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Old 05-04-2004, 08:13 AM   #121  
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Morning Ladies,
Today is the day I found out how well I am doing at Curves. I have to go and get measured and weighed after school. So I am hoping to be getting some good news.
Sorry to hear that you are losing a great volunteer. I hope that you can find another wonderful volunteer with him. Well I better go and get my kids ready for the day. Talk to you all later. Have a great Tuesday.
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Old 05-05-2004, 08:16 PM   #122  
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HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!! We celebrated tonite with tacos and margaritas! I'm still buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing a little. Please excuse me if I make any mistakes.

So, my friends, how is everyone? Robyn, where have you been? Let us know that you are okay, please.

Kerry, hope all went well at Curves.

I don't really remember much about my day except that I was pretty stressed out before my first margarita. Oh yeah, we brought Duffy to the vet, and he had diarrhea all over the waiting room floor!

I need to be ready for American Idol. Talk to you tomorrow.

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Old 05-05-2004, 10:49 PM   #123  
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hullo...i'm sick yet AGAIN. I can't breathe...perhaps it is a cold perhaps it is allergies...perhaps I JUST want to breathe. The week is horrid. Not being able
to breathe makes first grade very hard to deal with. Things at home are
busy as usual..... tonight I had to go to the funeral home as a friend's husband
(diagnosed in Feb.) died ....when I returned home my boys were returning from
Cub Scouts...where my oldest son had gotten bit by one of the leader's sons...
and evidently the leader handled it horribly....and totally TICKED my husband off...
AND then called here trying to talk to me about it....and totally TICKED me off!
Claiming that my 12 year old choked his 9 year old and that THAT is why the kid
left purple teeth marks in a huge oval on my kid... Oldest kid goes to CS as a
Jr.Asst.(explaining why the 12 year old goes) Anywayyyyyyyy.........the leaders son is a monster. who has been out of control for years now. WHO continues to be out
of control and WHO bit my kid out of anger. Witnesses back up my kid's story.
Leader is like ranting raving mad...and it is MY kid with the sore arm...GO figure!
(actually leader demanded to know if I was going to press assault then a million times over went on to tell me that his kid has NEVER had these types of problems before....RIGHTTTT.....HOw many parents of 9 year old kids freak out and panic in fear that someone is going to press assault charges against their kid for biting??? It just seems to be weird to me...) I explained that we had no plans to get the police involved since the skin was not broken....and that it was a damn good thing that the skin was NOT broken....
This ranting rambling will end for now.....I need to take a shower and go to bed...
Glad to hear that you enjoyed Cinco De Maya, Summer! Gotta love a blender on a Wednesday!
Kerry...HOW did it go?!

Ranting and raving my way to the shower....
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Old 05-05-2004, 11:12 PM   #124  
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Hi Robyn and Summer,
I lost a pound according to their scales. I also lost 1.5 inches in my arms, but gained .25 inches in my bust, hips and thighs. But I just wonder if that was because I drank 20 glasses of water on Monday. Oh well, I was help that I lost something. Then I went to TOPS and gained back 2.75 pounds. But I am thinking postive thoughts and hoping that I just holding water.
Had a staff meeting tonight from 4 to 7. They feed us a great dinner. But I am now paying for it with having the runs. But I was able to squeeze it together long enough to run to the store and buy some medicine to take for it. So hopefully it will stop soon. I had to go to a ball game for the boys tonight after I got home from work. So I am tired and need to go get some shut eye.
Robyn sorry to hear about the animal your child has Cub Scouts with. Don't you just love parents who claim their child has never acted like this before and they don't know why they are acting like this now.
Take care,
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Old 05-06-2004, 11:18 AM   #125  
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Hi Robyn and Summer,
Just a short note to check in with you ladies to say that I didn't make it to school today. I was up for about half the night and still had a little bit of the runs this morning. So I didn't think it would be a good idea to go into work today. I called my school secretary and she said that she had the runs since 3 a.m. so I think we must have been feed something that was spoiled. I now know if we have another staff meeting at this place, I will go and skip out on the meal.
So how are your days going? I hope good. I think I will try to catch up on my sleep, reading and the laundry.
Have a great day!
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Old 05-06-2004, 07:41 PM   #126  
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Kerry, sorry you are green food poisoning is the worst.

