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Old 09-19-2016, 06:08 PM   #436  
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Well gals I'm going to try tomorrow am at 530 and go ride. I don't know how long I will go for as it's been a while since I last rode. I'm looking into how to use kettlebells but fear I'll either look stupid or do incorrectly. I will have to see if I can incorporate that as well. I know when I work out my day moves a bit quicker my body hurts a bit less and I feel like I get more accomplished. And the added weight loss is a plus.

Do any of you kettlebell?

Got my veggies in to roast for dinner tonight with a side of meat. I'm enjoying the roasted. However I don't think eating a potato is always one of the wiser things but they are good with the mix of fall veggies. I think we'll do fruit for dessert.

My costumes are almost done yeah! On that I've been productive. Almost completed so that's good it will be done a month ahead of the day. Here's hoping the rest pulls together.

So off to get dinner ready for everyone and hope at least a pound took a trip today!
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Old 09-20-2016, 04:36 PM   #437  
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Kat: Good plan to keep with it one more week. Hopefully, it will work out for you! I get the scale frustration. I have that!!!

Lemonthyme: Sometimes you just need a potato! Sounds like a great dinner.

Me? I'm frustrated all the way around. I have been feeling rather stiff lately, and it seems like I'm losing flexibility. So, today, at Body Pump, the instructor told me that she thinks that my range of motion is not as good as it was. Now, keep in mind that I told her at the beginning of the year to let me know if she noticed me having bad form, or anything that I could do better. But, it really was discouraging to hear that. Even though I kind of thought that, too, I felt bummed as I left the gym. So... mini rant.... Why is it always something? You try to work hard and improve, but the scale won't cooperate, you lose form, you don't get better... UGH!!!!

*****Now, the right attitude is to look at it that at the beginning of summer, when I started hiking, I quit going to my "body flow" class, that includes yoga, pilates, and tai chi. So, what I need to do is get back in that class. I'm probably going to replace my Friday spin class with Body Flow for now, so that I can keep hiking. ******

But come on!!!!! Really???? Can't it just work out?????
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Old 09-20-2016, 08:42 PM   #438  
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Slashnl: that sounds like a great plan!! get those flexible classes back on track. MIght see a difference in a month.
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Old 09-20-2016, 08:52 PM   #439  
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Slash: I was reading in the last week or so that they are finding that work out one day and the next rest your body to heal itself is becoming more of an answer for the body rebelling. Also one thing if you have muscles or joints that aren't feeling good or behaving check your vitamin D levels. My Endo has told me that if you live north of FL most of us are deficient. Sure in the summer months we do better (if you are w/o sunglasses) and yes we do get some from food - though most and milk included can be unstable amounts. I was told I could take up to 1200mg daily (includes whatever d3 is in your multi). It doesn't help instantly but perhaps you can try or ask about. I have added glucosamine to my taking and it helps the aches/joints much better and with my vita D.

AM: I need to stop reading all sorts of things. I also read you should stop eating before 7pm and not eat for 12 hours to let your liver do its job. I can see the point but sometimes waiting for 12 hours is hard first thing in the morning. I'm just saying.

I hate the scale I'm back to 240. Come on. I know monday is a bad day. I HEAR YOU ALL. frankly also limiting my calories to 1250 daily is old too. I didn't do it today. Sorry I rebelled. But I'm sitting here drinking my water. I didn't get to the gym. I had clothes laid out and my bag ready and at 3am my LO crawled into bed with us. I of course came to and of late it takes me about an hour plus to fall back asleep. I turned off my alarm. I will try again tomorrow morning and hope i can get there and move. I know I need to as my body is aching due to too much riding in the car over the weekend so it would be beneficial.

Here's hoping for sleep!

Ok here I go to try to get to 236 this week. A lot to crawl back down but let's hope I can reach that and keep on moving. Happy loss to you all!
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Old 09-21-2016, 11:39 AM   #440  
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Davisag: Thanks for the encouragement!

Lemonthyme: Yeah, that's a thought, too. I have gotten away from taking a multi-vitamin anyway, and I typically wear a hat and sunglasses when I'm out in the sun. Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn't thought of that. Oh, and I am not in love with my scale either, so I support you 100% in hating the scale.

As for me, I am doing better today. I've decided that I just don't have the option to quit, so I need to just get over it, and start tweaking my program. I'll add the Body Flow class and see how that goes. I'll try the extra vitamins too. As I looked at the wallpaper on my computer, it says: The fact that you aren't where you want to be, should be enough motivation. Yep.
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Old 09-21-2016, 05:17 PM   #441  
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Slash: yeah that stinky D will rear its head if you aren't getting enough see about upping it if you've done it before. Oh the scale, let's not go there mine just disappoints me daily. I have come up with a slight new plan to loose at least to 230 by my birthday. I'm hopeful I can reign this in and get exercising.

Hello all!

AM: so I sit here not much thinner I have a big pot of chili on and blueberries thawing for dessert. In theory all good for me but I bet the scale won't really budge tomorrow morning.

I sew so I was perusing patterns and fashion blog sites for over 40 ideas. I found some I'd think might look nice on me but then the next conundrum just go ahead and make them now or wait until I MIGHT get down in weight. If I wait I fear it will be next season if I go ahead we'll I can feel good about myself until maybe they are too loose or I can take them in if I was really successful.

Have any of you tried the skinny Jean at this size? I have one pair excited because they were an 18 and they fit. I'm not sure though because I always feel so hippy the skinnier the lower leg. I'll have to think some more.

