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Old 11-15-2012, 04:29 PM   #466  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post
I just started using my fitness pal also. It's really great. Have you heard of Fitbit? It's a monitor that you wear and it tracks steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. well, I was excited to read that you can link it with my fitness pal to get a total picture of whether you are creating a calorie deficit rather than just record your estimated calories burned. So this week I went to Best Buy, shelled out $79 and got it set up on my computer. Wouldn't you know- the thing came unclipped from my bra (where they recommended women attach it) and I lost it the very first day. I can't believe it.
Oh no!!! Have you tried going back to best buy with your receipt, if it came unclipped maybe it had a faulty clip? Wow i'm sorry, i have been looking at those too!
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Old 11-15-2012, 04:30 PM   #467  
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Originally Posted by skelley331 View Post
Awesome and congrats! I'm at 155 myself and have struggled trying to get to 147 which is what the center tells me to be at, i'm going sat to the center to weigh in and they are setting my appt up for stabilization, i'm so ready to move on, i'm actually happy at 155 so if i go down to 151-152 like you i would be estatic. We'll see!! Thanks for posting and i have been using myfitnesspal to track my calories and love it.
Oops! I'm at 152, i was at 155 for so long i forgot!
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Old 11-20-2012, 02:09 PM   #468  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post
I just started using my fitness pal also. It's really great. Have you heard of Fitbit? It's a monitor that you wear and it tracks steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. well, I was excited to read that you can link it with my fitness pal to get a total picture of whether you are creating a calorie deficit rather than just record your estimated calories burned. So this week I went to Best Buy, shelled out $79 and got it set up on my computer. Wouldn't you know- the thing came unclipped from my bra (where they recommended women attach it) and I lost it the very first day. I can't believe it.
OMG!!! i'm laughing but know its not funny at all!!! that sucks but didnt you mention you were well endowed? see, girl, bouncing and that Fitbit didn't go together! i would try to get a refund definitely though but strap those puppies down before you go in and do that!!
i need to get back on the Fitness stomach is swollen w/ too much junk food. the protein bars i got taste like butterfingers...hmmmm...maybe not a good thing!
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Old 11-20-2012, 02:12 PM   #469  
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Originally Posted by skelley331 View Post
I'm with you both too!! I only need to lose 6lbs to reach my goal weight and i've tried everything to get there and it just seems impossible, i've been researching onine for answer also! The center has been great up to now but i feel they leave you hanging after we have spent all our money there and are at the end of our contract. I'm hanging in there and trying to get to my goal weight myself by trial and error! We can do this ladies
you gals keep me more motivated than the Center. new job so have been running around like crazy but all good. but grabbing food and not always good choices on the go. planning is the key (i tell myself)

will be catching up on the posts tonight while watching mindless tv!
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Old 11-22-2012, 05:21 PM   #470  
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Happy Thanksgiving all!!

camaswa-that sucks about your fitbit! Happened to an expensive pedometer I had...flushed it down the toilet (that and 2 cell phones, not all at the same time).

bigdog-I decided not to eat protein bars anymore except for the very rare times that we're traveling and it's the only option. They tend to be too yummy and I think I overeat them and/or retain water.

Survived our was a week of pure exhaustion. We didn't just move, we completely renovated the laundry room before our new w/d came and painted two big rooms. Plus I can't stand living in clutter so much of it got unpacked. Then we left yesterday to spend 5 days with my inlaws at a rental cabin. It has been enjoyable so far. Jumping in a cold lake was my post-meal calorie burner I actually am trying to stay healthy...the Thanksgiving meal had lots of veggie and protein options (unlike last year when I was strictly on plan and there was nothing!!!) I didn't track my food at all the week we were moving/painting but my weight stayed the same. Back to tracking today. One week is okay, longer and I start to get some bad snacking habits.
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Old 11-25-2012, 11:32 AM   #471  
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For those that order your protein shakes online, Vitacost has great prices! Use the promo code SAVEBIG and save 25%
I just ordered Syntrax chocolate truffle protein powder and it was $27. Almased protein powder for $21. I got the Almased herbal tea too. if you havent tried the Almased powder before its excellent for a quick weight loss after a splurge or a fall off the wagon!!! With my job search, in law stuff and just too much comfort food!! I've gained back 10 lbs. !! Stepping up the exercise, going back to 4 shakes a day and upping the water intake. Frig is stocked w fruit, veggies and lean meats. I'm ready to "roll" back on the wagon!!!

