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Old 02-02-2007, 09:15 PM   #1  
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Default Thursday Chatters for February


Anyone is welcome to post! We always enjoy hearing from new people.

Tammy, how are you feeling?

Tina, my dad is doing better. Still in pain and has lots of swelling. His dr. put him on lots of direutics and he has to see her again on Tuesday. He might have to go into the hospital to help get the swelling down. The urologist said things are progressing like it should. How is your shoulder?

Dee, know you are in my prayers!!!! We are hear for you!

Amy, how is that new car?

Mimi , are you still around? We miss you!
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Old 02-03-2007, 02:39 PM   #2  
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Tina, Kramer does not like going outside, but he doesn't have much choice. We have a long leash hooked up right outside the back porch, so we just hook him up at the porch door and he is on his own. He doesn't stay out long. I wouldn't either. Tonight the wind chill is supposed to be -10 to -20 below. I don't even think I'm going to church in the morning. Just too cold.

Susan, I'm feeling ok, but pretty sore with the colder temps. I've taken several naps this week after taking pain meds. I know the meds are part of the problem with me not losing, but the biggest problem is ME!!

Glad to hear that your dad is doing better. Keep us posted. How is school going? I had a couple of girls in tears on Friday when they realized that I'm leaving the end of this month. I promised to come back and visit.

Met my friend Carol for lunch today. We had so much fun. We always do. Melissa couldn't make it, so we decided to talk about her. lol We're both going to email her and tell her that.

Bob is planning tacos for supper. I have my journal and WW info out to figure everything out. I watched at lunch since I knew that's what we were having.
I had a WW muffin for breakfast.
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Old 02-03-2007, 03:15 PM   #3  
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Thanks for starting us off, Susan. These months are flying by faster and faster. I'm glad your dad is doing better.
Tammy, send me a couple of those tacos!
I haven't journaled today. For breakfast, I fixed French toast with egg substitutes, r.c. bread and skim milk and lite syrup. For lunch, we had Subways. Larry is grilling burgers tonight. Does that sound pretty healthy?
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Old 02-03-2007, 04:39 PM   #4  
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Sounds healthy to me!! I'll put a couple tacos in the mail for you. (Wouldn't that be disgusting to receive in a few days?)
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Old 02-06-2007, 01:17 PM   #5  
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Where is everyone?????

Tammy, are you snowed in up there? If so, I wish you had some of my weather. We are finally have SUN!!!!! And, it's 67 right now. (Don't mean to gloat. )

Maureen, how is your weather? Doing any roller blading lately?

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Old 02-06-2007, 03:50 PM   #6  
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Tina, it started snowing a couple of hours ago, and it isn't letting up. Expecting 4 inches of snow, but with the wind it is going to be causing some drifting. Today is actually warm! It's 14 degrees right now!!! The windchill has been -25 to -30 below, so we didn't have school yesterday or today. I need to thank the superintendent for giving me some "snow days" before I retire. Wasn't that nice of him? If it keeps up, we may be closed or on a delay tomorrow. I won't be there either way because I went for my knee injections today.

I ended up only having the right knee done because someone that you all know and love had a drop in BP. It dropped to 90/60, so they stopped. I have to go back for the left knee in a couple of weeks. When I had the out-patient eye surgery last year a similar thing happened, only the BP dropped to 60/40. That one scared me a little bit more than this one. Glad Bob was driving especially when we walked out of the building and it had been snowing.

I'm jealous that you have sun and are warm!!!
I think it's naptime.
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Old 02-06-2007, 10:46 PM   #7  
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No school tomorrow! 3 days in a row!! That means I save another sick day for my severence pay check in March! Woo hoo!!

I ended up sleeping for about 30 minutes, then decided to get up and read. I just finished High Calling by Evelyn Husband, the widow of the Space Shuttle Columbia commander. It was an awesome book, and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

We had a very exciting supper! Shrimp!! Like shrimp cocktails! We love them, and Bob bought a bag of shrimp at Wal-Mart. We had shrimp, cocktail sauce, salad, and crackers. Yummy!! I could do that about once a week. When I told Tim what we were having when he called, he wanted to know if we could have it again this weekend since he is coming home. He wasn't supposed to come home until the last weekend of the month, but he and Jess decided since they aren't working this weekend they would. I'm thrilled of course!!

Hope everyone is behaving themselves. I am as usual.
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:27 AM   #8  
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Hi girls!

Still sane. Barely.

was 57 degrees this morning, but warming up.

