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Old 02-01-2005, 10:54 AM   #1  
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Lightbulb Thursday Chatters for February

Hello all and happy February!

We are so happy to have so many new members. This is such a great place to come. You will make friendships that will last for years. You'll get encouragement and laughs, sometimes at the same time. ha..ha..

I'm totally stoked about losing weight this month. My dear husband reminded me that I'll have 2 obstacles--our son's birthday and Valentine's Day. I told him that that's what flex points are for.
It's a rainy day here--and cold. We recentl;y had a drain put in the front yard and it's really working today. Hopefully, the street won't fill up and the water start coming back into the yard.
Everyone have a great day!
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Old 02-01-2005, 05:25 PM   #2  
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Eeek I have been baaad. I went totally off plan for more then a week. So I am starting over for the third time. This time I am starting MUCH slower. I am not the type of person who can go full blown, cut calories in half and workout at the drop of a hat. So I am starting out with working out as many days as I can a week (already went yesterday and today) and instead of going back on ww for now, I am just going to work on my portions until I am used to eating so little. I already have breakfast down to one normal portion, so now I need to work on either lunch or dinner. So I WILL be back on ww, I just need to cut down my normal food intake before I reach that level of dieting. So, anyways, I plan on going to the gym again tomorrow. I think I am going to create a weekly miles goal. I use the stationary bike, and from the last two days I have totaled 4.5 miles. I think my weekly goal will start at 12 miles a week. Wish me luck!
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Old 02-01-2005, 06:31 PM   #3  
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Hey everyone,

Ditto to everything Tina said!!! We are a fun group and welcome everyone that is new..... so please join us!

The weather is here is yucky! Like my fancy term?

I'm down 4 pounds this week so far, I'm just hoping they are going to come back. I'm being very careful and saving my flex points for this weekend.

Thanks for starting us off Tina.

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Old 02-01-2005, 10:35 PM   #4  
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Meagan, You go girl!!!

Yucky is one of my favorite words. Susan, we've been in teaching tooooooooooo long.

Good for you on the 4 pounds! I still have not started journaling. Why is that so hard for me to get started?

Ate at Olive Garden tonight. I had the chicken marsala with grilled vegies. Of course, I had a breadstick and salad.

I don't want to go back to school next Monday. Just thought I'd mention that.
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Old 02-01-2005, 11:50 PM   #5  
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Meagan, you can do this. You shame me with all your exercise.
Susan, yucky is definitely part of my vocabulary!!!! Good for you, going back to teach, even if it is subing.
Tammy, oooohhhhhh.......Olive Garden. I'm so jealous. I love that chicken dish soooooo much. What was the occasion? Do you really have to go back to work next week? Didn't you think your doctor would write you a note?
Want me to write a note to your principal? How are you feeling--overall?
Sis, where are you, girl?
I think today I totally blew all my flex points for the week. And, Tammy, I haven't been journaling either. I kind of know when I've eaten too many points, though.
I guess we need a new Weigh-In Results thread.
Oh, Susan, are you feeling okay now?
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:42 AM   #6  
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Well we didn't get all of the snow they kept predicting, actually none. It never does when they make a big deal out of it. I do the weather as well as they do!

Tina, What did you blow your points on?
Tammy, get the dr. to write that note, especially if you have the days!!!! You don't want to rush it and it will do you some good to have some extra time off.
Meagan, way to go exercising!

I hate to say it but I have been journaling religiously. I think it really does help (not like I didn't know that already) I'm trying real hard to make the right choices of food too. Something is working. I'm going back to Curves today, I'm just going to see how I feel and not push myself real hard.

Tina, I'm feeling good now. It was a killer of a bug. A small school district up the road closed for 2 days because of the flu outbreak.

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Old 02-02-2005, 01:45 PM   #7  
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A little sympathy here, please.
I went to my dermatologist this morning. He froze a place on my back, right under my bra. Boy, it is swollen and it hurts. I'm going around the house sans bra. Ooohh......
I have a skin tag/wart on my eyelid that he couldn't take off. So, I have an appt. with an ophthalmologist for next month. They have to clamp your eyelid in some kind of device before they cut. Doesn't that sound gross!!!
So, I've made myself a mini-goal of losing 5 pounds by the first Friday in March.

p.s. I blew my points at Black Eye'd Pea restaurant where I ate 2 of their big rolls and their mashed potatoes and gravy with my grilled meatloaf.
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Old 02-02-2005, 01:56 PM   #8  
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Major sympathy!!! My dermatologist walks in the room with that little can everytime. I always laugh and tell him first he should look at me. He responds "It's you of course I'm going to use it." He ends up doing every time. I hate the way they sting for a while. OUCH!

