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Old 04-14-2011, 05:35 PM   #256  
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Originally Posted by PeanutM91 View Post
Hey all,
I write to you very discouraged and frustrated. Since switching back to Momentum on February 23, 2011 I have been fighting with 2.2 pounds. Not 2 pounds or 2.1 but 2.2 every single time. It goes away and comes back. I feel like I'm on a teeter todder and I am getting so annoyed and discouraged. It has somewhat made me lose a lot of my motivation. My mother seems to think that the reason is because 146 is where I should stop but I still dont feel like I look good at all physically so I don't want to. I'm just at a place right now where I'm certain that I will never meet my ultimate weight goal of 120 and that's really frustrating and saddening for me because I've worked so hard only to fight with 2.2 pounds for a month.
why bother anymore right?
Hey PeanutM91, I'm probably not the best person to be giving any advice right now because of my own struggles, but it sounds like you've reached a sort of plateau. How about trying to switch up your food and or exercise routine? It doesn't have to be huge changes. Eat some different foods at different times of day or add or substitute a new exercise (something fun) Fool the body, so to speak.
Don't give up, you've come this far!
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Old 04-16-2011, 04:10 PM   #257  
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[QUOTE=Momacelli;3808177]I haven't posted in a while because I've been traveling for work and once for fun and have been totally "off the wagon". I have gained 8lbs (I am ashamed to post this fact)

Good news! Weighed myself at the Y (they have the professional, digital scales similar to the ones at WW) and I apparently did not gain 8 pounds, thank goodness. I only gained 1. This really is major for me because as I stated in my previous post, I'd been off the rails due to travel and just plain not tracking what I was eating. I now have a renewed spirit to do good this week. I don't believe I lost a total of 7 pounds in the few days that I have been walking and watching what I eat again, it must be the scale. It's funny because my home scale is a WW brand scale, lol! If anyone can recommend a good, reliable home scale, even if pricey, I would appreciate it as I am driving myself crazy between weighing in at home and then at the Y.
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Old 04-16-2011, 05:25 PM   #258  
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Welcome back, Momacelli. So glad to hear 8lbs isn't the case!!! Wheww.

I have no idea about scales- I use Healthometer digitial scale but I think I may need a new one or just a new battery because it gives a couple of different readings at one weigh-in. Kinda scared to because I don't want to find out I didn't really lose x amount, lol.

Hope all is well with the rest of you guys! Have a great weekend.
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Old 04-16-2011, 10:32 PM   #259  
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Thanks for the info and welcome Amandie, although I must say, sounds like we have the same problem, lol! Doesn't it drive you a little crazy that the scale is giving you different numbers? What I try to do is weigh myself once a week, at around the same time on the same day of the week and wearing the same type of clothing. If I vary from this and weigh myself two or three times a week I make myself crazy and get frustrated. I know I should use other milestone markers such as measurements and clothes sizes, but seeing that number on the scale go down (hopefully!) is my biggest movitator.
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Old 04-19-2011, 02:31 PM   #260  
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Whooooo-hooooooo!!!!!!! 199.4! this am. Oh man, am SO stoked! This is the lowest I've been in YEARS!

Momacelli- I've been trying to put most focus on my old clothes that were too small for me to wear as milestone markers than the scale but I totally understand. I have all different kinds of motivators, lol. I currently have a size 18 old navy shorts hanging on my wall in my bedroom. I think I can fit in it without a muffin top after about 5-7lbs more gone then will put up size 16 shorts after that. I have size 12 and 14 shorts/pants too so will do the same, etc. Measuring is too much work for me, lol.

