3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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DKRiley 07-30-2008 09:28 PM

Everyone is doing so well, Congratulations to you all, I'm so happy for you. My goodness Denise look at you go, 120lbs. Since I have returned from vacation and back to work, plus a build a deck project that is going on in the backyard I can't seem to find the time I need for this board, and I NEED IT as you all know. I have been doing well staying OP, even have some pretty hard muscles starting to appear in my legs from climbing the ladder, Toten a board or fetching this or that for DH, just miss you all and what is going on with you. DH said go, go, go, catch up with them, he knows that this board is important to me OR I was getting in the way, not sure which, hehe. I see lots of new names, Welcome All, so glad you have joined the family of friends, this place is awesome.

I was able to make the 20lb board Monday - YEA!!!

stuck in grad school 07-30-2008 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by blueyedangel (Post 2294068)
Well...I did it. I went to WI. And, just as I expected I was up. UP 4 from my WI on the 21st... Sucks. Last week when we were at the lake, and I didn't drink much water, was lucky to get in 2 HNS a day, skipped meals, etc.... Basically back to my old ways. So, now - here I sit back on the other side of the 30 pound board with the same 4 pounds to lose all over again!!! GRRRRRR Gonna do Metaquick tomorrow and Friday, hopefully that'll get me back on track. I'm so disgusted with me. Why do I do this?????

I'm adjusting my ticker now. And, I'm off to walk on the treadmill, which I've been avoiding also. Geez...will I ever allow myself to see the 150's??????

Someone kick me in the butt please!

Crystal, I experienced a gain like that after spending six days with my parents around the 4th of July. I did the same thing you did--didn't drink enough water, didn't eat regularly, and when I did eat, I had more processed food than I needed. I tried to be good, but I just didn't have complete control over the situation.

It took about five days of being good and drinking LOTS of water, but the extra weight came off within a week. It stunk because I felt like I had lost the week I was off plan PLUS the week I spent losing the weight I gained while being off plan, but it does come off. I'm sure it is water weight, so don't get too discouraged! And, against my better judgement, a little extra B6helped, too.

stuck in grad school 07-30-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by tvmitche (Post 2294079)
today was a tough day at work (as for resisting tempting food)...a family that was discharged, brought a huge cookie cake with delicious looking white frosting....i didnt have one bite or one lick of the frosting....i felt kinda proud of myself. my scale isn't' moving though .....i want the weight to go down, down, down....still determined

Wow, Tracy! Cookie cake is a big weakness for me! I'm impressed by your will power! Keep it up and the scale WILL move!

stuck in grad school 07-30-2008 09:37 PM

Does anybody have a way to make broccoli healthy AND inspiring? I'm trying to eat more of it because it is supposed to be good for preventing skin cancer, which seems to plague us ruddy (Texas-born) Scots, but it's just so boring! It isn't offensive, just boring.

TeacherShannon 07-30-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by dkmd27 (Post 2293935)
Our center is running a 1 day special on the 31st (tomorrow) ... 17 more weeks for $79. I don't know if others are doing it or not, but if you're close you may want to ask.

Do you know if that one day special is only for "add on" week or if it is for new members too?

TeacherShannon 07-30-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by stuck in grad school (Post 2294110)
Does anybody have a way to make broccoli healthy AND inspiring? I'm trying to eat more of it because it is supposed to be good for preventing skin cancer, which seems to plague us ruddy (Texas-born) Scots, but it's just so boring! It isn't offensive, just boring.

I'm not sure how exciting it is, but my WW days suggested Mrs.Dash on it before you do anything else to it. It's certainly better than plain broccoli. Keep me posted on any great ideas.

DKRiley 07-30-2008 09:51 PM

Butterbuds adds flavor to any veggie

strawberryrhubarbpie 07-30-2008 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by wogchica (Post 2293738)
MAC is Metabolic Appetite Control, it's a thermogenic and an appetite suppressant! Hope that helps!

Yeah that's the stuff I use! And it has helped me with hunger between breakfast and lunch, I take it with an HNS. I can't use the all day so I use this one.

