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Old 01-22-2002, 07:17 AM   #1  
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Default Daily, Tuesday, January 22nd

coffee's hot!
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Old 01-22-2002, 07:25 AM   #2  
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I shouldn't start off a 4 day work week complaining and in a bad mood, but... I'll be quick! I didn't sleep well last night, DH was up on the d*mn ABDoer this morning at 5 AM, it creaks and groans like crazy. I never got back to sleep- and I am starting to get very agitated and tense about this next 2 weeks at work. It will be busy and everyone there is really stressed. So now I am tired as well as fat and tense.

BUT! I am planning to go on vacation in Feb- I was going to wait to go with DH in March, but he is dragging his heels and I really want to go sooner. So I will go alone (we have a vacation home in FL) and we will go together in March! My boss won't like it, but TOUGH!

Peach, how is Jiff holding out? Is she feeling well?

Debkay, we're thinking of you

Hi to everyone, have a great week, think happy thoughts, and drink water!

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Old 01-22-2002, 07:34 AM   #3  
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Morning Ladies,

Ahhh! finally, I can breathe easy. Christmas is over and so is Don's birthday. They seem to run together, and although both are fun, it is nice to have a rest, at least until I start making Valentine cards for the kids!

Leaving early today to complete a showcase at the school. I am making a "Winter Wonderland" scene. Although we are having unseasonably warm weather for this time of year, all our snow is melting. Somehow snowmen do not seam appropriate at this time, but when I have to plan ahead on things, it is difficult to depend on the weather.

Hey Peach, I will wait until you get better, would love to join your party.

Dottie, be glad your husband is exercising. I used to use my eliptical machine at 5:00 in the morning. My husband mentioned that he could hear it creaking, and that is all it took to end my exercise program.

Have a great op day!
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Old 01-22-2002, 08:18 AM   #4  
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I finished the damn quilt square! I just have to decide whether to mail it or drive it to Ottawa. I wish I had kept track of exactly how much time I spent on the darn thing although I think I may have spent more time procrastinating and agonizing than doing. Should have taken the easy way out and just got a photo transferred to the fabric.

Dondar, the party certainly sounded terrific. Wanna come here in the summer and organize some stuff for my grand daughter's visit? You certainly sound involved with your children's school. The teachers must just love you.

Dottie, you have a place in Florida? Wanna be best friends? It sounds to me as if a break off by yourself is definitely in order. When I had just had it with kids, I'd leave DH#1 in charge and go for a "nervous breakdown" weekend with my pal Shirley. She had two kids too and the same problems but it was somehow relaxing as they were not my problem.

Do you ever feel like a little kid caught without your homework done? I got an email overnight about a grant report I was supposed to have filed by the end of October! I started it but just plain forgot in the fuss over the end of the year reports for the Fair. Oh dear! I fessed up but sure had an arsenal of stories I could have used to get out of the situation. The dog ate it just won't cut it with the Government however. Am I grown up yet?

The dogs are so full of energy in the morning! They play fight and Miss Lucy has discovered that under my long robe is a good place to hole up while she fights with her furry mum. So far my ankles are intact. I can't believe a 40 pound dog and a ten pound pup can wrestle the way they do and nobody gets hurt! It sure livens up the morning coffee time.

I am off for a relaxing bath and then will decide the dinner menu and go off to the Office. All the stuff I have to do is self-inflicted so I am not going to crab.

Happy Tuesday, everyone.
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Old 01-22-2002, 08:42 AM   #5  
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Good Morning Chicks! (at least not the ones that have the grumblies this morning! )

Just dropped off dh and Miree at daycare/work and now I have time here at the computer. Confession time--I ate a pieceof cake yesterday and it put on 1 pound. How does it DO that? Today is all about water and protein to undo the damage I've done...sigh....

Got some great news yesterday, my cousin had a baby boy at 5pm! They are naming him John Riley but they are going to call him Riley. That's common in our family, darn near everyone goes by their second names.

Ruth, sounds like those dogs have you plumb worn out by the end of the day! Can you make metal ankle protectors to go with your metal bra?

Jenny, if I'm the redecoration queen then you are the party queen! Don's birthday sounded like it was a blast!

Dottie, is there room in your suitcase? Anything to get away from the 4 foot drifts we've got--and this is a MILD winter!

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 01-22-2002, 09:50 AM   #6  
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Hi all!

Just wanted to check in and say hello, let you know I'm alive and kicking.

I'm very, very tired, but this is normal, so I have been told.

I'm sore, but not in pain. It gets better everyday. Slept in my own bed last night for the first time in a week. I have been sleeping downstairs in my dh's recliner, he sleeps on the couch incase I need him.

Wish I could address everyone, but that energy will come later.

Thanks for thinking about me
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Old 01-22-2002, 10:27 AM   #7  
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Hi Everyone!

