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Old 06-21-2003, 06:05 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default The Weekend - June 21 amd 22

Midsummer Day and it is now officially summer. I think we were supposed to be doing something at the Standing Stones at dawn but I "slept in" until 5:30! Shucks! Missed it again!

After a cold start, yesterday actually turned out to be a beautiful day. I replanted the one barrel at the Fairgrounds. This morning I must throughly water everything as it's going to be very hot by this afternoon - well, hot for this summer.

I did some cooking for next week yesterday instead of delivering ride tickets. I realized they did not go out until June 28 last year and the ads are not in the papers yet so.... Harry also assembled his new hammock so I may not see him for the rest of the summer! Would you believe I do not have a chaise? It was one of the things on my list to buy when I retired and I still have not bought it! I can see us two old farts dozing away the afternoon on hammock and chaise!

This morning at 8 we start stripping/sanding the woodwork inside the Church to prep it for painting. It is a very old "faux" finish and is lead-based, of course, so we will have to be very careful. What a hot day to have to wear a mask! Actually, we will use heat guns to strip as much as possible. That'll be nice if it gets really hot too! Church tomorrow will be in the Hall or ourdoors because chaos will reign in the Church.

So I have two hours to get organized for that and had better get off my butt and just do it!

Have a great weekend, chickies.
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Old 06-21-2003, 07:57 AM   #2  
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Good Morning everyone

Ruthie, try to take careof yourself with the paint removal--that stuff can really do some damage when inhaled! And take care they get it all up--it can damage the brains of children under 7. (Just watched an episode of This Old House and they talked about this with a toxicologist).

Well it is just wonderful this morning and I am glad that summer is officially here Have to mow the front lawn and various assorted tasks. The surprise of the day is my cousin is in town doing a tool show and he's coming to spend his lunch hour with us He's never seen our house so it will be quite a visit

Have a great day everyone
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Old 06-21-2003, 08:11 AM   #3  
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Good Morning

Its raining!!!!! We can only hope mother nature is giving everything a drink BEFORE our sidewalk sale. There is live music planned, birds of prey displays, and so much more planned for today. I would really like it to STOP until 6pm tonight. My stress level just jumped a notch!

Last night or very early this morning I should say, the neighbours behind us decided to have a party, and at 4am this morn, our other neighbour was yelling at the top of her lungs for them to be quiet. You know what???? She woke me up, not the party!! I guess she never thought of calling the police to have them take care of it.

Just too b**chy this morning so I think I'll quit while Im ahead. I need a calgon bath!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone
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Old 06-21-2003, 08:16 AM   #4  
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Morning chickies

I am up and ready for this new week and new job and well new everything. DD has just a week before she goes and UGH I am just going nuts with stuff!!! I worry aobut the kids and what they will be doing this summer and what is going to go on with this job and the house and well UGH!!!!

I am so far behind on the cleaning and it is not doing itself I do not understand that I told it to do it last week and it still did not get it self done. I guess I will have to work on it today in between running all day long!!! I have only today to get things done for DD's trip. and not much free time next week. I am not making much sence here now as I am running onhigh speed now with trying to figure out how to get 3 days worth of stuff in 1 day!!! she leaves july 1.

well I had better get more coffee and start in the most sensible place the kitchen!!!
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:08 AM   #5  
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Morning Ruth, Pooky, and Sue! I feel like a slug...slept til 7 then just sat with DH drinking coffee(me) and protein shake(him.) Now it's time to get going, there is no food in this house, but 2 loads of wash are thru, and next going in now. The house is starting to fill up with boxes for moving-
Today I am going to go buy some stuff for the new house, and then get my weekly cooking started. DH has been working nights lately and he said he is loosing weight-this man cannot afford to loose ANY weight- so we are working on changing his meals and adding more hearty snacks for him at work. He is very high maintainence in this area as he wont eat any hydrogenated fats, most meat(except unprocessed turkey and chicken, lean beef, and fish.) I cook a turkey or breast PLUS 6-8 chicken breasts every sunday, and it is not making it til Friday. I make turkey meatballs, and turkey burgers, and various baked items, bread, muffins, protein oatmeal cookies. If I don't cook, he eats 2 protein bars a day plus shakes- too expensive! So, back to the drawing board(or kitchen!)

For me, I am really struggling. This house closing and problems with my Florida tenant are keeping the stress very high. Work was difficult this week, and will continue to be next week. So I am doing the best I can food-wise, but it's not great.