Any solutions for keeping a LO in bed all night long? I have a rover at night and a consequence is not falling back to sleep and I snooze the alarm in the am not getting to the gym. Any suggestions? My DH pretends he's sleeping (at least my thought!) when this happens but I'm the only one taking care of the roving child. Alas with good intentions I aim again tomorrow. Geez I'll get there soon!
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Old 09-22-2016, 08:03 AM   #442  
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Hi group, just checking in. I am holding at 225 for now... so ready to get out of the 220's! and SO CLOSE to 100 pound weight loss!!! Hope you all are doing well. Hugs!
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Old 09-22-2016, 12:44 PM   #443  
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Jesika: GOOD FOR YOU! That's got to feel incredible - 10 10 lb bags of flour off your body, or 20 5lbs. Fantastic for you keep up the good work.

Hello all!

Didn't bother w/the scale woke late and had to get the kids fed and out the door for school. However, since returning home from our travels I have found my own plumbing to be reengaged if you will, perhaps this is where some of the weight has been hiding? Will see what tomorrow brings.

It's been raining so much here, we have flood warnings all around and more rain to come. Geez, its been nuts. Nothing at my house other than rain, but I am seeing the mess in neighboring areas. I can't begin to imagine.

Hope you all are doing well with your scales. I'd like to destroy mine on principal, but it's not their fault my weight isn't doing well, it's me. I am already pushing my water for today. One of these fine days I will get the gym in. In the meantime, I am trying my best.

Happy day to you all!
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Old 09-22-2016, 02:35 PM   #444  
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Lemonthyme: I don't know how old your LO is, but I've heard of someone who has a light or something in the child's room, and when it is off, they can't come out of their room. When it is on, they can come out. Or something like that. I think it worked for them. I don't remember that time with mine, since that was a long time ago....

Jesika: Nice! I'd be so happy to get to a 100 pound loss! That's such a great accomplishment.

For me, nothing much to say. Just plugging along. The scale was a little lower, but not enough to even mention. I'll be going to body flow tomorrow morning. We'll see how that goes.
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Old 09-22-2016, 08:02 PM   #445  
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Jesika that is fabulous!!! you are so close.. You'll be there soon.!!
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Old 09-23-2016, 09:09 AM   #446  
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My DH doesn't know it yet, but he and I are going to the gym together this weekend since the kids will be w/the ILS. Thats on top of the yard work I have planned, less we are hit w/a deluge of rain AGAIN. Everything is floating here, but I have to pull the stinging nettles out, close out my garden and get winter things planted. Alas, I have a long list. It'd be great if it would whittle my waist and my weight some. I have big dreams about such.

Weight is at 239. Hey, at least I can hold steady when I want to

Will hope that this weekend spurs me on to do better. I have been in a slight funk - you know the type when you think of all the crappy things instead of the positive and then find you dwell more than you should on such? Yep, that's me these last few days. Ah well, I aim to get rid of that too!

Happy weekend to you all - keep cheering for me that I get moving!
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Old 09-23-2016, 11:22 AM   #447  
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Lemonthyme: Sounds like you have lots of work planned! Hope the rain stays away for you.

For me, I went to Body Flow this morning, and it went well. I think that will be a good thing to do. I don't love doing it, but afterward, I could tell that a little of the stiffness was gone. I don't think it will be fixed overnight, but I think it will help. My son and I have an extra long hike planned for tomorrow. He isn't thrilled with it, but he knows that I want to do it, so he's indulging me.

Have a good weekend!
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Old 09-24-2016, 12:12 PM   #448  
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Slash: hope the body flow helped make you feel lots better this morning upon waking. How's your scale?

AM: I just did an hour of garden clearing. I await DH and the tiller from my MIL to finish up and get the winter crop cover down. I didn't plan to really do this today but were to get more rain this weekend so I took some time to do this chore. The good news is I hope I expanded my calorie burn. Will see. I hope to convince DH to join me at the gym before he goes to hunt today. I hope too I can eat well today.

Let's just say of late I am finding it hard to remain on my diet. I need to I feel better with less weight but sometimes I swear I'm like those hibernating animals getting fat for the winter season and being sedentary. At least that's what I feel like some moments.

Here's to good weekends and good diets for you all!
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Old 09-25-2016, 10:42 AM   #449  
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Today's weigh-in has me down 1.8 lbs this week. Yes!

I hope to be within the 220's in 4 weeks time.
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Old 09-26-2016, 09:57 AM   #450  
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Jelly: GOOD FOR YOU! Keep up the good work, get out of these pesky 200s!

Hello all!

AM: Well this am, my shorts feel a bit snugger then they should. So, I asked DH if hunting was in his cards tonight he said no, therefore I said I'd feed the kids and I earlier and then I am going to go move tonight. I don't know how long I will go - I aim for at least 45 mins. I got to get back not hat horse, as it seems the only way the weight will get moving and perhaps STAY OFF. I have learned but that does not mean I have applied yet to my daily life wholeheartedly.

The suns out, finally - the rain has stopped. Crops are ruined for lots of farmers due to it all. I pulled out my little garden and got it ready for winter. I do hope the overcrop works and then helps season the soil further for goodness. IT helps my diet as well when I can cull fresh things daily, or weekly to add to the diet. So, sure I can start planning for next springs planting already!

Weight - working on, didn't get on scale Mondays never put me in a good frame when I know the weight is probably up. So I avoided today. I know where I was friday and will aim to do better. I really am not a fan of the 230s but I have been stuck here for a year. I know - it's better than the 257 I was when I began last August, however I kind of look like a bit of failure/person who is all talk and nothing more. But I keep trying, which is better than not.

Happy day to you all! I am off to go drown my Monday in water. Heres to my first jug!
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