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Old 01-07-2004, 05:16 PM   #1  
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Default Teachers Struggling To Lose Weight #4


I hope you can all find our thread. All I can say is that I know how much trouble I had when my hard drive crashed in August. I feel really bad for the "3 fat chicks." What a big mess.

So, we start over again.

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Old 01-07-2004, 08:45 PM   #2  
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I need some help getting motivated. I don't know where it went. I guess part of it is that I haven't felt really well in about a week, and I just got my period. I could use a kick in the ***. Would anyone like to oblige me?

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Old 01-07-2004, 10:40 PM   #3  
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Summer, consider yourself kicked!! Get out Dr Phil and read, or skim through it. Remember you lost weight before without doing anything, just small easy changes you got from reading him once. You want to do this, for yourself, for your daughter, your DH, but mostly for YOU!!! You can do it, WE CAN DO IT!!! If all else fails, fake it till you make it, pretend you're motivated and on track, making progress and feeling great, and soon you will be!!
Come on, Skinny by Summer, it's only a few months away!

"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
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Old 01-08-2004, 02:48 PM   #4  
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Story, thank you.
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Old 01-08-2004, 08:12 PM   #5  
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Thumbs up WELL this has been a week!

I've been MIA due to password issues...enough said. I swear I know my password...and have been typing the correct word..but I'm soooo relieved to be finally back IN!

The week has been tough. Anybody else notice that moon? My kids have been WOUND up! Gotten 2 new ones. Had the Director of Element. Education spend 20 minutes visiting with my class as I taught a reading group...gasp... sat through 3 meetings....and get this final one...facilitated the new exercise club for teachers afterschool!

Summer....Story did a good job kicking your fanny. If I had more time to type, I'd give you my OWN kicking! GIRRRRL... Get it together! Chin up! Face forward! Look to where you want to go. Make a plan of action and head there. (BUT DARRRN so much this week to deal with...I know what you mean! Wait until you are done with that darn AF and you'll be back in the swing of things soon!) ((((hugs to you))))

The rest of you take care...and I'll be back if my password allows it! Missed you guys like CRAZEEEY!
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Old 01-09-2004, 07:44 PM   #6  
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TGIF!!! I mean that this week more than usual. This has been one heck of a week.

DD is well, back at school, and full of vim and vigor.

I still have a sore throat and can't stop coughing. But my period is almost done, so things are looking up.

After telling my next door nightmare that I'm trying to lose weight, she bakes me a pan of biggest weakness. I already have to deal with my best friend pulling that crap, I don't need my next door nightmare pulling it too!

Tomorrow morning DD starts gymnastics again. She is a natural. If you looked at her body, then looked at me, you would say, "Where did she come from?" Only when you looked at her face would you know that she is mine.

Well after being completely overwhelmed by illness, schoolwork, and housework, I finally feel well enough to take down the Christmas tree and all of the decorations. Yes. My decorations are still up. We did nothing for the house since DD got sick on the 1st of the year. So, several days later, we will clear it all out.

I'm gonna try to get my head back together, spend some time with the good old Dr. Phil, and do what I need to do.

Take care one and all. Thanks for the much needed support.

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Old 01-09-2004, 10:08 PM   #7  
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Default NO Pudge Brownies!

[COLOR=indigo] Don't you hate when people try to sabatoge you?! OR maybe was she truly just trying to make it better with something that she knows you have loved in the past?!

This week has been the pits. I am with you, I'm SO glad that it is over! I hope that you feel better soon, Summer! Curl up with Dr. Phil and a cup of tea! You will be back to "Ready to Rock" soon!
I don't miss the darn monthly bloodletting.....that comes with all the adorable hormonal drama! NOT dealing with THAT has to be the absolute BEST benefit of having had a hysterectomy! BUT I do remember .......and MANNNNNNNN you did great with your mini melt down!

I've got to move my fanny for the night..and then I'm going to take a bubble bath even if it makes it near midnight! I deserve one after this week...BUT I've gotta move my buttttt first!

