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Old 09-18-2012, 01:56 PM   #391  
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Great conversation. Love it...I'm coming up on 6 months of maintaining my new weight. I've stayed in the same 5 pound range (yes, a day or two when the salt really got out of control and bloated above that, but it was all lost the next day when flushing out my system). I did think I wanted to get down to 150. So far I'm hanging around 152...and really I've decided that's a good place for me. If I go lower with continuing to eat metabalance (slowly weaning off the HNS's and replacing with real protein food) and exercising, then great. But really don't have a desire to make much more of a change because I'd have to buy all new clothes...again. And I don't want to pursue "perfect" forever. I want to pursue health. Really wanting to do a triathlon next summer. AND keep the weight off through the holidays. Began MRC last year on Nov 1, day after Halloween and stayed away from all of the kids' candy. I think I need to come up with a reward system for doing that again this new shoes or something like that if I stay away from candy and maintain my weight through all the holidays. Any ideas???
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Old 09-18-2012, 08:35 PM   #392  
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Gosh, Gina, you hit me square between the eyes: "I don't want to pursue perfect forever." Sadly, I think I have been doing that my entire life. And we all know that perfect is not attainable. That said, I look better than I ever have and I am FIFTY SEVEN YEARS OLD. I look vibrant and energetic and I feel happy. What is more perfect than that? thank you!
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Old 09-19-2012, 09:17 PM   #393  
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I'm exactly with you...I'm so much healthier and look better than I ever have or ever thought I even could...yet I was realizing that I was more critical about my appearance than I was 40 pounds ago (or 70 pounds ago for that matter). So I need to celebrate and love here...and work like **** to stay here.

Any thoughts on # of times people eat per day on maintenance. Green menu was 3...and I was always hungry so we switched to metabalance which helped tremendously. I've been trying to eat similar to metabalance on maintenance, but I think the 3 snacks a day lead to too much eating for me. I'm thinking now that I can have a little more food I really do better with 3 meals and maybe a light afternoon snack (sometimes it is quite a while between lunch and supper...or I sometimes have a really early "supper" like at 4, then need a small snack when I get home from work at 8, 9, or 10). What do you all do better with? Part of the reason I think the 3 snacks was too much is since I'm trying to wean off the HNS's again its hard to find other snacks without hitting major food boredom.
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Old 09-19-2012, 09:35 PM   #394  
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Originally Posted by nwcgina View Post
I'm exactly with you...I'm so much healthier and look better than I ever have or ever thought I even could...yet I was realizing that I was more critical about my appearance than I was 40 pounds ago (or 70 pounds ago for that matter). So I need to celebrate and love here...and work like **** to stay here.

Any thoughts on # of times people eat per day on maintenance. Green menu was 3...and I was always hungry so we switched to metabalance which helped tremendously. I've been trying to eat similar to metabalance on maintenance, but I think the 3 snacks a day lead to too much eating for me. I'm thinking now that I can have a little more food I really do better with 3 meals and maybe a light afternoon snack (sometimes it is quite a while between lunch and supper...or I sometimes have a really early "supper" like at 4, then need a small snack when I get home from work at 8, 9, or 10). What do you all do better with? Part of the reason I think the 3 snacks was too much is since I'm trying to wean off the HNS's again its hard to find other snacks without hitting major food boredom.
I eat three meals and then have a snack of the cocoa, a piece of chocolate, and a yogurt in the evening. I've also found I tend to want to snack in the afternoon, so I save my lunchtime fruit and eat it later in the afternoon when I get the munchies.

If i spread my meals out too much, I never get a totally "full" feeling (not necessarily over-full or uncomfortable, just full), which I've discovered I need to feel in order to feel like I've had enough food and to keep myself from randomly snacking throughout the day. It's almost like I feel like my meal was incomplete and I should eat more if I don't feel full after a meal.

