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Old 03-29-2006, 09:08 AM   #1  
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Arrow Crafters Incorporated

Okay . . . here we go . . . calling all Knitters, Quilters, Spinners, Crocheters, Sewers, Cross-stitchers, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera . . .

Everytime I check in on either the Knitters thread or the Quilters thread I bump into more 'cross-overs' and more new people with slightly different but similar interests. So I decided to take the 'cow by the horns' and open a place for us all to get together . . . not a new idea . . . it had been suggested in each of Knitters and Quilters already.

Hope you will all join me over here . . . I really hate talking to myself . . . besides people tend to give you really funny looks.
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Old 03-29-2006, 10:02 AM   #2  
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Here I am!!!!!!!!<waves hands running in late>

I need something to keep me going My April 1st goal is almost up...I need another thread to get happy over and this looks like it...

Ty for all the welcomes...

I have not started the bowtie quilt but have some great colors to work I am crocheting now...I just made a blankey for my he loves it...

I need to lose another 10lbs before May7th...I think that will be my next goal....
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Old 03-29-2006, 05:31 PM   #3  
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Hi La3y. So far it looks like it's just the two of us.

I picked up patterns and a couple of base fabrics to make quilted ponchos for my grandaughters; then came home and dug out 9 or 10 complimentary pieces from my stash. So, I'm on my way.

Hope more of the gang shows up soon. It's been pretty quiet all over today. Maybe people are out enjoying good weather and shaking loose some of the 'cabin-fever-cobwebs'.

See you soon.
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Old 03-29-2006, 07:46 PM   #4  
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Hi all, I joined the knitter's group but that seems to have faded. I definitely fit in this category better. I machine knit, quilt, stained glass, pencil drawing and whatever else passes by. I'm definitely crafty.

La3y, good luck on your goal. For my anniversary, you lose 10 pounds. I'd join you but I banished my scale to the guest bathroom. I'd been addicted to it and decided to use my clothes as markers. First goal is for my current jeans to fit comfy (in my book that is baggy). The second goal is the jeans in my closet that don't fit. So far I'm doing pretty good on my way to the comfy - they're no longer pinching off blood flow to my legs. That's definitely a good step.

Meowee, thanks for combining the threads. I know I like it.
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Old 03-29-2006, 10:27 PM   #5  
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Hi Ladies!...I'm here too!!...It's been a very depressing day for me after a gain on Monday and then today was my WW weigh-in and I'm up another 3. I hate AF!! I've never had a problem retaining water before, but I fell so bloated and still miserable! It's not fair when I have been good and did not cheat this week. Good thing, is I know it will evenually go back down, but I want it NOW!!

Linda...Great idea to combine the two threads. I spent the morning sewing down the appliques on my quilt till I had to leave for WW. Had lunch at Applebee's where I had a WW meal. The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days. Went for a walk with my friend yesterday. We are going to start walking everyday.

Have a good evening. Hugs to you all.

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Old 03-29-2006, 10:53 PM   #6  
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Hiya! I'm here too! I don't do quilting, but I cross stich and do tapestry and petit point! I haven't really had to much time lately with my 2 year old running around so maybe I can live vicariously through this thread until I get a chance to do it! lol!!

My mom has an old knitting machine! It's in a million peices though Wouldn't know where to take it to get it working again and we don't have any patterns left. I should look into that.....

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Old 03-29-2006, 11:06 PM   #7  
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hi new to the group! my name is Cyn and I am a fellow crafter! I sew, cross stitch, quilt (some what) and it all
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Old 03-29-2006, 11:11 PM   #8  
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hi again trying to see if my tracker works!!

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Old 03-29-2006, 11:13 PM   #9  
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I'm here! I love to hear about all kinds of crafts, so this is great! No time for crafting this week, I was taking my diamond test fot a little gemology class I'm taking. We run a rock shop, so I'm trying catch up with my husband so I can help with customers more. It's sad to be selling a tool and all you know it that it comes in a white box

I hope I can start on my next jacket this weekend. Making one for my mother in law for her birthday that was last week! oh well.. she won't mind it being late. Only thing is, she's an alterationist.. I'm a little nervous about sewing for her! The jacket's going to have a sewing them.. some of the fabric and I got the cutest little wooden spools I'm going to paint to look like thread is on it.

This is more art then craft related, but I got contacted by a national print company (they do prints for hotels and restaurants and such) I sent them some paintings on I am waiting to hear back. I'm on pins and needles (fits the theme!) Keep your fingers crossed for me...we sure could use the extra income

Cheryl - I would love to have a friend to walk with. I had one in VA, and it made the time go so much faster!
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Old 03-30-2006, 02:47 AM   #10  
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Hello everyone,

I'm new here so hope you don't mind if I join you. I'm a crafter too. I make candles, soap, toiletries and also sew enough to make primitive dolls. My latest 'craze' is punch needle. All these things keep me from eating most of the time, tho not always. Have been known to jam something into my mouth even when both hands are busy

Ooops, almost forgot to say my name is Dianne...
Looking forward to getting to know you all!
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Old 03-30-2006, 07:52 AM   #11  
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Got room for another? I have a small jewelry business. I do needle beadweaving (off loom), wirework, and fused glass jewelry for the business. I also enjoy painting, knitting, and polymer clay. I teach beadweaving classes at 2 local beadshops.