Robyn, many parents can't face their kids' faults because it points right back at them. Sometimes people really SUCK.

No hangover, just a sore tummy this morning from the spicy food.

My aide was out yet again.

I went for more allergy testing today. The only thing that came up positive was dust mites. Preventing those is a royal pain in the a*s. All the carpets must come up. We've already started in DD's room and playroom because of her allergies. We also have two air purifiers. But, I have carpet in my bedroom and in the living room. The bedroom is the worst place. Of course, working in an old inner city school with a crappy old carpet in my room doesn't help. However, the good news is that they may pull it up this summer and tile it. That may cut down on my sick time usage.

Right now, I look like a drug addict with all these needle marks on my left arm. Next week, I go back for another round. I can go on my medication for two days, then stay off for 5 days for the next tests.

Gonna go.

Take care. Keep your chin up Robyn. Kerry, concentrate on the inches, not the pounds. Scales will screw with your head.

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Old 05-08-2004, 09:03 PM   #127  
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Yesterday was a blur. We had to send home the cosmos plants we planted for Mother's Day (which means I had to wrap each pot in bright tissue paper and ribbon, which needed to be curled) as well as the Mother's Day cards we made. We also had to get the last of the permission slips signed for Monday's field trip to the Maritime Aquarium. There were suddenly many last minute things to be done...make name tags per the principal...find yarn to tie them around their necks (I prefer the kind that stick on...I don't like to put things around 4 year olds''s a pet peeve of mine...I'm not fond of strangulation). So everything I had planned for my aide didn't get done. Then a PM student puked the entire length of the hallway from the cafeteria to the bathroom. So, I was left with doing the plants, registering new students, and entertaining 17 preschoolers. Luckily the PM class is rather sophisticated. And at the end of the day while my aide was indesposed, and I was about to pull my hair out collating the notes home as some parents arrived early for pick-ups, my smart girl (i.e., drama queen, spoiled brat) "read" Abiyoyo to the class complete with singing and voice modulation as about fluency!!! The early moms were flabergasted as they watched the kids participating while the "reader" held their attention as she "read."

Today consisted of DD's gymnastics...the cartwheel looks great except for bent legs...but she is getting the idea. I did lots of errands, and then we tackled the play room. When we were about done, I had to use my albuterol pump because my chest was tightening from the dust I had inhaled. When am I gonna learn to wear a mask when I clean?! After I post, I'm gonna do some online shopping, and then beddybye.

Goodnight my friends!

