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Old 04-02-2006, 11:47 PM   #121  
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Yippee Angela... glad you busted those two pounds! I am anxious to weigh in the morning since I had actually gained one on Friday and don't weigh on weekends. I did lose two last week though... but would love to see more of those nasty things start turning loose of their clinging grip on my body!
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Old 04-03-2006, 08:05 AM   #122  
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Morning gals-Heres to a brand new wonderful week. I do have a cold today, but for now its camped out in my head. That means its safe to exercise so I'll be off to the gym in a bit. Gotta get weighed and measured for the week. Weight is probably the same so I'm hoping measurements go well.

Angela-great job on the 2 pounds.

Misti-Great job on the walk. Have you ever thought about doing one of the longer charity walks? I'm involved with the Breast Cancer 3 Day. This will be my 3rd year. I walked the first year, and did bicycle route safety last year and will do the same this year. Its an amazing experience.

I did get my butt back on track yesterday. NO MORE BINGEING!!! Good luck on measuring and weighing today. You're all doing incredible. Lets keep it up for week 4!!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 08:09 AM   #123  
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Thanks for the early morning greetings, Brandy! Same back atcha!!

People have suggested the longer charity walks to me but LOL I am dying today from going my 7 miles! The plantar fascitis and bone spurs make it hard for me, and painful. I am still carrying far too much weight for my feet to support it and believe me, the age does make a difference also!! No way am I ready for the longer ones!!! Have to lose another hundred pounds or so before THAT will be an option!
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Old 04-03-2006, 09:34 AM   #124  
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Good morning ladies!!! I'm back from a horrible weekend. Binged on tostones, pina coladas, margerita yum but so bad. Bad food, drinks, and no excercise. Plus a two pound weight gain. Ugh!!! But I'm back on and determined to drop some weight!!!!

Brandy-wow!! good job hitting those goals. i totally forgot we had even set goals. needless to say, i don't think I hit any of mine. keep it up. you are my inspiration. hope you get over that cold soon!!

lady unicorn & angela-congrats on the 2lb loss. sad thing is I think you guys sent those pounds my way!!! lol keep up the good work.

misty-great work on sticking to you rwalking schedule. i wish i could walk as much as you's hard though because atlanta doesn't have much sidewalks good for you!!!

April Goals:
excercise-min. 5 days a week at least for 2 hours
food-healthy with 1 free day per week
limit soda-max once a day (if any)
lose 8-10 lbs

I think I'm going to give fitday another chance. We'll see how that goes. jus t need something to change it up a bit.

hope you all have a great day!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 09:58 AM   #125  
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Morning, off to SI6 in 2 mins! Till later!
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Old 04-03-2006, 10:31 AM   #126  
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What is fitday? Just curious.
Rosario-sometimes we all cheat a little. i know you can do it this week!
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:06 AM   #127  
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Default helps you plan your meals,count calories, track your exercise,etc.. really an excellent site! I just started to use that site again!
I have an hour of exercise in already and I'm pumped for more!,I think I'm going to gazelle for awhile!Check in later girls!

Have a wonderful day!
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:43 AM   #128  
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Rosario-Gained 3 due to my bad weekend. We can get it together this week though!

Every meal=New chance to be healthy

Great Job on points this week ladies!!!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:29 PM   #129  
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Rosario(big big hug) I hope this makes you feel better..I know you will be on the losing end again soon...
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:40 PM   #130  
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Hi girls!! My dvd's came today!!! Huh,suddenly got the urge to check them out!!! I think it's almost nap time for Ryan.. I think another hour of exercise is in order!!!! Better eat lunch and relax a bit first though!

Oh and good news...My ex and I were court ordered to go see a child expert a couple months ago, so that was all fine and dandy I went to the consultation after the ex did at the beginning of Feb. then I have been waiting for thr shrink to call and set up another appt after the ex again,like she said she would. I found out that not only did he miss his appt. but called to reschedule and didn't show up for that one too!!! Things are looking up as far as all that is concerned! he's really showing Ryan, me, the lawyers, and the judge that he really has no interest in being a decent part of society or a decent father to his child!He's been gone since Dec./04 and hasn't given me 1 penny towards Ryan, what a loser!

Anyway, I'm going to do my happy dance all day, and get more exercise in, I'll catch ya all later!
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:29 PM   #131  
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Wendy....Its a wonder what you saw in him? And just let him go ahead and ruin all of his chances with the Judge.....sorry to say that, but it means you have a stronger case and *fingers crossed* get custody of Ryan. Be strong!!!

Rosario....Glad you're back in the saddle!!! We all slip up but its getting back on plan right away that helps in the long run. I was wondering how you were doing ......

Misti.....Long walks are great, but gosh...take you're cell phone!!! You are doing so well....KEEP IT UP!!!

I went to the body sculpt class today...phew...what a workout!! Especially after yesterdays workout at dh's club. We crashed his club as no one was at the front desk and I couldn't figure out who to pay. So? I worked out for about 1.5 hour yesterday but his club has SO MUCH MORE TO OFFER!!! I did this one chin pull up (with assisted weights) OMG....KILLER!!! Anyways, my new tattoo is really tight and tender (no? really? lol) and it was hard to do some of the fly's and tricep work today, but I did the best that I could. Afterwards I did about 20 min on the treadmill, but was really tired so I stopped. Dh and I have our big 5K race coming up on the 8th...woohooo SATURDAY!!! Never did one before and it was a goal of mine. So we'll see....
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:33 PM   #132  
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Good Morning - or Afternoon now

Hey Rosario and Brandy I am in the same boat. I gained 4 lbs this weekend due to not so great choices. Yea, 4 lbs - uck! But I am determined to make it go away as fast as it came on. A good portion is I am sure water retention since I didn't drink the water I normally do, and soda and crap isn't good for my body. Add to the fact that I ate way too much veggie pizza and no exercise all weekend. The scale showed me.

Well last night I did 1 hour of weight training while watching Gray's Anatomy. And today I am going to go swim laps for 1 hour, I am really going to try for 2 miles.

On Wednesday we are heading down to Las Vegas, so I won't be on the boards the rest of the week. I will try to check in and post my points if I can - my b/f is taking his laptop so I will see if we get connected. I am really nervous about the calories but we already went to Costco and shopped for low-cal snacks that we can take down there with us. Cross your fingers for me that I will do well.

Also if there is a sign up for the next BTB challange - I am in. This has been a great motivator and you ladies are wonderful inspiration
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:41 PM   #133  
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Wendy-awww!! homer isn't a loser!!! lol I'm glad things are looking good for you. Ryan deserves to be in a loving and good environment and he'll definitely have that with you.

Angel eyes-great job on those workouts. that 5k sounds like fun. let us know how you do.

well i already messed up for today. i'm blaming it on TOM. not a real big mess-up, just ate chocolate (well 2 bars) I know, i know...bad. but it's ok. i will not let myself throw the whole day down the drain for 1, um, ok 2 slip-ups. I will work out when I get home and I will eat a sensible dinner. I hate how I through in the towel when I do something wrong and just give up for that day. But no more. I have to do this. I need to do this. I will do this!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:50 PM   #134  
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You girls dont let the small thing get you down. This is only a bump in the road. A small stop.

Stay with it!!!! Keep moving!!!!!! Dont give up!!!!!!!

It I can do this you can.....
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Old 04-03-2006, 04:19 PM   #135  
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Today, I was doing some random searching on google and came across this site: . I signed up to check it out, and it looks really good! The only bad thing about it was that I found out that I've been doing my measurements wrong, oy! I'll continue as I have been for the remainder of the game, but next game will have my "real" measurements!
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