I've been struggling with being back in a school building. I spent the last few years working a quasi-administrative position at the central office for my district, where the cafeteria had a salad bar and people generally didn't bring treats/snacks in unless there was a meeting. Now that I'm back in a building, I have to plan ahead for lunch (NO WAY can I eat anything coming out of the school cafeteria), my meal times aren't as flexible, and people offer food and put out food/snacks for grazing all over the place and almost on a daily basis. I'm managing, but it's really testing my willpower some days!
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Old 09-19-2012, 09:46 PM   #395  
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Originally Posted by teacherlady79 View Post

If i spread my meals out too much, I never get a totally "full" feeling (not necessarily over-full or uncomfortable, just full), which I've discovered I need to feel in order to feel like I've had enough food and to keep myself from randomly snacking throughout the day. It's almost like I feel like my meal was incomplete and I should eat more if I don't feel full after a meal.
I think that's what my problem was when I was trying to have small meals and then snacks. I'd still be hungry so need to snack and snack and snack. If I have a good meal (lunch especially) I can go about my day and not constantly be thinking about food...probably a healthier relationship.

teacherlady-the environment is hard when there is constantly unhealthy food around. I quit my day job about a year ago to be home more with my kids. I stop in at work and I really think part of me being able to keep off the weight is being in a controlled environment where I'm not always the office there was always goodies (especially when people went on a pinterest spree). Now I think I would do better, but it wouldn't be easy. Hang in there!
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:43 PM   #396  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post
Gosh, Gina, you hit me square between the eyes: "I don't want to pursue perfect forever." Sadly, I think I have been doing that my entire life. And we all know that perfect is not attainable. That said, I look better than I ever have and I am FIFTY SEVEN YEARS OLD. I look vibrant and energetic and I feel happy. What is more perfect than that? thank you!

I totally agree with you, i'm 56 going to be 57 nov 1st and I feel the same way. We rock!!
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Old 09-20-2012, 05:01 PM   #397  
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5 weeks away from the big 60! I did not want to go into my 60's feeling the way I did last few years of the 50's so I joined MRC. Would be happier if the last 5-8 lbs. would disappear but I'm so much better off than I was a year ago. Going to DC in 2 weeks with my 2 sista's to celebrate. Good luck to everyone on your journey.

Oh, and here is a question for you - Why is it that women gain weight when they have a stomach virus??
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Old 09-20-2012, 06:51 PM   #398  
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Originally Posted by nwcgina View Post
I think that's what my problem was when I was trying to have small meals and then snacks. I'd still be hungry so need to snack and snack and snack. If I have a good meal (lunch especially) I can go about my day and not constantly be thinking about food...probably a healthier relationship.

teacherlady-the environment is hard when there is constantly unhealthy food around. I quit my day job about a year ago to be home more with my kids. I stop in at work and I really think part of me being able to keep off the weight is being in a controlled environment where I'm not always the office there was always goodies (especially when people went on a pinterest spree). Now I think I would do better, but it wouldn't be easy. Hang in there!
Funny, I have been thinking the same. I am feeling like I want bigger meals or at least wondering if I might not get such low blood sugar feelings if I tried that. I am starved mid am and pm a lot.

I always bring my food even to meetings. If I can eat the meeting lunch good, but if not I am not trapped. This week there was one with boxed lunches consisting of a sandwich, chips and a cookie. I didn't like the attention of people commenting on the salad I whipped out, but I was so happy to have it.
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Old 09-22-2012, 11:38 AM   #399  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post

I always bring my food even to meetings. If I can eat the meeting lunch good, but if not I am not trapped. This week there was one with boxed lunches consisting of a sandwich, chips and a cookie. I didn't like the attention of people commenting on the salad I whipped out, but I was so happy to have it.
I do the exact same thing!

My principal will cater in pizza and salad for a meeting, or some business will offer to have sandwiches, pizza, pasta, or fried lunch catered in for us for dinner during parent-teacher conferences, but I always bring my own food or at least keep protein bars with me. I'll let myself have 1 bite of the pizza or whatever they're having, just so I don't feel deprived, but then I just eat what I bring.

I've gotten comments about it before, as many people know I have lost a considerable amount of weight--the comments range from "Good for you, you have great willpower!" to a slightly more negative version of "Ugh. You have amazing willpower. I just don't have it in me, obviously" (as they point at their heavier parts of their body--like it's my fault that they can't/won't change!), and even some people trying to sabotage me with "Geez, you can't even let up or splurge once in a while?" I've tried explaining that I prefer to splurge with quality things that I'll truly enjoy--like good quality chocolate or pasta at an expensive restaurant, not crappy half-cold pizza or a stale cookie--but they just stop listening.

