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Old 05-05-2007, 02:07 PM   #496  
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they do tend to have a strange taste a matter of acuired taste i think but i like the bacon and blue cheese ones.
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Old 05-05-2007, 09:05 PM   #497  
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Hi gang! Gosh it's busy this time of year! Thanks for remembering me Shay, how sweet!! Skinnyme and Aszimmer, my heart goes out to you both...hugs and kisses to you. It has got to be tough to worry about your man. Oreo, what's the verdict with your mom? Hello everyone.

Well, I was too embarrassed to write...I have really fallen into a depression and ate my little heart out. As some of you recall, we've been inundated with bomb threats at my school. I think there have been about a dozen in the last three weeks. Two girls were arrested Friday; I've heard one of them was mine - of course. So what does that have to do with overeating? Honestly, it was the only thing I was in control of.

So I am back on track now. And I did confess to the center because I need help, even if it costs more. By the way, I invalidated my guarantee when I forgot to bring my meal plan in a couple of times, and I also told them I skipped a meal once or twice. FYI.

So my ticker thingee should be a very large and not in charge 260, but let's just pretend I changed it. I plan to lose a lot this weekend. No fat, lots of cardio, plenty of water.

Love you guys!
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Old 05-05-2007, 10:07 PM   #498  
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its alright michelle we all have our bumps and you definantly have yours going on. i dont understand what you meant by your meal plan? did you mean the sheet where you write everything you ate down? we call those food sheets at my center. you'll get back on track once everything settles. these things happen (bumps in the road) and its normal and natural.. so dont be too embarrassed we are all in this together!
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Old 05-06-2007, 07:37 AM   #499  
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oh michelle i know what its like to fall off the wagon heck i think i have been under the wheels more than on top but the thing is we keep getting back up right? so i know once things settle down for you, you will be able to kick it in high gear.
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Old 05-06-2007, 01:03 PM   #500  
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Thanks guys. Yes, the food sheet, I couldn't think of the name. According to my scale I've dumped all that water weight gain, so things are looking up.

Hey let's focus on the positive! What is your favorite on plan meal?

My favorite dinner is to grind up Melba toast, dip chicken or fish (Tilapia or Flounder) in the Melba, and PAM fry it on the stove top. YUM! The flakes make this really interesting crust - it is so good!! Make sure you pound the chicken flat or it won't cook through. Sometimes I like it plain, other times I add lemon pepper spice to it. I'm usually banned from eating group 2 so I have it amost every night.

For lunch I make the cheesecake without the crust. Then I add strawberries to it and Voila ~ yummy lunch time treat.

Every day I make two egg whites and one yolk. I flop them onto a piece of toast and eat it on the way to work.

Share your favorites!
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Old 05-06-2007, 04:07 PM   #501  
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Michelle way to get back on track that is great! What is melba toast?

I also enjoy eggs with toast in the morning. Right now I'm trying to eat a chicken and spinach salad. I have no other vegetables to put in my salad, and I had no idea how light spinach is. My salad is absolutely huge. It's ridiculus. I don't have a lot of time to cook right now, so my meals don't change much, I eat a lot of salad and a lot of broccoli. A lot of chicken, tilapia, and ground turkey. I tried making a sauce out of the cookbook, I'm afraid I didn't do so well. I'm really looking forward to trying some different recipes out this summer when I have more time and less school to worry about. And I'm looking forward to WI this week, I think that I will see a drop!

Yesterday, my grandma, mom and aunts took me out to lunch. They picked On the Border, usually one of my favorites. I was terrified that I wouldn't do well. BUT, I ignored the free chips and salsa sitting right in front of me. I ordered the healthy chicken thing substituted a side of lettuce for the rice and I asked for a tortilla (which I ate only half of). I would say that was not too bad. At the time I really just wanted some of my old favorites, but today I'm happy that I stuck to plan. Good luck to everyone, with overcoming your challenges this week. And have a great day.
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Old 05-06-2007, 04:23 PM   #502  
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my favorite op meal is
egg salad on a bed of spinach
frozen strawberries mixed w/ the lemon and a little splenda makes a yummy treat on hot days
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:08 PM   #503  
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we just got a grill this past week and grilled last night, yummo. chicken on the grill w/ grilled squash. i love the turkey lagasna in the cookbook. i generally eat french toast in the mornings and now that i have syrup i eat it every morning!

michelle speaking of melba fried foods, i crush my melba and coat it on chicken like a shake n bake and put it in the oven and its the juiciest chicken ever!
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Old 05-06-2007, 10:25 PM   #504  
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Way to go AMY!!!! Good job!!
Melba is an on program way to have shake n bake. I have a very hard time finding it in the stores. It's not at Walmart, if you can imagine! I find it at Publix (local grocery) right next to Metabolic Center. As for lunch - I like salads okay, but if I can get my kids out and lock the door before anyone arrives, I only get 25 minutes for lunch. I just plain old can't eat that fast! Cucumbers weigh a lot; that would cut down on how much you have to eat. You could add iceburg to the very good for you spinach or grape tomatoes - yummy. When I am up to eyeballs with salad, I eat half a cuke. Don't forget, you could nuke 4oz of green beans instead.

The recipes sound so good! Check this out - I bought frozen flounder, put the fish under running tap water to thaw it, sprinkled it with melba, and baked it. It was the gooshiest, nastiest fish liquid... Anywho - so the baked chicken was good? I guess I need to find another thawing method. Where did you find syrup?? It's on program?