Gma to 4 07-30-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by exsquisit (Post 2293812)
I finally reached the 40 lb board and lost another 1/2 today. It's been slow going the past few weeks, and I think it's mainly due to all the weight training I've been doing. I did metaquick for 2 weeks and only lost 1/2 pound last week and so far another 1/2 pound today. That's discouraging! Looks like I'm gonna resign after Aug 13.

Exsquisit: Congrats on that 40 lb board. You have come a long way...maybe re-signing will be the boost you need to get to your goal.:cp:


Originally Posted by JSTUCKLY (Post 2293885)
What is this bell ringing? Have I missed anything???

JSTUCKLY: Someone already answered about the bell ringing that I mentioned. We actually have a small and large bell, so you get to decide which one they will ring when you lose weight.

From what I've been reading from everyone, our Greeley center sounds like one of the best. We have giveaways of HNS and diet books, free weeks for coming in before and after a holiday, tons of classes (including Denise/Namaste's peer inspiration, cooking, behavior modification, losing the guilt), clothing exchanges, etc. We even have an exchange basket that you can use to try new HNS flavors. There are special days like a luau where the staff makes food we can try using the HNS or just following the menu. We've got weight loss boards to sign in 5 pound increments in the WI room, so it is motivating to see all the people who get to sign them. I've had great suggestions and encouragement from several of the counselors, so have recommended MRC to a friend and my son. I received 50 metabucks for each when they joined, so was able to get almost 10 boxes of HNS free. We have the buffalo guy from North Dakota come to the MRC center about every 5-6 weeks for several hours, which makes it really easy to stock up on buffalo (now one of my favorite foods!). You might want to suggest some of these ideas if your center isn't already getting creative with ways to make this weight loss process motivational. They encourage us to use 3FCs forum, too. And we have both Namaste and Donuts for inspiration! I'd be interested in hearing about what other MRC centers are doing.


Originally Posted by Heatherren (Post 2293985)
I did get to the thirty pound board and it is really nice that my ticker is already at the halfway point. I also was able to get into a pair of jeans that a friend had given me (and were always too small) so that was very cool.

Heatherren: Way to go on signing the 30 lb board and the NSV of getting into the jeans. Isn't it the best when you can "see" the results? :cheer3:


Originally Posted by blueyedangel (Post 2294068)
Well...I did it. I went to WI. And, just as I expected I was up. UP 4 from my WI on the 21st... Sucks. Last week when we were at the lake, and I didn't drink much water, was lucky to get in 2 HNS a day, skipped meals, etc.... Basically back to my old ways. So, now - here I sit back on the other side of the 30 pound board with the same 4 pounds to lose all over again!!! GRRRRRR Gonna do Metaquick tomorrow and Friday, hopefully that'll get me back on track. I'm so disgusted with me. Why do I do this?????

I'm adjusting my ticker now. And, I'm off to walk on the treadmill, which I've been avoiding also. Geez...will I ever allow myself to see the 150's??????

Someone kick me in the butt please!

Blueyed angerl: OK, as the "mom" figure on the forum, here's what you asked for: :kickbutt: I know you can get back on track. I'm not sure why so many of us keep self sabotaging. Of all the stupid things I've done, this week after I lost the 1lb and came off the nearly two week plateau, for no reason other than it was there, I ate one of those small pieces of chocolate at work. I've had less than half a dozen cheats, most of them unplanned, stupid ones when I've been successful. Guess I could use a kick in the butt, too! :kickbutt:


Originally Posted by tvmitche (Post 2294079)
today was a tough day at work (as for resisting tempting food)...a family that was discharged, brought a huge cookie cake with delicious looking white frosting....i didnt have one bite or one lick of the frosting....i felt kinda proud of myself. my scale isn't' moving though .....i want the weight to go down, down, down....still determined

tvmitche: You showed a lot of will power and should be proud of yourself. Just keep on going with the program and you will see results. It might be inches lost, rather than weight loss, but you will notice.

Gma to 4

JSTUCKLY 07-30-2008 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Heatherren (Post 2293985)
Yipee, I get a ticker!! Let us see if I was smart enough to make it work, LOL.