Soooo, it is 10pm on Friday of the longest week of my life...and I'm going to WATP with that whiney Leslie again! I bet tonight I won't even notice it....after the week I've had!

Story, you gave her a great kickin! I KNOW where to come for mine when I need it! Hope your week ended nicely!

Have a great weekend! EVERYONE, get some much deserved rest!

take care,
Robyn (who will be reading Dr.Phil/Ch2 in the tub in about an hour! )
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Old 01-10-2004, 08:57 AM   #8  
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TGIS--SATURDAY!! Why is it when you have a shortened week it feels like a year long? I saw the moon Robyn and yes the kids must have felt it too. Some were in rare form.

I managed to get alot of "back to school" stuff done this week, enrolling new kids to the library and cleaning out the moved away from my files. Between reading programs, tutoring groups, book clubs and meetings, it still feels like December, too much to do and not enough time to do it. For the first time since school started I didn't get my lessons planned for next week. Now that'll hang over me like a rock all weekend.

DH is on vacation for a week until the new job starts. Maybe I can get him to clean a little, take up some slack. Goodness knows there's enough to do around here to keep him busy for at least a week. And, as of today, I have 2 teenagers in the house. My baby boy is 13 today. I can't stand it. I need to go buy a cake and wrap his gifts. He doesn't want a big deal made about it until much later then complains that his birthday was crappy. My little old man.

Summer I hope you're feeling better. Don't beat yourself up too much about the weight loss, when you're ill and your family is, you have to use all your energies just to get better. You'll get there, we all will. Robyn I'm so impressed with you for getting out the WATP tape and going for it at 10 p.m.--on a Friday no less! Wow woman that's inspiration for the rest of us! Have a great weekend everyone, stay warm and keep moving!
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Old 01-10-2004, 02:12 PM   #9  
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Well...don't be too impressed.... I did get out the tape! I made it thru the first about 15 minutes before my bestest dearest friend of 30something years called (the phone was busy while I was on the computer!). I pushed stop on the VCR and well....the rest is history.... I had it in my heart BUT what could I doooo? I HAD to talk to my BUD! Anyway..... be impressed that I told the truth! We talked til nearly midnight!

Happy Brithday to the new teenager! Our oldest turns 12 in 15 days..not that he is counting or anything!

Summer, hope you feel better! You'll be back into the swing of things soon!

I've gotta rewind that tape and begin again...I'll be back to brag that I did the WHOLE tape in a while!!!
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Old 01-10-2004, 06:49 PM   #10  
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Alright...I did my tape! How did YOU move your fanny today?!

It is so darn is 22 ...remember than earlier in the week it was 78... TOOOOOO cold for me!

Hope you're having a great weekend!
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Old 01-11-2004, 10:01 AM   #11  
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Well......Sunday has a big 3 hour hole shot into it. The boys have a birthday party to go the is an iceskating party. I don't want to go. It is 40 minutes away. It is 19 degrees. There is enough ice to skate on in the mudpuddle at the end of our driveway but NOOOO they say! ARGHHH! I know I know...what kind of mother would make her children miss the party and skate on MUD??? Not this one! So, I've eaten breakfast and it is time to get ready to go. Yahooo!

When I return I must finish the laundry, scrub the bathroom, finish my homework and plans, clean out the fridge, change the beds, (not in that order!) and get ready for the week. OH dear, I nearly forgot...I must MOVE my fanny to the rhythm of some dumb music and listen to the whine of Leslie! Okey... please notice that being online isn't on the list...sigh! I'll talk to you all on Monday! I've GOT to get this junk done!

Have a great Sunday! As we say at school, "Don't talk about me!" hehehehehe!

take care
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Old 01-11-2004, 10:41 AM   #12  
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Vacation is over for me. My sister said that it was actually over on Friday because yesterday and today are just the weekend. Anyway, it's back to school tomorrow. I don't need any plans for tomorrow except to go over the rules. One would think that after 2 quarters of school the kiddos would know them. I don't mind though because I try to get the kids to think I'm mean.

