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Old 01-26-2011, 09:17 PM   #1  
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Wink For us Momentum users!!

This is a thread for weight watchers users who have decided for one reason or another to stick with Momentum. We can share weekly weigh ins, exercise, recipes, ....anything we d*mn well please.
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Old 01-26-2011, 09:23 PM   #2  
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Well, aunt flow is here. Blah. I weigh everyday and was wondering why I wasn't losing weight after my high calorie weekend using flex pts. But now I know why, it came today.
My hubby and I were talking about why we wanted to switch back on momentum...we feel like we are in better control with this plan. Who knows why exactly...we can't put our finger on it, but it works better for us regarding the scale too. It's not like we were eating a ton of fruit either. I was eating 3-4 servings at most.
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Old 01-27-2011, 10:45 AM   #3  
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I may be joining this thread group next week. With momentum I was losing consistently (pre-pregnancy). They started points plus after I had my son and was able to start back up. With points+ I have not lost. I can't figure out why and it's driving me nuts. Everytime I think I figure it out I fluctuate in weight again. So the fluctuation in lieu of actual weight loss is driving me nuts. I told myself if there is no loss this week then I will switch back. Can't hurt to switch back and see if it works better for me on that plan. If it doesn't then I'll switch back to points+ at the end of a 2 week period.
But anyway HI! I'll be lurking to see if it works out for ya.
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Old 01-27-2011, 04:29 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone!

Really glad this thread was created, I switched back to Momentum yesterday after my weigh in. I've been really frustrated with PointsPlus and had such awesome luck on Momentum that I feel it's the right thing to do. I did however catch some grief yesterday from my leader for switching back and I told her that I have to do what's right for ME. PointsPlus is not for everyone just like Momentum is not and I'm honestly just happy to see I'm not the only one who feels this way about PP.
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Old 01-27-2011, 06:02 PM   #5  
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you are so correct. you do have to do what is best for you. i have been reading about the awesome results you were having with momentum. good luck.
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Old 01-27-2011, 07:15 PM   #6  
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Kim you have guts to tell your leader I probably wouldn't have mentioned it, but I think from what you've told me before you've established a bit of a bond together. Yup, we have to do what's best for us and that doesn' mean we will never return to pp, just that we're comfortable here at this point in time and our bodies respond really well to momentum.
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Old 01-27-2011, 11:44 PM   #7  
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Hi all!!

Thanks so much, Jess, for creating this thread! Aunt Flo was MIA for a couple of months and showed up on Tuesday so I hear ya on that part. ::grumble::

I just started on the Flex plan on Tuesday switching from counting calories. I am loving it so far- MUCH easier and more flexible than counting calories! I also like earning the AP part as well. For some reason, I just feel really more positive about this, like this is IT, you know? I also don't feel deprived compared to South Beach, calorie counting, etc.

Kim- yep, I have to agree because you have to do what works for you be it core, P+ or flex.
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Old 01-28-2011, 10:33 AM   #8  
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Today is my third day back on Momentum and It's actually been easy to get right back on plan! My home scale is down 4lbs from my weigh in Wednesday, I know the scale at my center is 1lb more than here at home but a loss is a loss

Hope everyone is doing well since switching back!
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:39 PM   #9  
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Good afternoon all! Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

Just gonna watch some movies tonight and maybe have a few (beers) with homemade pizza- sort of like CPK's BBQ chicken pizza but on flatout wraps instead. Sometimes I use high fiber lowfat tortillas if I'm out of flatout wraps.

I'm off to work out on the elliptical! Have a great weekend, everyone.
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Old 01-28-2011, 03:35 PM   #10  
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Amandie, I feel the SAME this IS it! I've been on ww's since around oct 11th and I've lost 20lbs. It's an average of about 1.3lbs a week I'm guessing...I'll take it. I always use my flex pts. It's funny, you mention beer and pizza + movies...that's what we're doing tonight, my hubby and I.
I might skip the beer...we'll see how I feel when 6:00 comes around if I want it or not.
But yeah..I've tried many diets...atkins, slimfast, ect and ww is IT! I've had mini binges, gains, fallen off the wagon a handful of times, but I always get back up. Good luck, I'm sure you will love it!!

Kim, that is fantastic about your loss already. I was down to 166.6 last week when i weighed on fri, today i am 166.8-but TOM is here (and I did go over my flex pts last weekend a bit), so I am hoping to see a loss when TOM is over in a few days.
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
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Old 01-31-2011, 01:01 PM   #11  
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Hello all- hope your weekend went well and that you all stayed OP - finally dipped into my WPA over the weekend. We will see how the weigh-in goes tomorrow.
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Old 01-31-2011, 04:04 PM   #12  
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It's been almost 1 weeks since I switched back to Momentum and my home scale says I'm back down to 173, last Wednesday at my center I was 179! So far it's been pretty easy getting back on track and I don't really miss anything about Points Plus because I wasn't on it long enough to find anything I actually liked about it.

How is everyone doing since switching back?!
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Old 02-01-2011, 12:33 PM   #13  
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Tomorrow I weigh in and it's been exactly one week since switching back to Momentum! I know the scale will show a nice loss because my home scale says I've lost 5lbs as of this morning =D Super excited and am hoping my center isn't closed in the morning due to the huge snow storm we're about to get!
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Old 02-01-2011, 01:07 PM   #14  
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Well, weigh in was not a big loss like I wanted but I will take it! [B]1.6 lbs loss![B] I felt like I should step up the exercise a bit so I did 45 minutes instead of my usual 30 on the elliptical trainer (which I do at least 5 times a week) and will incorporate the upper part of Wii Active so we will see!

Kim- 5lbs? NICEEEEEE! Urrgh, snowstorms. No fun. That's why I moved to Arizona from Kansas about 7 months ago, haha.
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:47 AM   #15  
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Hi Everyone!

Today is exactly one week since I switched back to Momentum and unfortunately my center was closed due to the snowstorm we had overnight. I did however step on my home scale and am down 5.2lbs! On to week number 2!

How has everyone else done this week?
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