Have a relaxing weekend and a FABULOUS MOTHER'S DAY!!!
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Old 05-08-2004, 10:39 PM   #128  
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Happy Mother's Day Robyn and Summer,
Sorry to hear about your allegries Summer. That sucks about the dust mites. Since dust is everywhere. No matter how much you clean, it still lurks around. Good luck with your mini remodeling job.
Well I made it back to work yesterday. It was a blur since I had been off for a day. I made sure my lesson plans for next week got done though before I left for the weekend. My DH came in to visit the boys and to get my paycheck to cash it for me. He was surprised at how one of my lovely teenage angels was talking to my aide and myself. He told me I don't know how you stand it. Why haven't you don't something about his smart mouth. I said I have tried getting his mom in for a confernce. But she is just too busy. I said that the principal is tired of dealing with this student's attitude as well. I said that now you know why I come home and rant and rave about how bad a day I had with the boys if this boy is in a foul mood. Mind you this is the same parent who turned me into my superindent about the note I sent home asking her to have her boys keep their hands to themselves. I don't see her coming in at all. Don't you love the parents who stand back and complain, but can't come in for anything for their children.
I drove the four hours to go home for the weekend to my parents last night. When I got home my sister asked me to go to the Relay for Life with her. She signed up to walk from 10 -12 last night. I made it for an hour walking with her and then I went home to bed. This morning I got up went to Curves to workout. Then got cleaned up for the day and went shopping with my best friend. We went to Fashion Bug. I was able to get a new pair of capri's and a new top. That was an early birthday present to myself. Plus I had a $10.00 off rebate. Then we went to lunch. This evening we went to my grandma's so I could celebrate my birthday with her. I had a nice visit with her, my brother, sister-in-law, my two sisters and my parents. I got $30 to put towards my bike in layway. I also got a couple books, candles, and some Bath and Body Works stuff, a movie and a cross-sticthed little hand towel to wipe off my sweat made by my mom. So I think I made out pretty good for my birthday. I like this celebrating early. I wonder if I could celbrate it for a whole week. My birthday is next Saturday. I get to spend it at the ball field all day long. Then come home and pack an overnight bag. The sixth grade class from my school is going on a fieldtrip to Cleveland. We are leaving early Sunday morning the 16th. We are going to Geauga Lake Amusement Park for the day. On Monday, we are going to the Rainforest and the Cleveland Zoo. So I think that will be a nice fieldtrip.
So how is everyone else's weekend going? I hope you will find the time to relax and enjoy yourselves tomorrow. Well I better go. I need to go to bed early tonight. I was very tired last night and went to bed late. So I am hoping to make up for it tonight.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
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Old 05-09-2004, 06:11 PM   #129  
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Happy Mother's Day! Dust MITES? ****...I've got Dust MONSTERS! Sorry to hear that everyone is so busy and in such a rush....but it is good to hear that I'm not alone! I've missed talking to you guys...but I have NO time! I will be back later tonight, I hope! Summer, hope you've recovered from your allergies! Kerry, Glad to hear that your "birthday week" started off nicely! YES! Celebrate for a whole week! Enjoy your trip to the fun spots with your 6th graders! Personally, I'd rather have a root canal...but hey! Middle school teachers RULE! Take care! I shall return! R.
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Old 05-10-2004, 08:09 AM   #130  
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Morning Ladies,
Just a quick note to wish you all a wonderful week at school. When my alarm went off this morning, I was not ready for the work week to start. I am still tired from my weekend at my parents. Yesterday, my siblings and myself all went to church with my parents. Then we went out to brunch with my grandma and cousin. Then I got in the van and drove the four hours back to my home. Was home long enough to unpack and put everything away and start the washing machine. Then went over to pick up my mother-in-law and took her to church. By the time I got home for good last night at 10p.m. I was tired. I still needed to pack my lunch and dinner for today. Plus lay out my clothes for today. By the time I finally went to bed it was going on 11:30. So I am hoping to be able to slow down a little bit this week, before my fieldtrip next week.
Who else is glad that the school year is almost over? I just can't figure out where the year has went? Well I need to go and get ready for my students to come in this morning. Have a great day!
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Old 05-12-2004, 09:08 PM   #131  
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Hi all! Sorry I've been AWOL. It has been one heck of a week! We had a field trip to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk on Monday. Many of my kids had never even been on a school bus before. We had some tears before the trip, but all in all, they had a good time. I'm just now beginning to recover from the adventure. Picture 28 four year olds with 4 adults...out in public. They were actually very well behaved. But the Maritime Center, the staff there were another story alltogether. The words that come to mind are: RUDE and IMPATIENT. They continually rushed our group through from one thing to the next without any regard to the well-being or safety of my students. I won't say anything more except that I will never return. Next time I want to go to an aquarium, we will go to Mystic Seaport Aquarium.

Last night, it was hotter than Hades, and my DH didn't want to put the A/C in the windows yet. And, because of DD and my allergies and asthma, we couldn't open any windows. Needless to say, we couldn't sleep. Even the dog was panting and pacing. Today, he put DD's A/C in and bought a new one for our bedroom. Tonite, I shall sleep!

We had a "Lectura Latina" night (Spanish Literacy Night) at school tonite. We had rice & beans, Spanish chicken and pork, salad, and cake. I had everything but the cake. It was all so delicious. Then, while the parents had an inservice, the kids played with pinatas and got free books. It was fun, but exhausting.

Oh, get a load of this one! Do you remember the young writers contest I entered my kids in? Well, our literacy coach (who is a feeb) told me I had to enter. Turns out, after all that work, they will not accept YARC books from pre-k!!! I now have to calm down 4 sets of parents and kids. They are waiting for the contest. And now, there is no contest for us. I wish our literacy coach would leave and go make some other school miserable. She sucks.

