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Old 09-28-2003, 07:44 PM   #1  
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Angry A New Day...

I need to begin again - alot of stress in my life right now - though the end is very near relating to the stress - that is when I need to start focusing on ME again - I need to really find some friends who want to do just this - well, I should say you want to focus on YOU...LOL... Anyways, I would like this to be a thread that allows us to vent, laugh, be happy, and to struggle thru our lives and identify with each other as often as our life time limits permit. Its hard for me to find friends in the "real" world because I am so busy with my job, teaching, my 3 kids, and my hubby - not to mention the chores, errands, - you get the picture. So, I am hoping to make a few good friends on this thread and possibly catch up with a few old friends I used to know here from awhile ago. I make it a point to check in with my computer once a night - this is something I love to do so I make a point of doing it so I can say "I DID do something for myself today!" LOL Therefore, I am hoping this could be a "busy" thread or possibly a daily thread for us. That would help for me because I really need to lose weight and stay as stressless as possible. I am hoping to start losing weight once I move into my house (this week?) we just bought. Life is starting to really improve and settle down (dare I say that?) so it really is going to be a good time for me to lose weight - I have gained a TON of weight in the past 6 months and my eating is just out of control - really it is - I eat anything that comes my way. So, anyone want to join me on this new day? Hope to chat with you soon... Fondly, Kim (formly known as 3mom or ITwo)
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Old 09-28-2003, 09:40 PM   #2  
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Hi 3mom
I am a new member here but can totally relate to what is going on in your life. Congratulations on the new house and hope the move goes well. I am currently on maternity leave but am stressfully getting ready to go back to work next week. Do you have any good suggestions on how to keep everything organized? I do try to fight for computer time also once a night. Too many people not enough computers lol. Hope to hear from you soon.
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Old 09-28-2003, 10:05 PM   #3  
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Hi Kim and Lucky.
I am a old but new member if that makes sense. I was here a few years ago but life got busy and I seemed to forget about being here. I so know what you mean about starting a new day. I have alot of stress in my life too. Between working 40 hours a week to taking care of a 17 month old and trying to support my family isn't very easy. I am the only one working right now and I am stressed to the limit. I really need to start focusing on me and I think coming here daily to vent, laugh, cry and just talk to friends would be great. Did I mention that I am trying to move back home to Iowa to be with my family. I have 2 older children back there that I am dying to see. Makes me so depressed.

Congrats on the new house. I hope things go smoothly. I so know what you mean about eating everything. I have no control. and then I am just guilty in the end.

Congrats on the baby, lucky. Going back to work is so hard and stressful. My advice is to take it a day at a time... it will just take some time to get into a routine. I am so not one to talk about being organized... ... Well I hope to get to know you all better.
Good luck and talk to you soon.

Hugs, Annie
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Old 09-28-2003, 10:54 PM   #4  
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I'm new to this board for the same reasons. I just got married a month ago. The wedding stress is over and I was looking for something to do with all the free time now, so I decided I would dedicate it to myself and body. I am unhappy with my weight, so better do something about it. It would be fun for this thread to be busy. I like my computer time, after supper, so it would be great to look forward to coming and reading up on things. So I will go for the first topic who has children and or pets? I have a 6 year old son and a newly to the family kitten names Maxwell.
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Old 09-28-2003, 11:06 PM   #5  
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Hi Annie and Fluffymom
Welcome back Annie I hope in all of your stress you find time to dedicate to yourself. You are doing what I will be doing by next week. I am hoping that I have time to dedicate to me and that time does not include my best friend - cookies-. and anything else i can find to snack on. So how old are your kids back in Iowa? Well anytime you need to vent I am certainly hear to listen.
Fluffymom comgratulations on the wedding. that would certainly be exciting and stressful at the same time. Do you now feel a sence of letdown and too much time on your hands? Well to answer your question I'll start with my kids. I have 3. A 14 year old daughter, a 12 year old son, and a 11 month old anniversary present. Pets- where to start. 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 birds, 3 turtles, and a horse. I really look foreward to learning more about you and heres "Cheers to us time"

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Old 09-29-2003, 06:41 AM   #6  
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HI ladies!!