Ouch! about the one on your eye. That doesn't sound fun at all!!!

I'll join in the 5 pound goal for the month. I would be really happen if I do better than 5 pounds. You've made me hungry. I always loved Black Eye'd Pea but they are all gone here.

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Old 02-02-2005, 07:08 PM   #9  
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I went to the gym again today, this time I brought a book with me. After I did my rounds on the weight machines I went to the bike and got out my book and started reading. By the time I look up I went 4 miles in 23 minutes! 4 MILES! That puts me at 8.5 miles this week, and already worked out 3 times this week. We are supposed to get a major snow storm tomorrow, hopefully it clears out for a couple hours so I can go to the gym again.
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:47 PM   #10  
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Wow, Meagan! Good going on that exercise. I too like to do something while on the bike. I get a magazine and read it cover to cover. It really does make time go by fast.

It's wet and cold here. I'm eating a piece of angel food cake as I compute.'s been ages since I baked one and it's so good.
I had a baked chicken breast, a dinner roll and asparagas for supper. What did y'all have?????
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Old 02-02-2005, 10:14 PM   #11  
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Meagan, great job!!! I love to look at books with I ride or watch tv.

Tina, angel food cake is my all time favorite cake. I had it for my birthday all the time as a kid. Your dinner sound yummy. I had a egg and sausage taco.

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Old 02-02-2005, 10:42 PM   #12  
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That 5 lb. weight goal for the month sounds like a good one. Count me in! I weighed in tonight so I splurged on Fish and chips for supper, and cinnabon pop corn. Then back on the wagon for tomorrow.
I have started listening to talking books in my car in between clients this week. It seems to be working out well and is more calming than talk radio, and the pop music stations.
Meagan: good for you for the exercising. Making the time for it is so hard.
Susan and Tina: Ouch! Better to be safe and have them out though.
Tammy: The kids will be so happy to see you.How long till retirement? I am starting to think of it for sixty, but time will tell. $$$ will have a lot to do with it.
Good luck staying on program this week y'all
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Old 02-03-2005, 10:10 AM   #13  
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No special reason for the Olive Garden really. Well, it did give Tim and I a nice chance to talk. He and Jessica broke up Monday night. They've been together since Sept. 2003. Hard on him and her. Talked to Jessica's mom earlier today about the situation. She and her hubby told Jess she had to break up. She found a letter that the kids had written back and forth to each other. Some not so good things in the letter. I haven't talked to Bob about it yet. Oh my.

I talked to the doctor's nurse yesterday. I am now out of school until Feb. 14. Afraid of causing more nerve damage if I go back too soon. Yes, I'm smiling, but I really do miss the kids and the other teachers.

Susan, good for you on the journaling! Maybe you could give me lessons. lol

5 pounds for the month sounds good to me too!!

Meagan, when I ride the bike in the basement I've learned to take a book with me. Tried it with the treadmill once, but I about killed myself. Not coordinated.

I have 2 more years until I can retire. We met with the STRS person the other night. It looks good. I know it will be less that what I'm making now, but since we are planning to make some changes (go to a smaller house for one) that will help alot.
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Old 02-03-2005, 11:01 AM   #14  
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Tammy, I'm so sorry about Tim and Jessica. Whatever was in that letter must have been really bad. I feel so sorry for you, too. It's hard on us mothers. I know it upset you a lot.
On a positive note----good for you for getting more time off. It's much better to give yourself more time to heal. Hey, you can sit back and read more books, can't you!

I'm really lazy today. But, I've got to get up and do something constructive.
I had to sleep on my left side all last night so I wouldn't hurt that spot the dr. froze. That wasn't a pleasant night. It's not as swollen today.
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Old 02-03-2005, 04:45 PM   #15  
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Hi Friends,
How is everyone doing today? It's been a little crazy around here (I'm making myself crazier) Trying to get paperwork in for subbing and then trying to get stuff ready to leave. I haven't gotten anything accomplished today.

Tammy, I'm sorry about Tim and Jessica. On that journaling, I hate it but it seems like I'm doing better with it. I have a little spiral.

Tina, sorry you hurt. Are you taking advil or tylenol?

We are going to have to keep track of our monthly goals. We can do this!!!!

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