Whatever. I look and feel awesome--and I'm not falling into a carb coma by the end of the meetings.
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:52 PM   #400  
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I like the point you make about splurging for quality things...not the junk. Totally, totally on point. And something I have to remind myself of...saying no to cheap cookies or cruddy fast food isn't deprivation at all. It allows us to maintain the weight loss...but also to say yes to something better later. Trying to find that balance. Tonight was a splurge tomorrow will be a more strict day plus some good exercise.
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Old 09-23-2012, 08:43 AM   #401  
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Natalie, as you know I travel quite a bit for business and I always bring food with me of some sort just in case.. My latest comment was, oh, God, you are not still dieting.. I am at the point now, I just smile and ignore it.I was at a meeting, and I took the roll off the chicken , and just ate the chicken , lettuce tomato, and that was it. One made a comment, how can you do that, you sure don't need to lose any more weight. That is a waste of food. I reminded this person, I requested the bun be left off. All I said. Mumm is the word usually from me, as I become sick of all the negative comments. There are some positive ones,also. Balance is he key, it really is.. I allow myself things, but it is sensible, and if I gain, I just take it off.. I have been on a yo yo lately, but it is ok, as I am finally back to 5 pounds under goal.. When I splurge I splurge for quality items, not the junk that got me to MRC to lose the weight.

Gina.. You have a good attitude. The balance will come.

Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend.

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Old 09-23-2012, 10:44 AM   #402  
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The best thing is to be in control and to me it's the key to balance in every aspect of your life.... Like eliminating negative non supportive people from your life (not really eliminating but staying away from or limited contact :-). ) we can also chose to not waste calories on less quality foods, drinks and desserts. This is TMI but I've eaten things not on plan thinking I really really want it and have spit it in the sink!!! After I realized.....hmmmm. Not so good and I dont want the calories!! And realizing too many carbs swell my stomach and make me feel like a slug!!! Protein rocks!! Ok iPad battery is almost out of juice and a boat ride is awaiting me Happy Sunday !!!

Last edited by bigdog; 09-23-2012 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 09-23-2012, 11:36 AM   #403  
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Originally Posted by patzi View Post

One made a comment, how can you do that, you sure don't need to lose any more weight. That is a waste of food.
This one just kills me. One thing I learned from my journey with MRC was that it ends up being a waste of food regardless--if I throw it away, it's money in the trash. If I eat it, it's money blown on diet programs later. I'd much rather just have it thrown away than feel like crap and have to pay for it later.

Originally Posted by bigdog View Post
This is TMI but I've eaten things not on plan thinking I really really want it and have spit it in the sink!!! After I realized.....hmmmm. Not so good and I dont want the calories!!
Bigdog, I've done this before, too!
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Old 09-26-2012, 06:55 AM   #404  
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I had maintenance weigh in yesterday and am at 5 pounds under goal. I will take that and run.. Have a tip for y'all if you have not heard of it..

Making a dessert and needed confectioner's sugar which I would never use. So, I took one cup of splenda and 1 tsp. of cornstarch,blended it real well in my magic bullet, but any small blender will do and there is your confectioner's sugar. Dessert came out perfect . After you blend it, let all settle in the
blender before opening. Keeps well in a glass jar. I found that when I used a cup of splenda,when done, it measured 1/2 cup of the conf. sugar. That is all I needed , so that was fine.

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Old 09-26-2012, 10:19 PM   #405  
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Patzi-Thanks for the tip on the confectioners sugar. I seldom use it, but there are a few recipes that if I'm making it for me I'd like the substitution (if I'm making it for others and I don't really want to eat the kids' bday cake...I'll go ahead and use the real stuff and just save my calories for rich chocolate).

I'm maintaining. For about a week I've been trying the just eating 3 meals, and I actually really like it. I actually also try to keep each meal around 500 calories. I am eating fewer total calories because I'm not always snacking. If I do get truly hungry between meals (like on workout days) I just make sure it's small and there is protein involved. Also, sometimes I eat part of my 500 calorie breakfast early and then have the other half a few hours later...just depends on my schedule. My maintenance eating should be around 1900, but my counselor and I both decided trying for around 1500 daily would be better, then one treat meal a week shouldn't cause long term gain. So far so good as far as maintaining. Originally I had wanted to get down a few more pounds, but it was causing all of my pants to be too baggy and I really don't want to buy new clothes again...I feel great where I am. And I know what I need to do to get down those few pounds if I want to get a little wiggle room for something like a wedding.
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