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Old 01-26-2014, 07:07 AM   #46  
Gary C
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HAPPY SUNDAY FUNDAY! Rennie Whoop, 160's!!
Thanks for the well wishes on my recovery, the process was a bit more of an *** kicker then i thought it would, feeling back to normal today!

Week 4 of 4
1/22 ~ 167.8
1/23 ~ 168.0
1/24 ~ 167.0
1/25~ 169.0
1/26 ~ 167.0
1/27 ~
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:45 AM   #47  
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Happy Sunday Everyone

Thanks Gary wow 167, look at you go

Jacqui, where are you? Missed your evening/nightly post. Hope everything is ok **I just saw you were having a busy day, I'll be back after I eat have a little time before church

Week 4 of 5

01/22 ~ 169.8 (-0.8)
01/23 ~ 170.4 (+0.6)
01/24 ~ 170.0 (-0.4)
01/25 ~ 169.6 (-0.4)
01/26 ~ 169.2 (-0.4) <--- good day
01/27 ~
01/28 ~

total loss for the week

12/08 weight 178.2
12/27 weight 180.4
01/08 weight 173.4
01/27 weight ???.?

Last edited by love2b150; 01-26-2014 at 09:47 AM.
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:46 AM   #48  
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Good Morning. Everyone! I'm sorry I didn't make it online yesterday. It started with my internet being down and after that it was just kind of nice spending the day away from the computer. Anyway, I don't know what is going on with my body right now! Yesterday I woke up weighing 171! Needless to say, I was quite surprised to be up 2 lbs, especially since I had been on my way back down! Today, I woke up weighing 173.5! That's a 2.5 lb-gain, which is not unusual for the day after cheat day, but that's up almost 4.5 lbs since Friday and I weigh more than when I started the month! I'm holding water like crazy for some reason. Being 52, my hormones are unpredictable and I'm thinking that has to be related, so I'll drink a lot of water today, but at this point I don't know if drinking water will do it or not. I think my body is just doing its own thing right now. I'll just have to wait it out!

Week 28:
1/25: 171 Cheat Day
1/26: 173.5

Today's Meals:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a teapot of green tea, Mio water
Lunch: veggie salad with rotisserie chicken, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and ranch dressing, Mio water
Snack: a handful of almonds, a Diet Dr. Pepper
Dinner: crockpot meatballs in bbq sauce, Mio water, a teapot of green tea

Gary, I'm so glad you are feeling better!

Pamela, I hope you had a wonderful day out with your family yesterday!

Rennie, you can do it! The way you've been going, I know you can lose 10 more lbs by then! Your Mom is going to be so surprised! And great job on the workout!

TwoTots, it looks like you had a relaxing and productive Saturday! Good for you!

Missy, I hope you had a wonderful cheat day!

Steph, Joe, Dt, hope you're having a great weekend!

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Old 01-26-2014, 03:09 PM   #49  
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Hi all!
Good for you Rennie for exercising! My Mom and sister got me a gym membership for Christmas because I keep talking about exercising but am so exhausted after being on my feet all day at work Mon - Fri that I keep putting it off. On weekends I do housework and kitchen prep for the week. I got a fitbit flex last Jan and have gotten increasingly better at logging at least 10,000 steps. At first it was hard and I could only get about 7,000, but now I almost always log in more than 10,000. But since I've lost 22 lbs since Oct, I feel kinda jiggly, especially the arms, and since I have the membership just sitting there waiting, it's pretty stupid not to use it. Plus, my sister keeps asking me to play racketball with her and we've been pretty fierce competitors since our younger years. I haven't played in about a year and a half, and we were pretty even then, but I had to work a lot harder for it, but she has kept up playing so will probably kick my butt for awhile! Anyway, my goal this week is to get my butt to the gym, even if it's only on the bike for awhile.