3mom!! So glad you are back!! We missed you!! I hope all is well or at least better.

I loved the idea of a venting place..i must confess to eing overwhelmed right now.

Lucky i love the way you described your baby.i love made me smile!!

Fluffy my girl will be 6 in Jan. And i hope to see pictures of the wiht the child of course!!

Aniie..i can only imagine a 17 month adn working 40 hours. wow...i hope you do get back to your family..i know that will mkes things better for you.

I ahve 2 kids an 8 year old and an 5 qand a hlf year old. I work several part time jobs and go to real estate school..which i am totally flunking...;o;

Oh well..if my life wasnt like this i would be too normal..right!!!

Hope to hear lots more from all of you!!

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Old 09-29-2003, 02:57 PM   #7  
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Hi Tracy
Nice to meet you. It sounds like your very busy. I do hear that real estate school is challenging so you are very gifted to be juggling that schedule. Your kids are at such a great age, but how do you stay organized any great hints? And any great hints at quick healthy meals instead of Mcdonalds? (or burger king or Wendy's......)
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Old 09-29-2003, 07:09 PM   #8  
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Hi Annie, Lucky, Tracy, Fluffy (did I leave anyone out?), Its nice to meet everyone - it seems our lives are all tied to too much stress and not enough ideas to get rid of it (other than eating). Today was my daughter's birthday and I made french toast and ate 8 of them - I made myself so sick I ended up puking. This is so bad for me. I still have no closing date on my house and need to be out of my rental at the end of this week. So I am freaking about what we are going to do. Anyways, organization hints? I am the Queen of Organization - I always do as much for the morning as I can at night, I use a filing system for each of the kids papers - a simple plastic filing drawer type thing. I keep a laundry basket in each of the kids rooms for their toys and stuff - easy pick up and then I keep those plastic crates by the door they come in so they drop their book bags and shoes in their when they come home. Well, those are the tips for today. Fluffy, just married? lucky you - I have been married 14 years and except for one major blip it really has been great - I really think I am a lucky girl. Annie - I can sympathize with you about depression - I have been struggling with it for a few years and I finally think I am getting a handle on it (at least this month anyways! LOL) Where do you work? Tracy - so good to talk with you again - tell me - how did you get into real estate school? Catch me up on all you have been doing the past couple of months!!!!! Lucky - what job will you go back to after maternity leave is over? How are you handling that? I think the hardest for me was with my last child. Who will be watching your child? Well, today was a typical Monday for me. I have a student teacher with me this semester and she is a pain in the ***. She thinks she knows everything and should be in a classroom by herself already. What she needs to learn is a little tact! I feel so old around her because I always feel like telling her to grow up and pay attention! Oh! to be young again and think you are perfect!! LOL Well, off I go for now. Does anyone know of any diabetic diets out there? I have heard of people really losing alot of weight with this and I thought once I start again I might give it a shot. I did Weight Watchers about 2 years ago and lost 88 pounds but due to ALOT of unfortunate situations stress got the best of me and I ate and ate and ate and it all came back. I am so ashamed of myself for that but I am hoping I can change again once I get settled in the new home. Question of the day: What causes you the most daily stress? Fondly, KIM
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Old 09-29-2003, 09:36 PM   #9  
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Hi Ladies,

Mind if I jump in?

I have 2 children, ages 7 and 8, 1 horse, 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 goldfish, and a ton of chickens. I work full time as a medical biller at our local hospital and my husband of ten years is a Lt. with the police dept. here.

Life really seems to pass me by most days as I rush to get to school/work in the mornings, rush home in the evenings, rush to get homework done, rush to get dinner done, baths, etc. I am sure you all know the routine.

