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Old 09-13-2011, 11:46 AM   #46  
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Originally Posted by mamakat View Post
Jomatho LOL sorry. I think it's short hair. I'm growing it out Oh and I'm putting on my shoes and going for the walk. I washed my hair.
I am not scared of everyday spiders (big ones, thats another story), but once you start talking about them nesting on my body somewhere or crawling on me, then I start getting the heebie jeebies. Where I used to work, the hallways had drop ceilings and every once in a while, you'd be walking and one would be hanging right in front of you. Don't even want to know about the ones I didn't see that took a ride on my head or shoulder! My dad is somewhat like you, he will catch them in a dixie cup and piece of paper and let them outside! Drove us girls crazy.
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:11 PM   #47  
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So today is better than yesterday, caught up on some sleep last night and got my workout in right away since I was a slacker yesterday.
Did the usual workout today, walk for an hour with my friend and 2.5 miles of running on the treadmill BUT,
I am having a nutrition problem of sorts now. I cannot seem to get through my workouts without my stomach growling like crazy and my energy waxes and wanes. I actually got off the treadmill after 1 mile and went to eat a granola bar (only because it was the easiest thing to grab), then continued on my run. It stopped the horrible empty pit feeling in my stomach, but didn't seem to help with the energy and I didn't like the feeling of food in my stomach while I finished my run. I have been resisting it, but I know I need to start eating before working out, just trying to figure out what I should eat. Can't eat fruit or yogurt in the morning, too sweet, but may be able to do oatmeal or a protein drink, but I am thinking the emphasis should be carbs, right? Also, why do you guys think I used to be able to knock out a good workout before eating and now I can't? Matter of fact, I am hungrier across the board lately. I may have to start a new thread about this, it is perplexing and frustrating me to no end. I still have plenty of fat for my body to burn, that's for sure!
I guess I should just experiment the next couple days and see what feels best. Any suggestions are welcome, what works for you guys for pre/post workout snacks if you have them?
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:38 PM   #48  
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Jo - when I used to make it to my morning work outs (feels like an age ago, has only really been a couple of weeks) I used to have a banana first thing, then it takes around 45mins to get to the gym so by then that would be just enough to keep me going.

When I've worked out in the morning I always make sure I have a protein breakfast when I get to the office - how do you like eggs on toast, or a simple ham & tomato salad? I can't count the number of times I've been told the importance of having protein pre/post workouts, it really does make a difference

Also, maybe you're finding the workouts harder because you're in a rut? Have you tried doing something totally different to kick start your metabolism? If you get used to something too much your body can start to fatigue more quickly. Try something like skipping / HIITS training for a couple of days and see if that helps re-awaken your energy!

Good luck to you!
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:58 PM   #49  
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Originally Posted by themilesawaygirl View Post
Jo - when I used to make it to my morning work outs (feels like an age ago, has only really been a couple of weeks) I used to have a banana first thing, then it takes around 45mins to get to the gym so by then that would be just enough to keep me going.

When I've worked out in the morning I always make sure I have a protein breakfast when I get to the office - how do you like eggs on toast, or a simple ham & tomato salad? I can't count the number of times I've been told the importance of having protein pre/post workouts, it really does make a difference

Also, maybe you're finding the workouts harder because you're in a rut? Have you tried doing something totally different to kick start your metabolism? If you get used to something too much your body can start to fatigue more quickly. Try something like skipping / HIITS training for a couple of days and see if that helps re-awaken your energy!

Good luck to you!
Thanks for the suggestions, I may be able to do a banana, that's not as sweet to me as fruit or yogurt. So is it carb before and protien after, or should I add some protein before also? Post workout is easy, that's usually breakfast and most often eggs and an english muffin or something like that. Not sure about the rut thing. I wasn't running much at all this summer, so this is the first month in about 3 that I am really putting much mileage in. You know as I have been thinking about this, I wonder if the walk beforehand is the difference. Since we have been walking, this is the first month I am pushing my running again. Maybe that hour of walking before is just enough to deplete my glycogen stores.
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Old 09-13-2011, 02:28 PM   #50  
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Jo: Pre-running fuel should consist of a non-processed carb & a protein.
I usually eat PB Oats before a run, but have been known to eat a Powerbar as well. I do better if the snack is between 200-300 cals, depending on how long I'm running.

Other suggestions:
2 T Almond or PB, banana, 1 slice of Ezekiel bread (~380 cals 52 carbs 11 protein)
Greek Fruit Yogurt, like peach or strawberry-banana for carbs (~160 cals, 19 carbs 14 protein)
Green Monster (whey protein, banana or plain greek yogurt, almond milk, spinach, flax) (~325 cals 32 carbs 32 protein)
Friendship No Added Salt Cottage Cheese w/ fresh pineapple (~ 140 cals 17 carbs 17 protein)

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Old 09-13-2011, 02:41 PM   #51  
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Jo: I've heard and read many times that we should have a carb and protein approx. 45 min before working out and then have protein within 45 mins after working out. It makes a BIG difference for me when I workout after work. I have my snack at 3pm if I plan on being on the treadmill by 4. I've noticed a difference in my energy. Hope you find what works for you!!
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Old 09-13-2011, 05:24 PM   #52  
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Good Evening Everyone,

OK I am exhausted! Another 90 minute walk in the sun. I had a terrible headache afterwards, but I'm super duper glad I did it. Now I've got to come up with a dinner idea and then go buy it at the store. Waa, I'm so tired. But I've got to do it. I said I would make my calories and I'm going to do my best to do it. I've eaten 600 already So what can I eat low carb and 1,000 calories? Any ideas?