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Old 01-26-2014, 03:21 PM   #50  
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Jacqui- 52 yr old hormones are like that! My weight will spike sometimes 3-4 lbs with seemingly no reason, (haven't had TOM for 10 years now!), then will go back down to normal. Maybe salty food/ water weight combo, I don't know. It can be unnerving through, and you know you will go down again. One morning soon you'll wake up, get on that scale and be so happy because you'll realize the Whooosh Fairy finally paid you that overdue visit!
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Old 01-26-2014, 05:54 PM   #51  
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Thanks Jacqui, sorry about the computer issues. My son is backing up mine as we speak. I'm not very computer savvy and that boy is a genius in my opinion he can do anything with the help of google. Maybe I'm just too lazy Wow sorry about the up. 52 or 47 my body has it's moments also. The closer I get to 48 the weirder it gets. I never know when TOM is coming, if it does come and then whether or not it's gonna stay. And to be this age and still have cramps sometimes is just awful. Hopefully we won't have many more years of this ... I'm hoping I've heard these night sweats never really stop, not what I wanted to hear. Jacqui one of the ministers spoke about this being the last week of our consecration. He said we don't have to stop we can continue on and continue praying as we should be doing anyway. I like the sound of that and it's good for the body and soul, which puts me in line with the post I printed and placed on of my refrigerator. I was reading on another thread or two how one lady is just happy she'll be able to wear a two piece bathing suit for the first time (I have never liked them so will never do that) and another lady was saying how she can't wait to wear new clothes with her new body. I am looking forward to being around 150 by spring that sounds so exciting and hopefully the 130's by the end of summer. This has noting to do with nothing I'm just talking so I'll stop

Steph, on the 22lbs gone I know you feel good. I loss 30lbs in 2010, started 6/1/10 at 195.4 and on 9/24/10 I weighed in at 165. I walked 5-6 days a week and toned up pretty well. I was shocked the first time I felt my ribs The gym will definitely help with any jiggle. I am needing to get with my son to help me tone the belly and back. I wore my boots to church and the last time I had them on I couldn't wait to take them off they were killing my calves, not today. I actually have a little room

and Jacqui what Steph said ---> and you know you will go down again. One morning soon you'll wake up, get on that scale and be so happy because you'll realize the Whooosh Fairy finally paid you that overdue visit!

today has been a really interesting day ... we had a bit going on here and I woke up at 5:25 this morning. I thought ok it's not Monday-Friday so I'll just lay here and go back to sleep for a little while but my head was in a whirl. I have since worked out a few kinks that will get us prayerfully through this week but my goodness I wish it was as easy as said to just leave it there. With all that said I had an interesting day food wise. I have felt full most of the day though I have had little to eat. So tomorrow will be interesting and even more interesting on Tuesday morning with the up on the scale

I know I'm all over the place today
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Old 01-26-2014, 06:19 PM   #52  
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Oh yeah- I have a whole lot of giggle on the tummy and back too! I can just see my arms better in the medicine cabinet mirror!!!

Been prepping meats and cutting veggies all day. Made 2 dips for veggies with Greek yogurt as a base- 1 French onion and 1 Mexican/ salsa. Both yum!

When needing a crunch snack and peppers won't do, (although they are delicious and I will eat them if I already have them cut and ready), try the Proti-thin chips that you can buy online. They are like Ideal Protein products being low in carbs and high in protein, usually made from a pea protein, but they are much cheaper than IP products. Also good are Simply 7 Sour Cream & Onion Quinoa Chips which I also buy online. It's hard to buy these type of specialty products in MT. Of course, veggies are better for you, but sometimes, like when we go to the movies and everyone else is having buttered movie popcorn, (the worst!!!) I will sneak a bag of the white cheddar IP or Proti-thin chips ( curls) and it satisfies that craving - AND is extremely filling for a small amount because of the high protein content. But, of course, if you can just do the veggies, then that is better than any Franken-food. But then again, sometimes only a Franken-food will do! (Sad, but true.) Moral of the story is... Prep your veggies so they are ready when you are having a snack attack... but have some low carb hi protein options when the veggies are just not sellin' it!

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Old 01-26-2014, 06:32 PM   #53  
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Steph do share the recipes please and thanks for the snack suggestions. Can anyone buy the IP products?
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Old 01-26-2014, 06:38 PM   #54  
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Good job on the excercise Rennie!!! Just Dance is also such a fun bonding thing to do with your daughter. I remember when mine were younger we used to do that. Good for you!

Oh Jacqui you must be frustrated, but sounds like you are handling it well for sure. I'm sure you'll have a wooosh loss of water loss soon!!

Bravo Steph for prepping some fresh veggies. I need to do that this evening I think for the week. So good for you!

Ugh...I had a very decadent cheat day yesterday and weighed in at 3 1/2 pounds heavier this morning! We did have a really salty order of Pad Thai last night before bed so I'm sure I retained extra water. But today was not a good diet day as well. I think when we have our cheat day and we have cocktails, I don't feel so well the next day and make bad decisions. I've decided today to not have any cocktails even next weekend during the super bowl party, which is my next scheduled cheat day. Trying to not beat myself up too much. Best to recognize why the mistakes and take measures to correct them.