I have learned to say no a little more in the last few months. At one time, I thought the kids had to do any and everthing they desired, cheerleading, softball/baseball, football, boy scouts, etc.
I did not have the opportunity to do alot of those things growing up and really wanted more for them. What I realized is that it was causing major I say no to a lot of them now. At least until the kids can learn to be more cooperative around the house and more responsible. Maybe that will come with age...or maybe not..I don't know.

You sound like a great bunch of ladies. 3Mom, moving, oh boy, talk about stress! The last time I did that I had a 10 month old baby and was due within 3 weeks with my second child. I thought I wouldn't live through it, but I did. Good luck to you!

Lucky, wow, I don't know how new mom's do it. I didn't work until my kids were about 4. I have major respect for the mom's out there that can stay up at nite with a little one, pack them up for the day (that can be a lot like moving ) and go to work, too. Whew! I would imagine it is mentally draining as well as physically. They are so worth it, though!

Hi to you Annie, Fluffy, and Tracy. I look forward to getting to know all of you better.

Well, I gotta run or my 7yr old will spend the entire nite in the bath tub!
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Old 09-29-2003, 11:26 PM   #10  
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Good evening ladies. Well today was a good day tried my hardest and I think I stayed close (maybe alittle over) of my 20g of Carbs. My biggest everyday stress is getting myself and son out of the house in the morning. If everything is timed right I can get to school, Curves and do proper stretching afterwards and still have 15 minutes to get to work. I have always been a working mom and I can say somedays it can be tuff. Being at the ER room from 11pm until 5am with a son with croop and still have to be at work for 9 is my biggest triumph. I wasn't very nice but hey I was a body to fill a chair. This thread is very nice I made my hot water and lemon, sat and get to read everyone else posts-relaxing. Have a good day tomorrow.
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Old 09-30-2003, 12:06 AM   #11  
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Hi ladies...

Question of the day: What causes you the most daily stress?

It would have to be work.. I work in a convenience store as the assistant manager. I have been there for 3 1/2 years and boy am getting sick of it... I love the people but you get a few that are not so nice and it's so hard to grin and bear it. I just feel I could be doing something better with my life. I can't see myself doing this job for the rest of my life. I love the people I work with. I feel like they are family to me. Plus I think being homesick really stresses me because of the holidays are coming and I haven't seen my family since I moved to Vermont. That is really rough.

I have 2 children from my first marriage. Zach will be 10 in December and Kelsey is 7. And I have one child with my present husband. Her name is Emily and she will be 17 months on Wednesday.

It's great to be a working mother, but I feel that I miss out sometimes. I stayed at home after having Kelsey. But I missed having contact of other adults. I think whether you are a working mother or a SAHM, they are both tough jobs. Congrats to us.

Congrats on getting married Fluffy. I will be celebrating my year anniversary next month along with a birthday.

Tracy how do you do it? You have to be so busy... I would like to take some classes but I don't see where I could fit them.. I don't feel like I have enough time in the day as it is.

The computer is a place for me to relieve stress and try to relax. I am so glad that I came back here. I forgot how good it felt to vent and talk to others who know what I am going through.

Well, I should head off to bed. No work tomorrow but I have lots to do. Take care everyone and look forward to getting to know you all better.

Hugs, Annie
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Old 09-30-2003, 01:09 AM   #12  
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Hi everyone.
Its great to read everyones replies. Its not so great that everyone has stress, but it is nice to know that I am not the only one whose life is like this.

Kim I can totally relate to the french toast, except I use cookies. Mmmmm yum peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip with peanuts from Safeway (yes all that on one cookie) and I don't ever stop with just one or two. I have been known to polish off the bag. After I've had a "few" of them I tell myself I really don't want them and they really are not tasting very good anymore but still I eat a few more. Then after I am depressed and feel sick. I have stopped buying those cookies.
I do have a diabetic diet that was made for me fron a dietician as I developed gestational diabetes with this last pregnancy. It worked very well and I am trying to get back onto it. Surprising it does not cut calories, I was given 2000 calories a day. It doesn't tell me what foods to eat I can eat whatever as long as I follow the guidelines.

