. Chicken with sweet potatoes and garlic
both sound wonderful to me. DH is gone tonight - he doesn't eat sweet potatoes so maybe that would be the good choice for me tonight.

As always.................

Move your bodies, drink your water and SMILE.

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Old 11-14-2008, 08:05 AM   #2  
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Happy Friday Girls!

This weekend is going to be a bit harder then usual, as my 14yo sister Amanda and I are going to visit my 20yo sister Angie at her college. We'll be hanging out with her friends, going to a movie, and seeing the game, so I know there is going to be lots of soda, chips, etc, that I don't need to be eating. I'm going to insist on doing my exercise while we are there, but I don't know how the food will go. Hopefully I'll have good behavior to report back!
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Old 11-14-2008, 09:16 AM   #3  
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Originally Posted by MonteCristo View Post
Happy Friday Girls!

This weekend is going to be a bit harder then usual, as my 14yo sister Amanda and I are going to visit my 20yo sister Angie at her college. We'll be hanging out with her friends, going to a movie, and seeing the game, so I know there is going to be lots of soda, chips, etc, that I don't need to be eating. I'm going to insist on doing my exercise while we are there, but I don't know how the food will go. Hopefully I'll have good behavior to report back!
Monte, can you buy diet soda and bottled water to carry along and have for get together? You could contribute low fat popcorn and veggie sticks for munching, too. At the movies, red vines are a lower cal treat, tho have a lot of sugar. And popcorn, without butter is a healthy and lo cal munch for the movie. Have fun and if you do decide to indulge, you have skillz and will be able to pop right back on track and continue your progress.

Hey everyone. I had a good day, yesterday. Stayed on track and drank a bit more water than usual. I am hoping for a good number, come Monday morning.

I think my wrists are getting thinner.
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Old 11-14-2008, 09:20 AM   #4  
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Red face We Are Family - Red Team Chat #6

Way to go Red team!! Keep up the great work!!
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:15 AM   #5  
Chrissie-Let's go Red!!
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Wow up to Chat #6 already huh? That's awesome.

Well I am starting off my week doing pretty well. I had a loss of 3.6 this week. Yesterday I went over on my points because of lunch. I swear trying to eat healthy out is crazy. I thought I was making a good choice by getting a salad at Dairy Queen come to find out that my lunch ended up being 22 pts alone. I'm like hello I could have had a double cheese burger for the same thing. Gets on my nerves.

Speaking of recipes, I am thinking of making mini pizzas this weekend. I was going to use turkey pepperoni, light cheese, sauce, and english muffins. I thought that would be a simple little lunch or something. Probably not that many points either.
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:41 AM   #6  
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Originally Posted by Rain Dancer View Post
Monte, can you buy diet soda and bottled water to carry along and have for get together? You could contribute low fat popcorn and veggie sticks for munching, too. At the movies, red vines are a lower cal treat, tho have a lot of sugar. And popcorn, without butter is a healthy and lo cal munch for the movie. Have fun and if you do decide to indulge, you have skillz and will be able to pop right back on track and continue your progress.
Thanks for the encouragement. It is more of a mental thing than a stomach thing, if you know what I mean. I don't even like reg sodas, popcorn, and junk (etc chips, my biggest weakness), so I won't be that tempted, but I don't want to totally stick out like a sore thumb. I'm already an introvert (though not shy) so get-togethers make me nervous, plus I was never into the whole "college" thing, and I don't want to embarrass my sister by coming of as stuck-up. I am planning on bringing some coke zero and sun chips with me as ballast.
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:53 AM   #7  
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Happy Friday. I am still stuck at 184. Had a off plan dinner though so no surprise. Have to work 9-1 so I am off to get ready and get out of here after DS gets on the bus! Have a good day everyone!
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:30 AM   #8  
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Good morning RED TEAM members. I had such a busy day yesterday. I was getting ready for my Thursday night cooking demo and I was trying to get to the stores to buy a new bra. Well, the bra buying turned into a disaster. I need about a full day to go by myself and try on about 100 bras until I can find one or two that actually fit well. I only got to try on one and that didn't I'm stuck with my too big bras for the time being until I can finally get a new one. I might have to wait until Christmas when mom will be with my sister and we'll be at DS's for a few days. I'll have time to look then but the stores will be packed with people at that time. Maybe I'll take up sewing and sew a bra.

Well, the weekend is upon us again. I've had a good week except for last Saturday night after I'd weighed in. Had a feeding frenzy of mac and cheese and nachos and cheese. But other than that I've been on plan. Hoping for another pound tomorrow morning. I can't believe I'm almost in the 130s.

DH called me skinny this morning so I turned around and pulled my clothes tight around my stomach. That takes all illusions of skinny out of the equation. Does stomach fat ever disappear? I'm going to find out, I can guarantee that. Just ask me around March or April.

I'm with you Carol. We need to get re-excited about our Biggest Loser challenge. Only a few more weeks left and we need the momentum to keep us on track and excited about the outcome (team and individual) of our hard work.

Rain Dancer, my wrists are really small and now they are tiny. My watch just spins around when I'm running.
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:53 AM   #9  
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Hey fellow Reds!
Sorry I haven't been around! Moving, school, work, home stuff have all gotten in the way of posting. I did finally see a number that started with 27 instead of 28 this morning!!! I have been trying not to neglect my weight loss. Naturally the stress is taking away some of my appetite and walking seems to help relieve some stress, so I do have those things going for me. I will tryto be here more! I am reporting a 1.2 lb loss, I am happy with that considering the circumstances!

I hope all of you are doing well!!!

Bye for now...
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Old 11-14-2008, 07:41 PM   #10  
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Originally Posted by MonteCristo View Post
It is more of a mental thing than a stomach thing, if you know what I mean.
Boy, do I ever...

Sun Chips and diet soda sounds good. MMmmmm.... Sun Chips....

Retire, spinning around on your wrist, huh? Sounds good.

Good evening, everyone. I am going to end this day a little high, calorie-wise. Not a real binge or anything. But not exactly ideal, either. I am still within "loss" limits for my height and weight...
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Old 11-14-2008, 07:44 PM   #11  
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hey cakses I joined this is great truly great. thanks again cynthia
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Old 11-14-2008, 08:36 PM   #12  
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I was reading post on the old thread thinking nobody had posted. Then I realized there was a new thread. We certainly go through the pages. Well since I hit my low of 199.4, I have gained 3 TOM pounds and have currently lost 2.5 of them. I am hoping that this next week will be good. I look forward to getting back under 200 and staying there.

ggirls- I am looking forward to trying out some low cal recipes at Thanksgiving.

Monte- Have fun!!

Rain- I notice it with my rings. they just spin.

Aaron- Good loss.

Cakses- 184 is good. Be happy.

Retire- Bras!! GGGRRR!!!! I am hoping to do my part this week. Week after TOM is usually a good loss.

Blue- Lots on your plate. Good job staying on track.

Check with you all tomorrow.
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Old 11-14-2008, 08:41 PM   #13  
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I forgot to report on Shred Level 2. I did it yesterday and realized I have done it before. My DD joined me and I kicked her butt. Yep, it's hard, but I did good. I also jogged a mile. Since I lost 2 pounds today, I thought a repeat was in order.
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Old 11-14-2008, 09:11 PM   #14  
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Just de-lurking to say this week with the challenge

Stay strong this weekend! You can do it!!!!
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Old 11-15-2008, 10:19 AM   #15  
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Just a quick drop in to say Good Morning. I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Back on track for me, today. I can't believe yesterday. It wasn't a disaster, but not great, either. I think I will see a halfway decent number on my scale, come Monday, tho.
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