I bet tammy would be at 100% if she moved to florida.

Family life is settling down. I take another test today for my job. I really didn't get a chance to study for this one, please cross your fingers, eyes, legs....for me.

I haven't thought about my weight in a while. It has been a nice break. Usually I am consumed with it. I hope not to be ever again (like that is really possible). I will get on be wagon again here soon. As soon as I get everything else back together.

How different is the new WW? Did that start yet? I am looking into a new exercise routine when I find out more I will share it with you all.

Can't stay on, got to attempt to look at my books. Talk to you soon.
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:50 AM   #9  
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Dee, it's so good to hear from you. Glad you are still with us. :-)
Tammy, all I can say is BRRRR.....
Susan, where are you?
I miss all our friends who haven't posted in some time.
Wish everyone was here today. It will be 74 degrees.
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Old 02-07-2007, 04:29 PM   #10  
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Dee, when we are in Georgia and Florida, I really do feel much better. Good to hear from you. It's funny because I was thinking about giving you a call to say hello and to check on you. The new WW isn't really that different. The number of points you get per day is based on lots of different things now instead of just how much you weigh.

Tina, I want to be there.
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Old 02-07-2007, 10:13 PM   #11  
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Hi Ya'll,
Well my Daddy is back in the hospital again. His swelling did not go down enough over the weekend so they put him in on Monday. He is still there. The fluid is down, they had to put back in a catherter yesterday because he developed some blood clots and then his poor little bladder could drain. He had been going to the bathroom all day and then the blood clot blocked the urine flow. My 2 sisters are up at the hospital all the time. It helps having them there but wish I could be there.

Get this.... my sub for my aide, has been out for 2 days. I don't think she likes it and this morning she didn't even call in sick. So I've been dealing with my class all alone. It's not really been bad as long as everyone is calm. The other sub (for the one that is out for surgery) is getting on my nerves so I don't use him too much. I am ready for the one aide to come back, then she is going to be in my room. We are friends too, so that will make it nice.

I'm running on fumes.

Tammy, glad that you got a couple of free days off! Just think and you won't have to make them up

Dee, good luck on your test! It's good to hear from you! Know you are in my prayers!!! I'm here for you if you need anything.

Tina, how is your neck of the woods?
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Old 02-07-2007, 10:24 PM   #12  
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Susan, so sorry to hear about your dad's problems. He's been in my prayers, and he will continue to be. Glad that your sisters can be there, but I know you'd like to be there too. What a pain to have to deal with someone not being there and not even calling in!

Our school is on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow! The back roads have lots of ice on them, and the supt. said he wants to make sure the bus drivers can see what they are driving on. Most of the schools around here are on delays.
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Old 02-07-2007, 10:39 PM   #13  
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Thanks for the prayers. Daddy's swelling is going down. They have restricted him to 1200cc of liquid a day. His out put is much greater so that's great. Hopefully he will get more of it off. All complications of his diabetes and then the sodium in the broth from his surgery.

Be careful if you go to school. Maybe they will make it another snow day! I could use one of those days about now. I kind of feel like I am getting sick. Strep is going around and so is the stomach bug. I just pray that I don't get sick. My trainer has been sick for 2 days and tomorrow might be "iffy", he will call me depending on how he feels.
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Old 02-08-2007, 09:09 PM   #14  
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Hey Susan! Glad the swelling is going down. It's always something, isn't it? I hope you are feeling better!! Strep is not fun!! Neither is the stomach bug.

We are on a 2-hour delay again tomorrow! This is getting to be almost funny! So much for having accurate lesson plans!!
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Old 02-10-2007, 09:40 PM   #15  
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Bob went for his appointment with the specialist on Friday. He doesn't know that I've talked to anyone about all of this. There is no cancer which we are so thankful! But, there is some damage to the liver. He will have to give up drinking, which is something he has done for years. This will be a major lifestyle change for him, so please pray for him to be strong. The doctor even mentioned a liver transplant if he didn't quit drinking. I think it made an impression.

I'm typing this while Bob isn't home. I have to let my brothers know too, but I want to talk to them. They aren't home right now, and I'm not talking to anyone about it while Bob is around.

I know how upset he would be if he knew that I had talked to others. I'm sure none of you will be dropping by for a visit, so I told you. Anyway, that's all for now. Tim came home this weekend, so I think that was good for Bob. They've had some nice talks.

Thanks for being there for me!! Love you!!
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