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Old 04-08-2004, 05:45 PM   #61  
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hey all....glad to hear everyone's good news! i got on the scale this morning...3 times....the scale is down 3 pounds...i'm sure it was a fluke...but HEY, I'll take it!

I have 1 more day to endure prior to our Spring Break beginning....... what a week THIS has been in soooooo many ways!

*One of my lil girls with lots of emotional needs had a seizure due to a new medication...that was sort of scary...
*I told one of my best buds about the interview for the other city....she took
it like I expected...a lead ton of bricks... BUT, I had to tell her...I was about to bust!
*Had a mom and dad come to school to day to "Straighten me out". Ended up with me straightening THEM out!

I am READY for a vacation from all this fun stuff!
Dinner is in the crock pot! GAWD bless the woman who invented that machine!

talk to ya later...will check in to hear about the rest!
Summer, so glad to hear that your "walk" turned into a CUTE Memory Fest! GOTTA love that! (I do get annoyed when "big kid teachers" call my room "cute"..... arghh!)

take care
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Old 04-09-2004, 03:59 PM   #62  
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Robyn, CONGRATS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!!! It isn't a fluke. You must be doing something right! I know it is hard on your friend that you may be leaving, but she also needs to let you do what is best for you. You will be able to keep in touch in other ways. I'm missing a work friend right now who just gave birth to her first child, a son. She is choosing to be a "stay-at-home mom." Our friendship was really new, so I'm worried that we may not stay friends. But, it sounds like your coworker is someone you've known long enough to stay connected after you leave. Sorry about your student with the seizure. I have a student who was rushed to the ER right before school yesterday. He will most likely need surgery...long story. There are so many unhealthy kids out there. I had two girls with heart conditions. One was abducted by her father and taken out of the country. Who knows if she is still alive. The other had open heart surgery in December. She still can't do anything physical, so she sits and colors during gym class. You crack me up how you had to "straighten out" some parents who wanted to "straighten you out." You big trouble maker!

Well ladies, I'm not on program right now. I've been eating jelly beans and other things I shouldn't. But don't worry. On Monday, I will get up early to exercise, and get right back on guilt.

Today is a day filled with chores. Tomorrow we have an Easter Egg Hunt in the AM, then a gymnastics birthday party in the afternoon. Easter morning we will all sit in church together...first time in a long time. I always teach Sunday School, or am home doing school work. It will be nice to sing some hymns. Easter dinner will be at my sister's house. We try to make our time there short. Old family issues...drinking...etc.

Everyone have a wonderful Easter.

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Old 04-09-2004, 09:55 PM   #63  
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Tomorrow we have baseball at 8 a.m.... YIKES!
I have all of next week off from school...YAHOO!
I'm off to scrub the kitchen...get it over with before I relax!

Happy Easter to you all! I'll check in tomorrow!
take care,
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Old 04-10-2004, 07:05 AM   #64  
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Hi Ladies,
I had a wonderful time at my workshop on Thursday. The presenter had some really neat ideas and I can't wait to use them in my classroom. Plus he kept us laughing all day long so we didn't get bored at all. Plus the presenter was good to look at too! LOL
I made it to my parent's house yesterday okay. We went out for a nice fish dinner and then went to see my grandma. Everyone else got fried fish and I stuck to my baked fish. I like it better these days anyway. It doesn't make me sit on the potty as much as fried fish does. LOL Every since I started dieting I can not stomach fried foods. I guess that is a good thing that way I would fell back on my old eating habits.
Sounds like you ladies have busy days ahead of you too. I am going to visit the local Curves this morning, this afternoon meet my best friend for lunch and shopping. Then we are going to have our Easter dinner tonight so we don't have to worry about cooking it tomorrow after church and I can get on the road at a decent time. It takes me four hours to drove home. About 1 1/2 of those 4 hours is on hilly and curvey roads so I don't want to travel them in the dark.
I hope you all enjoy your Spring Breaks.
Summer it is okay to have a few jelly beans and other stuff every once in a while. If not, our bodies will crave them and then we tend to overbinge on them. Trust me I know from past experiences.
Well I better go and get ready for my trip to Curves. Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Easter!
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Old 04-10-2004, 04:46 PM   #65  
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Good News Ladies I went to Victoria Secret's and got measured. I have went down a cup size. But unforunately they only had 4 bras in my size. Plus none of them were on sale. So I just went to good old Target and got my bras there. But I am so excitied that my bust seems to be getting a little smaller. Just wanted to share my good news with you all! Hope you are all having a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!
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Old 04-11-2004, 12:35 PM   #66  
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Whoohoooo...Shrinking boobies! Way to goooo! Sorry that VS didn't have any on sale for you to buy.... BUT Targeeee has some nice things too! ...and well below VS sale prices!

i've got the ham in the oven....the eggs waiting to be deviled....
and I am NOT getting over this sinus is getting worse...I think it may be allergies...any help regarding WHAT allergy OTC pill to try ....