I've also found that crafting keeps me from eating out of boredom. What a great side effect!

ejm-Congrats on the art print possibility!!! That is so cool.
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Old 03-30-2006, 08:22 AM   #12  
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Good Morning Everyone!

I would say rise and shine it's a beautiful day, but that's not the case here. Got woke up at 3:30 am by a nasty thunderstorm. Boy the wind was a blowing, lightening and the hail. Now it is raining, which we need, but it makes for a very muddy walk for me today, unless I decide to work out in the house again.

Wide,Cyn,Dianne and Brandy. Looks like we have the start of a great group of talented women.

Dianne...I use to do Japanese Bunka which is similar to punch needle. I learned to do it when we lived in Okinawa and made many pictures. Would do it now, but it is very hard to find the stuff.

I also do counted cross stitch, crochet, garment sewing, machine embroidery and of course my passion is quilting.

Hope you ladies have a great day. Time for me to exercise, eat breakfast so I can go up and work on my quilt. Here's a little to help us through our day.

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Old 03-30-2006, 08:40 AM   #13  
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Marie...Did'nt mean to overlook you. Here's a big to you as well. I was reading your profile and see where you live in Klamath Falls. I was born and raised in Ashland. Lived there till I got married and moved away. Still have family there. My husband graduated from Klamath High. We are hoping to move back to Oregon in about 5 years.

Ejm....Yes! It's nice to have a friend to walk with. We motivate each other. I just wish she lived next door so to speak. My closes neighbor is a mile away. I drive 6 miles to Leanne's house so we can walk on the blacktop, rather than walk on my gravel road. With spring finally here, the farmers are going to be out and I hate having to eat dust and getting hit by gravel. Besides, it's much easier walking on the blacktop rather than gravel.

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Old 03-30-2006, 09:17 AM   #14  
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to everybody . . .

Wowee, wowee, wow, wow . . . just look at all the different crafts we are collecting in here. . . we are all going to learn so much. I know I love to try new stuff and I think most crafters feel the same way. Sure, we have our favourites, but there's always room for something new.

Marie . . . I've always wanted to try stained glass work but I'm kind of afraid I'd cut myself to shreds. I'm dangerous around glass. I even use mostly plastic drinking glasses. I've been promising myself I'd compromise by doing a stained glass quilt but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Yep, those scales can be almost as addictive as chocolate - and crafting.

Cheryl . . . Funny how we turn up in so many of the same places. An instant, miracle cure for overweight would indeed be most welcome. Until one comes along I guess we'll just have to keep plugging along the slow way. Sorry your weather is letting you down today. Have you done stained glass quilting?

Wide . . . Looks like we'll just have to find something you can do with a little one . . . simple stuffed animal toys, maybe? I love machine knitting, especially for kids. You can whip up stuff so quickly, you don't mind that it will be outgrown in the blink of an eye.

Cyn . . . What are you working on at the moment? What new craft would you like to try next?

Ejm . . . Just look at what you started, girl. Bet we'll have every craft known to woman-kind represented in here before long. Gemology sounds fascinating. Got my that we'll soon be seeing your artwork in all the best hotels.

Dianne . . . Love your forum name. I've done a little candle making (both beeswax and the melted and poured kind) and I've wanted to try soapmaking. Will be looking forward to hearing more.

Brandy . . . Lots of room. Definitely one of those 'the more the merrier' kind of places we've got going here. I've done a little beginner-level beadworking and loved it. Nothing at your level of course, but your success might just inspire a lot of us to try some more intricate stuff.

Still planning out the quilted ponchos. Think I might just do random width stripes of the different fabrics mitered at the centre front and centre back points and then applique some random flowers and hearts and maybe butterflies on top. The patterns were just to get the basic size and shape for the finished pieces. I'll cut the backing using the pattern. (if I can keep my cats from destroying the tissue)

Have a great day, gang. See you all soon. Keep the hands busy.

Last edited by meowee; 03-30-2006 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 03-30-2006, 09:27 AM   #15  
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Marie:I have a big motorcycle ride on May 7th thats why I need to lose the 10lbs is that your annv.? If so I will be glad to lose the 10lbs for

I have not done the quilting in awile.I have been looking into something for my little girl to get into. she is only 9 and loves to make stuff. She has made some stuff I want something more for her to do. Anyone got something?
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