I'm such a moron! I could not figure out why strawberries and lemon drink would be good. *lightbulb* Ahhhh...that does sound yummy! Egg salad? Is that in the cookbook? How's your weight loss going? If you're still having small gains, try the Tanita. It is so good for your state of mind. When I work out just before going in, I gain. I know it's just my muscles retaining water, but it's a mind game. I need to see a loss. You are such an inspiration!
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Old 05-07-2007, 07:04 AM   #505  
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the egg salad is made with dijionaisse. takes some getting used to due to the mustardy flavor but i like mustard. thats how i make my deviled eggs also.
i guess i should have been a little more explicit. i take the frozen strawberries 4 oz of water and the lemon drink throw in some splenda and blend it up. so nice and creamy and cold.
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Old 05-07-2007, 08:48 AM   #506  
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michelle i did the same thing with fish when i first started.. i had been either george formaning it or pan frying it and my mom suggested broiling the fish. well i had never done that and so when i took it out of the oven it was soo gross looking and smelling and yuck, i threw it away. i got the syrup from walden farms' website and ordered it plus a bunch more. its all 0's besides some sodium which doesnt seem to bother me because i dont eat a lot of salt in anything else.
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Old 05-07-2007, 09:51 AM   #507  
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Hi everyone. I'm back in town. Nice family trip!!! I talked about all of you with my husband. He usually doesn't care about friends on the internet but he really seamed happy I found you guys. We passed Patrick AF base and I shared about you military wives then I told about you teachers. You are all in the trenches!!!

Good to have you back Michelle!

I had a bad night Friday. I told my husband that I can NOT go so long without eating. He said "can't you just get something to TIDE YOU OVER!). It was late after traveling and then he kept wanting to stop at this shop or that and by the time we got to the restrant they said it was a 20 minute wait but it took 1 hour and 20 minutes! By the time I sat down I could have eaten the chairs. No details but I have felt that meal for 3 days. In a way it was good for me to realize how eating that stuff makes your body feel sick.

It's funny too. If I consider how I used to eat, I really didn't eat a lot or that bad. It was just the way the carbs just SIT in the gut so heavy for so long.

Anyway, he will never put me in that position again. I am responsible but it's like putting an alcoholic in a bar and thinking he won't drink. I CAN NOT let myself get that hungry again.

Well, that's my rant. I missed writing to you guys. We have a good group. We should plan a big party when we all loose our weight!!!
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:07 PM   #508  
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Default I'm back!!!

Wow! A lot has happened while I was visiting Mickey!
I did pretty good at Disney for the first 2 days, but by Friday my husband (who is "unofficially" on the diet) was very frustrated trying to find some where I could eat - i also have very strict food needs because I do not have a colon. So, I just ate "whatever" for dinner that night because he was so cranky
I brought in baby food for veggies and fruit whenever I ate somewhere that did not have fruit and veggies I could eat. My center OK'd one of these, but I have to bring them all in for them to "OK" them. One old man asked me where our kids were - I just politely smiled and said we don't have kids yet as I ate a spoonful of baby food green beans. I should note that these are the "natural" or "organic" varieties of baby food. This type adds only water and some vitamins to the food. Anyhow, I have to do what I can do to get my food groups in!
Saturday night I had Pizza Hut Pan Pizza!!!!!! It was heavenly! But, of course, I felt guilty.
My weight was up about 5 lbs when I got home, but I am now down to about the same place I was before we left. My bad knees were giving me problems the whole time - they were the size of grapefruit when I got home!
I am going to wi on Wed. With gas being as $$$ as it is I am trying to keep my trips into town as efficient as possible. Hopefully I will be down a pound or part of a pound by then.
Sounds like the rest of y'all are hanging in there.
Oh, my mom's appt. with the cancer doctor is May 16 at 8:30 am. Tomorrow I am going to the Social Security Office with my mom to do retirement, Widows Benefits, and hopefully start the disability ball rolling.
We are also getting her house ready to sell, so we are busy.
My favorite meal: cut chicken breast up into little chunks, sprinkle with Mrs. Dash Southwest Chipolte seasoning, sauté in olive oil. I make one of the salsa recipes from the cookbook. I place about 4 oz of meat on a pita and put a little bit of cottage cheese (just enough to make it seem like I have sour cream on it), some salsa, and a little bit of cheese on it. This is so delicious! We are having this this weekend for Mother's Day and my birthday party. I have requested no birthday cake. I think I might buy some cup cakes for everyone else - the chocolate kind. I cannot have and do not crave chocolate cake.
I have every kind of Melba toast I can find. We use it in our chicken and fish meals.
I will re-sign for $99 at the end of these first 17 weeks August 3). I need to lose a total of 110 lbs, but would love to lose more!
Well, sorry so long. I think that about catches me up.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:28 PM   #509  
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Oreo, what kind of pita do you use? I have not seen any that are good on calories. I do love the La Tortilla Factory 50 calorie tortillas though.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:50 PM   #510  
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I have been using Banderita flour tortillas. I only use a half a one per meal, but hubby cheats and uses a whole pita. It is 110 calories per whole pita.
I am shopping today and will see what other brnads I might find.
I'll look for the one you mentioned.
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