I'm off to honk my nose AGAIN...
take care...Happy Easter to all!
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Old 04-11-2004, 06:38 PM   #67  
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Hello all! Well, I survived the holiday without total out of control eating. I did indulge. But it is over now. I'm done. Time to get back to business.

Robyn, you should probably see an allergist. My ENT prescribed Zyrtec which knocked me off my feet. I took it at night, and good thing the next day was a snow day, because I didn't wake till 10am, and wasn't coherent till noon! He switched me to Clarinex. It didn't make me dopey, but it made mucous build up in my chest which for an asthmatic is dangerous. I'm back on the Albuterol inhaler...hello spring! Zyrtec D works best for me because it contains sudafed which takes the dopeyness away and also decongests. However, he doesn't want me taking sudafed daily because it causes heart palpitations (and with my weight problem...). He ran out of ideas, and has referred me to an allergist who specializes in asthma. So, my friend, don't fool around with OTC medicines. See a professional. Besides, it is cheaper to pay a copay for a prescription than to pay for these expensive OTC allergy meds. Good luck! Aaaahchew!!! wheeze wheeze snort Aaaahchew!!!

Kerry congrats on the new bra size. I remember those days of Victoria Secret. Boy was that a loooooooong time ago. It was my favorite store. I loved the catalog. When I got pregnant and HUGE, I called them and told them to take me off their mailing list. I got sick of looking at those perfect bodies! I haven't fit in a VS bra in 11 years. And there were only a couple of styles in that size...36D. Now I'm a 42DDD! Good Lord Louise!!!

I also can't eat fried foods anymore. But in my case it is because I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago. It made me lose 15 pounds, but the weight crept back on.

Well, here we are...a new week. Robyn, enjoy your vacation. I have one more week myself until I am off.

Take care one and all!

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Old 04-11-2004, 09:36 PM   #68  
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I'm miserable.... I can't breathe...what a Spring Break this is going to be...
Thank you for your words of wisdom re:allergies, Summer...I'm sorry that you suffer sooo, but..your experience and words of advice kinda make me think that I need to call a dr.

Tomorrow I will be standing at the shipyard by 5 a.m. trying to peddle donuts to the workers as they go in with my BoyScout son...IF you see me there...please buy a box from us! I really don't feel up to going...and it is going to be both cold and rainy..BUT... alas, a mommas gotta do what a mommas gotta do... Is there a smiley with a tissue?

today I ate my weight in ham, deviled eggs, pineapple upside down cake and bread with butter..... tomorrow, donut selling day, I will be good! REALLY! The smell of a zillion donuts has always made me feel sick rather than piggish!

Ya'll take care...hope you had great weekends and wonderful Easters!
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:52 PM   #69  
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Be badk here tomorrow when I have some kind of schedule and a few minutes to be here!!! Hope everyone is ok- see ya tomorrow.
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Old 04-12-2004, 09:49 PM   #70  
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Angry Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Robyn, glad I could help. Good luck finding the right meds.

Okay, time to vent. My aide was (guess what?) out again today!!! Her supervisor couldn't believe it, and she will be called back for yet another verbal warning. Supposedly, a written warning will come after this one. The lice boy was back today after the principal told me he wouldn't be welcomed back. After the 26 absenses, his mom was given "one more chance" supposedly. Well, he came back for 3 days and was then absent for 3 days. I told the principal, and she drafted a letter telling mom that he was being withdrawn from the program. Well, mom convinced the principal to give her yet another chance. So, after withdrawing him on paper, I had to undo it and take him back. Lot's of thanks to my spineless principal Somebody in this school system needs to get some balls.

I am required to enter my students in a young authors contest. It is a lot of work, and technically there isn't a category for pre-k. However, I don't have a choice, so I will do it. Have they given me the criteria it will be judged by? No. The clipboard holder in my building (literacy coach) doesn't know anything about it and tried to pawn off the job of contest representative on me. I told her "absolutely not!" since I know nothing about it. I am happy to take on a leadership position when I am qualified, but I refuse to do so when I am ignorant about the subject.

One of my favorite students had a major meltdown today. She can be moody, but I can usually handle her in a way that does not escalate the situation. Well, the substitute aide got into a power struggle with her today, and by the time I intervened, the child was punching, kicking, and screaming. Mom came to pick her up, and I know this poor kid must have gotten one h*ll of a beating today. Before she left I told her that I loved her and asked mom to send her back to school in one piece tomorrow.