Breakfast is 1 serving of milk, 1 serving of protein, 2 servings of carbohydrates
Snack is one fruit and milk
Lunch is 1 milk, 2 protein, 2 carbohydrate, 1 fruit
Snack is a carbohydrate and a protein
Supper is the same
Snack before bed a milk and protein
then they list the choices of carbohydrates and protein etc.
Thankyou so much for the organization tips. Now if I can put those into action I might just have a good first week. I am the manager of a clothing store. I was lucky and my moms neighbors niece has 2 kids a 2 year old and a baby that is 3 days younger than mine and she really wants to stay home but needs a little extra money so she is going to babysit. My little guy started going to the babysitters for 1/2 a day a week a month ago so we can both get use to it. I do think it is harder on me than him. When I left for maternity leave I was excited because the chain I work for was going to build us a new store, but they called yesterday and said the store was going to close at the end of December. So if things are not working out with me working I only have to remember its only for a few months then I don't need to find a full time job. Maybe I can stay home and babysit.
A new student teacher that knows it all...... would that be worse than walking in on your kids fighting and you having to figure out what is really going on(the truth is somewhere in the middle of what they each just told you!). When you finally get into your new house hopefully you will be able to look back on your crazy couple of weeks and have a little chucke and say "I made it." Good luck.

Hi happyheart nice to meet you.
You must live on a farm - I only say that because of the chickens. Although I shouldn't say that. My husband is a super great guy and after 15 years of marriage things are still usually great. He has a good heart and there were some homeless baby ducks he found and yes he brought them home to share our bathtub with us. The kids figured it was great to, ducks to have a bath with. Everyone was very saddened when I to their great astonishment did not share the sentiment and found a nice farm home for them to go to. We do board my daughters horse out and one stress is trying to get her out there everyday to ride him. It only takes 7 minutes but sometimes it seems as if I don't even have 7 minutes to squeeze into the day.

HI fluffymom.
How are you liking curves? Did they figure out the diet program for you? How much is exactly 20 grams of carbs? Doesn't sound like much. I was going to New Attitude which was the same as curves but they opened earlier and they are open on the weekend but the one here closed down as the owner had started one in Leduc after here and got a job in Edmonton so she said it was a little to much stress. I was thinking about maybe joining curves but they weren't quite as friendly as the other gym. You must have a good morning system that you are able to get out the door in the morning.

Hi Annie
I almost think my biggest stress is myself. When I worked I had to be organized and since I have been at home I really haven't been. Now that the kids are back in school they have to fit in everthing after school so I am being pulled in all directions. And the last few weeks I thinking the young one is trying to get all his teeth at the same time. He only has 2 and I think he is suppose to have about 8 by now so he really isn't fussy, but he does want to be cuddled alot during the day. Housework has been a little slack the last week. That is stressing.
Working in a convenience store would be rather stressful as I would think that it would be face paced. At my job people are usually not in a hurry so they like to take their time, but in a convenience store it would be get in and out as quick as possible. It sure makes a difference if everyone works together as a team and gets along. And the difficult people? I hope you feel good that you are able to grin and bear it because sometimes that takes alot of effort.

I just have to say that I am so glad I found this sight, everyone seems so great, I actually can't wait to turn the computer on. I really look foreward to learning more about everyone and learning a few things from you as well.