Free shipping for orders over $49 for Vitacost

Last edited by bigdog; 11-25-2012 at 12:12 PM. Reason: Added free to shipping :)
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Old 11-25-2012, 11:54 AM   #472  
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Originally Posted by bigdog View Post
For those that order your protein shakes online, Vitacost has great prices! Use the promo code SAVEBIG and save 25%
I just ordered Syntrax chocolate truffle protein powder and it was $27. Almased protein powder for $21. I got the Almased herbal tea too. if you havent tried the Almased powder before its excellent for a quick weight loss after a splurge or a fall off the wagon!!! With my job search, in law stuff and just too much comfort food!! I've gained back 10 lbs. !! Stepping up the exercise, going back to 4 shakes a day and upping the water intake. Frig is stocked w fruit, veggies and lean meats. I'm ready to "roll" back on the wagon!!!

shipping for orders over $49 for Vitacost
Hey, Bigdog! Well, first off: Kudos for facing the music. Not 15 minutes ago, I did the same thing and I'm up 6. I had been putting off weighing for at least a week. And I think I have been getting crabbier and crabbier about it. I could see the weight around my middle and I started feeling out of control. I had it blown way up in my head- I was sure it was more than 6. But the thing is, I have been here before- once I start gaining, I don't stop till I'm back where I started and then I really feel terrible.

This time is going to be different. I am up six pounds. Nothing to be ashamed of and nothing I can't get back off. Today I pack my lunches for the week, plan low-carb, clean dinners, shakes for snacks. And this week, I'm going to exercise every morning.

I used to ignor small gains and let them turn into complete disasters but now I take control and discipline back as soon as I realize I'm heading down that familiar path again.
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Old 11-25-2012, 12:09 PM   #473  
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Camaswa. You are right!! And I'm nipping this in the bud before I gain it ALL back like I've done oh so many many times before. We can do this!! I have two jugs of water in front of me as I type this and cutting up a big salad to enjoy for lunch . I feel lighter already and back in control just admitting to my buddies on line here that I've gained
Comfort food, high cal desserts and Carbs are the dang devil!!!
Will also start tracking everything I eat starting today.
I love water, I love salads, I love protein, I love fruit and I would love to be strutting my skinny bu&@ in those tight jeans again!
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Old 11-26-2012, 12:46 PM   #474  
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I'm with you camaswa and bigdog - the creep has begun. I went to center last week but only weighed (they wanted to do measurements but I said no) - up 2 lbs from stabilization weight. I know that's not a lot but I feel it especially in gut area. I'm going back to green menu until Christmas, upping water intake and incorporating exercise with my running. We are going on our first "winter" vacation to Colorado so I want to look my best in ski pants and other outfits!

Some quotes to get us going-

Vince Lombardi: It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up.
Winston Churchill: Never, never, never, never give up.
David Viscott: You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
Eleanor Roosevelt: You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

I could add more but I think I will save them and post weekly. Good luck all
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Old 11-26-2012, 02:33 PM   #475  
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Great quotes!
I got really drastic and decided to do a couple MetaQuick days today and tomorrow if I can make it... I never felt like that was enough food. And those shakes tend to require I stay close to a bathroom. But I just want to stop kidding myself that this little bit or that little bit won't hurt. I need to try going cold turkey. Which is probably what I will have for dinner, haha.

Also I'm cutting the alcohol back to weekends. That too started creeping up.