I told hubbie that the sooner we go back, the sooner it will be over.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

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Old 01-11-2004, 02:54 PM   #13  
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Cal, welcome back!

Burrrrrrrrrrrrrr...I'm so friggin' cold!!! It is 3 degrees. No that is not a typo...three, tres, 1-2-3 degrees outside!!!!!!! It is days like this that I can't stop thinking about homeless people. I taught Sunday School, and after much preparation, I arrived with some really cool activities with a good message thrown in. Well, after only 5 minutes, the fire alarm went off. We couldn't hear the alarm in the education building, so all of a sudden, parents started flooding in the classroom grabbing their kids. I had three left to take outside in 3 degree weather without coats. Well, guess what? I broke the cardinal rule and ran to the coatroom (against the crowd) for their coats, and managed to get them outside without losing anyone. We were outside for 30 minutes!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I would not have gone to church today if I knew that was going to happen. By the time we got back to the room, we did a half-assed job on the lesson, and then had another interruption by the cherub choir director. Needless to say, the kids went home with half-completed projects, and I don't think they learned a darn thing.

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Old 01-11-2004, 03:00 PM   #14  
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Don't ask me what just happened to half of what I just wrote to you guys. As you can see, there is a ton of "white space."

Okay, well, I paid the bills, still have to write lesson plans, do laundry, and bake (No Pudge) brownies with DD.

In the meantime, I feel better as far as my period goes, but I have yet to stop coughing, my voice is here one minute and gone the next, and right now I am eating Haagen-Dazs lemon sorbet, because it is the only thing that makes my throat feel better. Otherwise, I'm good.

Robyn, I can't believe you planned to exercise at 10pm on a Friday. You blow my mind girl.

Story, thanks for the kick, I needed it.

I'd better go, before this gets wiped out too.

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Old 01-12-2004, 04:47 PM   #15  
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I'm getting so tired of having to log in all of the time.

Okay, I need to vent.

I'm in a transitional faze of my life. I've outgrown my high school friends. As of last spring, they are all out of my life. The last one, which ended last spring, was a very toxic friendship, and I'm better off without her. Over the years, my friends' husbands have been relocated across the country to accept promotions. Now it appears that I've been left with two really close friends and several acquaintances. Although I have made attempts to host parties, those acquaintances have remained just that...acquaintances. I really long for a better social life. My best friend and her husband have a daughter my DD's age, and they are best friends. Unfortunately, they live 40 minutes away, work different schedules, so therefore, we only see them twice a month. And, like this month with all of the illness, we haven't seen them at all. My other friend and her husband don't have children, but she is my DD's Godmother, and they both really love my DD. Unfortunately, they have an incredibly busy schedule, working a couple jobs to support the new dream home they just built. We haven't seen them since November. So, I'm feeling really "short" of friends right now. I can't stand it because I'm a very social person. I love to entertain and go to parties. I love to play games, drink, go out to shows, go out to dinner, etc.

In order to remedy this, I'm attempting to begin a social group for parents at my church. There is a group of adults right now that meet socially, but most of them don't have kids, don't want kids, or have grown kids. They've made it clear that they aren't interested in talking about kids, or God forbid, seeing them. So, I think it is natural for me to want to start a group for people who have children. Well, when I spoke with the church secretary today about getting a list of members with kids, she really hassled me. She told me the church doesn't really have room for "another social group." I told her we could meet at each others' homes. She then told me just to attend the current group. She wasn't interested in the fact that it doesn't meet my needs. Then she told me I'd better not start contacting other parents about starting this group without having a "sit-down" with the pastor..."he'd want to know about this." You'd think I was trying to start some radical group that was gonna cause trouble. I promised her that I would send him a note or call him first so that I could get the damned list from her.

I am pissed. Why can't I just do this? Why do I need their permission? We probably won't even need a room in the church. We won't need funding from the church. It would be a harmless group of adults and their kids getting together to have fun. What is the big deal?! I just want to make some new friends and have some fun. Is that too much to ask?! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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