After next Friday I am off for a week to get the house ready to move into, and we will partially move(whatever we can ourselves) on Saturday July 5th, and I got a real mover for Monday the 7th for the big stuff. I can't wait for this to be over!

well, off to the grocery store, then some packing, and clean-up...maybe some shopping for fun in the afternoon!

take care,
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:10 AM   #6  
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Hi everyone ~ I'm still fairly new, but wanted to let you all know I broke through that plateau I was stuck at for nearly a month!! *yippee!!

hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:47 AM   #7  
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Morning Everyone!!! It is sunny here today--Robin I will try to send some to you for your sale!!!
Had a fun day yesterday--well actually my son and I took a tedious day and made it fun. He went with me to get groceries==including some yummy steaks and fresh asparagus for tonights grill fest! and then we did get to see "The Hulk". If you have ever read a comic book in your life, you would like this movie. Such great special effects and fun action scenes. It was just one of those fun movies. Maybe too intense for kids younger than 10, but I guess that would depend on the kid. One little boy that was there looked about 5 and he did fine.
I also picked up some CLA--they have been talking about it so much here on the board I am hoping that between it and the Body Flex (should it ever get here ) maybe some inches will be lost. I have also dug out my "Walk Away the Pounds For Abs" videos and am going to get going with them. I need to get serious about this--summer is melting away and I'm not. I also picked up some "Soy Slender"--it is like a chocolate drink that comes in a carton. I have read that soy protein is also supposed to accelerate weight loss. I had some this morning and it didn't taste terrible, so I think that I will try to use it for breakfast or with lunch every day and see what happens. There are only like 3 carbs per cup I think. Okay, that is it for me this a.m. I didn't get my closet cleaned out yesterday and I am DETERMINED today!! Have a good one!!

Kel--just wanted to let you know that Lou Ferrigno (sp) had a walk on scene right towards the beginning of the movie--everyone in the theater started buzzing "that's the original Hulk". It was pretty cool. I am a "Hulk" Bill Bixby fan from way back.
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Old 06-21-2003, 11:16 AM   #8  
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I AM an early Chick today! DH needed me to make out a cheque for a guy so as long as the computer was on and I had my coffee beside me....why not?
Ruth, I have two chaises that haven't seen the light of day since the summer I bought them. They take up too much room and neither Peter or I ever seem to have the time for lounging on them. Actually, he took a break from mowing the lawn one hot summer day and fell asleep. He was red as a tomato after that but he doesn't seem to feel sunburn. Tough as an old boot, I guess. You sound even busier than ever. How did you get sucked into helping with the church reno?
I am resting on my laurels after defrosting the upright freezer. Would you believe we've had it for 10 years and it's never been defrosted. There was ice 2 inches thick on the shelves!! It took all day to melt and then I just had to wipe it down. Now it contains two containers of ice cream which I, of course, will avoid like the plague.
I haven't even had breakfast yet but it's going to be strictly protein. After several days of carb binging, including the consumption of junk food that I made a special trip for, I have decided to turn over a new leaf. I just feel crappy, bloated, achey and GUILTY but I guess I just needed that break from being good.
Anyhow, I'm off to have some eggs so maybe I'll catch you later.
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Old 06-21-2003, 01:14 PM   #9  
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went shopping for clothes for DD2 to take on her trip, I have food shopping to do that shuld be done on a full stomach or I will be in trouble!!

Welcome Judo's Mom and great getting off that plateu those are hard to break especially if you start to look to those carbs. SIGH!

well off to finish this day!!
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Old 06-21-2003, 01:35 PM   #10  
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Hi there Ruth and all you Chick-adees on the Beach,

I'm a newbie to this board and am looking forward to joining you on the beach -South Beach to be exact.

My plan is to count points along with following the SBD... I'm on day one of Phase 1 - so far, so good. Have a touch of a headache, but I think it's from some nightcap brandy I had last night. Now I'm on the detox decarb bandwagon.

Look forward to joining you! You chicks sound like a bunch of fun.


Last edited by operadog; 06-21-2003 at 01:40 PM.
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Old 06-21-2003, 04:24 PM   #11  
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Cheeres Anna! the touch of a headach can aslo be carb withdrawl. just stick it out not much to help it but after about 3 days POOF it will be gone! and you will not have another one untill you carb load again!!
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Old 06-21-2003, 06:50 PM   #12  
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de-carb...that's a great phrase, I'm surprised we haven't used it before! It really describes how it is when uou have to "get the carbs out of your system." Decarb! Love it...

hi just stopping in to say hello...had a good day shopping for carpet, and some fabric for a bedroom chair slipcover that I wanted to start...and needed to make a final decision before getting the paint for our bedroom.