All this talk of vacation is making me long for some warm, warm sunshine! The closest thing I'm getting to vacation is to go to Alaska to help my girlfriend after her new baby arrives! But, it will be nice to get away. I'm hoping it will help with sahm blues!

DebKay, it is so nice to hear you are regaining your energy, slowly but surely. You've been in all of our thought!

Quilt squares! Ha-ha-ha! I have a funny (or not so funny) story. Last year I got a beginning quilt book from my bestest girlfriend for Christmas. I'd been wanting to learn to quilt for SO long. I read the book, cover to cover. Painstakingly picked out the colors and fabric schemes. Spent countless hours cutting them out. Well, it seems that I spent WAY to much time bent over the table cutting them out! I herniated two disks and ended up having back surgery! Needless to say I have a half finished top to a beautiful quilt and an adversion to getting it done! Right now I'm just sticking with the things I know how to do!

Today is a grocery day. I didn't go at all over the weekend and now we are out of milk. You would've thought I'd sold a favorite doll baby! LOL!!! I also need to get some swiss cheese for dinner. I'm making quiche.

I hope all you guys have a great day! I'm going to try and quit drinking coffee all day long (only morning coffee) so wish me luck!
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Old 01-22-2002, 10:55 AM   #8  
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Red face Does anyone know where my feather duster is?

last I saw it the little guy had it taped to his bottom and was pretending to be an ostrich!

Dh finally got me e-mail up and running! It had something to do with running the Norton Anti Virus thing. Very disappointed since I was sure that the Prize Patrol was going to send me a note saying I had won, The Dream Vacation was booked at no charge and the Magic Diet Pill was now available. {{{{sigh}}}}

Feeling a bit better today! I think it has something to do with dh making me a dr appointment for this afternoon. Have I mentioned that I really HATE going to the dr even tho this guy is the sweetest, kindest, down right nicest person I have ever met even when he is poking at my sinuses???

So....Dottie....what should we pack? Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time. I hope you come home rested, thin and relaxed! Jiff is doing ok. Planning what she needs for after the surgery 1/29. She goes for her pre op tomorrow and my not jif sis will becoming up to help. I think out of sympathy for her that not jiff and I should drink clear liquids poor jiff, she just rolls those eyes at us!!!

Jenny! what are we making for Valentine's Day????? I could use some ideas!!!

Quilting????Jenniwookie! Ruth! Luckily I talked myself out of quilting! I was fully prepared to figure out how to do it before the Holidays . But now that I know it is bad for your back.... Nope! LLBEAN had some nice ones! I love quilts but a hand made one is not in my future! Where is it that the have that big quilting convention...Sooner? is that out by you? live near a beach....? I don't care how cold it is...can I come visit?

Pooky! confession is good for the hips!!! drink your water!!! Glad miree is better!

Debkay, Spring training is just around the bend!!!! Hang in there and rest up ok?

Dh is home...all of a sudden the peace and quiet is now a big whirl wind of activity....

have a good one!

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Old 01-22-2002, 11:15 AM   #9  
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Aw Peach, I should've known... Anti-Decoration Society, although I thought some of my guesses were pretty darn good! Sooner, you lurker you, do you hear that? I am a member of the Anti-Decoration Society! We know where you live! Unless we see some immediate improvement, we'll be there (without bells on, I might add) to make you straighten up and fly right. Are you skeered?

Deb - I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better each day. Peachie's right, Spring training is coming very soon and I need you out and about so we can trash them Yanks.

Ruth - Your ankle story had me giggling! My two big girl dogs like to run in between my legs on their way to be first to the door. I'm surprised I haven't broken something important by now. My lab weighs approximately the same as a Volkswagon (she kinda looks like one too!) and could do some serious damage!

I have to go get some work done and if I stay on much longer, I'll get kicked off the net anyway. My ISP is giving me fits!
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Old 01-22-2002, 12:29 PM   #10  
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Afternoon Ladies!

I have been so busy at work I forgot to post, I can't believe it is afternoon already. My second(or is it 3rd) cup of coffee has gotten cold on my desk. There is not enough hours in the day to do all I need to do.

Got up and headed to the Y this morning at 5:45, I find I do my best thinking on that darn treadmill.

Supposed to be 60 and sunny today, almost like spring already!!!

Hope you all have a great day.
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Old 01-22-2002, 12:49 PM   #11  
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Well I spent a busy day yesteday running around for the things we need for our get away skiing in the mountains was meant to be a day of laundry, packing and tidying so I can come home to a clean far I have been cleaning up after my very sick 10 yr old dd...the laundry keps piling I don't know if we are cancelling the trip, leaving her and the little one behind with Gramma or what!

Anyhow, I will plug away today and think about it for a while longer. If I don't go away skiing I will be big time feeling sorry for myself, it would be the first ski trip to the mountains since I had my 10 yr old.

We do have a holiday planned for March end to Mexico...all inclucive, so at least I have that to look forward to...anybody else coming?

Have a good day!

Liz in Canada...trying to keep my chin up(and down to one)
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