I also signed up for another Dietbet today that will end the weekend before I leave for the Carribean.
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Old 01-26-2014, 07:00 PM   #55  
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Thanks Missy ... 3.5lbs sodium is such a booger. I try my best to avoid it during the evening. I just read on webMD that we shouldn't have more than 1500mg a day and MFP is set at 2500mg. I've got to keep an eye on that. I also read that too much protein isn't good for diabetics we should get more veggies than anything (Jacqui I think you mentioned that ) Missy water weight goes away so just think of the nice number you'll see on the scale soon

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Old 01-26-2014, 07:20 PM   #56  
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Yes, anyone can buy the IP or Proti-thin snacks online. I usually just buy from amazon but others say you can find them cheaper. IMO: white cheddar is best overall , ( and the Simple 7 Sour Cream & Onion Quinoa Chips!!!- they are new to me and so delicious!!!), followed by the IP Southwest Cheese Curls, (like spicy Cheetos), and the Proti-thin Chipotle, (which are good with salsa!) There is another brand called Simple Protein Chips which some like but I don't especially care for. They tend to have a very strong garlic after taste and sugar on them which I find strange, especially for a low carb product. I also like the WW Popped Sour Cream and Onion and the Chili Lime multigrain Crisps are ok, but both are higher in carbs and not nearly as high in protein. That's what makes the IP and Proti-thin products good is that it satisfies the snack attack with small quantities, (in pre-portioned bags), because the high protein content makes you feel full. Only 1 bag allowed per day but that's all I seem to need. Be aware that the IP products are much more expensive than Proti-thin, and some sites offer free shipping if you buy more than $75, but I usually don't buy so much. A little goes a long way with me.

As for the recipes- I am so bad about writing anything down! I'm trying to get better but I basically just throw stuff in until it taste right. For French onion, I found I had a package of onion soup mix and mixed that in with Greek yogurt, then added garlic salt, green onions and more onion powder and dried onions until it tasted right. Probably has too much sodium and will make me retain water, but it is very good with celery sticks, cauliflower, carrots and bell peppers so figure at least I'm getting my veggies in! Also made a pico de gallo with tomatoes, jalapeņo peppers, green chilies, onions, lime juice, garlic powder, chili powder and Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning- which I LOVE!!! - and then mixed some with yogurt and salsa for a dip. Still have much pico de gallo left for taco salads, etc during the week. It's a staple for us.
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Old 01-26-2014, 07:38 PM   #57  
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I have been spending my cooking time with my Chew friends, Rachel Ray, and others on the cooking/food networks. For the past year or so I have loved cooking while watching pre-recorded cooking shows. Anyone ever watched Hungry Girl? She has some great ideas. I also love The Chew just cause they're fun, but not necessarily low carb or low cal. Anyway, I find watching these shows while cutting veggies and prepping good foods for the upcoming week makes it easier to stay in the kitchen and finish these tasks, which in turn, makes the working/ dieting week go much better/easier. However, (and this is a big HOWEVER), my kids are grown and I don't have to tend to them, so whatever you can do - just thought I'd pass on a tip that has worked for me to help me prep good foods for the week, because I do think that is key. If I don't, I WILL make bad choices!

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Old 01-26-2014, 08:40 PM   #58  
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Steph you have made me hungry, but since I got up ridiculously early for no reason I am about to call it a night. I use to get Hungry Girl emails with recipes. I had so many that I didn't open I stopped the subscription Thanks again for sharing
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Old 01-26-2014, 10:17 PM   #59  
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Rennie, no bikini for me ever again, lol! Of all the things that fit me now, this is what excited me enough to post it in mini-goals:

Missy, I hope we both have a whoosh soon!

Steph, great job planning, cooking, and preparing to stick with it! And I hope the Whoosh Fairy doesn't hold off visiting me for too long, lol!

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Old 01-26-2014, 11:35 PM   #60  
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Is anyone planning a Super Bowl Party? My husband is a huge Seahawks fan since we used to live in Seattle before moving to MT, so this year is a must!!! (They were robbed last time!) Of course, veggies and lite dip are the obvious choice, but trying to think of other options that are fun but not too bad. Will make that my cheat day, even though I hate to skip Friday. Please post any ideas. Thanks!

Have a great week everyone!
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