Other than that, it is raining(as usual) and we are just puttering around doing laundry, and light chores inside. early to bed!

have a good night,
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Old 06-21-2003, 07:41 PM   #13  
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What a hassle. I just used the Spybot program to take care of all the pop up ads I've been getting. It seems to have done the job but it also caused me to have to get new passwords for most of my favorite websites. lol I guess it will be worth it in the long run so thank you, Pooky. I was at the point where I had up to 50 pop up ads per hour and some of them wouldn't go away when clicked on. Most of them were for weight loss products....hmmmm...I wonder why.
Welcome Lurking Lorraine. Any friend of Ruth's is a friend of mine. Sounds like you've been very successful so far. Keep it up.
It's been cool and rainy here today and I've done a bit of sorting and cleaning, but not nearly enough. I have a guest/craft room that looks like a tornedo has gone through it. I need to do some sewing but I can't even start until I clear up the clutter. Well, I made a start at it but it's far from pristine. My women's club is making a quilt and we are short about 4 quilt blocks so I guess I'm going to try to whip some up. Then I will take the blocks to one of our members who is an accomplished quilter and get her help in picking out the sashing fabric. I don't mind sewing all the blocks together with sashing, but I don't think my sewing machine is up to the task of all the quilting that will be required. I'm hoping she'll take on that task.
I just had a phone call from our #2 daughter in Scotland. She and her hubby just got back from two weeks in Italy. They had a week in Umbria in a villa with swimming pool (and it was really needed because it was so hot and humid while they were there). THen they spent a week at another villa in Tuscany, just a few miles from the ocean and a lovely beach. She always tans quickly and beautifully so I can just imagine how wonderful and glowing this pregnant gal must be right now. She says the baby has been quite active and she can't suck in her tummy anymore so she is well on her way to motherhood. I sent her a parcel containing some maternity pants and three tops which I hope she'll like and find useful. I have three more parcels here containing an assortment of baby duds that I'll be sending off at intervals. She told me she'd just received a baby's terry stretch sleeper from her MIL. HOOO HAAAA! ONE sleeper!!??? I'm sure I'm gonna win the baby gift race. I have about 10 of them in assorted sizes ready to send, plus bibs, towels, shorty diaper sets and a lovely lace shawl that my mother knit over 30 years ago. Not to mention the four baby sweaters and bonnets I've knit and crocheted. I win! I win!
I sure don't win in the dieting race though. All of you are putting me to shame. I just feel like such a slug lately and have no incentive whatsoever to stick with the plan. I start each day with good intentions but the first thing that appeals to me goes down my great gullet. YUCK! Disgusting person!
I can't even promise to get with it because I've promised myself and everyone else so many times and failed that I don't trust myself anymore. I'm so pathetic even I pity me.
Oh well, enough of that. I'll be back when I'm feeling more positive.
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Old 06-22-2003, 12:10 AM   #14  
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Hi everybody! Just a pop in to say hello, and that my **** days are over at work. I am now on vacation, and will not go back until July 3rd. Recuperation time! I am not going to be on the computer for the rest of the week, so I will catch up next weekend. I really miss posting, and it definitely makes a difference in how I am eating. This weekend is for sure IT on getting back to regular posting.

Bye all!
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Old 06-22-2003, 06:50 AM   #15  
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well, I am not good for much during the week, but the weekend is my time!

It's Sunday morning, anyone want some coffee?

It is only cloudy here so far, not raining. It rained so hard for so long yesterday the road flooded up over the curbs and onto the lawn. I want to run around and get some more errandy-shopping done, so I am hoping for a dry day. I am picking up some paint, shelf and drawer liner, Bed,Bath and Beyond stuff.

bought a roast chicken last night and DH and I demolished it for dinner, tonight a London broil I think. got potatoes to bake for him, and some romaine for salad for me. Then we head into a very busy week- the first thing we are having done in the new house is all the wood floors. So, Wednesday, the floor guy will start, 2 first floor bedrooms(that we will use for office and den/tv room. And upstairs both bedrooms have maple floors and will be riefinished, too. I am excited to see how they come out- they look pretty bad, but the floor guy says they'll be great.

Other than that, just trying to stay away from the donuts.

have a good one.
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