Hope you all have a great week!
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:33 PM   #261  
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It's been a crazy around here! I'm organizing a big symposium and I haven't been able to exercise once this week and won't be able to consider that until Friday after work. I told my boss that after this, I'm done with big projects for a while. I am back on the Momentum program and have started losing again. Since going back on Momentum, I've lost about 1.0 lb per week. I'm so happy to be able to fit in some of the carbs I was missing before. PointsPlus just never felt like a program I could live with long term. So yes, I've done a couple of *splurges* which included beer, pizza, and hamburgers. I'm amazed that I've lost any weight at all. But a pound a week! I'll take that over the plateau of 3 months on PointsPlus. Slow and steady beats nothing any day. I think I'd be losing weight faster if I had time to exercise, if I had more time to track, and I had a sense of control over how my time was being spent. After this week, it will seem like a vacation just to be back to normal. I sure do miss those 2-lb weeks, but I'm hoping things progress a little faster once exercise is a regular thing again.
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:44 PM   #262  
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amandie and momacelli - I am a weigh-myself-every-morning person, but then again, I'm a number's geek and actually run analyses on my progress. LOL But like you, I have "goal" clothes. Unfortunately, I don't have any shorts to wear this summer and I hate to buy clothes in sizes I know I won't be in for long, so I've actually been cruising the resale shops and Goodwill. There's some good stuff in there. I found a little black dress there for $4.50! You know how cool it was to feel, you know, a little sexy in a little black number?

That did wonders for my ego without breaking my budget.
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Old 04-20-2011, 11:55 AM   #263  
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Amandie, I am stoked for you as well, congrats on the 199.4!(that happens to be my 5% goal!) I know every pound lost is hard earned

I do agree with you and Daktari about using clothes size as a motivator and guide. As a matter of fact, I had this very discussion with a good friend and I think I'm going to take my measurements and pay attention to how I feel and how my clothes feel. I'm still going to weigh myself once a week, though, but I'm not gonna freak!
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Old 04-20-2011, 12:15 PM   #264  
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Default My experiment worked!

Thought I report back to you the results of my "experiment" of switching back to Momemtum--weighed in today. Down 2.8 lbs and got my 25 lb award! My leader was really pleased (I had gained last week) and wanted to know what I was doing differently! I couldn't bring myself to say "switched back to your old system that worked" and instead said tracked more, exercised, etc. If this continues to work, I WILL spill the beans when I make goal!

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Old 04-21-2011, 12:38 AM   #265  
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madamu, I'm also back on Momentum and loving every pound I'm losing now!
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Old 04-21-2011, 11:39 AM   #266  
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YAY madamwu! Good for you!
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:23 PM   #267  
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Yay, Daktari- that is exactly why I love WW- being able to have pizza & beer and still lose!

madamwu- that's wonderful, congrats!!!

I tested out the size 18 pair of shorts I mentioned in previous posts- no muffin top!!!! sooo happy! Now I have a size 16 pair of shorts in its place. :-D
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Old 04-23-2011, 11:47 AM   #268  
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I heart Momentum...eff you points plus. hehe
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Old 04-25-2011, 09:13 PM   #269  
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Hi Everyone!

Haven't been here in a few weeks. I switched back to Points+ last week and so far I've lost 3lbs. I think I'm going to switch back and forth between Momentum and Points+ for a couple months and see what happens. It seems when I do Points+ for a solid 4 weeks and switch over to Momentum, I start losing. The same with Momentum, when I do it for a few weeks and switch back over to P+ I lose.

I did great yesterday at Easter Dinner! I counted and weighed everything, my entire meal came out to 11 points. Today however, I binged a couple hours ago and feel completely ashamed of myself. I worked out this morning as usual and the day was going great, then the kids started fighting and I got really stressed out! This entire week has been stressful because it's Spring Break and the kids were off for a week. All they do is fight and my middle child who has ADHD is extremely hard to handle. I don't want to blame my kids for the binge today, ultimately it was my decision but I can only deal with stress for so long before I break down and turn to food.

I'm seriously thinking about incoorporating The Southbeach Diet with Weight Watchers. I am eating way too many carbs and I need a structured plan to help guide me. Not really sure how to get started since I don't have the book but I'm sure I can look at one of the threads on 3FC.

Hope everyone had an awesome Eater weekend!
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Old 04-26-2011, 02:30 PM   #270  
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Hi all, weekend was blah. Had a sudden passing in the family on Friday, I felt all out of sorts- not really tracking or exercising all weekend. Today's WI was 198.8- about .6lb loss. at least I did not gain or maintain, ha.

I only did 30 minutes of the elliptical training yesterday... Gonna try to do 30 day shred today along with 30-45 minutes on the elliptical trainer w/ weighted vest, oh and be better with tracking too.
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