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Old 04-03-2006, 04:29 PM   #136  
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Hi guys-My cold is progressively getting worse each minute. My head feels like it weighs 20 pounds! I'm so glad I exercised first thing this morning. At least I got that in. I have so much drainage going on down my throat that eating is not sounding good. Don't worry, I'll soon force something down before I try to teach. Thought I could handle students but now I'm feeling quite a bit worse and its to late to cancel some of them. Wish me luck.

Rosario-get back on track for the evening. I know you can do it.

Good job to everyone else.

Wendy-what videos did you get?! I love new workouts.
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Old 04-03-2006, 06:23 PM   #137  
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I got the
*Power 90 dvd which has circuit1-2, cardio 1-2 , and an ab ripper 100
*Power 90 fat burning system dvd
*Power 90 sculpt circuit 3-4
*Power 90 sweat cardio 3-4
*Power 90 ab ripper 200

and as a bonus I got yoga booty ballet(master series) yoga core!

I'm pretty pumped! I did some of them already! Now I REALLY have to jump in the shower before I make dinner

Brandy~ sound like you got what I had, It's a killer, relax!!

Last edited by Wide in Winnipeg; 04-05-2006 at 03:22 PM.
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:36 PM   #138  
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That yoga booty ballet looks fun on tv, but I would probably die of exhaustion! Going to bed very early tonight so I can get up exercise and then go to an appoitment. I hate getting up early! Good night everyone.
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:33 PM   #139  
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It was pretty fun actually!! The balancing was a little difficult though! G'night all! Have a good one!
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Old 04-04-2006, 08:58 AM   #140  
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Good morning!! Looks like I'm the first one here.

Well I'm back in the game after a very rough day yesterday. the first day of tom is always the worst for me. after that, the rest of the week is a breeze. so back to my healthy eating and excercise regime. I need to stick with it and be consistent if I want to fit into that jeanskirt by my birthday whichis exactly 2 weeks away. the outcome is looking not so good, but I will try my damndest to get it done!!!

brandy-i hope you are feeling better this morning. take a break and let yourself recover or else you'll never get over it. you've been working so hard i think it's time your body rests so you can get better quick!

wendy-looks like you went all out on those dvds there. hope you're having fun with them!

have a good one ya'll!!
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Old 04-04-2006, 09:20 AM   #141  
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Hello Girls sorry I have been MIA been real busy at work yesterday and this weekend was a blur. I did a lot of cleaning my nails are a mess I can't wait for thursday I am taking a half day from work getting my hair did...LOL Finally get thos red higlights that I have been wanting since last year. I also need to get my nails done. It's going to be a me day just me till I have to pick up the kids I did some shopping last night went with the kids and honey. Bought some shirts black pants 2 shirts from the jr's dept and some capris for the jr's dept and everything fit great...LOL I tried everything on when I got home I kept asking my hun if it looked ok he was like oh crap I am like what is it that bad. he said YES now I have to watch for all these men because your becoming more of a hottie. I can't remember the last time he ever said that. He has never called me fat or anything but it felt good especially from him.

I have boxing tonight so that is good, doing The Firm at lunch. I need to kick it up a bit and no binge till my sons birthday which I will not do that bad that day but I need to reach my goal I have 10lbs to go I need to at least get close
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Old 04-04-2006, 10:23 AM   #142  
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Morning all-my cold is dragging me down but I am trying.

Rosario-great job getting back on track

Nikki-"Me" day sounds wonderful. Enjoy.

Wendy-Let me know what the power 90's are like.

I'm going to rest some more. Have a good one.
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Old 04-04-2006, 10:30 AM   #143  
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Is this where one signs up for game #3? I would like to participate!
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Old 04-04-2006, 11:43 AM   #144  
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Hey girls

Okay so that damn scale isn't dropping those weekend pounds. UGH. Last night I pushed hard and swam 2 miles in my hour of lap swimming. I am sore today. I ate nothing but healthy yesterday. Now please dear scale gods - show me some love!!

I need to fit into my clothes for Vegas in two days LOL, I am not asking for tiny clothes, but just to fit into my own.

Anyways, have a great day!!
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Old 04-04-2006, 12:45 PM   #145  
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Brandi - just take it easy don't want to make it worst by over doing it. Hope you feel better soon

Sassy - Calm down the scale will budge soon. You should know by now easy to get on hard to come off. Have a great time in Las Vegas
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Old 04-04-2006, 12:58 PM   #146  
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Good morning all! I ws up half the night with a terrible headache,I think it's my teeth acting up again Anyway! I love my dvd's! Think I made a good purchase! And I'll be doing my workout this afternoon after I take Ryan to the park for awhile. I just hope this thing doesn't come back full force again.

Calimaryn~ this is the place!!! welcome!

tofat~ get well soon, hun!
Rosario~ get yer butt in gear and do you SI6!!!
Nik~ enjoy your "me" day!
Sassy~ no worries! have fun in Vegas! Oh, I'm jealous! I love Vegas!
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Old 04-04-2006, 04:02 PM   #147  
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Ok I am very up right I had a good loss last week and I am looking for another one. I am very happy right now. I just hope it lasts a long time.

I really want to keep this up. I eat when I am down..heres hoping I dont get down no time soon.....
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Old 04-04-2006, 04:30 PM   #148  
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I'm having a bad day so I turned to a hot pocket and ice cream. Bad idea, but I did 30 mins of exercise after. I am so tired and I'm not sure why. Well, not any clue what I'm having for dinner. Bf is having hamburger helper. YUCK! It's so bad for you! Well, ttyl. Have a good day.
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Old 04-04-2006, 05:49 PM   #149  
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My arms are like jello!!! I did the sculpt dvd and used the resistance bands! wow, I wonder how I'm going to feel tomorrow!
I'm going to see if I can get a sitter for tonight and go out dancing!! I love 2 steppin' and swing dancing! i do all kinds actually! Cha Cha Jive,Lindy,etc..Really can work up a that's attractive! lol!
Still have some more exercise to do before I hit the showers so I better get my butt in gear! Ciao for now!
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Old 04-05-2006, 08:39 AM   #150  
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Hi guys-still not feeling well. Had to cancel spinning. I am very disappointed by that but know I couldn't have made it through. I am not good at being sick. I think I slept almost all day yesterday and I'm still exhausted. Tonight is going to suck at work.

La3y-I'm wishing your happiness continues for a LONG stretch.

Wendy-I am so jealous that you've got the energy for good workouts.

Sassy-hang in there with the scale and have a blast in Vegas. I've never been there but it looks like FUN!!!

Angela-get back on track today! I know you can do it.

I'll check in later if I'm not sleeping my cold off.
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