Hope you all have a good evening.
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Old 09-13-2011, 05:37 PM   #53  
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Just a quicky for the night. I need to get studying for my test tomorrow. The evaluation went pretty good but it was a rough start to the morning....

1. Alarm went off at 5, hit snooze and woke up a free-king 6.
2. Forgot to pack lunch.
3. Supervising teacher had car trouble and got there late.

EEEPS! Everything went well except I sweated like crazy from nerves and I felt barfy before school. LOL Comments were positive, with a couple suggestions...like be more animated when your doing the morning music *lady, you're lucky I'm even singing.* LOL

MamaKat- HEHE DS #2 is trouble. He's not bad...just...lively. LOL He really tries very hard to please but he's just turned 5, very immature and extremely smart...He apparently did not like the results of his bad behavior grade yesterday because he brought home a smiley today.
Well hope everyone has a great night!

Thanks for all the good lucks!
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Old 09-13-2011, 07:54 PM   #54  
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Managed a great workout. 35 min on the treadmill. walk/jog/incline walking. Love it!! Tomorrow's plan is Yoga. More reading to do for school tonite.

Last edited by Vixsin; 09-13-2011 at 07:55 PM.
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:25 PM   #55  
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Thanks for all the snack suggestions guys. I probably won't run tomorrow, just a walk because I have to come right home at 9:00 to call the vet. One of my cats is not eating and acting very sluggish the last couple days. Poor thing. I may have a snack prior to my walk though just in case they can't see him until later in the day and I am able to run. I bought some bananas today and will try banana with peanut butter to start with. Sounded so good I had one right when I got home from the store! I also bought some unsalted almonds for another option.
K9, that green monster sounds delish! I am going to try that when I go to the real grocery store for greek yogurt (just went to the fruit market today). Did you get your cartwheel in today? I laughed when I saw that at the bottom of your post the other day!
Vixsin, you are on fire girl, I can read the enthusiasm in your voice!!!
DZ, sounds like a hectic day, hope you get to relax a little now.
MamaKat, you are tearing up those workouts! Hope you found something good to make the kiddos!
Zoodoo, hope you are feeling better today!
Diana32, hi there!
Berry, hi there, hope you had fun at Zumba today, your smoothies sound yummy.
Sum, glad you could join us over here in this thread Hope you are feeling better!
ItsMyTurn, another cheer for you you are soooooo close!!!
Larry, Hi there
Still, hi!
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Old 09-13-2011, 09:36 PM   #56  
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Hi Everyone! I just got home, so this will be a quick post.

DZackery Good luck for tomorrow!

Total Approx 1440 Calories +

Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
high fiber English muffin 100 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (375 Calories)
Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds 100 calories
3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
1/2 TBS Hellman's light mayonnaise/Lettuce 25 calories
Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Shared salad 100 calories
1 grilled pork chop 400 calories
2 orders steamed broccoli 200 calories

KCM's 30 MTF Circuit Burn (both workouts) w/weighted gloves & #10's
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Old 09-13-2011, 09:38 PM   #57  
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Just got back from body pump. I do body pump 3 times a week, try to do step twice a week and Zumba once a week. However, I wasn't able to get into my step class for tomorrow, so I'm doing the spinning class instead. I got myself bike shorts to hopefully help with the butt numbness. Need some cardio and that's what's offered for tomorrow.
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:25 PM   #58  
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I have been in the hospital for the last 2 1/2 days. I was walking a huge flea market near St. Petersburg, Florida on Sunday. All of a sudden the same symptoms appeared that I had experienced before my heart bypass. Pain in the left ribs, pain in the left shoulder, pain in the left arm, perspiring and nausea. I told my wife we needed to go to the hospital and get this checked out. The closest was only 2 miles away, St. Petersburg General and we went there. We were fifty seven miles away from home.

Tests showed I had an abnormal EKG. They compared it with my last EKG taken post bypass surgery and it had changed significantly. The staff cardiologist said it was good that I came there because in his words "this was the real thing". He also said that I had not had a heart attack. I was admitted to the ICU, stabilized and transferred on Monday by critical care patient transport to the Florida Heart Institute where a heart catherization was done the same day. They found that the smaller of my two bypass grafts had narrowed. Not enough for surgery or a stent, but enough to reduce blood flow to part of my heart and cause pain.

The good news is that I am told this can be treated with medicine changes. They increased my Lipitor from 20 mg to 80 mg and in spite of low blood pressure they increased my Lopressor blood pressure medicine from 25 mg to 50 mg.

I have always had low blood pressure and I am afraid I scared the heck out of some of the nurses the last couple of days with BP readings as low as 76 over 42. Most of the time my readings were in the mid 90's over 50 or 52.

I was discharged today and I am back home feeling good.


Last edited by Larry H; 09-13-2011 at 10:28 PM.
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Old 09-14-2011, 12:25 AM   #59  
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Oh Larry, I'm glad you're home and that you're going to be ok!
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Old 09-14-2011, 02:01 AM   #60  
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Larry: We like 90s, even some 80s--but 76! What The *&%@
So, I'm glad you're better! I hope you have a BP cuff at home. If not, now would be a great example of a time to purchase one!
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