Last week I lost 3 lbs. on Tuesday and then at WI on Friday---- Nada. So here I go in this Tuesday expecting a couple of lbs. and I lost a whopping 1. I was totally ticked off. I did go out to eat on Thursday evening and then again on Sat. evening so that may have had something to do with it. I made good choices but you know how dining out food is and I had a few tastes from others. I am going to one of the same places again this Friday and I think I will order the grilled tilapia again (minus the fruit salsa) and a double order of broccoli (instead of broccoli and green beans) and not do the salad.

I did get to the thirty pound board and it is really nice that my ticker is already at the halfway point. I also was able to get into a pair of jeans that a friend had given me (and were always too small) so that was very cool.

Why to go on the 30 pound lost, u r halfway done... I see u r from West I grow up in Gholson....

namaste 07-30-2008 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by DKRiley (Post 2294096)
Since I have returned from vacation and back to work, plus a build a deck project that is going on in the backyard I can't seem to find the time I need for this board, and I NEED IT as you all know. I have been doing well staying OP, even have some pretty hard muscles starting to appear in my legs from climbing the ladder, Toten a board or fetching this or that for DH, just miss you all and what is going on with you. DH said go, go, go, catch up with them, he knows that this board is important to me OR I was getting in the way, not sure which, hehe. I see lots of new names, Welcome All, so glad you have joined the family of friends, this place is awesome.

I was able to make the 20lb board Monday - YEA!!!

Congrats on the 20lb board! :carrot:

Look at you! Working, building, moving, moving, moving!!!! Nice job!!! :woohoo:

JSTUCKLY 07-30-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by tvmitche (Post 2294079)
today was a tough day at work (as for resisting tempting food)...a family that was discharged, brought a huge cookie cake with delicious looking white frosting....i didnt have one bite or one lick of the frosting....i felt kinda proud of myself. my scale isn't' moving though .....i want the weight to go down, down, down....still determined

way to hold back!!! I know how hard it is... u did great

Gma to 4 07-30-2008 10:07 PM

You gals are fast! In the time it took me to compose my previous e-mail, several more appeared!


Originally Posted by DKRiley (Post 2294096)
I was able to make the 20lb board Monday - YEA!!!

Woo hoo! That 20 lb board felt like a milestone when I signed it. You are doing great! :bravo:


Originally Posted by stuck in grad school (Post 2294110)
Does anybody have a way to make broccoli healthy AND inspiring? I'm trying to eat more of it because it is supposed to be good for preventing skin cancer, which seems to plague us ruddy (Texas-born) Scots, but it's just so boring! It isn't offensive, just boring.

I try to do my broccoli at lunch so I can melt 1 oz of cheese on it. Another option is the McCormick Sea Salt mixtures. I have both the Asian and the Mediterranean Spiced. I heard they were being discontinued, though. :(

JSTUCKLY 07-30-2008 10:10 PM

Ok I am going away this weekend for our company weekend at the lake, U know hot dogs, Hamburgers and chips.... I will bring my own food, but any ideas that will help? I heard that they have a pill u can take if u know your going to have a (bad time) any one tried this?

strawberryrhubarbpie 07-30-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Heatherren (Post 2293985)
Yipee, I get a ticker!! Let us see if I was smart enough to make it work, LOL.

Last week I lost 3 lbs. on Tuesday and then at WI on Friday---- Nada. So here I go in this Tuesday expecting a couple of lbs. and I lost a whopping 1. I was totally ticked off. I did go out to eat on Thursday evening and then again on Sat. evening so that may have had something to do with it. I made good choices but you know how dining out food is and I had a few tastes from others. I am going to one of the same places again this Friday and I think I will order the grilled tilapia again (minus the fruit salsa) and a double order of broccoli (instead of broccoli and green beans) and not do the salad.

I did get to the thirty pound board and it is really nice that my ticker is already at the halfway point. I also was able to get into a pair of jeans that a friend had given me (and were always too small) so that was very cool.

Restaurant food is chock FULL of sodium. Drinking extra water for a few days afterward will help this. The tilapia is a good choice. I ate at the mall this weekend, a japanese grill, shrimp and chicken with veggies - mushrooms, cabbage and zuchini (I picked out the carrots). They used a sauce also, and the food tasted SO salty, I guess I'm used to non-salted food now lol. Anyway, the guy at the center saw it and all he said was to make sure I drink extra water for a few days afterward to flush out the salt.

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