YES, KERRY, I CAN'T WAIT TILL THIS SCHOOL YEAR IS OVER!!! I hope our summer is long and slow. I want to just chill.

Well, I'm gonna watch American Idol and then get some MUCH NEEDED REST.
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Old 05-12-2004, 11:01 PM   #132  
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Hi Summer and Robyn,
My week was going great until today. I don't handle hot weather very well to begin with. Add to that mouthy teenage boys and we have a major problem. All day long it was a constant struggle to get them to do their work and settle down. Thank God I only have two more days this week and then I am going on that fieldtrip on the 16th and the 17th. I only am going into work three days next week. I took the 21st off as a personal day. So that is cheering me up a little bit. I went to work out tonight at Curves after I got home from school. I was very tired after I finished. I was still in a pissy mood when I got home from there. But I was sent over the edge when I found out at 8:30 p.m. the DH and I had to go to the grocery store. His kids are coming over to spend tomorrow night through Sunday with us. So we had to hurry up and go do that so we don't have to take them with us to the store and spend more money that we don't have.
Well I better go and get some much needed rest. I will check in with you all later.
Take care,
P.S. I did lose 1/4 pound last week.
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Old 05-13-2004, 07:42 PM   #133  
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Congrats Kerry on the loss.

I'm stuck on a plateau. As much as I admire Dr. Phil, not following an actual diet isn't helping me get off this plateau. I'm doing what he says (most of the time) and I am dancing between the same 5 pounds. I can't seem to lose any more inches either. I'M STUCK. As much as I wanted to stick with Dr. Phil, I think I am being forced to go back on Weight Watchers. I don't have much time for this "eating healthy" crap to work. I am leaving for Disneyworld in 10 weeks. I don't have time for this bullsh*t! So, the great defender of Dr. Phil and his philosophy is going back to counting points and keeping track of every friggin thing I put in my mouth.

Maybe I can use his program for maintenance.

I am exhausted, and I have to write lesson plans. So, I'm gonna get to work.

Happy TGIF!!! I will talk to you on the weekend.
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Old 05-15-2004, 01:50 PM   #134  
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Talking THAT was a week....

...that I don't want to live thru again!

Soooooo, here I am. I've somehow managed to reel my BRAIN
(and fat a$$) in ...somehow....
in other words,

I'm back in the saddle.
Ready to roll.
Making a plan and working it.

Yep, stand back.
I'm finally back in the drivers seat.
.....drinking my water,
looking each and every morsel right in the eye and considering its worth! week, I figure out how in the WORLD to fit exercise BACK into my life and crazy schedule. It WILL fit. I WILL do IT!

When I had this "DEARRR GAWWWD WHAT AREEE YOU WAITING FOR?" revelation, I weighted in at 181.5. Now this is still far below where I was back in January 03. HowEVER, It is nearly 10 pounds from where I was in the fall. AND it is 31.5 pounds from my goal. sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh.... I've got NO one to thank EXCEPT myself for this. AND I have no one to blame EXCEPT myself for this. AND NO ONE else is going to get me out of this EXCEPT meeeeeeeee!

SOOOOOOOOOOO here I am.... at the end of the week of behaving I am -1.5! Geesh.... and I didn't even nearly DIEEE! What a surprise!

Summer, we can do this together! I'm sorry that your guy Phil hasn't gotten you to where you wanna be....BUT, you KNOW that WW will...with persistance, perseverance, and COUNTING EVERY DAMN MORSEL that gets near your lips! I'm with you!! Here is one of my favorite (when I have time...and NOOOO I've not been hanging out there any more than hanging out schedule has been KICKING me!) WW related sites... My user name is the same as this sites, I original! www.***************.net
Go to the message boards and read the entry called "Don't drink the clorox".
YOU can succeed!

Kerry, WAYYYY to go on your loss for last week! Keep it going! YOUUUU can do it! I'm seriously considering plopping some money out and trying Curves. (I need something....and I'm not EVER going to get to the gym that I've had a membership for FOREVER.....I can end that membership and join Curves for aound the same amt a month...TELL ME TO DO IT!)

Ya'll take care...
I'll be back later this weekend....I hope!
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Old 05-15-2004, 07:38 PM   #135  
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bumping our thread back to the top of the list in hopes you girlies come out to talk to me!
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