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Old 08-23-2012, 11:01 AM   #346  
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Originally Posted by nwcgina View Post
Patzi-I think the biggest reason was on vacation I got in a bit of a snacking habit-little bits here and there...and at first I still maintained (don't know if it was increased activity or just a delayed body reaction). I had been on maintenance since May and had done really well. We couldn't place our finger on anything specific beyond the habit of having small portions of random food (bites off my kids' plates, etc.). 2 days back on metablance and I'm down 2. Won't be surprised to be down 1 more in the next day or two...that is all water/extra carb weight. It will be the last 3 that are harder...but worth it. Then to keep my consistent good habits and not fall back into the mindset of "one bite of this won't make a difference..." but they all add up. I was also overcompensating eating after my workouts.
Oh, ok.. understand this. I had my problem after coming off a trip up North for graduation, and what ticks me off is, I did not eat badly at all. I ate sensible maintenance while I was up there, but since I came back have been battling 2 pounds up, 2 pounds down, so I am trying real hard to maintain again. It can be done, just a little will power.. It is good, you are already down 2.. You can do it, for sure. Just hang in there, and if you need to talk about it, come here to this forum. Good luck

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Old 08-24-2012, 11:16 AM   #347  
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Patzi and Gina, I am finding myself in the same situation you two have been talking about. I weigh in this morning and according to my scales will likely be up about 3. It makes me not want to go - its a 30 minute drive, too! But I know avoiding is not the answer. That's what I used to do and boom: 20 pounds!

I have been gone a lot on weekends this summer and out of the routine of planning for the week. All of the sudden it will be Monday morning and there's nothing to pack for lunch, and no dinner planned. Add that to the snack here and there, and I guess that explains the gain....

Right now I feel a little depressed to think that it's always gonna be like this- I will always have to make the time to plan and prepare. I can't just say, oh, we'll, we'll just have pasta tonight. (which I did this week) I feel kind of victimy, I want to pout and say its not fair- other people don't have to do this. I need to snap out of it and get back to doing what's necessary FOR ME.

As I look to the coming weeks, approximately every other one has a big event: going away Labor Day, then a barbeque party the next weekend, then a trip to Napa CA after that. And THEN the biggie: 2 weeks in Italy! I'm having lots of fun but I'm very nervous and with the 'it's not fair' tape running, I am feeling I'm vulnerable. I hope talking to my counselor today will help.
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:24 PM   #348  
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Camaswa... Hope your consultant helps you with the plan. You have some fun trips coming up. I feel depressed sometimes when I am at an event, but if I give in , then I will be where I was before I started MRC. It is difficult, as sometimes I say, too, this is not fair, but I am thin now, and get into a 4-6 size, and sure don't want to go back to the old ways, but I do feel deprived at times, being honest with everyone.. When I was up North at granddaughter's graduation, I ate very well, or as best as I could . My daughter said to me, how do you do this? What will power, but I was not happy about it, for sure, but it is a way of life, and I don't want to go back to before, so I plug along.. Really ticks me off , though, to gain, when I have done nothing unusual. I wish at times, I could eat everything at an event and not gain,but that is only fooling myself. I have pity parties, trust me.
y'all hang in there.. Thank goodness, there is this forum of friends to talk to. I don't feel so alone in this .

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Old 08-24-2012, 01:26 PM   #349  
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Count me in on the struggling with maintenance group! Unfortunately the counselors at my center aren't much help either. They pretty much just say I am on my own now and if I go above 165 they suggest buying more weeks of weight loss. They don't review my food diary - just tell me to watch for foods that may make me gain. I tend to stick to the foods that were on the metabalance plan, but starches/fruit seem to make me gain (and sodium). Fruit is my absolute favorite food and right now with the local peaches and melons in season I have been enjoying my 2 servings everyday. I have mixed emotions about this..........the season is short so I want to enjoy it but the gain on the scale stresses me out!
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Old 08-24-2012, 03:45 PM   #350  
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I know, the fruit is wonderful now! I was on a diet a few years ago (HMS, run by local hospital- sort of like MedFast in what you eat) where fruits and veggies were unlimited. They did tell you to cut back on fruit if you stalled, but in general they would say nobody ever got fat eating fruits and vegetables. So this feels unnatural to restrict them now...

Anyway, I was indeed up the amount I anticipated- 3 pounds total. I talked about the same things I wrote in my earlier post: needing to carve out the time to plan and prepare, etc. While I was talking a totally new thought occurred to me. I am feeling kind of unhappy at work right now, and that is dragging my energy down. I think my "no time to prepare" excuse is in part "too bummed out to prepare." or even, don't give a xxxx. Of course I do but I'm starting to wonder if I'm not spiraling down a little bit on all fronts. When I'm depressed, I want to eat, when I am tired, I want to eat, etc.... It's all connected. I have always been this way- my first instinct is always to reach for food to fix anything and everything.