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Old 09-30-2003, 03:35 PM   #13  
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Hey Everyone - what's new? I am cautiously excited today - I actually got a closing date today - its Thursday at 2:30 so I have called the movers, etc. for Tuesday - earliest I could get it. I am thrilled - I just hope nothing goes wrong. My teaching partner was a bear today - I really did not enjoy spending time with her today! Other than that this was one of my quiet days - I seem to appreciate those days more. Eating is still crappy but my mental state for dieting is improving hopefully it will be ready to go when I finally am all moved! Happy - lucky you - you live in the country something I have always wanted to do but not much of it around where I live - Someday though! Lucky - I miss those cuddling days - I thought I never would but I sure would love a cuddle now I get smart remarks and whiners! LOL Annie - I know exactly what you mean about missing out on the kids because you work - I love my job and I have to work due to finances but I always said if I could take a paid year to be with the kids I would - I always wonder if they felt ripped that there friends' moms always stayed home while I carted them off to daycare. Who knows what is best, right? Lucky you also have hit it right on the head - it feels I am so busy taking care of everything that I feel like I am missing out on the important stuff - this may sound strange but I am trying to relish the wait and anticipation of the new house because before I know it I will be absorbed with the unpacking and the newness will wear off. There are so few things that really excite me for just me and one of these things is this house I have waited for, for so long. Now, let's see ? of the day? If you could have any job you wanted (regardless of the $$$) what would it be? Me? I would love to run a family restaurant for parents and children - where the kids eat where the waitresses are daycare people and the parents could have a quiet dinner for themselves. I have never heard of one but it sure sounds cool and I bet most couples would love it! I will check in tonight! Fondly, KIM
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Old 09-30-2003, 09:25 PM   #14  
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If I could have any job, it would without a doubt be a nurse. I would love to work in labor and delivery. I think it would be so rewarding! That is what I have always wanted to do, since I was a child. I graduated from high school and "knew it all", so I decided it was party time and the rest could wait. Later, I married and still decided it could wait. Now, I am ready to go back to school, but I am financially obligated to work full time and I have the 2 children that need the rest of my time. Oh well, that is one of life's lessons that I have learned....don't put off until tomorrow, what you could do today!

I don't know what got into me last nite, but I sat down with a carton of strawberry frozen yogurt and polished off the entire 1/2 gallon. I haven't done that in a long time! Oh well, it is gone now and nothing I can do about it.

3Mom, congrats on the closing date. I hope everything works out great. How exciting to be getting a new house! You will have plenty to keep you busy for a while!

Lucky, I envy you, managing a clothing store. I bet you get a lot of great deals on your clothes. I really need some new clothes, but the kids have to have winter clothes first. It has been cool down here the past couple of days and they have outgrown last winters clothes.

Annie, I know what you mean about missing adult contact when you are a SAHM. I thought I would totally lose my mind some days. It really is a tough job. When I finally went back to work, it was like a vacation to me. Now I kinda wish those days were back.

Fluffy, it is great that you get your workout in early in the day. I keep putting mine off until evenings, then it never happens! One of these days, though, I will get a wild hair and get started.

Hi Tracy, hope all is well with you. I have to ask, how tall are you? I am 5'10". Everyone says they would love to have my height, but if they had to shop for clothes for my height, they would probably change their minds. It can be challenging.

Well, I gotta run. Hope to hear from y'all soon.
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Old 10-01-2003, 12:24 AM   #15  
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Hi ladies
I hope everyone had a good day.
If I could have any job I wanted I think I would love to work in a daycare with the kids that are just before kindergarten age. That is such a great age because they are interested in doing all sorts of different things and have not reached the age where they know it all yet.

Kim what grade do you teach? When my daughter started grade 1, her teacher became the most important person in her life and I was a little envious. Her teacher was fantastic but I was not Mrs. Nelson. We felt like Mrs. Nelson should just move on in because Kristi loved her so much. So I hope that you have parents and students that appreciate you because we have found out how important great teachers are to kids wanting to go to and do well in school. Congratulations on the closing of the house. A toast to you. (With water of course garnished with a slice of lemon).

I don't know if this will make you feel any better but at least you chose frozen yogurt.
I do get a deal on clothes. So that is one good thing about it. Especially in the winter when the kids seem to lose all their winter accessories a few times in the season. What sort of a shift do you work as a medical biller? I know your health care system is a little different from ours, so is your job quite stressfull? Do you get a little stressed at your husbands job?
Have you ever noticed what stressed is spelled backwards?

Was anyone able to take a little time out of their day and do something just for themselves today? I am just going to go out for a walk with my middle son, so we can have some together time. I hope everyone has a great day tommorrow.

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