I need a consistent, competent assistant. Having different people filling in is not good for the kids. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 04-13-2004, 11:30 AM   #71  
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Well Ladies I found a quite moment to check in with you ladies during my school day. The kids earned the right to watch 20 minutes of a movie before lunchtime and I thought I would surf the net while they are movie watching.
Tonight I have my TOPS meeting. I am hoping to go and hear some good news like I lost some weight. I worked very hard this weekend at not giving into all the holiday food and especially the candy. I did have a few pieces of candy but not a lot to gorge myself on.
Sounds like work is starting to become hetic for you Summer. I am sorry to hear that your aide was out again. I am so glad that I have a wonderful lady who is my aide. She feels guilty when she has to miss a day of work. But I know that she is always going to be back the next day. It is not like playing the wait and see game that you must be going through. Well I need to go and eat my lunch. Talk to you all later. I might check in with you all tonight.
Have a great day!
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Old 04-13-2004, 03:37 PM   #72  
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Today was day 2 of Spring was also the 5th day in a row that it has rained.... I'm off to scrub the bathroom walls with vinegar.... the woman at Lowes
told me that vinegar will cut the wall paper glue so that I can paint....

whahooo...isn't this a thrilling post...when I logged on I was sure that there was something I wanted to say...but'm guessing that I'm clueless about what it for reading this to the end!

boringly yours,
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Old 04-13-2004, 07:18 PM   #73  
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Robyn, you could never be boring...even when you have nothing much to say, you are still funny!

Kerry, I hope you do well at TOPS. But, if you didn't, don't beat yourself up about it.

My aide was out yet again!!! Tomorrow starts the first day of three days of observation. There will be people in my school checking us out till Friday afternoon. I have had a lot to do to prepare, and as usual, when I really need her, she is useless. It is tough, because when she decides to be responsible, she is really good at her job. But, she is terribly self-involved, and if the sky isn't just the right shade of blue, she calls out sick.

At least I have my volunteer in the morning. He is reliable. However, after having him for 3 years (he's been with me since my first year teaching), he is graduating. He will be starting grad school and student teaching next year. And, he graduates next month, so, my time with him is almost up. He is a wonderful guy, and will make an outstanding teacher. I will really miss him!

I've been good since Monday AM. I have exercised each day, and stuck pretty darn close to program. I don't have much more time. I need to lose some serious poundage over the next three months. We are going to Disneyworld in July, and for once, I wanted to be in some of the pictures and not be embarassed.

Have a great night.

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Old 04-13-2004, 10:51 PM   #74  
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Hi Robyn, Summer and Ginny,
Well I am finally back in the losing game again. I lost 1 1/2 pounds at TOPS tonight. So now I only have 12 1/4 more to go to reach my mini goal of being 200 pounds by my birthday on May 15th.
Summer I have the utmost faith in you that you can lose some weight before July. I know what you mean about not wanting to be in pictures. I never liked to get my picture taken for years. But now am slowly getting out of that habit and enjoy seeing the progress I have made.
Robyn sounds like you are having a fun Spring Break! I have that to look forward to when I am off for the summer.
Ginny I hope everything is going well with you.
Well ladies it is off to bed for me. Long day at school tomorrow.
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Old 04-13-2004, 11:21 PM   #75  
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WhoooHOOO! Way to go Kerry! You loser, you! (((big high fives and hugs to you!)))

Summer....I'm sorry that your assistant is never there. My sister has a similar problem with her assistant EXCEPT her principal has no balls and won't do ANYTHING ...not even a warning ....about it. It is SO unfair of her to do this to you at such an important time. (((hugs))) to you! I'm so sorry! AND....I'm so proud of you for sticking to your plan! July's photos will be ones of happy memories! YOu can do it!

...speaking of sky blue...(the assistant is absent when the sky is the wrong shade of blue...) WHAT is the right shade??? Cause...... I've got every swatch card of that color that I can put my hands on....I'm thinking that I'm going to do the bathroom in some sort of shade of light sky blue....that is IF I ever get the darn wall paper glue off.... Vinegar does NOTHING for my breathing issues... and it sure doesn't seem to do a damn thing for the glue either.... I am NOT Hilde from Trading Spaces..that is for darn sure.... All I wanted to do was to get rid of the ancient wall paper and throw up some paint.... RIGHTTTT.....

Today we needed flippers and swim masks...the rain was UNbelievable...tornado warnings all day too....what is up with this Spring Break?

Okey...well....I may be setting new records for most boring posts ever... I'm off to search the internet for the UNglue secret...there has GOT to be some way to get this crap off the walls....

take care,
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