Not sure exactly what I am saying here but I don't think it's a coincidence that I am struggling with food when I am also struggling at work. All these fun social events are opportunities to let go of work stress and the way I know how to do that is eat.

But I do want you all to know that I threw about a gallon of ice cream and serveral jars of lucious Carmel and chocolate sauces away this week. At least I was aware that I was losing the battle to stay out of it!
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Old 08-24-2012, 06:49 PM   #351  
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Oh gals...let's all hang in there. I think we all struggle with the "this isn't FAIR!" And yes, some days I really just want to have the unreserved eating, but then I picture myself how I was and how I am now and there is no way in heck I'm going back. Even if it means saying no to some super yummy looking cupcakes (like I did today) for the rest of my life. Even if it means pushing myself through some workouts that I'd rather not do (mostly I love working out, today was a struggle mentally and physically, which means it's time to change it up).

One thing successful maintainers do is to consistently plan and track. They know what things they plan on consuming and what things they end up consuming. I'm also reading a book called "The Millionaire Next Door"...a study on people who are financially independent. Lots of good stuff in there, but one of the traits of those who do well financially is that they track their expenditures, usually meticulously. They plan where their dollars go (budget) and know where they end up going (comparing budget to actual expenditures). Since I became debt free at the same time I lost weight I see all of the similarities. The thing is, to succeed financially we balance our checkbooks, plan for expenditures, spend only what we have (usually less)...yes, it's not always fun, but it's just what has to be done to have peace in our finances. Why shouldn't the same apply to nutrition and exercise? Planning and being disciplined, while not always fun, provides a peace. My week really does go much better if I plan and eat healthy. Yes, times like right now are not always fun...where I have to be more disciplined. I'm my head it all makes sense:0)

A blog I love that I've mentioned before is The writer lost 135 lbs and has maintained it for several year. She has lots of great thoughts on maintenance...and has developed a healthy relationship with food. She also had great ideas for recipes and just other randomness (she travels to beautiful places). CAMASWA-she lost part of her weight while studying in Italy...(may be worth a read).

Last edited by nwcgina; 08-24-2012 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 08-25-2012, 01:10 PM   #352  
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Well...count me in as having a hard time too. I have been struggling with this 3lb gain for weeks now. I am also seriously considering going back on Green to lose like 10lbs. Maintenance is hard...seems all the other stages were pretty straight forward...then we were just given these wings and told to fly...not a whole lot in the way of structure as we had become so accustomed to during weigtloss mode. I am frustrated, I feel sort of is very hard for me to go backwards...especially when I have come so far.

Sorry for the sob story...I wish I could offer more support, but at the moment, I am in certainly no position to give any advice. One thing I know for sure is I will not give up....and neither should any of you!!! Press on...I just feel like I have forgotten how.

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Old 08-25-2012, 01:36 PM   #353  
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Originally Posted by nwcgina View Post
A blog I love that I've mentioned before is The writer lost 135 lbs and has maintained it for several year. She has lots of great thoughts on maintenance...and has developed a healthy relationship with food. She also had great ideas for recipes
I love this blog. I just made her curried cauliflower with sweet peas for part of my dinner last night.

You are right, though, that part of successful maintenance is meticulously planning and keeping track. I don't plan as well as I probably should, but I definitely am meticulous about keeping track of everything I put in my mouth and the exercises I do to counteract it. I splurge sometimes, but I make up for it by eating more lightly or working out more another day.

Yes, sometimes I'm very sad when I think about the fact that I will have to be this meticulous and obsessive about my eating and exercise for the rest of my life--it certainly makes me miss the days when I would just pull out a frozen pizza, or make boxed mac & cheese or even just eat cereal for dinner, lol. But it's more important to me to keep this weight off, feel good, and stay healthy. And most days, when I'm in my routine, I'm totally fine.

Sometimes maintenance is still a struggle, but we're doing it! Don't focus on the mistakes/splurges you make, focus on how far you've come from a year (or more) ago!
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:00 PM   #354  
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Here it is Monday after another busy weekend. We were out camping and when we got home there was all the clean-up and laundry to do... I did manage to get to the store right away and organize my breakfasts, lunches and snacks for the work week ahead. There's still the challenge of dinners, but today I'm leaving early for a dr. appt. so I thought I would pick up a chicken, some salmon, and some kind of lean meat plus a big pile of veggies to grill.