I am going to see 160 again very soon, dang it. Oww- I changed my profile weight from 160.5 to 166. That really hurt.

Last edited by camaswa; 11-26-2012 at 02:37 PM. Reason: Get honest about profile weight
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Old 11-26-2012, 06:38 PM   #476  
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I'm still working out of the house in my sales job so had glasses of water in my office, kitchen and dining room!! And kept refilling all day in between sales calls. Been running to the bathroom ALL day. Lol! I've been drinking my pink lemonade HNSs (3)and will have a vanilla bean torte Syntrax shake w a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon blended for dessert. It's so good and reminds me of pumpkin ice cream
Roasting some Brussels sprouts to eat w roasted chicken for dinner.
Then will track all
Ok timr is beeping!!!
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Old 11-26-2012, 07:06 PM   #477  
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Love the quotes Fish and Run
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:11 AM   #478  
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Hi Y'all..

I have not been on for awhile.. Still going to once a week maintenance weigh in.. I weighed in on Tuesday and gained 1/2 pound after Thanksgiving dinner and all, so I am happy with that.. I will stay on green menu except for a few things until mid of month, as I have two Christmas parties coming up.

It is a challenge maintaining at times, but I have to be honest with myself, that if I want to stay 5 pounds under goal, have to have some sort of discipline,or I could go astray real fast. Have come close lately, but so far have maintained.

What I did on Thanksgiving was have a little amount of most everything, and stayed away from any bad trigger foods. I had a couple of glasses of wine , and when having desserts had small amounts. This is hard for me, as instead of having a sliver of pumpkin pie , I could eat the whole thing if you know what I mean. But I made it thru it ok.

One of my friends on MRC lost almost 100 pounds and for the first time since goal went crazy with food. She said she does not know what happened to her, she had icecream, candy, and it became unstoppable.. Ate like this all day long into nightime. Sick as a dog next day, went on green menu for a week and never cheated once, and never gained a pound.

Nice to be back and see some of the messages, and Big Dog, nice to see you posting again. Cold here today in the south.

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Old 11-28-2012, 11:44 AM   #479  
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Default Maintenance is simply course-correcting

I'm feeling so much better about everything! I am exercising everyday again, and after two days of MetaQuick decided to try one more. I'm not doing it exactly, you are supposed to have s super light dinner (fish, I think- I don't have the sheet anymore). I did have butternut squash soup and a slivver of nice cheese with my huge salad last night.

But with a regemented breakfast and lunch, I am stopping that out of control feeling. Not to mention the I don't care attitude. I do care. And when I eat badly, and don't exercise I get really depressed. I get irrational about my weight gain, blowing it all out of proportion and feeling like giving up. In hindsight, it seems ridiculous but in that moment it's how I feel.

Anyway, I think this bout is over. I'm weighing everyday, and I did go down a pound from the six I gained. For one more day, I am fixing two meal replacement shakes and sipping them continuously during the day. I also have a couple fibers and clear drinks with me if I feel too hungry. Then at home tonight it will BR grilled fish tacos.

Just having a plan makes me feel better again. Keep posting during this lead up to Christmas, ladies!
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:16 PM   #480  
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Just wanted to say HI!...........I don't post much anymore but still come here often to read everyones's posts. The holidays are defitinely a challenge for me. Bigdog says carbs are the devil - well my devil is sugar! Once I have a bite that is all I want to eat. Made a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving with half sugar and half truvia and almost ate the whole thing myself (over the course of 3 days) Finally threw out the last piece. I am planning on going to the center for a maintenance weigh in on Saturday - seems to help me re-focus talking with the counselor. Downside is they always try and sell me something. I don't do the HNS's anymore - cannot stand them. I only choked them down because they were on plan. The only thing I like to buy from them is the powdered chocolate VHP shakes. I have tried the ones from diet direct and they are not the same. Also been using Atkins bars.

Anyway - it's nice to see everyone posting and supporting each other
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