This converstion about planning and recording has been so helpful for me to read. And I'm going to go look at that blog right now!
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Old 08-27-2012, 04:44 PM   #355  
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Hi, ladies, glad i'm reading all your posts. it's nice to know others feel the same way i do.
Camaswa, i thought of you this morning and weighed in. (you always face the music, i never did!) i'm up 4 lbs! i would never ever do that on a monday because i had some mich ultras yesterday on the boat (to drown my sorrows at work, ate some cheetoes -baked! -(my DH got for me becuz he knows i love them!) we went out Friday and Saturday night eating and drinking~! so fun Fri, Sat. and Sun and i'm up 4! but i know it's water weight - i did eat salads for the rest of the meals and had water but need to step the water up even more! i just saw this funniest was a woman drinking out of a huge bottle and she says...."I drank so much last night, so why am i so thirsty this am?" LOL.
we are going on our big vacation in less than 2 weeks so hope my job is straightened out by then or i get a call from some of these companies i've submitted resumes to! :-) i need a change bad!!
but i do have control over what i put in my mouth and i really feel bad when i don't eat right, so that's motivation in itself.
and even w/ my job, today i told myself to act like it's the first day of a new job and to act like it's a brand new day! to motivate myself :-)
Gina, thanks for sharing the blog, i'll check it out. i need daily motivation and love new suggestions for meals and snacks. and my fave....dessert!
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Old 08-27-2012, 11:55 PM   #356  
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Bigdog, Good for you for facing the music! It's tough to do, but I think sometimes it can stun you back on track. The key, so I've heard, is not beating yourself up about it- it's just information, feedback on what you've been doing. Not a judgement. I still can get so depressed when the scales go up, and what does Camaswa know to do to make herself feel better??? You know it- eat. This is one of the behavioral changes I am working on the most.

In the book 100 Days of Wieght Loss, one of the exercises is to fill in the blank: I used to ________, but now I ________. Like: I used to binge on chocolate when I was upset but now I write in my journal....or go for a run, or whatever. It's very revealing to think abut this, because so many habits are just ingrained, even when they don't really serve their purpose anymore. I used to______ but now I ________.
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Old 08-28-2012, 10:03 AM   #357  
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Weighed this am and I'm down 3.5 lbs so i was def retaining water! I drank 3 bottles of water immediately after weighing in yesterday!! And even carried water when I walked my dogs. Drank in the car too on sales calls!! And thank goodness I know all the pit stops!! Had salads for lunch and dinner w flank steak and 3 HNSs

Will do the same today!! I love MRC!!!! Flushed those dang carbs right out
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Old 08-28-2012, 02:44 PM   #358  
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Omg, Bigdog! that's amazing! I'm going to fill my bottle right now.
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:46 AM   #359  
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After the 3 pound gain on Friday, I've been eating simpler and cleaner again, keeping the food journal and watching the carbs. Back down 2 today and it's only Tuesday. I'm feeling like, okay, camaswa, this is how it's gonna be: when you slack off, you gain, when you refocus, you lose. When you eat pretty well but drink wine, you might maintain and then again you might start creeping up, depending on how much snacking you absent- mindedly do along with it.

I'm hoping to say goodbye to that 3rd pound by the weekend. Im spending the Labor Day weekend with friends, so It would be ideal to go into it at 160 on the center's scales, or 158 on mine.

I used to______,but now I_______: I used to go into denial about my weight for months but now I face the music at least once a week.

I used to feel terrible about myself when I gained, now I say, hey- what did you expect? You enjoyed it and now the party's over. Time to clean up after yourself.

I used to blame everything and everyone for my inability to get back on track. Now I take responsibility and make sure I have the healthy foods and the water I need, wherever I am.
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Old 08-29-2012, 12:38 PM   #360  
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Originally Posted by camaswa View Post
After the 3 pound gain on Friday, I've been eating simpler and cleaner again, keeping the food journal and watching the carbs. Back down 2 today and it's only Tuesday. I'm feeling like, okay, camaswa, this is how it's gonna be: when you slack off, you gain, when you refocus, you lose. When you eat pretty well but drink wine, you might maintain and then again you might start creeping up, depending on how much snacking you absent- mindedly do along with it.

I'm hoping to say goodbye to that 3rd pound by the weekend. Im spending the Labor Day weekend with friends, so It would be ideal to go into it at 160 on the center's scales, or 158 on mine.

I used to______,but now I_______: I used to go into denial about my weight for months but now I face the music at least once a week.

I used to feel terrible about myself when I gained, now I say, hey- what did you expect? You enjoyed it and now the party's over. Time to clean up after yourself.

I used to blame everything and everyone for my inability to get back on track. Now I take responsibility and make sure I have the healthy foods and the water I need, wherever I am.
Where's the "like" button LOL....I feel exactly the same! My pattern since I have started maintenance is to gain a couple of pounds over the weekend and lose them during the week. I just need to watch that I don't go over 165. I don't have much "wiggle" room since I still have not reached my original goal of 160 - holding at 162.5.

I am going back home to southern California to visit my oldest daughter and the rest of the family over the Labor day weekend. Should be interesting.........with my family socializing revolves around food. My dad will tell me I am too skinny (which I am not). My daughter was in rehab for an eating disorder earlier this year and this will be the first time I have seen her since then. I think she and I will go out and do somthing not involving food like a bike ride on the path at the beach and maybe go to Hollywood and do the tourist thing (never did it the whole time I lived there!)
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